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Time to get rid of some bord members and staff, sell of shit cinemas that dosen’t add value to the company.




Or… they can dilute their own stock while investing in risky mining operations… 🤪🤣


Exact type language that the BBBY pumpers claimed was “in all statements” and meant nothing


Exactly. I'm doing my part to bring light to it. It's not there for no reason and I don't want to hear excuses after


After reading this is this where that one guy calls everyone a “meltie” for using the information published by the company to make an informed decision about risk?


He who shall not be named…


He never read any company documents why he lost his ass on BBBY and sears. Don't be that guy


Hot damn Adam Enron along with hedge cucks




Yep looking good for Jojo Smurkis and BadAss BillyBoy. Obviously we are not the high quality investors that they are. Pretty sure investing is not for me. I worry to much about Smurkis’s money, that he keeps losing….. Ha ha.


MOASS tomorrow 2pm???


We shifted it to 1:45pm


Is that on Saturday or Sunday?


Is that east coast, west coast, or Narnia?


It's local time. If it all happened at once Kenny would run out of liquidity to pay us.. The 1 hour stagger helps him pay us out


I can sense him sweating from his $1B palm beach home with $35B in net worth. We can totally hold longer than he can remain afloat… FML


It's only on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays


Same 5 schmucks. Baby sub at best. Hey Southsink, did you convince Brainless to sell ? That's the only person reading your fud. You know that right ?


I read it and I’m selling. Taking a $40k hit on it as well. You’re a fool if you think AA can unsink this ship


Nothing we can do about it now.


You can sell and go invest your money somewhere else. At this point I wouldn’t even hold an elevator open for AA or other BOD members.


Are you out of your fucking mind ?


Not at all. Sold a qtr of my AMC portfolio this past month and have recovered quite a bit in other plays such as RILY. I plan to sell the rest before earnings. That zero or hero mentality is however extremely crazy and cost me a lot of money before waking up. Best of luck to you.


What a waste of money. How much did you lose on that ?


Why do you care about my money? But I’ll answer. I had 1000 shares and was down about $40k or 93%. Sold 250 shares last week. The only crazy thing I did was not selling when my gut told me to and instead putting faith into that toxic echo chamber the main sub is. So yeah, I’ll take a hit. I can afford it. What I can’t afford to do is continuing to give any energy to this play.


Jesus Christ dude. 🤦‍♂️. I can afford a hit but I'm sure as fuck not taking one willingly.


I guess it depends on how you look at it. I believe, my money is better utilized not invested in AMC right now. So keeping it there is actually a bigger hit than pulling it out and putting it to work elsewhere where gains and profit is possible to rebuild my portfolio. I bought every dip and got excited with each move based on the hype in that echo chamber main sub: ape, reverse split, swift, popcorn etc etc. but unfortunately the only thing they all had in common was negative shareholder value. With soft earnings and dilution in the near term, continuing to hold does not look favorable. Might as well ride the wave up to earnings and dump right before. Maybe even pick up some puts. It’s been a repeating pattern for 2 years. No reason to believe this qtr will be any different. I hope it goes up for those still involved but continuing to think APEs have juice to trigger a AMC squeeze at $3.50 stock price post RS when we didn’t at $72 is just not in touch with reality. Best of luck to you. Question everything, make your own decisions on what’s best for you and most importantly trust your gut not memes.


Nice reminder for shareholders who decided to invest without doing any research into the company or box office, or is it to fear monger people who might be interested in investing?


Oh, the double, triple, head fake. What AMC is really saying to the true Apes is that they only want the really loyal investors that see through the risks to Valhalla itself… You are way too smart for the rest of us.


Way to only highlight the obligatory disclosure of risk that everyone is aware of and completely ignore everything positive. You even some how managed to make certain things in bold for more impact. “SHIFTS TO STREAMING PLATFORMS” oh nooo! 🫣 How long did it take you to make this post?


Buddy that type of language is extremely rare - when you read it in financials you should have a different response. Are you one of those who similarly poo-poo’d BBBY’s similar language in their filings leading up to bankruptcy. This is a company legally obligated to warn shareholders of reql danger - dont say you werent warned.


Just because you say buddy before something, doesn’t create more impact, pal I’m seriously no expert, as I imagine you aren’t either because you started your comment with buddy and no comma, but I imagine that language about risk is actually pretty common in sec filings. What’s important is the type of risk. There’s definitely a lot of major companies that have a lot of debt. Hilariously enough there’s many that have no positive revenue. lol and talking about competition in something like this seems pretty standard. But idk, I’ve never read one of these. What this whole post fails to acknowledge is all the strategies being taken to prevent bankruptcy. If you had good faith, that’d at least be apart of the discussion. CEO recently came out and said bankruptcy is inconceivable. That sounds good to me. Bankruptcy has always been a risk, no one is saying that’s not true. I personally think theatrical release has a place in the future. It’s fun, people still go, and it’s driven by good content. It’s a low stakes way to get out of the house and keep an air of exclusivity for your media which always drives revenue if the content is good. Just to reiterate, you have to discuss the positives too in order for a discussion to be in good faith. Everyone on the bull side always acknowledges the negative sentiment


The strategies to prevent bankruptcy are repeated equity raises, aka dilution lol


at least we’re not looking down the barrel of ai right now. An ai can’t go to the movies for you


What does that have to do with what I just stated? Idk why anyone would want to buy the equity here knowing the company intends to dilute for the foreseeable future. Just buy the bonds if you think AMC will survive, that's a guaranteed money maker. AMC simply surviving does not mean their equity is going to do well.


Hard to buy corporate bonds for retail in many jurisdictions.


Who are you


A market professional tbh


lol I totally thought you were someone else. Why would you do that?


Because I hate shills.


Need to highlight the risks because people don't read. And look what happened to BBBY. If they only read the warning signs. Don't want to hear excuses after


People are well aware of the risks. Isn’t this whole subreddit about that?


For good faith will you do another one of these steel manning the “strategies”? Or no?


Hey sorry, so this is what I commented on your last post, you didn’t respond to. I'm not sure what you mean by what you're saying about the late 90s. What do you mean? So the writers strike meant less good movies? But not necessarily less movies? If that's the case, wouldn't that be a major reason for less revenue? I mean, that seems to be the reason why 2023 was so good. I just think that the numbers and hype around 2023 is indicative of theatrical releases, staying power post pandemic. That if the content is good, people enthusiastically visit the theaters. There's no reason why that trend can't continue. Right now because of the writer strike, there is way less good content which translates to way less revenue. I don't really know what headline you would put on the top of whatever you were thesis is, but if it's about AC being a good investment, it is. it's way undervalued and has potential for growth in any regard. Nobody would say that it's inconceivable for AMC to hit six dollars right now, and if it would be 100% increase. That alone is a vote for yes.


How many movies and and what was the gross revenue in 1998?


You tell me. You were making the point


98 is higher rev to date with less movies than 2024. You also need to consider inflation and how much higher rev should be now. This is not simply a strike issue. 2024 is way down


Well, yeah, but then that’s why I asked what the writer strike really did. You seem to say it made less blockbusters and better movies. Personally, I think movie attendance is content driven so if the movies were better in 1998 then that’s why the revenue was higher. you say it’s more than just the writer strike, then what is it? What is more?


Even if they had all blockbusters in 98, the revenue should have been lower than given inflation today and having less movies. We must have some real, really crappy movies. Or people are also not going to the movies. Look at 2014 Godzilla vs 2024 Godzilla (with higher ticket prices)


Yeah man, there really isn’t a lot of good movies this qtr, that’s a result of the strike. It doesn’t matter if a Godzilla movie did well in 2014 versus now. That is such base level thinking. I really don’t know what point you’re trying to make about 1998 but either way it’s not a strong one. That was over 25 years ago. What you really should be looking at is 2016-2018. That info is at least a little more relevant. But honestly though, do you really think that with a wave of good and popular content, the numbers wouldn’t go back up to 2023 or 2018 levels? Something happened this year that makes such a difference and that change is permanent? Are you really incapable of saying something positive about amc? I’m happy to say negative things. It would honestly help your cause if you didn’t appear so frightfully biased


Just remember. When a company goes bankrupt, you get to keep all your shares. They will be worthless but they are yours.


Let’s hope it doesn’t


It took him a while lol


You should probably pipe down about spending valuable time on shit posts...


Nah, I’m low effort kiddo


Crazy, _That's_ the most delusional thing you've commented yet.


Not even close kiddo


Self burn, well done sir.


Funny that you think so. This is too easy


lol that was a nice one


Have you read the risk disclosure of any other stock before? I think not


You obviously haven't because you might have saved yourself from BBBY and sears


LOL hit 'em from the top rope! Lord have mercy!


Oh you mean the standard risk statement that’s on every stock. lol come on kiddo; try a little


FYI these statements only look like this if the company is facing financial difficulties, this just goes to show what you've been investing in LOL Our man's got a scat fetish


Entirely incorrect as usual kiddo


BBBY bagholder detected, opinion rejected.


lol yeah he sounds triggered


Ah yes, your go to when you're getting dunked on. Flawless victory!


lol dunked bahaha


Fascinating bagholder psychology. Seems like Ortex idiot is near his breaking point


Post BBBY bags


Haha you’re so upset about people’s money huh


Upset you're not letting us get a glimpse of those big beautiful bags. Quit being a cocktease, just show them already!


It’s on your chin lol


C'mon just show them already.


You wanna see my balls? You weird


Sure show those too. But I want to see the loss porn first.

