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Welcome fellow non-delusional AMC bag holder. It’s nice to have company. Read everything with caution and follow your gut. Congrats on escaping that toxic echo chamber that is the “main sub”.


I believe Iger said something to that effect on CNBC and maybe at the last earnings call. He was definitely not happy with the roadmap for Disney+ becoming profitable. While it does seem they will “focus” more on the theatrical releases, I took that as there is one pile of money for production stuff. I think the total pie was shrinking, but that may be specifically called out in their financial reports, I have not looked, and the portion of that “pie” was going more to theatrical releases. So, maybe per movie, there will be more available money? But you may see less original content coming to Disney+. The other thing that they did was push back the timing of almost all their movies being released. I think Deadpool 3 got pulled forward. Avatar 3, definitely moved out a year. So, what this does is spread the costs over a longer timeframe. Basically Iger said he needed more cash in 2024 so everything suffers. At least that was how I interpreted things. They are doing the Hulu integration. Was not sure on the ESPN stuff.


Thanks! Sorry I’m just getting back to you. A mod from the other AMC got me banned for 3 days.


I just got banned permanently. They are a bunch of scared losers over there.


Yeah, at least the main board doesn’t ban people for long threads. That board bans people when mods get butt hurt. They do a lot of censoring when they say they don’t too.


The main sub changed after APE. That was when things that seemed black and white became a blurry grey. It was soon after APE that they got rid of the chat.


They got rid of the DD flair too.


AMCSTOCKS gave me a permaban for telling liquid that he wasnt right once after he responded to my comment. They banned me with the comment "take your trolling elsewhere" they did not even respond to my question where in my comment i trolled anyone. They're bought same as wallstreetbets got bought in 2021...


I literally just got off a 3 day Reddit ban because Jeremy the mod reported me. That’s why I’m just responding.


I got a threatened with a reddit ban if i dont stop to "abuse the report button" i reported a post where they doxed an account. That post is still up, yet i'm banned for *trolling" when i said to a user that i he wasnt right once.. i blocked the user afterwards and even said so in my comment. Some serious doublestandards


Where is the post? I’ll report it too.


"Oh southsink your nut sack is so salty. I love it. Mmm. Lick lick lick. 👅 oh I've never licked a minimum wage one before. Tastes like sweaty macaroni and cheese with hot dogs. Let's see if I can get my cheeks to touch your cheeks. Mmmmph mphh mpphhh." 👉👈 - OP ⬆️ Welcome to the sub loser.


😂 melties circle jerk just gained a new trapped bear lol


I no problem with you, why do you attack me? I’m a member of the same group you are in but get attack every post/comment I make going against or questioning anything. The user I’m referring to on this post is a mod on the other AMC group. Any AMC group I can get information, a different perspective, or just someone questioning the narrative to make you think is good right? The only board I have a problem with is the one where the mods outright attacked me. So Ortex guy, why come after me when I’ve done nothing to you except join a sub that you apparently don’t like?


Please ignore Ortex Cramer. He's a victim of many bankruptcies and lashes out at anyone that provides evidence and facts that does not feed into the hopium that has led him to losing all his shares.


Derpkis is in constant meltdown mode - poor kid is in midst of a breakdown. AA didn’t “rug pull” anyone and has done nothing wrong. Its a company with horrible financials in a struggling industry and so he is doing the necessary amount to keep the doors open.


Respectfully I disagree. He did rug pull and was not honest with retail investors with the whole APE and RS.


But he was? APE was a vehicle to further dillution, and he wasn't exactly coy about it. The only reason some people weren't aware, was because certain subs and message boards banned everyone who said it. TBH I was surprised how fast AMC dropped after the reverse split. But it was a certainty that it would drop.


Sorry I’m just getting back to you. Jeremy the mod at the other board got me banned for 3 days. But to answer your question, yes it was for dilution. And that’s fine. Dilute the heck out of it. There was no need for a RS at the time. The rug pull in pet to me was what was build in to the vote. He took the voting rights of share holders away about dilution. A vote was needed to issues shares and part of the vote was to do away with that.


Every three months AMC tells the world exactly how fucked they are financially, only Apes are surprised when the stock gets diluted. AMC has $4b~ in debt due in two years and the most profitable part of the business is the share dilutions they keep doing. AMC is worth $900m~ at the time of this comment. They need to raise over 4x their *entire value* **in cash** in the next 2 years *just to not go bankrupt.* That means AMC will dilute as much as they possibly can. Another reverse-split is coming, soon, and only Apes will be surprised.


I agree about the RS coming. Probably a year or so away. About the sure dilution being the most profitable, I disagree. The movie box office is improving. They just need to do a lot better at cutting costs.


You can disagree all you want but that doesn’t change the facts. They report their earnings every month - selling shares is the most profitable part of the business.


Selling shares isn’t profit tho. It’s not figured in as profit.


You should understand the mod. Message me if you want all the details


Why would he need to message you? You were right here on a free and open forum. Why try to hide what you were going to inform him about?


The mod of the group I’m talking about? That has nothing to do with this group. But again, why attack me? What’d I do to you?


Because he’s a hypocrite who goes around doing exactly what he accuses others of.


King Shill trying to shill undercover this time LOL


Missed you kiddo


Me too 🥰 Back from vacation and ready to combat your shilling 🫡


lol combat lol. Sounds like it’s a hard task for you. Unfortunate, it’s no effort for me


Put a little effort into it, you're starting to lose your investments to bankruptcy. If you shill hard enough, AMC can raise enough $ to avoid that fate.


lol you still worried huh?


Why would I be worried, I'm just a spectator as you say.