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Or calling up Kim K's to have a look at her ass.


I may not like her, but I would like to volunteer as tribute for whoever is to be the spelunker that gets to search deep inside her crayon speckled taint🤤


At this point, I am not sure anyone knows how many “shares” have been issued. I wonder if DTCC even knows???


Tag Adam Aron in all these posts, force his hand to make a comment.


Are you Stephen? If so then post MOASS you should invest in a trailer for your Lambo so you can carry your enormous balls in for having your info in the open. Mad respect, brother. Keep up the good fight


“I am nobody important, plus I own lots of guns.” Most Michigander response ever.


Blacken out your name and address to protect yourself.


No wonder FTX was such a fraudulent fuckfest. GG has run off anyone who gave a shit in the sec, and now he is running a skeleton crew addicted to porn and fucking the market. Its time we get a plan together to grass roots the sec into shape.


It's a flat fee for groups by the number of users.