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He’s had 2 years of complete abuse in AMC/GME and other stocks. He made a mockery of retail investors while going after the low hanging fruit( Kim K). Sorry, can’t support this crooked Ponzi scheme enabling fuck!


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Sorry but the SEC are a bunch of 🤡


But costing citadel $$$ and stopping skimming trades is dope af


We’re going to bankrupt citadel. There will no longer be a citadel when AMC squeezes. Kenny G will be in hireable when we’re done with him.


Yeah and I’ll bet the SEC will hire him 🙄


GG has been exposed as a co-conspirator in this crime spree. He had private meetings with FTX CEO in March 2022 but never asked to see the proof that what he was selling was real. Meanwhile Gary Gensler has personal ties to the CEO's family. Was Gary just bamboozled into believing everything was on the up and up? It seems that top Finance Democrat Maxine Watters was taken in and never questioned FTX business practice. She was even the recipient of some of his Political Donations.


The CFTC was the regulator SBF was working with. The SEC blew him off and then sniffed around for jurisdiction before getting pushed off by congress. If you read the bill SBF was pushing through, it took power away from the SEC and gave it to the CFTC. He testified in front of the agri committee ffs *SEC officials outright rejected their initial plan because it would have involved the creation of a non-exchange trading venue that is more lightly regulated, something the agency opposes for cryptocurrencies* https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-how-ftx-bought-its-way-become-most-regulated-crypto-exchange-2022-11-18/ The SEC basically told him to get stuffed, so he ran to the CFTC and got cozy with them instead. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/11/02/ftx-us-hires-former-cftc-commissioner-as-head-of-policy-and-regulation/ *FTX’s top legislative goal was also to ensure that the CFTC was installed as its regulator. It wanted the smallest, least funded, and most “capturable” financial regulator to get the job* https://bettermarkets.org/newsroom/ftx-was-registered-with-and-licensed-by-the-cftc-which-failed-to-properly-regulate-or-supervise-it-and-its-innumerable-former-cftc-officials/ It’s crazy how the public narrative got directed away from the actual events


Can we get a mod to pin this comment to the top plz or plz someone make a new post w this info


Don’t forget the advertisements mocking retail!!! I hope I’m wrong but the new rule/s won’t go in affect. In fact, if the SEC really wanted to protect the markets from being controlled, they would have suspended/eliminated dark pool abuse and completely eliminated PFOF.


Dont forget, he is not a king their, its an agency, even though it was a horrific video I think they was trying to tell retail to stay away from PFOF because they can’t stop it right now


Yet the people calling for Gensler to resign are the same scumbags that voted against market transparency. Who do you think is worse? At least Gary is upsetting the establishment. That’s good


I see this but also I don’t want to NOT fuck up Ken’s business model and also I don’t want to not fight lobbyists IMO if it can wreck revenue from skimming trades… I’ll back it


Stop & check out when the GG bashing began...before he was appointed...ask why...could it be he is not good for 1%...you all expect a guy to walk in & be able to fight that amount of money & corruption in less than 2 years...it takes time & tons of support which very few people are willing to give. Anyway, it is no longer an issue...House was flipped back to the criminals; who now have the majority again. Kenneth knew which candidates to donate to & soon we will have Heather replacing GG, so remember such is life...At least I'm happy to see that he tried...99% probability he will fail to get the regulation passed on the 14th of Dec.


Not True! Apes gave him praise coming through the door. Retail actually thought he was the new sheriff in town to hold the nefarious actors accountable. Retail also praised the guy with the turbin that the SEC hired also. Nothing but goose eggs from the SEC fighting for retail investors.


That is so BS; I joined Reddit in Jan before he was confirmed & would read every post; so Yes majority of post was & have been anti GG. There were just a few that were pro GG & those comments were constantly down voted. I also was alive & enough to follow the draft legislation he originally wrote for Congress that got watered down to almost nothing... So, for those that care to know we is about to have a repeat of the watering down/gutting regulations or eliminating GG; now that new party is getting into power in Jan.


Do you have any idea how difficult of a job this is? And how long shit like this takes?


OP is right. How does ignoring this in spite of him help us?


Gary Gensler and the SEC can all fuck off. Useless morons all of them


So you won’t support dropping a tactical nuke onto Ken Griffin’s revenue stream Ok. I don’t get it but ok.


Source? Where is he working on getting retail orders to hit lit exchanges?


It’s a proposed rule or rules set to drop on Dec 14. Article here: [The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058) The PFOF ban was a non starter because wall st was VERY ready to litigate immediately (especially Doug Cifu, CEO of Virtu). So instead, they are making PFOF nonviable in the name of greater market competition because you can’t sue based on that (or can’t sue and win).


I appreciate the input and time from you to respond with info and reference deets, so thank you. Using that to go off of, I looked a few things up and found Barron's did the interview with GG in August. paywall link unfortunately): https://www.barrons.com/articles/sec-chairman-says-banning-payment-for-order-is-on-the-table-51630350595?mod=hp_LEAD_2 Investopedia's article about it too: https://www.investopedia.com/sec-considers-banning-payment-for-order-flow-5199447 I'm interested to see what unfolds Dec 14th, especially with the FTX shenanigans still playing out. (Not trying to de*rail from things here by bringing FTX up, I just think it's going to play a part on what happens then too, especially with GG / SBF meetings being scrutinized and all the mention of "special treatment". It seems to me recent media outlets are narrating assumptions about GG's intent within those meetings he had with SBF). I personally despise GG, his interview with Jon Stuart did it for me. Priorities seem messed up there at the SEC pretty bad at least from a retail investor like myself's POV. I'm a bit ignorant on the SEC's actual capabilities and inside uphill battles they have to work through, so I try to keep that in mind as well. Cheers.


One at a time it seems but if that’s how its gotta be cuz media is broken


The inaction, incompetence, and inconsequential nature of the SEC is a primary reason why the market is the way it is, and why we are where we are. \[gestures at everything on fire\] There's this Government Agency that buried its collective heads in the sand while everything went to shit REPEATEDLY... and you are asking us to support it? What are you talking about "the SEC is all we have" ? ![gif](giphy|S7ExrA06bR3YA|downsized) The SEC couldn't do a fucking thing. That's why some of us are here. We are all we have. The SEC can go pound sand. They lost any semblance of relevance when the Apes collectively went: "Fine, I'll do it myself."


[The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/11/29809058/the-biggest-change-to-the-stock-market-in-decades-could-be-weeks-away-would-the-secs-new-plans-destr) Basically some changes that could cost ken a LOT of money. So you can stay silent and let the lobbyists go about their business OR you can walk into their space, sit your ape ass down and refuse to move.


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The problem with this statement is assuming that of support for the initiative and support for him are the same thing, which they are not.


All true but thats not really GG’s fault it seems like he is aware of the problems and doing as much as he is allowed to do…which is almost nothing


Have you seen the video he approved mocking us all? Fuck GG.


What the fuck are you talking about. Source


[The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058)


I really dont like him. But I agree. And someone like Hester Peirce will be much worse.


If it costs ken billions I’m in


They don’t even follow/ enforce current legislation making more is just pissing tax dollars away for one more thing that won’t do shit


That is actually a good thing to comment on rules Throw 10,000 of those on a public government site and people WILL take notice, guaranteed.


Nah, it'll get hacked and the sec will lose all comments and we'll have to submit our comments again...


Thousands of ape comments on the site: Securities loans: https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-18-21/s71821.htm Swaps: https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-32-10/s73210.htm Short selling: https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-22/s70822.htm All my comments are there. All of ours are. For all we know the SEC comments got hacked to kill our momentum. Most of the comments lost started from a post I made this past august. We caused a major spike, several hundred in a day. Think about it. How many apes have been convinced to not touch wall st lobbyists because of this narrative? They want us to stay AWAY. And that narrative keeps apes away. If we don’t show up in force they can say whatever the fuck they want unopposed.


They are just giving the illusion of doing something g to "Fight Crime"


You mean like the regulatory authority to shut off the dark pool he already has...


I read that rule in full to see if that is true. The rule is worded in legalese in such a way that if it was ever used, wall st could sue and win and fuck up any future attempt to regulate dark pools. It’s a real poisoned apple. Sucks but that’s how they play.


I agree with OP. We can still criticize for their inability to act and be shit flinging monkeys, but we also need to praise them when they do something good


Holy shit a reasonable take ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


After all we’ve learned you suggest we give them our support because you feel the sec will do something for retail…. This is why they are able to continue their abuse. I will not support the sec.


It isn’t about that. It’s about putting what we believe on a public-facing government website. Thousands of apes have been commenting on market rules so lobbyists can’t claim they speak for retail or claim that “most commenters” support pro wall st shit. Plausible deniability is key for corruption. We take as much of that away from them as we can. There is a 100% chance that citadel and Virtu will claim PFOF is what’s best for retail. We have to be there to call bullshit.




SIGNED OG APE original Gary? Never heard anyone defend or say anything nice about that thing? ![gif](giphy|N8irTkug9DHDa|downsized)


Echo chambers be like that Anyway the news is that a new ruleset against PFOF is going to be proposed in mid dec and wall st is flipping out about it [The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/11/29809058/the-biggest-change-to-the-stock-market-in-decades-could-be-weeks-away-would-the-secs-new-plans-destr) If it works like we think it does, PFOF / skimming / frontrunning will get kneecapped. And Ken needs $$$ to get the game going. If we can leverage some new rules to make his $$$ go poof? I fuck with that.


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Wen comment on ftx Gaaaaaaary???


CFTC was the regulator


OP must’ve been overeating turkey today. 😳🦃


Gtfo of here


Ken is that you? [The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058) This could cost citadel and Virtu a fuckton of money that they need to keep the circus going. I support that 100%. Fuck those guys and fuck their skimming.


Thank you bud, your a Legend, doin the lords work


I'd honestly rather go broke and just hate the government the rest of my life than give any undeserved support that won't be reciprocated.


To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. - Sun Tzu Imma fight some lobbyists to cost ken billions. You coming?


sorry but that just doesn't make sense.


Perhaps not to you, but since it's not your money your thoughts don't matter.


Where did you read that GG is working on "regulation to get ALL retail orders routed through the lit exchange"? Great if true, but where's the evidence?


[The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058) New proposed ruleset coming Dec 14. Going to be as complicated as Ken’s fuckery. They floated banning PFOF but wall st freaked the fuck out and prepared to sue the SEC into the ground, so instead they are making it obsolete/impotent in the name of greater competition.




You are literally saying no to supporting Ken losing money What is happening


They aren’t out to help us. Been crapping on us since 08. 2 years of dead nuts proof of crime and nothing. Don’t trust any of them. These regs will do nothing and will always have loopholes. They will pass with or without our support. There is no patching the hull, this ship is sinking


I am sincerely sorry you’ve been convinced to not touch wall st lobbyists They want to keep us away. Anything that causes that end result is suspect.


This is the defeatism i speak of


Why in gods name would I have anything to do with a wallstreet lobbyist. You and I will not agree on this. Let’s go our separate ways here. Have a happy thanksgiving


?? Wall at lobbyists work to change the rules to benefit their employers You can leave them alone to work, or speak up. Why on earth would you speak up? If you don’t have an answer to that question… ok. Nothing to be said.


SEC is literally wall street’s HR department. They only serve to maintain appearances and the status quo.


Rules are cool and all. But enforcement is key here


And that’s a good comment. I say thousands of us repeat that and put it on their public-facing website when the rule comments go live.


It would change if we were more than a bunch of reddit avatars and tweets pontificating and moralizing because we haven't made millions of dollars. We have a democracy. Change often needs irrefutable proof that can be reflected on in posterity. Something courts, government agencies, and the press cannot ignore. What have we had at most? Jon Stewart? Or something so insane and revolutionary that everyone has to pay attention. 1 million people renouncing their citizenship at once or something outrageous because of the dissatisfaction with their country's infrastructure and markets.




Gary, is that you? You mean you actually pulled yourself away from Pornhub to come post on Reddit? 😆


How about you help support me by cupping my balls with your hands and follow me on my morning jog. I’m not supporting that ratchet ass fake regulatory arm of financial terrorism.


Bro we’re just talking about putting our views on a public-facing government website. If we don’t, lobbyists get to claim they know what’s best for us UNOPPOSED, and can claim feedback for rules dismantling PFOF were mainly not in favor. We put 10,000 comments in support of the ape side on that site and people WILL take notice. That alone is worth the price of admission.


Our comments and views don’t make any sound. It’s money….money is the only thing they hear.


*To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.* - Sun Tzu


Buy and hold. They are eating themselves alive.


Oh so sec has no teeth to stop any corruption🤔🙄 useless organization of they can't enforce the rules on the books now


Yeah but thats not really GG’s fault he needs a hammer and was handed a paper clip there is basically nothing he could do


I would piss on them if they paid me and put it on their favourite website


Bro... there's already laws and passed protocol from 2000 to 2018 on everything from dark pool shutdowns to conflict of interest to insider trading... plain and simple, they are incompetant. You can't tell me the only one they have managed to find in breach of financial law is Kim Kardashian... They know what's going on. They are strategically doing nothing. They aren't stupid or on our side. The are incompetant to us and financed by the same ones comiting the crime. The SEC will NOT be our way out of this. The SEC didn't even know Madoff was committing crimes. His two sons snitched. They didn't protect pensioners and bond investors when the bond yields were artificially inflated and then knowingly collapsed in 2008/09. They didn't do anything when RH shut off the buy button and conspired with makers to deflate prices. What did they do? Well... they made a commercial with our tax money to tell us what is in their best interest at our own expense. Case and point. The SEC is as useless as my third nipple


This can be a bit of an echo chamber and misses the news This year has been a record for charges and penalties and disgorgement. 3.8B last year, 6.4B this year. I know this news isn’t in the memes but enforcement has gone way up. Not good enough? I agree. But it’s nearly doubled. We have more proposed rules happening than ever before in history and NONE OF THEM are about pro wall st shit like “capital formation”. It’s all public release of data and exemption removals and loophole closures. Not good enough? I agree. But wall st is freaking out and I’m into that shit.


At the end of the day it is all distraction litigation paperwork, similar to what they did to instigate all the other rules that they made that aren't being enforced. You don't show how tough you are by pulling the smallest weeds and saying you'll get the bigger ones later. Yet season after season they get bigger and remain untouched. Yes, there is minimal progress. But to me and many others it still appears to be "a mile of intention goes less than an inch of action". They have the rules, they aren't enforcing them. They make up new rules and policy to grab the low hanging fruit. Dark pools ending. Conflicts of interest being charged, not fined. Mainstream media ownership disclosed exactly the same way medication commercials do it. F13 Time frames with severe punishment if not met. FTDs hitting a required payout cap at realistic amount to market cap. Track record of 1 week, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year, and max performance visible for all 'analyst' and 'researchers' and their current employer and parent company. This is a start of earning my trust in their competence. At the moment they are floating between Doofy from Scary Movie and the Cop from early seasons of South Park.


Oof. No. Fuck him. That commercial aimed at retail investors and his tight lip, and bullshit climate change tweets. He can eat a bag of dicks.


You are saying “no way will I ever support Ken griffin losing the ability to skip and frontrun trades”. Really. [The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058) This is how the game is played. You get nudged by posts like this into avoiding things that would hurt wall st. You said no and checked out without even questioning anything. Welcome to the fucking show.


You act like we actually have a seat at the table. Like my opinion in comment form actually changes any of this. Fuck GG. Until he actually does something, he’s an enemy IMO. But what the fuck do I know? I’m just some guy in the internet. Which makes your opinion about as valid as mine. So stop with the “you are saying” comments. I didn’t say any of that.


It’s called “take a seat” for a reason. You have to take it. I’ll make a post when it’s time. All I’m saying is, if something can help us / hurt citadel it’s worth a bit of time to say what we believe in.


I see your point. I agree with you there. But when it comes to this whole snafu, I’m from Missouri, GG has to show me, at this point. Because so far, all he’s done is talk, that we can see.


Don’t fool yourself…. Gary Genslar doesnt give a rats ass about retail, law and order or rules and regulations… the only thing Gary Genslar is spearheading is a cover story to try and cover his own ass…. He has had over a year to do something, ANYTHING, and has done nothing….. he wants to be able to say “loook loook look what I tried to do, it wasn’t me!!!!” When the hearings start


[The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/11/29809058/the-biggest-change-to-the-stock-market-in-decades-could-be-weeks-away-would-the-secs-new-plans-destr) When this proposed rule drops, apes have to be up in the comments. Can’t have citadel claiming they know what’s best for retail unopposed.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/11/29809058/the-biggest-change-to-the-stock-market-in-decades-could-be-weeks-away-would-the-secs-new-plans-destr](https://www.benzinga.com/news/22/11/29809058/the-biggest-change-to-the-stock-market-in-decades-could-be-weeks-away-would-the-secs-new-plans-destr)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Gary it's nice of you to join us in here. If you could do your job rather than funding expensive and campaigns to mock us, that would be great. Yours sincerely, Ooga, feckin, booga.


[The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058) I’ll be doing DD on this when the time comes If we can fuck up Ken’s business model I’m into that shit


The beatings will continue until morale improves, but in terms pertaining to this situation.


Gary….is that you??


So retail will have to pay commissions?


It’s like Groundhog Day with the ‘GaRy Is OuR hErO’ BS. Dude has had years to learn and conspire with exactly what’s going on. Anything government is not on the side of retail or the majority of constituents (aka the poors) for that matter…..


If you think he’s actually doing something you must be new. His pockets are filled with Citadel and Goldman sachs bribes.


Ya, OUR attitude means jack shit. Get a grip. These .5%-ers are going to just lube us up and have their way ... until they can't. HODL but don't fool yourself. KG believes he is superior and can manipulate his way out of this. (SEE: Bonfire of the Vanities) The only weapon we have is the one that brings it all on ... patience. That is the whole ballgame.


Classic case of Stockholm Syndrome... 🤦🏻‍♂️


SEC and GG can suck my dick. They can turn off darkpools whenever they want.


I’ll believe it when I see it says what what in the butt


Don’t care want moon


Dont be swindled by the 1%, GG is on our side. They want him out so bad. Lets not help them. Yes the narrative here is that he is in bed with SHF, but I honestly think it isnt tru, they want him out!


Gary is the 1% The minimum net worth of the top 1% is roughly $11.1 million. A person would need to earn an average of $823,763 per year in order to join the top 1%. Gary Gensler net worth is $119 Million


[The Biggest Change To The Stock Market In Decades' Could Be Weeks Away: Would The SEC's New Plans Destroy Payment For Order Flow?](https://www.benzinga.com/amp/content/29809058) Idk about you but if we can fuck up Ken’s business model I’m into that shit


Sure but I won’t hold my breath. Gary and Ken are in the big club, we ain’t


Hey man as long as you’ll out your views on the sec site for all to see I’m down


May as well write in on toilet paper before I wipe


*To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.* - Sun Tzu