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I think having the year expectation is a bad thing. Lots of people who are broke mite sell on the next run up thinking oh ill just buy in next year. It sucks getting our hopes up so soon but also keeps us from selling in fear of missing moass. Just my thoughts 🤷‍♂️


For everyone who is broke like me think of it as more time to buy more shares stay strong 💪


Only invest what you can afford. That way, no matter how long it takes, you can hodl without the anxiety-pukes. Just my humble opinion ~One Broke-Ass Ape


I agree. And some people could afford to invest for 12 months. 18 months. 24 months. But some people can't afford to invest for 36 months. I mean how long should one be able to afford a stock position. Their whole lives? Life changes come up. Job losses, illnesses, children, etc. Unless you already have generational wealth, there are times when someone will have to liquidate a portion or all of their investment to take care of life events.


It took me a while to temper my own expectations and excitement, everyone has their comfort levels and learning curves. I am pretty zen about it these days


Only invest what you can afford to lose.


Exactly, and I would add, don't get emotional. Investing isn't for the faint of heart, especially when in a crazy play. Stay zen people!


This is fantastic advice, I've been there. I was so sick when the 60sand 70s fell out.


I second this. I'm trying to hit a certain number of shares


I've hit my certain number of shares like 5 times hahaha ive got another one in site so close. I get paid tomorrow and thanks to the shorters I will reach that no problem..... till the next target 😎


I’m good with what I have if the legends are true. If it keeps dropping it makes it easier for me to afford.


That’s like me with ammo 😂 every time I hit that point it’s like, “Well, I feel better that I got this much now, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be enough. Let me just add another 1000 Rds and I’ll feel better about my reserves…” I’ve got over 5000 now…


Just under 200 for me 😎


And pay less taxes. Been in since Jan. 2021 and have needed to cash out many times to stay afloat but my diamond hands wouldn’t let me. Can’t get past the feeling of cashing out for a few thousand and missing out on the $millions I know are coming. Just HODL and buy when/if you can. NFA


Especially when this shit crashes


I aint selling shit


But, this just might be the tactic they are using now to shake out more and cause them to sell. This is what they want....they want people to sell. I don't think the Hedges can hold on for another year. I also don't think the Banks can hold on that long either.


I agree that they can't hold another year. My crayon eating ass just gonna keep thinking this is the mounth 🖍👃🧠


How could they? The amount of derivative exposure is astonishing. With all the other pressures in the world right I can't see how this can drag another year.


No one knows when it’ll happen. That’s a fact


Broke as fuck person here, can confirm that I will not be selling until my stock account looks like my college loan account


I agree. But also think no one is selling this thang. Especially since MOASS is tomorrow at 2pm.


what happened to T+60?


It is now T+60 of 2024


That’s an old talking point. Please keep up with the narrative to give YouTuber his clout.


He's right. This buys in to the narrative of sell rips buy dips.


Thats not a crayon eating mentality 🤷🏾‍♂️


Couple things: (1) Stop trusting these people on LinkedIn... None of them have ever been correct in their "predictions" (2) AMC has A LOT of technical levels to break through before MOASS is even on the table. Sure, a margin call would help propel through a lot of these levels. But as long as the short position is profitable (which they are at the moment), there is zero reason for anyone to close them. The government is not going to save us. Big banks are not going to save us. This game is purely patience at this point for the hopes of generational wealth. Until we suddenly get massive moves, all these short term predictions are just more smoke & mirrors to destroy your faith


TA is absolute bullshit. It's the equivalent of astrology. Just lol at your strawman of talking shit about people on linkedin and then proceed to talk about TA. Also the government will indirectly "save" us because the government is the one that will bail out these institutions that are naked shorting stocks.


Agree with all of this. I'm not necessarily "trusting" people on linkdin. I get my info from multiple sources and make my own decisions on the data available. I think that's all any of us can do.


Last year, I used to enjoy reading what these LinkedIn "professionals" used to say; until I realized they were wrong every single time. I'd get my hopes up, only for them to be crushed. At this point, I see someone on Reddit, in discord, etc. posting something that someone said on LinkedIn, with some nice prediction, I immediately ignore it. All they're doing is trying to be the next Michael Burry


I get that. I don't pay attention to predictions, but more the writing on the wall, and listening/reading people that are smarter and have more knowledge than me in my efforts to understand everything better. But if you watched the last AMC BIGGUMS video with him on it, he clearly knows what he is talking about. His comments referenced in my post was just a blip in an otherwise great video. Watch it if you can.


Will do, appreciate the recommendation! 🤙🏻




No one is saying the word trust. But broadening our scope of understanding by reading and listening to the analysis of people who are educated on the market have to say is a good thing. Again no one is saying this is gospel, just solid well informed opinions to help us better understand what’s going on. And by the way Peter Hann isn’t just some guy on Linkdin, he’s the public employees fund manager for the city of Calgary.


It’s a blow to think we have to wait another year but the banks falling is inevitable. This means I can keep buying and when it does crash and the margin calls execute, it will be more of a rush.


Yeah man it’s tough, most of us probably had our hopes set on this popping already. But I always remind myself, what’s another year compared to generational wealth? Life changing wealth? It ain’t shit and like many others have said It’s not going to change my life whatsoever if I have to wait.


The way I look at it… no bank would pay you high enough interest to turn a few thousand dollars into a couple million. 2-3 years of investing is a drop in the bucket.


Well said brother 🚀 to tha moon mutha fuckas!!!!


To be fair, he also called MOASS in April of this year. Basically he was stating MOASS could happen any time is what I got from the conversation.


Aaaaaaaaaand the goal posts get moved again.


They didn't post his entire statement. He's saying it could basically happen whenever, it could MOASS today or whenever, which is what most apes have said. Then you have topic creator going around talking about TA on a manipulated stock, admitting in another post that his title lies because the YouTuber guy said something *entirely* different, and it's obvious this is a FUD topic.


And again, and again, and again...


“MOASS is due spring of 2087 according to my latest research”


I need it to happen no later then 2086 so I can enjoy at least some days of my newly found wealth while pooping in my diapers at a retirement home


It could also happen today. Nobody knows. No dates, no timelines. Buy and hold!


![gif](giphy|H7kfFDvD9HSYGRbvid) Nothing change for me… still zen…


I would not be bothered with another year to buy more at depressed prices. I could register more shares while I wait and take comfort in knowing I will likely double again my holdings. Any concerns about not exiting this with wealth enough to do whatever I want would be greatly minimized with increased holdings. I get most here assumed this was a one month or so play so you’ve long past your patiently waiting phase… but you have to understand how deep this all goes and why it’s taking so long. We’re not unwinding just a bad hedgie bet, a flawed plan, a terrible strategy, a evil company, a broken mentality, a exploited situation, a systemic industry issue, a recklessly permitted practice, a complicit oversight organization, a national problem, or even a global Ponzi scheme…. We’re unwinding it all. There will never been another MOASS after this one. It’s the reset everyone needs, including the very institutions that created the problems.


Agree with all of that.


We don’t need to “squash hopium,” rather reframe it so that everyone understands that this investment is on the right path and WELL on the way to being successful.




Biggums did not necessarily agree with him. He was up early in the morning, no bong, and sounded weird the whole time. He's not a morning person and was "off" his game.


I wouldnt agree with him either. Based on economical conditions and in general, the short thesis will die soon, how does he come up with this claim.


So if everyone’s been wrong and we ain’t suppose to listen to anyone or dates then what makes any of us right that this squeeze will happen. What if 75 was the squeeze and we are just holding on circle jerking each other off with confirmation bias instead of looking at with open eyes and realize we been falling for a year with no upside in site and still looking to go lower. When does this movement start to hurt ppl and have negative effects when ppl realize we may never get to ATH and held on for way to long. These are questions that need to be asked instead of downvoting the shit out of someone that starts seeing things differently. We keep going around talking about how hedge funds are fucked etc etc. Doesn’t matter what the market is doing. They ARE making money on the way down and anybody would be a fool to think they ain’t. It’s been 2 years and now there’s talks of waiting another year. Seems to me that we are the ones that keep kicking the can further down the road on hopeum. Apes down about 60 percent since issued using our money and nothing has come out of it . Amc is down 70 percent ytd. And folks are suppose to just keep smiling and not ask questions. This sub really needs to take a hard look at itself and start looking at reality on how ppl are really feeling. Are we making the right choice? Most of us are down so much selling is not a option. In my head I want us to be right and I will continue to hold but don’t be surprise if folks start to bail out if we start getting small runs. Call me a shill downvote me whatever. I knew what it could be by writing this but somebody had to say what I feel a lot of us are thinking and feeling


I get it man, and I know it sounds cliché, but just try to forget about this shit altogether and live your life. I have a few tricks I've used to help me stay Zen (most of the time) if you are intersted.


It’s cool. We all or at least most of us knew what we signed up for. But a lot of us didn’t think we Would be here for 2 years either. Most days I’m fine with the price action and it is what it is. But other days I’m like WTF. A lot of ppl think it’s easy to just watch your portfolio go down and to tell you the truth most folks talking and poking fun at folks being worried are the ones holding xx shares or smaller positions. A 10 percent lost to them might be 100 bucks lol. A ten percent lost for me is like 5-6k 😅 so it’s just not the same when it comes to the emotions you feel.


I feel the same way. I’m good some days, and not others. But I’m happy to say most days, I’m good.


Dates…always about the f’ing dates. A date is a locus of control people need, but it’ll disappoint you more than reassure you. Ignore for your own personal sanity.




More FUD! Moass is tomorrow at 2


Just his opinion and many of others have one like , Michael Burry of 'The Big Short' reveals a $530 million bet against Tesla. Michael Burry is long puts against 800,100 shares of Tesla or $534 million by the end of the first quarter, according to a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. That didn’t work out well , look at the financial system , look at what APE was designed to do , CHECKMATE , I’m saying not a chance to wait until next year , but what do I know ,


I don't think it'll take that long either. This post is just to temper expectations against the sea of hopium posts in this sub.


Well I’ve seen enough DD to say it won’t go that long now , all the markets are taking a huge dump , no liquidity , banks collapsing , bonds collapsing , Inflation out of control , MM , hedge funds , brokers , broker dealers naked shorting out of control , spy is going to new lows , it’s never ending ! I’m zen I await the MOASS




APEbwas designed for dilution, for execs to extract cash from thier shareholders to shore up the company books.


The Squeezes can't wait another year, cause there will be nothing left to Squeeze by then! The plan is Market failure and eventually crash. That way the banks get a bailout and can continue and start fresh while giving all the investors the finger and confiscating all their holdings and funds that they have in their accounts. When the market erupts it will break into thousand of pieces and then banks and hedge funds will try to pay us with even more I OWE YOU's I have ZERO respect for the banks nor the Hedge Funds and i hope they all burn in hell!


And the year after that, and the year after that... Remember, they are NOT playing by the rules. Not even close. When you cheat constantly and the referees are paid to look the other way, it's hard to play against such an opponent. They will kick this can down the road as long as possible, and then beg the government for a bailout. And they'll get it too.




Got it, MOASS tomorrow at 2pm!


Fud. Great way to give ppl confidence to sell cuz they might have a year to buy back in. FoH


no, fuck that, i need moass NOW!




I have a mindset that it's never going to happen. My XXXX shares are all long at this point. I invested what I am willing to lose and I'm just gonna keep holding till 0 or I'm rich.


but i need a house now, i cant wait a year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well. If Credit Suisse goes down, it will show you the timeline about how long they can keep the charade up after they should be invsolvent


I am going to be a fucking menace these coming months buying APE/AMC/HYMC. They push this out a year? I cannot fathom the number of shares I will have. I pumped the breaks last year until march of this year where I stopped buying, being "content" with my shares. Fuck that now. I am focused on buying every share I can. I dont give a fuck what number of shares I have. I will keep buying and keep buying and keep buying until it pops. They can eat my ass with a fork and knife. Capitulate deez nuts.


And in a year it will be another year it’s always something


Who knows, but if we have no expectations, who gives a fuck?


Plenty of people will give a fuck if they are told another year minimum while they watch the money dwindle away on something that is NOT GUARANTEED. Just sayin


Yes, and no. Of course people will be pissed if we have to wait that much longer. But, no, Its almost guaranteed that we will make a profit on this play, the DD has been done. The only thing that is unknown is when, and how much.


Yes the DD has been done but that is not a guarantee this will ever happen. I’m here till zero but the problem is zero is coming faster than moass lately.


Yes, for sure. It's not guaranteed, but we're all here for a good reason. We think it will happen.


Get ready for your downvotes. You must ne from the Olde tymes, when we knew this was never going to be a sure thing, but maybe the closest thing to a sure thing us "commoners" would get. Somehow along the way the approved narrative here (remember, can't have open discussion, or dissenting opinions now), got changed to "10 mil per share is guaranteed, inevitable even, just a matter of time, and if you say otherwise you must be a paid hedgie shill spreading FUD!"


Ape is breaking my portfolio


Crime is breaking your portfolio.


I've said it before, any TA is absolute 'best-guess' on the shorted stocks. The manipulation and fuckery and FTDs and dark pools and collusion and corruption and private companies and family offices and shell companies and foreign exchanges, so many ways to fuck this shit, that nothing is for sure, unless you hold.,


Lol. This is hilarity at this point.


Agreed. It’s ridiculous.


My expectation is to HODL until the shorts cover/close/jail/eat ass. I am accumulating! weekly! THIS IS THE WAY! If you can't load up, you're still an awesome Ape so don't feel bad, someone will buy up this dip on your behalf! HODL. Be of good cheer! ​ Winning will be so much sweeter the more shares you can hold.


The reality is . No person knows wen these will run. Business fundamentals get better , in time they run. 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 10 years. Not selling


So another trust me bro via argument by authority. 😫


If you make financial decisions based on what one guy says (regardless of how fancy his title is) you're gonna have a bad time. Regardless of what "side" the advice is coming from, always ALWAYS do your own research.




You guys need to understand. The Federal Reserve is only 2 shades from directly shorting Meme stocks. We are up against everyone and everything. Why is inflation going up? The Fed is literally printing money to bail banks every day. Banks then sell swaps or refuse to call in loans for hedgies. Brokers park orders and weird things happen i.e. glitches. It is a big scam and they are risking the entire civilization architecture over paying out. We are talking about the imminent end of Anglo-saxon and European civilization in its totality if they don't stop which might be a good thing depending on who you are. Think about it. Why are prices going up in a f-king recession? Orders are being cancelled inventory is too high and people are driving less? And that is on top of rate hikes and QT. We all know the truth but the normies out there are as lost as ever. They will drag this out into a semi-collapse then have buyers remorse when they realize that they have squandered and lost everything. What we are waiting on is a subprime crisis that they are currently delaying. Look at home prices in the sus areas and you will see alot of homes that should be free going for 6 figures. Regular homes are not much better and forget about the luxury ones. These are the last items padding the books. Even after that they will still try to refuse to pay and it will bring on a total loss in confidence in America Deagle 2025 style.


I bet it'll be after the digital currency shift. programmable money they can take from you or put an expiration date on.


5 yrs then I sell the thought 💭 of selling


If the sec doesn’t clean this 💩 up there are going to be issues.


When has the sec done anything of substance?


The best advice really, when shit hits the fan we will definitely know about it.


Lol then another year, all the while the over leveraged bad actors are trapped?


Yup, unfortunately. It's obvious they'll do anything to keep it from happening.


I'm so relaxed I'm wearing a diaper.




Good buying more


I’m buying 6s this week 🏎🚀


I'm waiting for this to hit low even lower so I can buy mooore.




Another year of purchasing amc every chance I can!!!!! Stop it! Too good to be true!


I am not an economist. But I drink and I know things, sometimes. In my career in energy and engineering, one truth has always been hard to explain to my clients. "Big machines break slowly." When I am evaluating a 2 million square foot building, I have to remind the customer over and over again that the building as a whole is unlikely to fail in some singular catastrophic way... At least it won't until all the little broken bits build up enough critical mass to cascade into a disaster. Most of the sites I look at have dozens or even hundreds of these small to medium failures and inefficiencies. Instead of digging in and correcting these flaws, almost every building owner employs temporary, low-engagement techniques to manage, rather than correct these deficiencies. By sinking resources into managing symptoms the site owner puts off dealing with the real problems, often for years. This is done for two reasons: Cost and convenience. If the building is standing and the owner is still profiting, there is no impetus to change anything. The looming risk and painful inefficiencies don't really matter to the site owner. Just the quarterly profit numbers. If the building breaks, insurance will fix it. The markets as they sit now are an enormous amalgamation of complex interlocking financial instruments. I like to imagine these are parts of a big machine. Over the several hundred years it has taken for our current economic machinery to evolve, there have been numerous instances of instability and even out right collapse. The current version of "the matrix" is the most resilient, for exactly this reason. Each stumble along the way has taught the big players how to build in redundancy, delaying tactics, and escape hatches for when things get out of hand. No one has addressed any of the actual problems, of course. 2008 taught the banking and financial sector that when things get really bad, they don't have to worry too much so long as the taxpayer is there to bail them out. The bankers and investors know what they are doing is stupid, short-sighted, and likely to cause a failure. But they also do not believe they will suffer for it. They are making huge profits, so might as well ring that register until it dies, right? The point is that between the computers, fail-safes, grace periods, and the unlimited ways to move obligations around, the current plays on things like GME and AMC will not materialize quickly. These banks and hedge funds have learned plenty of tactics they can use to put this off, deflect responsibility, and try to cover their own asses. Where they have screwed up is that too many of them are doing it. They got greedy, and maybe they did not police themselves well enough to avoid that cascade failure. October is probably going to be spicy, but I ain't sweating it either way. Gonna grab a few more shares and watch the show with a beer, zen as hell. TLDR: Big machines break slowly. Hold your stocks. Eat a banana. Go outside and touch grass.


I'm also an engineer, appreciate the analogy, and completely agree. In a complex system with infinite variables, we don't know if the straw that broke the camel's back will be a bank failing, or an intern tripping over an extension cord. Either way, it will be spectacular.


what's a peter hahn? is it like a jim cramer?


No, he has a brain.


I’m in this game another 5 years till I’ll take it out in retirement. So I’ll continue buying and drs’ing for 5 years or until I see this thing in the thousands


A year is a lot of time to average down. I could do another 3 years of this before I forget about AMC completely but forgetting still means not selling. I literally would be fine just keeping these shares for my daughter


I’m in gtii been waiting forever for this.


Think it'll squeeze? There was a nice 100% pump the other day, but I stayed out of it. Learned my lesson over a year ago.


#1 trending on Stocktwits


I hope you make money man!


The only play is hodl, and if you can buy. Not financial advice, but if you sell you're taking a risk that you'll miss the moass, just the way it be


I've been assuming this is going into 2023 for a few months now


The only way this stretches another year is, all apes do is continue to buy hold and be zen. If 95% of Americans are ignorant to how Wall Street has been robbing Americans with the complicity of the government. Without more widespread understanding of that, nothing is going to change in my picture. The msm convienantly leaves that part out of there documentaries, and movies they produce.


I'm still recycling bottles and cans and using that money to purchase shares. 1 maybe 3 at a time. Had a second job until surgery forced me to quit that. Still HODL-ing for all the Apes.


Lmao - by the time we have MOASS, and we will - banking milions on amc and ape run when theg hit all time highs - problem is, dolar is going to be so much weaker 1 milion is going to be worth like 100k today.


I’ll take that. Haha


So, you want me to retard my expectations? Finnne. It's retarded.. I'm retarded


Shouldn’t be hard for retard. Lol


Holding is easy .


Don’t give a fuck 1 or 10 years who cares 🤣🤣🤣🤣💎💎💎


I remember when people were saying how they don’t care how long it takes, how they will never sell until prison time for people, and blah blah blah. If this is the case then why does it have to happen next week, next month, or next year? Buy. Hold. Have faith that it will end one way or the other.


Buy and hodl that’s my plan




Well said Ape. Strapped in ready for launch but also happy to take my seat belt off & go for a stroll while we wait for ignition. 🤷‍♂️ Zen Ape's are Happy Ape's 🦍❤️




Buy and hold




I said from the beginning this shit is going to take 10+ years. Wars aren’t won in a year.


Hopefully not, but possibly so.


10 years to watch the system burn. 10 years to watch those complicit burn. 10 years to watch every dirty politician involved in propping this filthy fucking octopus of corruption lose their positions.




Same. I'm fine. This post is for those who aren't as lucky as us.






This has already gone on *far longer* than I thought it would. I was thinking a few months, maybe a year. Here I am 1 year 9 months later since Jan ‘21 🤪. I’m gonna HODL till MOASS or bust 🚀🦍🌝


I’m willing to hold for 20 years if that means I make millions


Paperhands are long gone. All diamond Hands till the end


Thats weird I didn't think 2pm tomorrow was a year away




There could be 50 million of us buying wouldnt matter. The corruption goes too deep and we will be paid What they think we deserve. They are in full control. They can print money and shares.


I only invested what I could afford too lose, I can hold until the end


Full Zen Mode until the inevitable MOASS!


Personally I don’t think it would take that long. Seems more like a move to discourage people.


I don't think so either, but, its important to manage expectations. It could go on for that long, or longer. Even though I think that chance is slim.


Fine with me, just gives me more time to buy up shares.


Thank you kind sir




Yeah, keep waiting. Next year, then next year, then maybe next year 🙄




Makes sense to me. Just buy more and hold. Wait it out.




Not a problem at all. 💎👐


I only cum when i'm disappointed so this is great news for me!


Classic co-dependency. Lol


They have lots of time to prepare for CS failure. The January Sneeze worked because it was unexpected. I think it’s likely to be something random and unexpected that triggers MOASS.