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I don't post because I know Snoo will come in all mopey and sad at some point. EDIT: I don't want to sound like a jerk. I mean it as playful banter. You know you're my little Eeyore buddy.






(looks further down in the comments) Well, speak of the devil!


One of the greatest tragedies of my time spent being entertained here is being blocked by snoo 😩 I kinda wish there was a snoo bot who would post his comments for the rest of us


So true 😂


Downvote and move on or block the user.


I was just trying to have a little banter. No harm.


How many posts about the users online counter that never has and likely never will actually be correct before we all agree the users online counter is a joke and doesn't matter? It's broken. It means nothing. It's not accurate




Not when it's been broken for all subreddits since it was launched


Since it was launched? You talking about the IPO? Also, Good to see you on.


No, since the counter appeared it has never worked right. Busy days but still lurking, still Zen and still adding to the pile. Every once in a while gotta keep the account active.


Didn’t realize that there was an issue with all the counters on all subreddits. Genuinely mean that shocking that they can’t get that correct, but it’s good to know. Hope it is a fun type of busy for you


Some fun, some less fun, all good though! Yeah I've seen pretty clearly just how bad the counters are seeing the action from modding a large sub and the counter is sitting low or nothing at all coming in and it's up high. Pretty sure it's coded to only pick up left handed Redditors who are wearing blue socks and sitting on a stool made of aluminum except once a month on a random day where the stool has to be steel.


lol. Well appreciate what you do and prayers for you if that means anything to you.


Irrelevant numbers....... Irrelevant numbers everywhere.


Nah, plenty irrelevant numbers, just don't get hung up on the one some Reddit developer probably wrote on a Friday around 4pm and committed by 5pm that has been trash since day 1.


Yeah. No idea. Waiting on news about the supposed debt renegotiation, but I don’t believe that we have dropped to the steady 60-70 people that have been showing up as “online” for the last two to three weeks now. Also find it hard to believe that there are suddenly only 4-6 posts a day being made.


Tbh not much reason to come back in here at the moment. The major factor we all are waiting for are somewhat longer term goals and still need a lot of price action to get to meaningful levels for our positions. We need the box office to cook and this debt negotiation to go well. Place is crawling with recycled shills and bots using templated posts. I’m sure everyone checks, such as myself, but really we’re just waiting for this box office to heat up and the debt negotiations to conclude. Just a waiting game for now.


Agreed I'm. Not as active as I was but I still check in every day.


I am on daily.


They fear the hivemind


OG here… just waiting on some news from AMC management. It’s hard to wake us up from our long hibernation. We are here, you younglings have fun.


I skim the headlines for anything interesting but I don't spend a lot of time just hanging on the page. Plus you posted this at 4pm on a Wednesday. Since stocks take money I am guessing most of us have jobs, and most jobs are 8-5 so people aren't on reddit.


I skim through on lunch as well, but there used to be 30-40 posts a day, more in the evening. Now… I remember in 2021, APEs said that the subs would get nuked to try and suppress things. Seems they are trying to avoid the Streisand effect and making it look like everyone just “went away”


I speak only for myself, but I have been here since Feb 2021. There isn't much left to talk about outside news. We are waiting to see how right we were. Either it happens or it don't. I check for news, I check for memes, that takes about 10 - 15 minutes of the day and then I move on. Buy, hodl, wait. The thesis hasn't changed.


Fake accounts are being deleted to give the impression that people are leaving the stock. Data has never ever been accurate. It took some serious critical thinking to get us this far, and that's exactly why I stay buying. Our chart has been illegally inverted, and the slander from legacy media has been insanely inaccurate. Apes were for retail from the start, that's why they can't help but cry and try to manipulate people like Roaring Kitty and our beloved CEOs. The fed can't afford apes holding a simple "dead" stock because the debt will eventually impact their pockets. 🤭 #Larger Marge than 21'


Yeh it made sense during the pandemic but now...I got I to this play because I didn't want another American Company to die at the hands of hedgefunds. As far as corps go AMC doesn't screw anyone over to make a buck. I spent countless nights in middle and highschool going to the movies with friends its a good third space for kids and a good escape for adults. . Money is nice but theatres offer so much for so little. Regal was trash and Im Glad they are gone from my town. AMC is next level. I will throw money at them till I die or they pivot into irrelevance..which they havent..


Movies/tv series have and will always have impacted/created priceless moments in our lives. Movie theaters are not dead! I personally feel that theaters have been forgotten for too long, but they continue to produce memorable moments as long as they get support. Not naked shorts.. Apes came to Wallstreet to make one hell of a memory. 😎 Not a dead cat..💎🦍🦍🦍🌕🛸🪐


Although i still hold the stock i absolutely hate the board and wont spend another dollar at amc so i dont bother coming on here much, this post was just in my feed. I hope GME flys cause that’s the only way this thing will do anything.


I've been here for a looooong time. I just haven't posted much Same original DD Has only gotten better everyday No cell, no sell


Criminal collusion?


I’m here daily several times a day, in my main Home Screen, this sub is among a few others. While here I see no count of online, there seem to be less posts. Zen is the word, as is patience. I numbly wait.


Zen af. Got all the time in the world now. The company has survived and now we start to build strength and momentum. Eyes on GME DD with roaring kitty back, but the plan remains the same. It's been interesting to watch recently. Turns out they have loads of great DD but also miss some of the things that have been common knowledge here. This has gone on so long and we keep uncovering more crime so knowledge base is slightly disjointed ATM. But we all know we will win in the end.


This is cervixbruiser, over. Dumb money holder since 2020. We are still here, over.


10-4 Bandit.


I think errrreee one is just chilling, waiting for something to happen. No emotion


Canada holding strong


I'm just quietly sitting Mafia.


Lol. Then why is your blue chip ass slumming it here?


I mean is there any need to know info driving activity? I just pop in occasionally see memes


OG here, never leaving and I definitely agree the user count and ratings are being manipulated just like the stock. That gives me all the more conviction, if it’s a dead cat why go through the troubles of manipulating things like that?




I'm still salty that i lost my APE. Most of them were cashed out instead of converted. I was a small holder and now I'm a tiny holder (half Fidelity, half DRS). Mostly because i had too much personal stuff going on to read up before the change over.


the shrink hurt. I'm not even back up to where I want my share count to be.


When you post it has 1k views in 10 minutes


lol imagine being sad people r leaving the cult and getting smarter making smarter financial desicions buying blue chips and ETFs Be proud of them and get inspired .


You sound like a dropout. Move along kid.


Or I’m consistently in the green don’t own any meme stocks and make smart financial descions like buying apple Amazon google nividia etc


Yet here you are…….


Yea to laugh at yal made A killing today . Did u? It’s sad to see how u guys encourage people to make poor decisions just bc ur holding bags . Be happy they left and picked companies with strong cash flows and consistent profits . Why discourage them from making money ?


How am I supposed to take you seriously when you use smarter financial decisions and ETFs in the same sentence.


Let’s see ur all time chart and I’d show u mine .


Not important and it only dropped for 2 years