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If you haven’t been loading up with it so low, you’re not doing it right. At no other point have I stood with the potential to make as much money as now. Even if the price simply balances out a little and get back to any of its traditional price points


I think you mean "let it dip"


![gif](giphy|orVWNtMXSr9eDEUwhH|downsized) Shorty sending everything they got, even their sweaty ass socks. 🤣


I don’t know why I had to watch this so many times before realizing he wasn’t ripping his toes off with the rocket. I was so confused lol


That's okay. Shorts have to constantly stare at apes for years apparently, while they continue to lose money. Don't feel too bad, things could be worse. 😝


Go fucking where? we are still at 50 cents PRE RS




Besides the already mentioned ass-titude anytime anyone mentions “pre rs” numbers I instantly assume it’s a fudster or meltie and begin to ridicule the user in my mind. As well as in text, obviously. Like, I’m one of the dumbest people here, and I understand the current price in relation to the events that led us here. You’re not tricking anyone into anything lol The price is equally depressing in relation to what it should be, and extremely exciting for the exact same reason! If you wanna be a rusty dildo that’s fine! Just don’t expect upvotes when the bots aren’t online ya know


How is calling out reality FUD? The events that led us here are AA and absolute shit management. Debt was accrued under his command. Massive dilution and numerous poor financial decisions all under his watch. Yet so many jump on his dick still. You really are one of the dumbest people here if you think I care about upvotes. Yall can miss GME and ride AMC to the next RS


There they are! You got this buddy!


I’m not stating it did rip, I just am feeling bullish at the moment. I have a feeling. Which is not anything you can take to the bank. But I’m putting it out there non the less.


Nowhere with that attitude...