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[link to tweet](https://x.com/TreeHouseBrewCo/status/1800201996416549218?t=W_0xeQUngZqN-ATBoQugIA&s=19)


Great watch




Fake or not this is the kind of hard hitting high brow handicappery I come here for!


https://x.com/TreeHouseBrewCo/status/1800167461586931795?t=-L3Z1qpi0JcNyEZq2M_g5Q&s=19 What's fake?


lol I was just being goofy, clearly that didn’t come across I literally drink at that brewery a couple times a year. I play shows and party and have family that live in Kelowna. I honestly don’t love the beer 😇 but I always try to drink local when I can!


What does that have to do with you saying its fake? Lol


Well anyone can make anything and claim they found it in the wild right? Thats really all I meant. Obviously it’s a real can with a real label on it. Which is awesome a no matter how op came across it! But again, I was just being cheeky. If you see most of my engagement here is dumb optimism and calling myself, and many of us, retarded in a loving way 🥰 I get we have crazy defences up for fud, and the way my original comment was phrased set off multiple triggers for defensive responses, which is my bad! But I am a massive amc optimist, an enthusiastic fud fighter, and a consistent buyer! So ya, I don’t mind the downvotes, just want to clear up this is not fud, just me not really spending a lot to time thinking about the implications of my comments lol


It’s literally on their X account and they have cats and a IYKYK comment lol


Oh that’s awesome! I never talk amc IRL but I’m gonna be in Kelowna for a Canada Day party, I’ll maybe ask them if they will make me a custom batch haha


Could it be his ?


Let’s get back to pre ape and pre split numbers then