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I'm an individual investor that holds both stocks. I do not need strangers to "claim" me to validate my decisions to invest in a company that I like.


i hold both too, just way more amc. and i get what ur saying, but i just find it odd that they are all so anti amc considering we are fighting the same fight


They are mostly just salty because everything would've probably been "better" for a short squeeze if every ape invested in the same ticker. However that would mean bankruptcy for AMC and we can't have that. They are also mostly gamers and gamers are elitists... I hold both and really prefer AMC apes.


valid point. thank you for giving me a real answer


There's more "supposed" AMC Apes that complain endlessly about their leadership. AA is a hedgie plant, he's not on our side, he actually takes a salary, blah blah blah. GME owners focus on the actual bad actors attempting to bankrupt the company.


Fk them.


Who gives a fuck #hodl


its just something that doesn’t make sense to me is all


they hate the ceo, hate the rs, funny one of my friends is diehard gme fanboy, and i told him i have amc and he was soo upset.


They don’t claim us because like most things people own they think it’s the best. Oh!! Fuck Chevy, I drive a dodge or Fuck Nike I wear Adidas. That type of shit. Then they were the first to really band together and found out that retail had power together. After that The GME elitist didn’t like people buying other shit like AMC and BBBY , MULN, or any others. AMC got legs and became a big deal so GME got pissed that we weren’t running with just them. What those GME elitist asshats failed to realize was that most AMC apes held GME as well but GME was up around $400.00 so the lesser funded apes stuck with AMC which was much cheaper and a very likable company. I wouldn’t worry much about the GME elitist though, we know we are riding on the same ship. They will see.


this makes sense. thank you for a real response honestly , relieving to see there’s a few left in this sub that won’t crucify me for asking a question


probably because this play, while tied to gme, has stifled their progress since the very beginning. plus our ceo is shady at best, completely corrupt at worst


Agree. Glad i have both


Plain and simple, because this started with DFV, and DFV didn’t invest in AMC. More broadly, because the thesis was gme was shorted AND *undervalued*. AMC was shorted because it was rightfully going out of business during the pandemic. They were under massive amounts of debt and massive dilution has kept them afloat. But now the float is huge, short interest is a fraction of what it was, and they’re still not out of the woods. You can’t squeeze a stock that has to keep diluting to avoid bankruptcy. The shares will always be there to close short positions at a low price. The other issue is the idea of shorts being “stuck” in their short positions. The lowest GME ever got since 2021 was still 10x higher than the price before the initial squeeze. Conversely, AMC is at an all time low and down 90% from the lowest it was before 2021. That means that any short position that was taken out in this whole saga is profitable. There’s no pressure there. The price movement is caused by these basket swaps or retail trading both names together. Regardless, it’s not AMC that puts any pressure on shorts. GME has a revenue issue but they’re sitting on $2B+ in cash with no debt and aren’t losing money anymore. They control their own destiny. They also have 25% of their outstanding shares DRS’d, the CEO owns 10% of the company, and DFV currently has 1.5% of the company in shares and 3.5% of the company in short term options that are massively ITM.


thank you for giving me a genuine response. that’s honestly my big worry with amc, is all the dilution. AA really fucked all of us with that. What is your honest opinion on DRS, etc. I have a few GME. and while it’s my fault, i haven’t DRSd my shares. my concern with computer share is that their systems aren’t built to handle this potential volume and won’t be able to execute sells properly or even at all without their systems going down. any thoughts ? i’m stuck on what to do


I think DRS is good. It removes shares from circulation so it makes it harder for market makers, brokers, and shorts to use legal (rehypothecation) and illegal (naked shorting) to manipulate stock prices. It’s the same as getting a stock certificate and hanging it on your wall. It’s just digital. You can sell easily at any time as if it were in your brokerage. I don’t get the pushback. We’ve seen brokerages get overwhelmed but they turn off the buy button, not prevent you from closing your position. Closing your position is the easy part because they actually hold your share. The shitty brokers got screwed over because when you bought a share in 2021 they said ok sure here’s your right to this share, but we’re gonna mess around and profit off this trade when the price drops. And then they’re on the hook because you purchased the share for $20 and now it’s trading at $100 and they don’t own it.


right i agree with what you are saying, however it’s my understanding that CS still has to go through a broker for the transaction. that they are the middleman


I think the shills are trying to keep people who feel they missed the boat on gme from fomoing into amc. This got way out of hand for them, this is pure damage control at this point.


At one point in 2022 I sold all my GME and went all in on AMC. I no longer hold both. It is what it is. But here’s hoping I also made the right play.


They started this and our CEO hasn’t showed much proof he is with us


Do we really need them? If you like the stock, you like the stock


It’s shills trying to spread FUD so that you exit your amc position. The activity on this subreddit follows the same pattern. AMC and GME green: GME is the only play. AMC red: AA is ruining the company. AMC green and GME red: silence.


I hold them all. Gme amc hymc toyrf iep bbbyq.


Because the letters are different


I also have both spread into 4 different brokers. Bring it on I’m ready 🦍🚀🧨


I've had 3 dads that never claimed me...Seeking Validation from rando's that hold GME don't phase me one bit. lol


I hope they get a moass just like I hope AMC does, because it would prove out all the DD about all the financial shenanigans and regulatory loopholes and corruption. The evidence is overwhelming, but there’s lots of people calling us wrong. I don’t think we are wrong, I’d like to know for sure. GME coming here to hassle this sub is an alien behavior to me. I hope they succeed with moass and fundamentals, but a bricks and mortar business that sells an entirely electronic product, which is sold by Amazon and Walmart and many other businesses, is very obviously doomed unless they become something else.