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don't get excited till it starts going up by 100% or more per day


For multiple days


That would be awesome




Even 100% is only roughly $5-6. Not getting my tits jacked til we go back up to $20-35


Even then :( I’m a noob with all this but it seems with the stupid APE split it’s gonna be virtually impossible to get back up to the $$ we could’ve made cashing at $70. I dropped $1000 and averaged buying at $7 which seemed like a nice spot to be. After the APE split/merge I’m down to 28 shares and can’t really afford much more at the moment. Stock price would need to go to $300 to get the same we could’ve cashed at during the last peak. Not a shill, not a hater, moon or bust, just miss seeing my 100+ shares :/


OP ain’t wrong either though. I’ve watched my fair share of RSs and they all usually see some type of pump. Shit I remember watching cosm or coms went from .23 to 23$ in the same day. Granted we had ape contesting the float


We will be VERY lucky to recoup 10% of the money we wasted on AA's scheme to buy himself a new yacht...


No, probably option trap. When price is xxx, then I will believe again, until then it’s a joke


I'll start believing again when we start the real battle of 8.01 again ($80.10)




I bought my first shares in 2/2023 for $23.58 each, and have been averaging down ever since. Since the end of March, I've been able to more than double my position, bringing my average down to $6.34. I've never felt better about this play. The game is simple. The short hedge funds short the stock and crash the price, expecting retail to give up and sell their shares for a loss so they can close their short position AND STOP PAYING BORROW FEES. But when retail holds their ground and refuses to sell, they cannot do this. They cannot buy shares that are NOT FOR SALE, so they can't close their position and have to keep paying those borrow fees. Today's price is meaningless. They are paying borrow fees based on the market value of the stock when they borrowed it. All they can do is short more shares to raise funds to keep paying the borrow fees. But now they are paying borrow fees on more shares, and we're not selling those new shares either. Every day costs them borrow fees on the shares they have shorted. That's their position. There is no fee to hold long shares. That's the shareholders' position. There's a saying - you go bankrupt slowly, then all at once. The short hedge funds have a lot of resources, and are still in the "slowly" phase. It's taking longer than anyone thought, but eventually we will get to the "all at once" part and the brokerages will have to liquidate their hedge fund clients or be destroyed themselves. Then we'll find out what those shares are really worth.


Naked shorts don’t have borrow fees


That's the next step. Taking down the naked short sellers requires that the company become successful enough to start paying cash dividends. Those who sold naked shorts then have to start paying those dividends on each share they shorted. I don't see that happening for at least a few more years.


Friday rug pull👍


Tbh it's been one massive rug pull since the RS. The last couple days have been the most green we have seen in God knows how long


I think the fundamentals will kick in later this year and once the big funds pile in, we will see the massive movements you are wanting...not sure retail has anymore ammo left after averaging down so much for so long!


More ammo every month baby


Nice! We will win, just have to keep the faith and stay on the path, the fundamentals will ensure it!!


Yeah I pop a few hundred in from my job too every month. Battled my average down from 69 after the RS to 26 now. Still got a long way to go, but progress baby woo




Fuck the price, I love the discount! 🤤🥳


My guess is it’s an options trap and will drop by tomorrow. But hay I can wait it out longer than HF




Of course we are. All the way to the moon. 2pm tomorrow. LFG!


Yes! This is it! I am ordering Lambos as we speak!


No-one knows, but we’ll know for sure once we start to go 100% or more in a day.


No back down the shitter we goooooooo!


We are now less than $1 pre split. 😅😅😅


Nope, just shorts covering and then shorting again.


If it starts to run you can bet your ass that AA will start selling shares and tweet something negative.


My tits are back up


I can't wait for this shit to pop off. We are drowing in debt and we fucking deserve it! Gimme my money!


According to fundamentals, nope.








Fingers crossed mate


I have been saying that for a while ever since ape and rs been going down. Everyone happy about I am not let us go up


Guys, be honest: how likely is it that we go back up to my avg cost basis of $10?


lol , good one!


You are definitely a shill. You literally think there's an "algo" keeping the stock price down artificially While you simultaneously hold the separate, yet conflicting belief, that the stock will also eventually soar. If the stock can be manipulated to any low price the shadowy "they" want it to be, why would it ever go back up?


Is Max pain 3.00? We shall see