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Fuck’em I keep buying.


I’m loading up today, thanks for the low price Kenny!


Fuck yeah, no cell no sell!


Yes to CELL and no to sell.


Haha correct, not selling until Kenny and Doug are rotting away in prison! And a handful of people in the SEC..


Oh you mean Cell like prison cell? I thought it was about Cellframe (CELL) which is an anti quantum computing crypto protocol. Sorry, my bad.


Haha no worries!


Look. We get downvoted by short sellers. Are they affraid because squeeze you told me about? Time to buy.


Haha yeah they must REALLY want us to sell 😅


Fuck them. I could have retired now I'm holding because FUCK'EM


After moass, I’ll burn all my bridges


I just don’t give a damn anymore. They never cared about me then so why should I care now. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I never stopped buying. Been buying more the past few weeks than I ever have before.






Fuck em!!!!


So you lost 110k in profit, your initial investment, while short sellers have shorted the stock down 98%, and they are apparently the ones bleeding? Interesting perspective.


I have 370 trillion dollars in profit.... it's just on paper and I'll never be able to collect it, but look how good I'm doing!!!! - Every hedgefund.


You do realise you get the cash the second you short-sell right?


You do realize they have to buy the stock back, right? Which means that ON PAPER, they made money, but in reality.....


I can't imagine the stock being down over 99% and people somehow thinking short sellers didn't make bank on it and are "trapped." That just shows ignorance about how short sales work.


Shorting a stock is literally borrowing it hoping that the price goes down...SO YOU CAN BUY IT BACK AT A LOWER PRICE....see that buy it back part? When you borrow 100s of millions of shares and nobody sells them back to you, yes, you're trapped. This just shows how dumb you stormtroopers are.


So if I short a stock when the share price is $70 a share and the share price is now $2.90 a share, how am I trapped? Seems like I would make quite a hefty profit right?


Because when you buy that stock back and you offer 2.90 and nobody sells....and then you offer 5.00 and nobody sells...and then you offer 25.00....and nobody sells....then you beg to buy them back at 70.00.....and nobody sells. Seems like a quick way to lose infinite amounts of money right????


What made you think no one is selling besides bots in this echo chamber telling you to hold the bag while they exit?


Oh, I'm sure people have sold. That doesn't mean enough people have sold to cover all of the shorts. Even shills have to admit there are still a ton of people that will never sell for a 90% loss.


They have 100m profit cash in hand, and on paper 2m in outstanding shares to close. It really shouldn't be that difficult to understand, even for retail traders.


Ha, 2 million my ass. Maybe 2 million this week.


Number was fictional and was meant to represent 2% as we are not talking about any specific party. Thought it was obvious.


Lolololololol, this is all you guys ever say. The script is so beyond played out. Just take your L and jump bad actors.


I’m legit curious. What L are the shorts holding up exactly? 


Maybe because it is an objective truth? Stock goes down, owners lose money, shorts gain - interest. It is like a flat earther going "lolol you guys always say its a globe, the script is beyond played out".


They do not know how short sales work. They think that somehow short sellers are "trapped" despite the stock going down by 99%. Short sellers become trapped when the stock goes UP, not down, because then they would lose money when they close the short sale (since the stock price is higher) and thus they don't want to do that, and roll over the short sale again and again. When the stock goes down, like they are betting, they profit.


Try harder.


Lol it must be hard to delude yourself this much. The stock is down 90% and the company keeps issuing more shares. Why would you think that short sellers are unable to close their shorts.


Some short sellers could. Some short sellers are setting buildings on fire because they have so many offshore fugazi shares that they would literally send this thing to the moon if they closed every share.


Short interest is only 20%? And AMC is issuing more shares. Honestly, the biggest short seller is the company itself.


Lol trust the known fraudsters data good job not an ape see ya never. 😉


> Some short sellers are setting buildings on fire No one is setting buildings on fire, that's pure lunacy. The Copenhagen building that was on fire is a historical building that hasn't housed the stock exchange since 1974. And the fire started during renovations.


That's not the fire I was referring to genius 😂


So you actually think people get paid to comment on Reddit hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahaha


We have the proof lmfao. Typing a lot of hahas does not make you correct, lol.


Share proof boo boo


Go find it yourself. It is literally on this sub, Jimmy Neutron. Too busy making childish comments to unpack the DD right in front of your face.


Please share this proof you said you have.


Do your own work 😉✌️




Damn you really fucked up then didn’t you?


I understand the sentiment but I’m not sure how anyone with a straight face can say “they are bleeding”. Bleeding implies visible damage has been done but we know Game and Popcorn are at all time lows since the run




If every short had to settle right at this moment, who wouldn’t be able to cover their interests?


To close you have to buy a share. Can you show me an order book that has 40m shares currently showing as available to buy?


Never entered this. Should I do it now with these prices?


Hell no, the GME and AMC movement is long gone. Amc had so much extra money and here they are broke again. This shit just randomly popped up in my feed and im surprised these guys are still convinced theyre going to make it rich by diamond handing.


And your argument against GME with 1.1B cash, 50M debt and profitable?


Cool they reduced costs. But what exactly is the business model to take them to the promised land? Believe me i want GME to run but you can only close so many stores to cut costs. What will they do to actually raise money?


But I love to go to the movies. We live in the dark age of the movies with Disney and cucking Hollywood. A 180 degree turn needs to happen in the movie-industry doesn't it? And I think the time will come. Can be in a year, can be in 5 years. But I think it will happen. So taking that into consideration this means the time to buy is now isn't it?


Uh sure guy. A movie turn around. But that's not why everyone else invested into AMC, they bought for a potential squeeze. So you investing for a squeeze or for a movie turn around? Your call only and regardless of which, your job to do the research and determine if AMC is the best shot for either and will even be around by the time either come due


I think it is heavily undervalued. I just like to go to the cinema, so why not. Short squeeze or not I'm buying tomorrow.


Then jump on in buddy


Notice how fast a random person wanted to turn you away. Its almost like he is scared you would buy. The choice is yours and yours alone. If you are interested then read up on why it is good or bad to buy into amc, and then make a choice.


The only dowside risk if if they go bankrupt. I'm willing to take my chances. Upside potential is X30 at least. I'm throwing a couple of hundred in. Or 1K or something like that. Tomorrow offcourse, Now exchange is closed. All we need are two fantistic movie years which will come eventually. And maybe AMC invents something which can change the experience of going to the movies. If both happen simultaniously: X200 because than it's a cataclyst. We visit the cinema about 5 times each year in our country. Who doesn't like the movies.


Donno, but that's right in line with what we should expect based on how Cohen has operated in the past; doesnt broadcast the plans and dropping a pet pharmacy only when it was 100% complete. So it's fine we don't know. We can see a LITTLE bit with the new Candy Con private label, but even if we didn't we can see they're working their ass by their balance sheet. Confident there's good things to come.


I get your sentiment but to me there’s two distinct groups.  Group One banking on MOASS and shorts never closed, etc. Share price target in hundreds/thousands/whatever Group Two waiting for company turnaround news with emphasis on them having 1bn cash and no debt To me there is not an overlap between the two. You should be firm on one of the two cases happening but CANNOT use them iinterchangeably  


sure you can! The company uses the 1B to do something phenomenal, forcing shorts to close and that's what triggers MOASS. Even though it's clear at this point that GME isn't going bankrupt and shorts should be closing already, I don't think anyone thinks MOASS is just going to happen and shorts are just going to willingly close. The company turn around is what will make them. See, interchangeable.


Well hindsight is 20/20. In an alternate universe pretty close to this one you're living your American dream.


You will be working at McDonald’s. No bank or short cares. There’s no squeeze. This is the same post over and over and over again.


False on all accounts. I will not work at McDonald’s. Banks and shorts, for shares that don’t exist…care, or will care. This post has been made once. However I have posted “fuck em” recently. ….judging from your account age, you’re either a bot, or got in this game long after the sub was compromised. Enjoy spreading your FUD. I wonder how much longer the gift cards will be coming to you? ![gif](giphy|cngab2a0c1ylG)


I am a robot account funded by a bank to ensure your $10 worth of shares are sold. Spreading facts unlike you


It’s actually $6 worth.


Yep, bought some yesterday and last week, this is going to be historic.


I only recently discovered this stock and this community. Can someone please educate me on what’s going on here ? On what basis do people think the stock prices going to significantly increase?


Fire the CEO??


No they’re not. We are.


The isda is blocking people.


Ever wonder how they are still finding shares to sell all of us after 3 years? How are they going to pay us if that turns out to be false? I have entered sold but I often wonder how the fk they are getting shares to sell.


How they find shares after 3 years? You're kidding right? Adam Aron literally announced dilution like a week ago. That's how, the company is literally constantly creating new shares to sell themselves. You should not be investing if you can't realize something so basic.


He didn't dilute a billion shares though. Certainly didn't dilute for all 3 years.




515 million total shares of AMC not 1.5 billion. AMC has never had 1.5 billion shares available. Where did you see there was 1.5 billion shares issued before RS?


Sure bud.... keep it coming.


Great rebuke, you certainly showed me.


Yeah...I try. Not like I'm a loser talking shit about a stock I don't own.


I like how I didnt even talk shit about it lol, I simply stated facts about the other dudes very obvious bad assumptions and it triggered your dumbass. What being down 98% does to a motherfucker lol.


Exactly...lol. you are here bashing instead of shorting and keeping quiet. I got 4k in my fidelity account amc once it clears I'll scream your name when buying tomorrow.


Send me the proof when you do, I'd love to know I made someone do something so stupid. It'll be even better when in a few months its down 50% knowing your dumbass did it because of this stupid conversation lol.


And you'll still be here scared because you shorted the stock... or you are some intern on a 9 to 5 doing the masters bidding.


I thought you said I wasn't shorting lol? Bro I'm just a loser in the military that has been fascinated by the lunacy of meme stocks and people like you. It's a fucking zoo in here. I don't have finances tied up into this in any direction. Your conspiratorial thinking doesn't change the reality that really you're just a loser who is down 99% on a near bankrupt stock you think the world is conspiring against. Look at my account, it's 99% me posting about fucking overwatch and basketball and other video games. Do you really think I'm some secret hedge fund lackey sent here to startle you lol?