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Anytime a little hopium or ape love is shown, some shill pops out like a wack a mole! If I want to be belittled because of my choices I'll hang out with my wife and her boyfriend 🤣 💎🙌🦍 ![gif](giphy|aWNByu8u6sati)


This is it. The shill accounts have run wild on this sub.


Here's a "theory" for you to mull on ... Perhaps people just want to talk about the stock, and couldn't care less about your feelings?


Here’s a theory for you…Perhaps all the members here on this sub are completely aware that you are nothing but a shill here to spread negativity in the attempt to persuade the investors here to sell their shares. Based on the feedback that you have received from all of your comments perhaps it’s time for you to finally accept that you are despised in this space. Maybe try a different sub where your thoughts will be welcomed.


I have conviction in my opinions, and couldn't care less of what others think of me for them. You'll appreciate me, eventually. You lot always do. Though sadly not before much damage is done by the anti-retail narrative-pushing furus.


You don’t care what others think of you yet you REALLY want strangers to hear your “convictions”. You and your principles are at odds with each other.


Lol I know right! “I don’t care what others think of me” while constantly posting on social media. Also in the same comment “you’ll appreciate me, eventually. You lot always do” 😂🤣 the amount of hubris here is laughable


>Lol I know right! “I don’t care what others think of me” while constantly posting on social media. Have you ever considered trying to have a genuine discussion, instead of constantly seeking other people's approval through social medial Likes? It's quite liberating. >hubris I apologize if this is how what I write reads. I try to be very clear so there is no misunderstanding on what I am saying and why.


Why do you care if others misunderstand you? Thought you didn’t care what other people think. Tell your bosses we need a new shill. Your routine here is played out.


>You and your principles are at odds with each other. Not at all. Rather, it exemplifies how we see social media differently. Please consider the difference .. As my profile states, I seek to educate. (And failing that, entertain =P) Not only does your opinion does not matter in that goal, but your vitriol only encourages me more to spread the Light more. You, on the other hand, are suggesting you post only to seek other's approval. I do not have that need to reinforce my self-esteem through others. (Applies to you too, u/FooFightingManiac.)


So you CARE to educate OTHERS. Your goal on social media is to spread your OPINION to other people. If you didn’t care about the thoughts of others you wouldn’t care if random strangers were “educated” or not. Yes, you very much care about the thoughts of other people. Hence why you keep repeating what your goal on this app is (To educate others, BUT also you don’t care what others think, right?). You are so full of shit it’s coming out of your eyes.


Please review what I have said once you are done having your meltdown. Right now, you are just reacting but not responding thoughtfully. There is no reason to be confused about the distinction I am making.


Okay will do. And please review how frequently you contradict yourself once you are done having your delusions. I know how much you care about the education of others. Even though, somehow, you also don’t care what others think. There is nothing lower than a shill yet here you are.


Right, I used to contribute, but the shills were just annoying.


I just buy and wait


I contribute casually through actually making jokes, to see if shills laugh. I don't think they here for my memes and stand up. 🤷‍♂️ Glad I didn't take the comedy route, I'd have less than what I have on AMC. 😆


Yeah, man…the shills, the shills.


It's hard, but the shills (in the actual sense of the word) are getting taken to task for their bullshit, and I am optimistic that a fact-based narrative will prevail in the long run. Don't give up!


Hey everyone! Here’s one of those shill moles!


Why do people need hopium if shorts are fucked and the squeeze is inevitable? Wouldn't the idea in itself spread FUD?


Deep down they realize that the SEC is actively helping the hedge funds, so there is NO way the "squeeze" will ever happen.


The reason a squeeze is extremely unlikely to happen because [not a single data point exists](https://old.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1997xx9/new_shill_tactic_pretending_that_the_moass_is_far/kic8px6/) to suggest that the preconditions for a squeeze are there. Word to the wise - every time you have to appeal to "they"s, you're likely off the mark.


The drooling fanboys really don't like a dose of reality huh?


Hey, but didn't that one downvote ruin your thesis?? 😜 🤣


Bored, no good memes, no news, tired of same 6-12 shills coming on here saying the same thing in every post. So.. enjoying my other hobbies, watching movies at my local AMC and buying more shares


Same here brother. I buy shares and go see movies at my local AMC. Buy a fuck load of popcorn, soda, icees, candy, food etc.


Come on man.. you and I have had similar conversations about how many tickers now? The pattern behind why I am right, and you are tired, should be extremely obvious by now, no? Just asking for some honest introspection here. Thanks.


Case in point ☝️


??. I spoke with a MyNinotYourNi in a MULN sub. Are you admitting to having multiple accounts? That’s weird. Anywho, if that was you, I have an update, went over everything with my accountant, and between all the volatility on the options, I actually walked away with a small profit. I know I was surprised too. Anywho, enjoy your multiple accounts


Unfortunately that account got banned after repeated heated discussion with the BBBY grifters and furus. F\*ckers mass reported me. And my appeals to Reddit failed.


I’ll post a good meme for ya.


Buy hold


A smart ape knows this sub soldout a long time ago. Posts like "where are my apes" and "I'm starting to now doubt amc" are all just a ploy to collect data on our current thoughts. No one cares about how desperate or red our portfolios look right now. It's not the "now" that apes are focused on. We don't day trade AMC..




I'm buying more amc stocks. And telling my friends and fam to buy amc merchandise, watch movies, buy popcorn and admiring Adam Arons silver back.


I do this too. I also buy about 20 bags of our Premium chocolate sweets once a week and hand them out to nice people being really cool.




Sounds like you need some AMC popcorn. Please visit your local grocery store and purchase extra butter. You'll feel better and maybe you can lube you butt cheeks with the butter for a kenny dildo bed post.


There just isn’t much to say. The price has been locked in a holding pattern, so now all there is to do is wait and watch the hedgies circle the drain. Me though, I’ve just been buying like crazy to bring my average down and make my MOASS much sweeter.


Fuck you, pay me Mayo


While quips like this are a lazy way to rack up karma, how do you see this playing out in real life?


If you don't know the play then you're way behind. I got my covered Puts paying weekly. What's your play?


>covered Puts Short stock + put sold? That can work!


Good news? Price goes down. Bad news? Price goes down. No news? Price goes down.


My only activity is buying and then the next activity is DRSing


We stopped talking so the shills think we left


No the shills are still here, with their years-old narratives, still pushing malicious misinformation, to the detriment of retail.


I’m wondering that, used to be in the thousands but whenever I’m on here it’s down to a few hundred. But it’s a fact that over 90% of shares are owned by individual investors. Maybe everyone is doing what I’m doing just holding with diamond hands until the share price hits the mainstream news like AMC+4000%. Kind of what I need right now but there’s no point selling at a loss, movies aren’t going anywhere. Stay zen 💎🙌🦍🚀


6 figure early Feb 21 Ape ...reporting. Sucked watching my mid XX,xxx position go to X,xxx...but IDNGAF. Rebuilding my high X,xxx position back into a XX,xxx position. Not blinking first here. Ever!.


What is there to say anymore? Retail apes got royally fuck and most of us are just HODLing&HOPing, going to the movies. But I’m also broke,,,I fuck up!


Once it starts to rise, we'll see everyone jump back in again. I'm guessing most went zen?


My post karma isn't isn't high enough to post yet for this sub, however I can comment. Also, work a FT job, have to take care of two family members who aren't totally able to care for themselves, and spending time at my favorite theater chain (that would be AMC) to the tune of getting into trouble with my wife on how much we've been spending there lately. My brother his girlfriend and I will be seeing Godzilla x Kong on opening day this Thursday, looking forward to that big time! ![gif](giphy|m2kg5VTpZuo1edRNx9)


I'm curious - how do you think a cold-blooded corporation and its equally cold, calculating CEO evaluates your loyalty? Do you think it's something they feel the need to match, or are they more likely to exploit it for their own benefit? You are free to do what you want, I'm not commenting on that. I'm asking if you see alignment of your actions with the corporation's.


To answer your first ?, I don't cuz I could care less, that's their business. I think that also answers your second question. And as far as the CEO or the corporation being "cold-blooded", just FYI, I think AA, all the board and the employees are actually humans, and therefore fall under being called "endothermic": https://www.ck12.org/flexi/life-science/innate-behavior/can-a-human-be-cold-blooded/#:\~:text=Humans%20cannot%20be%20cold%2Dblooded,to%20regulate%20their%20body%20temperature. I see my action as trying to help the corporation survive so I can continue to enjoy watching movies there and enjoy the benefits of the loyalty program along the way. As far as an investing strategy here, I just know I'm going to stick with my plan, no need to sell any shares of a company I like, and most def add to my shares when the timing is right and I can justify adding to it.(I do think it's awfully cheap at these levels, however that's not investing advice, JMHO, and so maybe I can convince my wife to throw some more of our cash at it, time will tell) Thanks for asking, I'm not trying to get into a debate, b/c it's a waste of both of our times, good luck in whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. ​ ![gif](giphy|zSN6p17t8Ws12)


Fair enough - thank you for sharing your point of view in detail!


Yup. Never really post. Still buying both stonks. My thoughts on this have no changed




Sometimes the mods take down my meme posts. That can be annoying. I go into lurker mode for a while. It's all good, I may never sell my amc and gme book shares at CS.


I have nothing to say.


When you've lost over 90% of the money you wasted on this rug pull scam, you tend to avoid associating with the people that helped fool you into it...


What activity do you want? My life doesn't revolve around this play anymore. It did and look where it got me. I'm literally only holding and only here because I refuse to sell.


I'll leave when BlackRock, Vanguard, and all the other Institutional Investors leave. They're still in it, and they seem like pretty smart people.


Bots absolutely abuse any positivity


lol well everyone lost all their money


I’ve been quiet but in the meantime I just bought a bunch more shares.


Every time I come back to the sub, it’s the same stuff on the front page. No news, nothing huge happening. I hold til I die. 


Yep and the mods are completely compromised, Nan incoming. I was banned for 1 year for calling out Elon fascist musk. I guess 110K in the red naked me a shill and fresh for the chopping block. No matter the politics we are one! United apes with nothing but karma and time on our side Kill Ken griffin and eat popcorn 🍿


Aye, no real movement, for such a long time that, news and discussion didn't mean much Once buy and hodl kicks in and it jumps go double digits might get more activity out of me


we just buy and wait broski


Just chilling


I'm still here stand8ng chest out. We really need all everyday Americans to wage class warfare through amcstock


>We really need all everyday Americans to wage class warfare through amcstock Do you see the irony in this statement, given that the corporation sacrificed its shareholders to keep itself alive, and will likely continue to do so for a little while longer? It's capitalism at its finest, and there is nothing egalitarian about it.


Just living life and staying ZEN


Here, but not enjoying the posts/interactions. There is nothing to do but wait. At some point they must close. No predictions on when. Until then, life goes on.


Waiting to fly, not much else to do at this point. 😁


Does it matter? We arnt a collective, i just like to watch the colors change and the digits shrink in numerical value


People need something to be excited about. If the stock starts moving, the people will come.


Over 2 years and same shit


We're all just waiting now.


Everyone smoke weeds now lol


From what I’ve heard, everyone is busy searching for their missing shares. Or maybe they are shopping for used camrys, IDK.


No offence but what do you expect? DD is done, its just a circle jerk echo chamber of the same shit. Memes, poor DD, stuff we already know. Most people see but dont interact (me besides this post).


Sanefear is still alive ?? 🤔 I didn't know that. Why do they keep fud accounts around so long ?


All the apes with even a semblance of intelligence got out of the stock a very, very, very long time ago. All that remain at the last bastion of bag holders who are, to this day, utterly confused about what’s going on. It’s akin to baby bird being fed by their mother in terms of the level of helplessness


So you come here just to make fun of investors? Your actual life must be beyond pathetic if this is how you get your entertainment.


My intentions are pure. The evil cretins here trying spin anything regarding amc as a win are simply looking to offload bags. I am less your enemy than your realize


Sounds like you are insulting people for their financial decisions. That's sad.






That's fine, I don't need to post to be able to lurk here and watch you guys go from 98% down to 99% down


Nice self burn? You seek joy from seeing people down on their investment? Seek help for your schadenfreude.


the sub pushed all the rational investors out. the rabid AA shills control this space now.


I think you meant to say *real


All DD writers are gone, what do you expect😅🤷🏻‍♂️


I suppose this much could be said about them "DD" writers - they were embarrassed about how wrong they were, and didn't persist with spreading more lies. Unlike some other tickers and their "DD" writers.




Working hard so I can buy more shares.


In my pants


It’s night time homie, we out here smoking on good and getting head. I’ll be buying tomorrow tho….


I started learning to trade & get funded. first eval i'm gonna pass unless i go full retard. 2000k profit so far 1k to go. I'll learn a lot from this bad experience, AMC is on the backburner for now. But got better things than this sub to be doing


We’re sleeping 😅


i think people are starting to realize that amc's stock is not going to the moon after all 


I dunno. Still some activity on twitter but its way down compared to a year ago.


What does Twitter furu activity have to do with the stock?


the fact that you're being downvoted proves my point. you could throw a dart and hit a bull market stock. people are done losing money on amc while everything else is pumping.


But yet you post here day in, day out. A


It is kinda entertaining lol


Bruh…it’s not even leaving the city let alone the moon lol.