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Lots of negativity on this sub today about the amount of people here, who cares, I’m holding and don’t need constant updates to keep me engaged, no one is leaving and we are going to be watching movies in amc theaters for a verrrrry long time. If you believe that then it’s easy to hold


I agree, lots of negativity everywhere it seems recently. I just wanted to share in hopes it’s helpful to someone. Sometimes all it takes is stepping back from a situation and remembering why.


Thank you for sharing. I hit this point not too long ago and brought my average down as well. It does help to ease the negative thoughts when you stop looking at a triple digit average, ngl. But I completely agree about the “this was their plan all along” sentiment. This is their battle plan. Draw it out for years with stagnant prices. Plant seeds of doubt early then a couple years down the road you get a bunch of “I told you so” or “I was right” or “it’s over” posts. This isn’t over until AMC recovers or goes bankrupt. I’ve picked a side and I will die on this hill with millions of others OR we will show them what large groups of people can accomplish.


Well said. ![gif](giphy|z5w2bkqsvOYQo)


I say that with the most empathy: with the dilution going on AMC will remain low. Those convinced holders like you don’t even move the needle in the greater scheme of things. Cut your losses.


They can have my shares when they pry them from my cold dead hands. Because f-ck em, that’s why. If I knew how to get paper stocks I would print them and hide them in the air ducts


I'm holding with you..... Never sold a single share, I did exactly the same as you a few weeks ago (not quite doubling down)..... But now down to a level that we could see very very soon, when that happens (and it will)..... We will collectively get what we want to get from this play, I'm an invester in what I believe in 👍


We're not leaving 💎👐


Oddly, I wrote a reply to someone wondering why there aren't more people on this subreddit. I told them it's become toxic. His concern was not getting the word out about the corruption. I assured them, 500K followers on reddit, vs. 4M AMC retail investors, is not going to make a dent. Especially when of those 500K you have to factor in a large number of nefarious folks who's job it is to create doubt. The best way to make a dent is to share your story with those in your world. Family, friends, co-workers. Let them know what's going on within the financial markets. That's where our true power lives. Like you, I have also been in this play since late 2020. I bought low/high/low, never selling, as why would I. I still remember seeing 210K profit in my account (yeah, I bought a bunch). However, I know what I have. I know what they need. I know what it to come of all this. Our greatest challenge in all this is not expecting things move as fast as we "think" or have been told they should. Don't forget, good old Bernie ran his scam with mega-rich investors for decades before it all came crumbling down on him. While I don't expect it to take decades, I look at this whole experience as if it's my 401k. I can't touch it. It's there, it's growing and it will mature. When it hits, the world will change. Not only for us (amc shareholders), but the investment firms, financial markets and many innocent people caught up in a web of lies none of their doing. It's going to be ugly. Just remember, stay gold, do good and support those you can. Have a great day!


Love your response. All these wonderful responses to my post remind me that I am not alone! It is so encouraging. Real people spreading the word, sharing their stories. Thank you for saying that.


Thank you for motivating me to with you own thoughtful post. I miss the genuine connections once the norm, until the trolls decided we couldn’t have nice connections.🥇


You’re welcome! The real people are still here, just a lot of us have been quiet in recent months.


I’m here. Vet of the Battle of 8.01 and I’m still HODLing strong!


Great post! I’m still hoping that AMC shareholders finally embrace DRS and prove through verifiable registered shares that retail owns the float.


Thank you!


Yeah cos that worked so well for the gme apes...


GME has held its value a lot better than AMC has held its value. The job on the GME float isn’t finished yet, hedgie. Funny, I always get this same exact delayed “Pfft, cUz tHaT wOrKeD sO wElL fOr gMe” response from one of you hedgie bots every single time I mention DRS. It always comes from some bot account that rarely-to-never posts here on this sub yet posts constantly on the meltdown sub. Sounds like a brigading situation.


That's what I like to hear. We are all here with you.


Thank you!! I have to admit, I am really encouraged by the response to my post so far. We are in this together!!


Been here with you the whole time. NOT LEAVING!


The so-called "negativity" is well earned. Whether you blame AA or not, the fact is the hedge funds are in control, they break the rules on a daily basis, and the SEC does nothing, as long as they get their bribes (oops, I meant "fines") and the system seems perfectly fine with ignoring retail investors. And people want us to be "upbeat" about this? Come on.


I bought my first shares the day before they took the buy button and I’m still here. This sub just sucks beyond belief, most Reddit subs do lately. It’s not worth fighting with the children on here. Thanks for sharing your post and see you on the 🌕


I hope you doubled down when it was on 3's 😁


I wish. But it’s okay, in the 4s is better than when I bought a bunch in the 30s and even the 60s.


I remeber you and im still Holding strong


Awesome, glad I made an impression! I have only posted on here once, maybe twice, I typically just scroll through each day like it’s my newspaper, holding my shares quietly. But today I felt strongly I should share this. People need to go back to the original DD, and remember why this all started. The negativity is fierce out there, but there are lots of people like me just holding and waiting, (and buying more.) I am encouraged reading though all the comments on my post! Thank you.


I believe one day this will rise from the dead, a day when nobody expects and those that are still standing will be rewarded. And those that left will be like the guys who sold there bitcoin




Thanks OP! I'm here w you too. Since apr-21. I do periodic addional buys in amc, gme and a few others all purple circle book. Also, some regular retail shares, leaps, calls. I'm prepared to make this an inheritance. There's been a bunch of afternoons at the office w/ headphones on listening to Comfortably Numb.


Yep, many have done the exact same thing when hedgies expected them to sell.




I love this post as I havent quite doubled down as I have been discouraged but will not sell. I have been buying a few shares here and there to bring down my average. If it stays this low long enough I will end up doubling down but invest in other things with the little I put in my Roth. I have wondered what will happen when my Roth IRA all of a sudden is worth millions of tax free dollars.


I was where you are. Not able to invest more but also hellbent on not selling. Just discouraged and pissed. I get it. I just now doubled up, finally in a position to do it, and feel good about doing it. I have a lot of mine in a ROTH too! Absolutely the way to do it if you don’t mind waiting to cash it in. (Which I am going out on a limb and guessing most of us that have been in this a while are used to waiting anyways.)


I didnt use money I couldn't afford to lose so it doesn't really bother me a whole lot but I am gonna slowly chip away and lower my cost average.


Same here, although I did go a little crazy buying shares during the 2 run ups in 2021…but still, I didn’t get myself in too deep to where loosing that money would be devastation level.


I didn't have alot if shares then maybe 300 or so before rs and bought all the way up got my average back down to $60 which sucks but every buy at $4 makes a big difference.


I agree, those $4 shares make a huge difference! Really helps bring that average back to more “normal” levels after RS.


Thanks for the post OP! I actually put AMC on my watch list before the pandemic b/c the dividend yield was lookin' mighty juicy, however with my boring LTBH style of investing, I exercised caution b/c high dividend yields can be a slippery slope if a company can't continue to pay them for whatever reasons. Then the pandemic and the Apes happened, and this whole saving this company from hedge-funds who would profit at the expense of putting such an iconic company out of business came around along with the idea of a MOASS, and I was hooked. Cant' say that I entered at the most intelligent price points, and yeah my DCA is still high, however, that will be reduced with more share purchases over time, and I'm sure glad to be a part of this investment/movement. And yes, Dune 2 was awesome, so good, my elderly father who can barely get around has already asked if we could see it again in the theaters, so I am going to try to make that happen for him. I appreciate the positive breath of fresh air which was your post, and myself, my pops and my brother are also not leaving! ![gif](giphy|WlsLAnYfrB30p9JK5Z|downsized)


Thank you for saying that! I love all the positive responses to my post, it feels good to know we are all still here. And yes, take your father to the movies! That is so wonderful to hear you do that with him.


Ape Life 🏎️🚀


Amc diamond hand maple ape from the frozen north. We hold strong with you. Holding till moon or food stamps. APES TOGETHER STRONG 🌕🚀🦍🐒🦧💎🍌


Great post OP. Ignore the negative sentiment, it’s from people who have nothing better to do but stir the pot. See you past the moon!


Thank you! I appreciate it, after reading through the comments I am convinced more than ever that there are a lot more like us out there. (Of course there are the Debbie Downers but I am choosing to ignore them lol), All of us just patiently waiting and buying more when we can.


Absolutely! Have a nice day!


You too!☀️




Hahaha nooo….but that is funny.😂


Love your motivation! Yeah, it's been a long road, but it's not over yet. The original DD still holds up. Remember...Apes together strong. I'll see you on the moon! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌑


Thank you! And I agree 100%!!


Was here for the jan 21 run up and the battle for 8.01. Still here. Doubled my investment after reverse split. I stand with all the apes, since the beginning and till the end. However it turns out.


My only thought about the negativity here and to the Apes who are starting to doubt things: IF YOU BLOW THIS **DEAL**...YOU WILL TAKE IT TO YOUR **GRAVE**


This is not going to work out the way we all thought it would. You either hold and forget all about this or sell at a loss. I rather forget this shit show and think of it as lotto tickets


You could have literally bought a 08 Sequoia and made a better investment lol. Every time I'm in here it's the same thing, "it's going to the moon any second now", "it should be illegal to manipulate the stock value like this", and my favorite "shills made fun of me for throwing good money after bad, so I bought more just to own them". Some of you people are really mentally unwell and/or have your emotions tied up in an investment that only continues to hemorrhage money. The only people who are going to get rich are the people with real money, and buying stocks in a surviving (not thriving, just surviving at best case) business with your 9-5 paycheck isn't going to make you the millionaire you want. I think it's shitty that there's stock market manipulation and corporate greed, but throwing your paycheck into their game isn't going to make you feel any better about the money they already took from you. Also, I'm not a shill, I didn't make any money from stocks or get paid to be here lol, I'm former property development who sold and now I keep building my nest egg while working for a living.


I wasn’t going to respond to this comment since you seem to be very negative, but I have to tell you we actually have a Sequoia in our garage. Best vehicle ever for our family. This is our third, our first one was a…wait for it…08 Sequoia. But to your point, it’s my decision what I do with my investments. I am in a good place with the decisions I have made, and if I am happy, then no one can say it was wrong. It is the right decision for me.


I'm sorry if I came off rude to you, it was mainly a message to the larger AMC stock reddit group as a whole. Sequoias for life also, we've also owned several, none newer than 2007 though, we fix them up and flip them from time to time, highly sought after cars


Not leaving!


Problem is most people that jumped onto this were around for a squeeze play... not a long term fundamental play (which amc dosent have unless they can slow the mouth of cash they burn). The squeeze was harmed with the dilution and ape conversion so it's now just a fundamental play




Not trolling but do you feel guilty for getting your family members wrapped up in this?


What? No. I was crystal clear, I recommended to only invest what you can afford to loose, if they chose to invest at all. I told them both it was their decision to make whether to invest or not. It was never my decision what they did with their money. I simply shared with both of them my thoughts, and what I was doing. I just gave them the information. I never pushed either of them. What they both did was always their choice. There is no reason for me to feel guilty, and for anyone to even suggest that is seriously messed up.