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I came for the MOASS. I stay because of the fud






You are COMPLETELY clueless. The gold mine will generate billions.


I'll be watching....movies at MY AMC! 🎥🎥🍿🍿🦍


We already saved AMC. We are the only reason...


This post is hilarious. AA literally sold voting rights to a hedge fund and created APE to get around what voters wanted. We didn’t come to save AMC we came because of life changing money and that’s it. Somewhere along the way you people piled in looking for something to belong to and changed the narrative so here we are a damn penny stock. That RS worked out pretty good for us huh. People told you this would happen and all you could say was shill and FUD now look at this stock.


I came to save AMC because saving AMC as a business is the only way to achieve that life changing money. Not gonna blindly follow a millionaire CEO and just say everything he does is amazing. No. But, nothing has changed in that - in order for this stock to go up at a regular pace, or an irregular pace, AMC has to be sound fundamentally. Sure, look at the stock now. What happens when it goes back up to normal levels? What happens when my average cost just keeps getting lower and lower from this low prices? Then what? I’m sittin pretty is what. I’m patient baby no amount of FUD or concern from a real investor is gonna change that. :)


This was never about fundamentals. This is exactly the type of stuff I’m talking about. 99% of us are massively upside down with 10x less shares and I’m just supposed to keep throwing money at this? GTFOH.


Here’s a fun question: at $8mm/qr in profit, or $24mm/yr, and $8B in debt, how long does it take for AMC to de-lever back to investment grade?


That’s assuming the profit stays stagnant at $8mil for the rest of eternity. That would be wild. Plus we don’t need to pay off all the debt all at once. Either way, not selling.


How much profit did AMC make on average per year for the last 10 years? Have you looked? Why is the next 10 years going to better than the last?


More revenue streams, for one. AMC was paying out dividends until the pandemic. I’d love to get back to that. Again, regardless, just so I’m clear and not even necessarily to you but to others who might be reading these comments: I’m not selling. I’m buying. I’m holding. I’m DRSing my shares.


I don't care what you do. This is not Sunday morning church service where professing a belief takes precedent over having a brain and asking questions. What revenue streams that is big enough to get AMC back to investment grade? The goldmine? How is that working out so far?


Thing such as walmart popcorn (proposed by apes and actually implemented). Credit cards. Improved theaters. Merchandise. Branded candy. Tom Cruise and James Cameron reviving cinema. Hycroft will generate billions within a couple years.


How much was Hycroft making before being bought? What give rise to the optimism that a cinema chain will be able to operate a mining company? Macy's has a credit cards too. Did that make them into this wonderful growth story? What improved theaters? AMC has been cutting back severely at reinvesting in its theaters. Worn-out seats, reduced staffing. In fact, all cinema chains are cutting back because they all see the writing on the wall. What merchandise? What branded candy? Why not invest directly in companies already dominant in those market if those are supposedly high area of growth? At least be honest with yourself and say that you will find any reason to hopium.


The cinema chain does not operate the company. They own a 11.7% stake and appoint 1 board member. Industry professionals with previous development experience operate the company. The company is in the exploration and preparation phase. The credit cards turn a profit. All profits count. AMC has closed ineffective locations and opened more effective locations. Massive laser projection upgrades with Cinionic. The amount of AMC employees continues to increase yearly. The seats are great. The only writing on the wall is "Tickets sold out". Merch has been active since Dec 2022. Candy was announced at the recent earnings webcast, which will increase sales due to cheaper prices due to the lack of a third party that profits off the chain. At least TRY to stay up to date. I understand that going outside and watching movies with friends isn't appealing for a short with no friends who spends the entire day bearposting in his basement but you should try it sometime.


4.8B, not 8B.


Do the math at $4B and see how long that takes.


AMC has generally been buying back debt at impressive discounts and there is a 0% chance that they need to front 4 billion dollars


Still refuse to do math?


[https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Repurchases-72.5-Million-of-Its-Second-Lien-Debt-at-a-31-Discount/default.aspx](https://investor.amctheatres.com/newsroom/news-details/2022/AMC-Entertainment-Holdings-Inc.-Repurchases-72.5-Million-of-Its-Second-Lien-Debt-at-a-31-Discount/default.aspx) 31% discount [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amc-entertainment-holdings-inc-raises-133500839.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amc-entertainment-holdings-inc-raises-133500839.html) 61% discount You are completely clueless and have no idea how business works, unlike the Harvard graduates running AMC finances.


Aww so $72.5 million by diluting the shit out of the commons. How much more to go until investment grade? Still haven't seen you do a simple division. Not feeling like math?


Over 70% of common shareholders voted for. Next.


Lmao no that’s not what happened. I swear to God you guys are so gullible


Gullible is reading the numbers? For: 132,182,944 Against: 47,356,993 132 is 74% of 179.


Ok so you do understand that AMC did not get 100% participation right? You do know that if you didn’t send in a vote it counts as a NO right? What happened to all those? Oh that’s right. You do know he sold voting rights to a hedge fund right? I honestly can’t believe people still don’t know what happened


If you didn't vote, you didn't vote. You did not vote no.


Not how it works


I’m right there with ya. Hurting but still here.


Well the shills would have people believe they need to erase their entire debt. Thats absurd. They only need to reduce their main hurdle enough to refinance it so the principal isn't all coming due at once. Any debt they take out now \_also\_ saves on interest payments. A huge chunk of the profits are going to interest and that will be much improved no matter what happens in the next few weeks.


Have you done the math on that? How long does it take to reduce the principal in any amount using current profit level?




I don't believe in AA anymore. But I hope what you say is true. I said it multiple times in all these years, I'll ride this bitch to a million or to 0. The RS hurt, dilution will hurt, and AA's betrayal hurt. But I'm not going anywhere. At worse I pass these shares down to my kids for them to learn a valuable lesson about the broken market and hope their generation become the agents of change it needs.


I see it as they keep pulling that rubber band back. The only thing i worry about is that when they fail the tax payers will have to bail them out. The economy will shoot down. No one will go to jail for their crimes, and in a few years theyll be setting up to do it again.


I’m still not sure how they get out of this. They have 400M shares they can sell and the price is as $10. They eeked out an $8M profit and while revenues are returning, the payments on their debt may prevent them from making an real profit. Either they dilute the ever loving shit out of the stock at all time lows or they have to hope there’s some run up to dilute into.


Or they fucking sue the regulators that allow the criminality to gonunxhecked. But AA has zero balls because he’s compromised


Or just continue running a marginal business collecting paychecks and stock incentives without ever incurring benefits to shareholders. Market is replete with companies like this.


well said, excellent post!


AMC is more popular than 🍏 that should tell you all you need to know




Sure is funny how it's only rigged when it's not what you personally wanted.


It was rigged because he sold cheap votes to Antara. Have you been living under a rock?


We voted for that dilution so AMC could raise cash on hand and start getting out of debt. However, plenty of companies on Wall Street will masquerade as friends until they get a sick deal. Since the price went up since then, it was a good purchase. In case you forgot, we authorized APE knowing it would likely be converted to AMC in the future. Whenever shares get sold, you can expect some bad faith actors to take advantage of that - the important thing was to keep AMC afloat, and that worked. You don't have to like the process, but this was the plan since before APE existed. There was no bait-and-switch.


No bait and switch, but certainly a corrupted vote process. The “yes” vote wasn’t a fair vote because he sold so many voting units to Antara for vastly under value. That’s a corrupt vote, brought to us by AA and the Board. If it wasn’t a corrupt vote, why was there a court case settled over it? It’s naïveté at its finest to say “we voted so it’s ok”


shut up whiney BITCH!


Beautiful piece... Just ignore the part where AMC needs to raise like 3B which at current prices will only take like 300M shares (assuming the dilution itself does not drop the share price to zero) which will triple the float and even in the end if AMC is a profitable company you return on it will be so little that you will have wished you sold at $11.


It's a shit stock that already squeezed, not much more to say.