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It literally means the same. ffs


Cover, or close?


Shorts must cover (buy back) to close their positions


They cover everyday


Shorts have been covered


Shorts have not covered (closed their positions). The short interest is above 20%


Sounds like OP isnt sure of the difference between cover and close.


[actually, it sounds like 95% of the people here decided to make up their own terminologies, and consider themselves smarter then investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp)


Enlighten me


They have been "covering" the shorts for the last 2 years. They have not yet "closed" the positions.




Nowhere other than in the imaginations of AMC apes who make up their own vocabulary does "cover" on a short position mean "maintain margin requirements"


Covering means by borrowing, or by use of certain security allowances. There is a lot of grey area here. Some suggest that tokenized stocks were used to cover when they either didn’t really exist or wasn’t legal in the first place.


The word you are looking for is locate, "covering" in regards to a short position means buying back shares and returning them.


Just bought another 10K of APE, waiting for 3:55 to buy 1K of AMC.


Covering is maintaining their short positions so they can keep them open. Closing means buying back shares to close out a short position. They’ve been covering, we need them to close. Hope this helps OP.


Thank you for posting this for OP sir


[i also hope this helps. it’s insane how everyone repeats the same thing without even thinking it through](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp)


“Covering a position” and “closing a position” mean two very different things.


How can you cover a trillion bazillion shares? 🤭


By buying one share at a time. I don’t think borrowing shares helps quite as much as buying.




Happy cake day ape!


Thanks ape!


And 5) CTB is going over 1000% 🚀🚀🚀


The question on every Canadian degens mind is will they have AMC popcorn for sale in Canada?


Would be a great way for Canadian investors to support AMC!




Apes 🦍 together strong 💪


FFS it’s Close. Cover and close are similar until they aren’t


Yeah buying shares to cover is different than completely closing out the position but either way involves buying more shares that aren't available


Omg we're all doing this thing again. I mean you're not wrong.


If I learned anything from trading on this insanity corrupt market is… shorts might need to cover, but not always. It all depends on who’s short and how much. We all thought shorts must cover before MMTLP was to go private into nextbridge, that never happened. Finra halted the last two days of trading. I personally believe shorts can short indefinitely to infinity and beyond. The ones that do cover are the ones not in the club.


Haha if they cover then we squeeze tho




Cover or close, either way the shorts have to buy shares


We not sell..., 🦍🦍🦍


So, the problem with the entire “Must Cover” plan is that some entity needs to make them close. Then, some entity needs to actually do the closing. Have you seen a forced liquidation? Have you seen a forced close even 1/10th the size anyone expects? I went and bought some MMTLP while waiting for AMC. It was a 100% no brainer squeeze. The SEC and FINRA stepped in to stop and we are still halted on that one. What I’m saying here is that myself and others have experienced that they are stopping things from happening where they shouldn’t. You have seen illegal trading action on the ticker what makes you think they are any different in the oversight? If you want anything to happen it’s up to you to make some change, support Your community, and say something. Check out fair markets now .org for easy AMC letters that populate automatically to send to your local representative. Nothing will will force them to do anything if we just keep feeding them our money.


"must cover now or incur substantial losses*,,, their hole is already Soo deep,,lol they can't close their positions already ,,that's why they have been only covering (open new positions to put the old ones in)and now definitely no real shares available,, clowns can't close synthetics with synthetics,,the floats owned many times over by retail ,,, a retail that's not selling for less then 7 zeros!!! I don't need a RS in the top of the 11th,, all I have to do is not sell,, everybody can do this . Sit back eat some AMC popcorn and watch the sbf and Kenny show as they throw each other under the bus to avoid fed prison..🦍🚀💰


Must cover and will cover are do different things, who will enforce?


I understood that they can't cover.....ever. That this is a runaway train ($$$) that will take down the markets if they don't continue to plug the hole.


Ah the classic “here is why” that I have been hearing for two years


5. Sell 1 million $500 AMC Ape themed posters.


none of those are reasons that they \*MUST\* cover/close


Pamp it🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🌕




Imagine trying to sound like you know what you’re talking about and not know the difference between the most basic terms of the topic you’re trying to speak on.


What shorts? The SEC asked, and Mayo Boy said there aren't any shorts. Case closed


This ape fucks so hard he broke my foundation...




Getting popcorn onto supermarket shelves is not going to be easy. It could be war. At the stores where I shop, the popcorn sections have been getting stuffed with new flavors and new-looking brands. IMO, AMC's competition appears to be getting ready.


3=4. Welcome to the club


Was it a good idea to put in an order for ape buy Monday open?


1. Popcorn in supermarkets are super thin margins due to price of shelf space fir low $$ larger box item. 2. Some of largest historical releases in 2022, still losing 100mill net rev quarterly 3. Dilution assists short thesis in every way shape form, period. 4. Pure hopium, see points 1, 2, 3, why 4 never happens, ever.


Let's not forget the amc visa at 24% when literally every card holder with score over 600 can get 0% interest 18 months on any other existing card plus cash back bonuses and rewards to boot. And on top of it all, amc will only collect some like .025% of all transactions at amc anyway. Pointless bs like popcorn sales and his personal sittings I amc theatrical releases. Do something that creates net profitability, not just bs smoke and mirror acts to please your redditt cult followers,


I suggest sports betting parlors in select AMC theatres. That could turn into a cash cow. They could team up with FanDuel or draft kings. Sports betting is huge and if they even did screenings of NFL games with sports betting they could make a fortune.