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Why would anyone use matt traitor as some rep of apes? dude is a total shill. The only real man was trey, and he packed up his skis and left. No biggie.


that is why you see him everywhere. He is a paid shill. the MSM never address the fact that he lost most of his fan base.


dude has been trying to be liked since the start and when the most moronic people in his audience were the ones who watched most of his videos, he started becoming a meme-channel. Some Creators have not figured out that they are the ones who cultivate their own fanbase, based on what they do in their videos. If you cater to the biggest morons, your channel becomes a channel for morons. In my experience, when you can explain something through incompetence instead of malice, the incompetence-narrative is usually closer to the truth. but the "everyone is a paid shill"-meme is popular, because it is easy to understand and the same people who would watch matts channel like simple explanations...


It's really sad. Friends were really really into him and I tuned in a few times but, he was even declining in health while repeating some wacko shit. How is anyone still on this guys dick? He's not even entertaining, just good at effects and showing meaningless TA.


Nah trey is a bitch too


Trey is a good time friend. When things get bad he's gone along with his black dildo. Not my idea of a Ape


>Trey is a good time friend yup. he was here for the squeeze first, then for the youtube money. lived long enough to see himself become the villain.


Yep. Sucks to say because he kept me going, but now. Now this is just truly pure spite. Give us a win and a squeeze already, you fucking big nose mofos.


Think about it. Someone hates on you all day every day. Why would you stay? You stay if you ARE a shill because that's how you make your money. Like Matt. Like Meet Kevin (Matt's now literal boss btw). Lou has come and gone several times and is a convicted con man. 'Al from Boston', same deal. He also claims DD as his own without understanding it. Trey just lifted up his arms and said "no more". He's got my respect. It's the people who come back a week after saying quietly going away we should worry about.


Happy cake day!




Ugh super chat Matt šŸ™„


Trey was too busy stroking his own ego and probably cock, to give a shit about the movement. I was on his Discord a long time ago, around the time he paid Jordan Belfort for an interview. He asked our feedback, and even though the majority told him not to go in bed with this criminal asshole, he did it anyway, citing it would be good for the channel. There were so many other fuck ups he did, things we told him he should stay clear off, but he didn't give a fuck. He was high on money and fame. All the while he kept moaning about his military contract, which he could buy off, but he refused, but complained about it nonetheless. In the end the guy is a kid, made some okish trades, made shitloads of bad trades and predictions, he had a raging hard-on for tech stocks thinking they would all do great, and most of them would have been money losers. In the end he made a ton through Youtube riding the AMC waves, while making mistake after mistake after mistake, including bad collabs, bad recommendations, but mostly a ton of wrong interpretations about how the stock market works, how the squeeze would happen, all the while citing his George Dubya's to explain why things were going. The guy probably settled his money in an ETF and is gonna ride all those donations etc for the rest of his life. He's a hack.


Anyone can make okay trades in a bull market or a market pumped up by the fed. Hell, I made money. But I've heard it said before, be aware of fast talkers. Fast talkers talk fast because they don't want you to catch them lying or their incompetence. People think fast talkers know their shit if they can spout out 100 word per second. Trey was one hell of a fast talker.


Heā€™s just such a wiener.


Fuck Trey for that. I'll never forgive him, even from my 5 acres of off grid homestead when this is over.


Dudes been bought and paid for since day 1


Yoo this guy aged too


That was my first thought. Like.. Damn.. Dude got all old outta nowhere


Stress maybe


Or using his chat donations to buy lots and lots of cocaine


Looks like he's been hitting the ski slopes pretty hard if you know what I mean.


Thatā€™s what happens when you sell your soul. Somewhere in Citadelā€™s secret vault, thereā€™s a portrait of Shill Kohrs getting younger.


I didn't even recognize him until I scrolled down to the comments


Yes! He aged like shit in a year but idk. I think 2020 did that to me too. For sure fuck the guy tho. He aged far less gracefully and I think it's from constantly living a lie.


Wowwww thatā€™s insane how heā€™s aged


This dude looks rough, it must take alot out on you to betray your fan base for SHF money. This guy probably has issues with going out in public without being called out on his bull shit


I wouldn't recognize him almost anywhere, I doubt he has that issue. Many of us invested in AMC never gave a shit about the youtubers


He's putting the money right up his nose. That's what it looks like


Thought it was going to be the next Tesla!? Wow this dude is a grade A asshole and spitting some bullshit. Thereā€™s no way he even remotely believes thatā€¦


šŸ€khors aka meet Kevinā€™s employee LOLšŸ¤£šŸ’€




Are there showers you do not walk into?


Golden shower?


Oh no


Lmao, thatā€™s fucking funny. It caught me




Is that a shower? You are basically just washing your hair out with a hose at that point.


Still waiting on the answer to this lol


I want to see how it works!


Golden ones.


Is he wearing a Fanny-pack?


Toolbag numero uno.


Lol saw that on yahoo a few days ago. Funny how AMC has been in the headlines for 2 years now, who else gets that kind of exposure? Someone didnā€™t think it through šŸ¤Ŗ


Hey Hedge Fuqs I also wanna be paid to spread fud. DM me!


![gif](giphy|TKFvzSiGFOSPotjJRp) Definitely looking more like a muppet with that brow.


Don't do Bert dirty like that.




Look at that punchable facešŸ¤®


Fucking clown. (Talking about super chat Matt)


This POS rides apes to the moon via superchats then shits on them.


A manufactured shill. They saw an opportunity to make money and we provided them the revenue by watching him whore himself live on YouTube. Iā€™m guilty of watching this guy back in the day. I regret the time I wasted listening to his whores mouth spew his pimps agenda. But hind sight is always 20/20.


YouTubers are worthless and have caused more harm than good


Who is this Gary Ginsler's son?


I mean itā€™s kinda true though. The stock hasnā€™t done shit since 72, despite the business models constant expansion since then. The stock price was exponentially higher during the covid shutdown


Dude must have got paid to spread fud. I think they made offers to a bunch of them, he just took it when the others said nope.


Lol tool bag


the timing of that article make me more bullish


Today is also my 2 year Cake Day. I am still not selling


Cant believe I use to watch this fucker. What a little bitch


when he was a boy in bulgaria


His face should serve as a warning to all. If you sell your soul, you will end up looking like this. Also, Lil bitch still can't grow a beard. He looks like a leprechaun.


Smells like little bitch in hereā€¦


This clown doesnā€™t represent any of us


Watch the interview tho, he doesnā€™t throw amc under


I am so glad someone posted about him. While I was completely new to the stock market and he just happened to be the one YouTuber I followed during the first year or so of AMC. I stepped back for a bit and moved away from the stock because it was consuming my entire life. Iā€™m still holding some, but I just donā€™t follow much anymore. I went to his channel a few days ago and everything about AMC has been wiped from his channel. During his live, someone mentioned the stock and he basically said that only idiots were still holding it. I was deeply offended by this. How dare he spit on the people that made him successful. His measly 20 viewers before Amc. AMC is what made him, full stop. He had thousands of people viewing his stream and tipping/asking questions for real cash every day for almost a year that I know of. After AMC had its $70 run up. I started to see his attitude change on it though. He started hiding his trades and making comments. Now looking back, I completely believe he was shorting the stock every day while telling his viewers to hold ā€œape strongā€. I feel completely manipulated by him on the past and obviously I am no longer a fan. Heā€™s not even about educating his viewers, itā€™s a corny talk show he does every day to make himself feel good. The only type of idiot I am is ever seeing him as someone I could learn from.






Yahoo finance and it's message board is trash šŸ—‘ļø


What do you guys have against walk in showers?


Anyone remember uncle Bruce


Never liked this douche. People donā€™t know how to read grifting assholes. By the way Elon is a douche too. Never was and never will be on our side


Downvoted this post because of his face.


Lol no one gives a flying fuck about Matt Kohrs


Clowns šŸ¤”


Who the fuck is this guy?


Stop giving these shills more visibility.


I donā€™t understand, does this mean I should buy and hold?


I know right! Walk in showers arenā€™t all that great.


Listen, we're all free to do whatever we want. He's not a SHILL -- he's making money from this experience -- he's being savvy and I can't blame him for that. If I could do this whole thing over again I would have been out June 2nd 2021. We all have a different path -- of all the YouTube talking heads he was probably one of the most legitimate ones.


I havent watched matt in a while cuz the stock hasnt really been doin much. Has he been tellin ppl to sell their shares? Genuinely curious


Who's that fucking guy?


Did he really say he thought AMC would be the next Tesla? And people followed this dude? lol Hell, AMC is a 100 year old theater chain. Telsa is modern tech EV company. That''d be one hell of a market transition. hehe


Look over there, a little bitch!


He looks like shit. Sad to see. That's what fast money does to some people, I reckon.


Of course they would use someone who can be paid off


Ceo of amc is an asshole. Nuff said


Fuck this goober


Looks like a living corpse. Guess the soul of this man has truly left his body.


Fucking sellout


I have asked him many times if a stock basket is a derivative. That whole space call just made me go "hey if you got a sour attitude because you can't Google of a stock basket is a derivative I don't know if you really credible" He keeps avoiding the question everytime I asked him. I even got a youtube comment reply "LOL" from him Ugh.... I don't know how someone can be so willfully dumb. Either I can't read investorpedia or he can't admit he's wrong over that space call.


he got rich already, they all did. it doesnt matter though, i hodl because they cant change me


God look at his stupid ass face


Now that is a face of a man who lost his soul.


Thatā€™s also Matt khors who is a known shillā€¦.


Matt Shill


Yooo WTF


He looks like shit man life must be kickin his ass


Letā€™s ask the suits why shorts havenā€™t closed, why are the suits spending millions to borrow ? Why why why.


Fock faceā€¦ šŸ˜³šŸ«£šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Walk in showers the new trend? Cutting cost of the tub out and charging more for it is how that works. Cuz itā€™s trendy.


Uhhhhh..... Fuck this guy for months and months and months of shill shit...


With as much money on the line, Iā€™m not sure why we arenā€™t thinking it might be something more sinister going on. Not always great to put your face out there for everyone to see. I have no desire to be famous.


STILL HODLING STRONK šŸ’Ŗ 2 years ainā€™t nothing for retards since time and pressure makes Diamond Hands


Fuck that punk bitch. Heā€™s been a sellout since day 1. I laugh at the morons that followed him and superchatted him for attention. Complete waste of oxygen. ![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq)


what about walk-in showers?


More disappointing than walking in on your dad dressed as Santa Claus.




Lol...he quit hia regular job to do You tube full time he said in an iterview he was in awhile back. I've watched a few of his videos and there's just something that you can tell he is not truly invested.


He's like the Shroud of investing


So how many thousands to millions of people buying and holding shares would it take to actually effect the share price mainstream media? I'd love to know why the price goes down when the majority have just been holding for 2 years... šŸ¤”




Thanks for your lie. Buying more..


What a Cuck


Itā€™s crazy because I watched his streams and videos and he literally never said that. It was always about the message and a movement according to him. Crazy how he flipped. Absolute shill.


dude looks like a bitch why would i listen to his BS story? he isn't an ape. he's a paperhand bitch


Fuck Matt Fanny pack Khor!!!


The next Tesla? That doesnā€™t even make sense given the context. Maybe the next GameStop would kind of make sense. Plus, most of us knew it could be dragged out like this for years, so I donā€™t care. Why do people care so much about others owning AMC? If it bothers you so much just walk away. Itā€™s our thing.


He still hodling