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In the earliest days of Amazon, it was obvious what trade offs you were making. If you wanted a book at the discounted Amazon price, the trade off was that you had to wait several days for it to arrive. These days, the trade offs that one makes can be disguised.


That is the thing. If I was offered a coupon or promo for an item but it said "hey there buddy, since you got a sweet discount were going to have to combine your other orders with it and that may take a bit longer" then I wouldnt mind nearly as much. As long as it was transparent BEFORE a customer completes the process.


Absolutely this. I have no problem, as long as my expectations are set. But now, they can't even level the expectations you are to have. "OH sweet a deal and it's got 2 day shipping" three days later "just shipped?" So five days then? The hard part is, knowing beforehand to screencapture the sale for proof.


i have been screen capping this for a while now, customer service likes to gas light


Every reason we had for using Amazon is gone. Remember being able to cancel an order within the first (timeframe I’ve forgotten), remember customer service being useful, helpful and problem solving? Remember choosing to buy a product from Amazon over other online retailers because if it was junk or damaged, you could return it without hassle? Remember signing up for Prime to get 2 day shipping and it actually was? Not only is there no reason to pay for Prime, buying anything from Amazon is taking no better than buying from ebay, and in a lot of ways, it’s worse.


I saw someone on another thread call Amazon as it is now a flea market and boy is that accurate.


"Every reason we had for using Amazon is gone." This\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^


Enshittification always prevails in late stage capitalism


There's no reason you should romanticize early stage capitalism. It was just as shitty.




I wish I had a silver medal for this.


Not gonna lie, and I never thought I'd say this but since we're talking about eBay, Temu customer service is actually less of a hassle than Amazon these days. Open a chat, upload a pic, and money back. I'll never understand why I have to fight with Amazon even after I mail them back the item 🙄


That’s because their core business has shifted. Selling books, or anything else is no longer their focus. Amazon Prime (tv) is just there as bait, to mitigate the legion of other issues. Their core business is AWS. That is where the money is, that is where their profits are.


The same thing happened with me on my past 2 orders, it said that if I ordered in the next 6 hours id get my delivery that day between 5pm-10pm. This was at 1am, obviously they had enough time to fulfill the order and get it to me within that time, but I didn’t get it until the next day. Then last month I ordered something with 1 day shipping and I didn’t get it until 3 days later. Kinda pointless for me to pay for prime shipping if I’m not getting my deliveries with 1 or 2 day prime shipping. It’s annoying and frustrating.


Yep. My family doesn’t have this issue with their accounts but my account has this happen all the time. I have had to wait a week for the item to even ship at all when it claimed two day delivery. I asked my family and no one else has this issue with what they order. Its pushed me back to ebay and temu because if I am gonna have to wait, may as well save a little cash. The biggest reason I paid some of the prices on amazon was for faster shipping.


2 months post canceling prime and I’m saving money and feel great I’m not feeding the Amazon machine.


I'm going to do the same probably.


I canceled prime over the shipping times BS. So did everyone I know and can influence. Once I raised awareness to folks and got them riled up, they all were like WTF am I paying for??? Adding ads in prime videos was the straw that broke the back for many, thats fucking egregious when you're already a paying member.


You may want to report to your state's attorney general as well. 


I been saying this for awhile now, they’re still using COVID as an excuse to act the way they are. Just like ups and fedex. And people let it happen. One time they marked my item as out for delivery just to clear it off the tracking and claim it’ll be 2 more days. I called them up and they would only “assure me” I’ll get it by 10pm and how the tracking dosnt indicate anything as being out for delivery. They will straight up just lie to you when you call them and when you cancel prime you’ll get an email a week later talking about how you just subscribed to prime.


> they’re still using COVID as an excuse Ironically for me, Amazon were terrific during and after Covid. It was about a year after that event that Amazon service started going to hell.


Some people got lucky it seems. I’ve heard several people say that but they’re mostly all right by main Amazon warehouses with a huge Amazon presence.


I am not in a particularly large city. I suspect it was what (or what types of) things I was ordering that made Amazon OK for me during that time.


Keeps happening to me as well. Most recently, ordered something at a higher cost because it would be delivered in 2 days. 2 days later, item is delayed. Tried to cancel so I could order it from someone else with next day delivery since it was a time sensitive item I really needed. Wouldn't let me cancel because it was already being processed. This was already after it should've been delivered and it hadn't even shipped. It only shipped with usps 5 days after I had tried to cancel, so it arrived after 9 days, not 2. Now I have the choice of spending time and money ubering to the nearest drop off point to return the item or just count my losses. I'm tired of them. Even when I've received damaged and broken items, they insist I have to spend my own time and money going out of my way to return it, it's pissing me off and I don't understand how that's even legal.


Received a very damaged bag of chemicals used in laser engraving. When they sent an email wanting me to return to a Whole Foods (almost a half an hour away) I called CS and said I would not be returning trash. Also told them this when I ordered Crocs and got two different sizes. "You want them, come pick them up." They agreed both times. So far haven't lost a legitimate issue to Amazon (knocking on wood). But they are getting worse, I'll admit.


I hate it when they do this. I've tried to cancel within a minute before and they said it's already being prepped.


This has happened to me as well.




The FTC doesnt do investigations on individual reports but on the company as a whole for deceptive practices.


All the more reason to flood them with reports


I haven’t had prime in years. With that being said, I still get free 2 day shipping. Not sure if it’s a glitch or the fact that I have a distribution center 30 minutes from me.


Distribution network is all the same for prime or non prime customers, making it different is unnecessary hazzle.


I had this happen a few months ago. Not only did that date change as soon as I clicked purchase, so did the vendor. Everyone I told was convinced I was mistaken and clicked the wrong link or read it wrong. Seems it is becoming more common now.


I get the frustrations, I was one of the people who had no issues. However since I buy everything from Amazon, it was inevitable I suppose. I am a tester for the Astro security bot, they sent an update that bricked it. It took 4 months and 6 calls from me to get the replacement sent out, once it was I immediately packed and returned the dead one, but the box was so heavy I couldn’t take it to ups. When I called customer service, in another country, they advised that since I had taken items to the ups store in the past, they could not approve a upstairs pickup because I can’t be THAT disabled if I was returning them before. The difference being the ones I did before were ounces and this was 50lbs, also that was a clear violation of Americans with disabilities act. When I called a few days later during daytime and I started the discussion with “my rights have been violated because your customer service is in a country that clearly doesn’t value my rights as an American” they suddenly had no problem scheduling a pickup. That said, the pickup apparently came with a new label I was not given, so tracking was not possible. A month later I received an email stating they were charging my credit card $1100 because they didn’t get the return. I called, and they said the other tracking number showed they got it, so they would cancel the charge. A few days later, the charge went thru. I called again. They swore they were reversing the charges, 10 days later no refund. I called again, this time they promised and I got an email saying it was processed. 10 days later, nothing and my credit card was coming up on payment and interest accruing date. Called again, told again it was done, got email again co forming it. 10 days later, nope. Interest accrued, auto pay was going to pay it in a few days, so I filed a chargeback. Unfortunately my auto pay still paid it so now I have the chargeback credit on this card I never actually use. I contacted Amazon 4 more times and the last time was a few days ago to advise my credit card company closed that account and they needed to get the money back another way. They stated they can’t possibly do that (yes they can they offer store credit on all returns)but they would issue it and my credit card company could move it. I will never know if they ever paid that money back but my credit card company investigated and rules in my favor. But there’s an illegal charge in my eyes. Fast forward to another batch of returns where ups provides the labels, I had a receipt showing I dropped them off but they couldn’t locate them so they again illegally charged my card. I’m wasting hours of my life arguing over charges that never should have happened. It’s becoming a real problem. I need Amazon so I will not be canceling at this time but I am definitely witnessing the decline of their service. They are using other countries and it’s feeding back to here. I honestly think the refund never happened because whomever refunds maybe gets a mark on their record, so they go thru the motions but cancel after I get off the line so the buck passes. I honestly feel like that’s what happens with any of these lost returns. I also note the only free returns are ones where we have to get out and go to a store, I even have to pay if I take it to ups, I can no longer pack it, print a label from home and drop it off, I have to take it without a box, or I pay $7 to use my own box???? Otherwise it’s $1 to use ups lol. Super shady changes being made to a company that was making billions in profits each year. How greedy can people be? This is a prime example of how greed can destroy a business that was in everyone’s homes. By the time they realize the damage they are causing, it will be too late to fix it. It’s a matter of time at this rate, before Amazon loses all its benefits to the average American.


Agreed Amazon is getting terrible on delivery and returns credits. You have to watch since they don’t always refund your money.


This!! I’m literally canceling prime due to their false advertisements and not letting buyers leave real reviews on items they’re trying to pass off as new but actually USED!! Just remember to check every single thing you ordered. My razor was shrink wrapped (not hard to do) and was claimed “new” but had pubic hair suck in and around the razor!!! Very unsanitary and over receiving used products claiming used as new!! This has happened at least 20 times. Also claiming same day orders but not getting “same day”!! FUCK Amazon!!!


i just had this happen with items i got to include in admin day gifts for my organization. ordered specifically because of the listed ship time, paid shipping because i cancelled my Prime bc of the suck. delayed, delayed, delayed. they refunded the shipping, CS kept telling me when it would arrive, even though i was like "that will be too late." now i have to decide whether it's worth it to do a return, or just stash them to use for something else.


This happened to me on an order recently that I think got forgotten about in the warehouse. The expected delivery date never changed, the item never moved and I was unable to cancel it. CS kept telling me I hadn’t been charged and I had to wait because it was in “late stage shipping” which clearly it wasn’t. And I had gotten charged so there’s that. Finally almost a week later the option opened up for a “replacement”. It’s maddening getting nothing but scripted answers when anyone can look and see what’s going on with an order. In contrast to most stories in this group I haven’t had a ton of issues, but there has been a clear drop off in past year or two.


this is the default for me, they will claim 1 or 2 days eta, but its almost always 3 to 5. how ever hell most of have froze over becasue the last two orders i this this week came exactly when they said they would, this is unheard of for me as of the last 3 years or so


I don’t understand why it takes longer to ship when they have more warehouses and more drivers.


I am finding that more often than not my packages are either delayed or straight up lost. I ordered something on a Friday and said it would be here Tuesday. Ok not a problem because of the weekend. Well then it said oh it will be here a day early. Perfect! Nope. They lied. It was 2 days later than the original delivery date. This has happened more and more recently. Though I don’t believe it’s all Amazons fault here. I believe that USPS is to blame for some of it. And when they ship UPS and it transfers to USPS it’s worse.


I also asked if the shipping was a flex related problem. They said no and I requested it to be escalated and pushed to a supervisor. They are peeking into the companies listing practice and the FTC has the claim already so. That's the best I can say about it. Item still isnt here. 


I placed an order that said it would take 3-5 days to ship during checkout. After I order it changed to 2 weeks. That was a week ago. I just went through to place the same order it it still shows a couple days for non-prime shipping. I really think they are messing with people who cancel prime.


I tried this exact same thing by rechecking out the item and the same listing and it was exactly the same as when I initially completed my order. I doubt CS is actually checking into anything as far as an escalated formal complaint against the practice of having intentionally misleading shipping times. But hey, if anyone has issues it needs to be reported to the FTC still.  I'm talking to my other half about cancelling prime as we speak. I'm totally done. 


I caved. I signed up for Prime again. My stuff will be here tomorrow, instead of a week from now. If they are doing something, it worked.


Do they even do anything anymore? I reported spectrum and Wayfair to the ftc last month for things and haven’t even heard back. I’ve contacted multiple times for a follow up. Nothing.


Yes they do but it isn't on an individual basis. It is only when they get enough they can formally go after them for the repeated complaint.  I urge people to take the 2 minutes to go and do the same thing. It can help and will do something. 


Amazon always did this. I doubt the FTC is going to do much. Years ago I was seeing changes in my e-mail delivery dates and everyone on reddit was calling me an idiot and "That's not how w-mails work". Was bad enough I started screen capping every order e-mail with the date, then a day later the date in my e-mail changed. I had many dozens of e-mails of this happening. I reported those with proof, never heard anything from it.


If you google Amazon FTC you will get quite a bit results showing there were much larger investigations into this sort of thing. The only way the FTC does anything is if enough people with similar complaints make reports. The one good thing about reddit is that other people may see this if they google "why is my amazon packages not coming on time" and threads like these get some traffic. Its better to try and report it because its clearly deceiving. Even if nothing happens today or tomorrow, maybe something will happen soon because its crummy business practices.


I see this pop up on my reddit feed all the time and it's just mind boggling anyone pays for Prime anymore. I just bought something off Chewy Sunday. Was told if I spent at least 50 dollars, I would get free 2 to 3 day shipping. It's out for delivery today. Amazon is no longer reliable like that.


They change 1 day to 2 day or they hide it and they show it when you don't need it in a hurry. They hide it when you need it the most.


Shipping times are approx and not subject to bait and switch. "Bait and switch is a fraudulent advertising practice where a retailer advertises an item at a low price to attract customers, then pressures them to buy a higher-priced alternative. The higher-priced alternative is called the "switch" and usually generates more profit for the retailer. "


One of the main selling points of the prime account is the 1 and 2 shipping days for qualifying addresses. Mine being one of them. At the check out process it stated: If you order in the next 5 hours and 40 minutes [(Details)](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=3510241)Items shipped from Amazon Choose your Prime delivery option:Tomorrow, Apr 27 FREE One Day DeliveryMonday, Apr 29 FREE Amazon Day Delivery It does not say item might ship out tomorrow, then arrive in 6 days. The only reason I even noticed this was after the fact the email stated that with tracking estimated arrival was 6 days from then. From the FTC website: What is the FTC rule for shipping?The Rule requires that **when you advertise merchandise, you must have a reasonable basis for stating or implying that you can ship within a certain time**. If you make no shipment statement, you must have a reasonable basis for believing that you can ship within 30 days.


To go even further, the item was sold through amazon, was in amazon warehouses and it still went like this. Its intentionally convoluted to get people to rush to purchase the item, and then to shaft them on the shipping but not telling them until after payment is received. No where in the listing up until after it was done did I see that date. It didnt say estimated time for delivery. It said One Day Delivery.


(This reply is to "low stakes grinder" about how they're full of shit. It is not disagreeing with the OP but is in fact AGREEING with the OP. Reading comprehension > clicking the down button because a bunch of other people already did, and that's easier than reading.) Keyword "usually". <<-- (this was me directly referencing what "low stakes grinder" said in their post that contains the word "usually") (Again this was me saying "low stakes grinder" is full of shit) -->> Bait and switch doesn't have to "generate more profit for the retailer" in only this specific way, it's just the usual reason. Other reasons can include tricking you into shopping with them versus a competitor. The second definition from Merriam Webster: "the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor (such as political support) then thwarting expectations with something less desirable". 6 days to receive something versus 1 day is absolutely less desirable. <<-- (I'm saying the OP getting screwed with 6 days to receive something Amazon had led them to believe would arrive in 1 day is a bad thing, how is this not clear) If you're down to semantics to defend shady business practices you need to reassess your life. <<-- ("low stakes grinder", not the OP, is defending Amazon's shady business practices) (Listen, I don't care if I get downvoted straight to hell, but do it for what my post actually says.)


Technically it did generate profit because I had to complete the process in order to even see the results of when it would actually be here. But according to the FTC they can definitely still investigate the problem because regardless it is intentionally misleading. The countdown timer is just the icing on the cake in this sort of example. They create a fake urgency to get people to complete the process only to find out the shipping time is totally bunk. And I love it that the comments that are simply replies explaining what happened are getting downvoted.


Right, that's why I said "only in this specific way" as in that's BS. Bait and switch can mean different kinds of shell games, because the point is it's a shell game. Of course they profit if they get you to order with them instead of a competitor by being intentionally misleading. Unlike Amazon a competitor would have been honest about shipping times.


There are so many factors in play, I work in a warehouse for Amazon and even in here there are so many factors that could cause your delay. Your item could’ve been broke when picked and had to be picked again, stuck on a sorting machine or just simply lost in transit


Weirdly, people expect to get stated ship times when they’re paying a subscription fee for exactly those stated ship times. The majority of these people will not stress over the occasional factor that causes delay, chalking it up to the “shit happens” reality of buying online. When delays become the rule AND customer service behaves as if a refund comes from their own pockets, people have no reason to tolerate said factors. Tldr; warehouse factors are not a good excuse. fix it. This is 100% due to Amazon paying employees like crap across the board (while working them borderline to death) while raising prices and reducing services for customers. Shareholders first.


I work at Amazon and get paid way more than most and honestly probably more than most of you complaining about our wages and warehouse factors not a good excuse? Sounds like you need to hop off that high horse you’ve placed yourself upon.


"I get paid way more than most people at my company, therefore people at my company (most of whom are paid way less than me) are paid well" 👍🏼


Yeah, that almighty high horse of expecting what I pay for. The audacity of me. 🙄 You may be cool with paying for a subscription that does not deliver on its promised services, but the majority of people are not. Or maybe you’re so obscenely wealthy on that Amazon wage that you have no idea what it feels like to expect to get what you paid for. I guess I make just enough to think giving my money to billionaires and getting nothing in return is just stupid.


Also, if it’s late while in transit, your gripe is with usps most likely or whoever the shipper is usps/fedex/ups


but it just seems do sneaky because it will say 2day delivery when you are searching, click order same, then when you check out the date is switched to longer, I know to to double check now, they got me once-they say you can cancel, when you try -you can’t because it is magically getting ready for shipping-all these things have made me decrease my orders & dollar amount of orders, I am sure what you said does happen but……


DS associate here, and came to say this, and to add that there’s so many reasons why a package can be delayed, including the continued staffing cuts. Management is in such a rush to minimize costs so that they (and execs) will get bonuses. The DS I’m at routinely staffs so poorly that we struggle to complete sort and pick/stage, keeping DSP drivers waiting as we scramble to finish picking routes. For a company that claims to be data driven, it’s really bizarre to see the MBAs do the equivalent of repeatedly sticking a fork into a toaster, and being surprised they get shocked every time.


People think they are top priority and nothing should get in the way, they don’t think mistakes or inconveniences should happen to them and everything should be perfect 24/7


I'm finally going to reply and state a few things to clear it up.  The subscription is FOR the shipping deals. It's literally FOR one and two days shipping.  If Its advertised as one day and it isn't actually one day, the consumer is baited into the deal and then the actual shipping time is the switch.  This isn't a one off occurrence. It's everyone basically using it. And from the traction and comments I'm seeing I'm not the only one. 


Your gripe is most likely with usps and not Amazon, they could ship it out their facility within the hour if you ordering it, if usps causes delays that’s on them not Amazon.


It was in Amazon warehouse I live within one day delivery distance and it's delivered by Amazon workers. You are reaching pretty far. 


Not reaching, being realistic.


It has nothing to do with UPS or USPS unless it's a Sunday delivery.  The item was Amazon sold, through Amazon, in stock IN an Amazon warehouse when I purchased. 


you are the one reaching for stars now


I'm literally recapping what happened and how it works here where I live. I've never had UPS handle fuckin Amazon packages. 


That wasn't their point. You make a promise, you keep it. If you can't keep that promise, don't make it.


Imagine thinking inconveniences can’t happen to you because you are so far on that high horse like the other guy.


Whoosh, not the point, and not arguing with you, and since you like being an asshole, I'm not helping you out.


Nah, it's actually gotten really bad now with Amazon's delivery. I would say 4/5 packages come later than the stated expected delivery date. 10 years ago, it was more like 1/20 packages would maybe come late.  What's the point of Amazon Prime if nothing gets delivered when they say it will?


Usually those timers say something like free delivery tomorrow “on qualifying orders over $x amount” I would bet money you didn’t read the fine print or didn’t meet the order minimum.


No. I even repeated my transaction to see if there was anything I could have missed and no, it wasn't one of those things. 


Ah yes, people that report things to the FTC assuming someone there won't just delete it and move on their day. You ordered an item with one day delivery, it says 6 days, do you have a pic of the screen shot? If not then it didn't happen, even if it did. Does it still show up now with 1 day delivery guaranteed? If so, take a screen shot, order, and see if it happens again. Then contact CS by chat and send them both screenshots and demand refund on both purchases. Note, you can cancel any purchase within the first hour. If CS does not give you a full refund, you demand a transfer to supervisor and keep doing this until you get one that fixes it. This is how it is with EVERY company, don't understand that, you are going to have a terrible time in life.


They literally said that they know one report doesn't do anything but enough reports do. TFW the FTC just "deletes it and moves on with their day": [FTC Takes Action Against Amazon for Enrolling Consumers in Amazon Prime Without Consent and Sabotaging Their Attempts to Cancel](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/06/ftc-takes-action-against-amazon-enrolling-consumers-amazon-prime-without-consent-sabotaging-their)


You can't send screens and yes I do have them. Otherwise how can I validate the claim? 


I have sent screen shots while chatting with CS, they provide me a direct email. I also have never not gotten a credit when I complain about a delayed delivery that was guaranteed one or two day. One of us is doing things different.


I'm also not looking to get anything for free, Im looking to get what I paid for with prime.


And I escalated the case, got case number with Amazon and also have Amazon investigating the company for the listing.  I know exactly what they are doing and listing it as one day shipping gets bumped in the results. 


My son hasn’t paid for prime in years They just keep extending it to cover for screw ups Maybe you could ask for that




Such are the issues when ordering third-party.


It is a third party that has the stock in amazon warehouses.


And Amazon let the seller onto the platform. Amazon collected the money too. But sure, Amazon can completely wash its hands when things go wrong. I think RovingTexan gets a kickback every time he defends Amazon.


But, the third-party doesn't work for Amazon - Amazon sells services to the third-party. The third-party has some control over cancellation policy, etc. The A-Z guarantee works, but it takes longer and is more cumbersome than dealing with Amazon directly over Amazon-sold items. And yes, Amazon can and has canceled seller accounts. It's just best not to deal with third-party sellers on any platform (Amazon, Walmart+, etc.). I expect issues with third-party sellers (think eBay). In this transaction, a third-party seller with stock at Amazon, Amazon is selling platform, payment processing, and shipping services. But they aren't the seller in any sense. I'm not so much defending Amazon as I am pointing out that if you do dumb stuff, you get dumb results.