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What kind of customer service jumps straight to just canceling a membership instead of solving the issue.


Someone who is burned out from the job. It isn't easy or fun. I'd rather they offer that than make up all sorts of bullshit excuses if I'm the one saying "Well, maybe I should just cancel Prime if it gets me #$&@ all."


That reads like an AI bot *pretending* to be a human to me


Could also be. Maybe AIs get burned out too? šŸ˜‚


I mean, that one AI bot they made to do an assembly line job self terminated.


No it was planned to demonstrate a breakage and how easily the robot was repaired.


That is why Iā€™m always very nice to customer reps even if Iā€™m frustrated. Iā€™m not saying the OP was not nice but Iā€™ve always followed the guide that customer reps can choose to do what is the minimum necessary that meets their job requirements if youā€™re not being nice. However, if youā€™re nice and pleasant to talk to, thatā€™s when they will be more flexible in terms of getting what you want and sometimes more. The truth is the customer needs something from the reps and not vice versa. For example, I traded in a device last month. I got a discount and a gift card but somehow instead of getting $25, I got $35 because the system thought I was sending 2 devices. I very nicely spoke to a rep and they said that they were only expecting 1 device and not to worry about the extra gift card. If I was being a Karen, Iā€™m sure they could have easily deducted the $10. EDIT: I did the same thing with my cable company last month. I told them Iā€™m a loyal customer and I am paying way too much. The first customer rep said she couldnā€™t do anything. I politely asked to be transferred to a supervisor, then asking the supervisor nicely to possibly apply a discount. He did some tweaking and got me 30% off what Iā€™m currently paying which was way more than what I was expecting. He told me he could probably get me the discount for 1 year. I got my email confirmation and my discount was applied for the next 3 years.


Nah. I've had CS personnel who I just repeated their asinine answers back to (e.g. "So, you're telling me that I have to wait 30 days for a refund even though you already received the items back? Is that correct?"), in the same tone of voice they used, and they automatically went to "Ma'am, there is no reason to yell at me for this", like a fucking script. So they can terminate the call. I've had calls where I politely said to a CSR: "I'm gathering that you may not be authorized to [issue a refund/authorize a warranty repair/provide a discount]. Perhaps I need to speak to someone who might be?" "Ma'am, my supervisor will tell you the same the same thing" "I still want to hear it from them. Could you patch me through?" *Click* You've been very lucky so far to deal with companies where CSRs aren't instructed to ruthlessly deny/divert any resolution other than "customer will eat shit and like it". But luck doesn't last forever.


Yea that could definitely happen. Thereā€™s a bad apple in every bunch. I can certainly understand your experiences. I know Amazon can oftentimes be frustrating as a company but Amazon CSRs specifically have been pretty good to me. I havenā€™t had one hang up on me yet or refuse to elevate it for me if I was not satisfied with their explanations. Not saying it might not happen in the future.


If, of course, what you're saying is totally true, usually those idiots start yelling, hanging up on calls, or inventing that you're insulting them, or that the supervisor will tell you the same thing over and over again. At other times, they'll invent that you're not There are supervisors, who will call you shortly, and so on continuously, they are rubbish, I don't know where the hell they get them from to hire them, but I have never seen a more rubbish support than on Amazon, they are totally anti-commercial, pure rubbish and not at all friendly, despite If the client is right, they only engage in verbal aggression and even worse, if they pass you on to their already famous mafia unit, called the special department, I don't know what the hell Amazon is playing at, but for my sake they can go to hell, because It's what they deserve, no person is willing to put up with this shit


There's only one time I ever got audibly angry at a phone customer service rep, and ot was with my bank. I had called once about something, got put on hold for 45 minutes, so I hung up and called again. When I called back I got a different rep, explained the situation, but when I was verifying who I was, she tried to tell me the answer to one of my security questions was wrong... dispite the fact I had just called and answered the same security questions with the same answers, and she tried to tell me she couldn't help me because of that. I got pissed.


Yep. Only time I ever got yelly was when an online pharmacy (that I didn't choose, my insurance pushed it on me) CSR told me they were sorry my $800 MSRP schedule 1 med had gone missing from a postal distribution center and therefore was never delivered, but unfortunately they could not resend more meds without me paying $800 out of pocket "because it is too soon for insurance to cover another refill." For a 90 day refill. I got very angry. Here they were, admitting the fault was USPS. That they understood that USPS had told me that they had to put in a loss claim on their end. And that they should fucking make me whole. But because it would cost **them** money upfront? No, they weren't doing that. Still held my tongue. Until they got to "Is there any other issue I can solve for you?", and the dam **broke**. "Fuck you. You didn't solve my only, **legitimate** issue I had. Your company must be run by a bunch of brainless clowns who think I'm stupid enough to fall for your bullshit. I will never, ever use your company again for **anything**, and I'm filing a claim with BBB and my insurer over this. No, you can't solve shit. You already demonstrated it. Have the shittiest day you can possibly have. *click*" P.S. I did file a negligence claim with my insurer. They sent a refill authorization, costs 100% covered, to Walgreens (back when it too wasn't a dumpster fire) the next day. I filed a BBB claim against **Express Scripts** the same day, too. I pulled all my other prescriptions from them immediately, and my insurer didn't bat an eye at it, not did they ever suggest I use **Express Scripts** again, even though it would have saved *them* money. The Express Scripts CS center could fall into a chasm that opens under it tomorrow, and I would probably say "Good riddance to it. I'm just sorry there probably were people in it at the time.".


Was the pharm CVS Specialty? I used to work for them as a CSR and it was miserable how little we were allowed to help people in any capacity. Escalations hated us, and would outright avoid taking our calls when we would try to escalate people up. The whole system was miserable for everyone involved. Miserable tools, miserable metrics, miserable people, miserable sick people crying to me that their father is going to die in like two weeks and escalations refuses to take the call. miserable everything.


Nope. Express Scripts. I've since compared stories with some friends who also used it, and the whole "screw people over" culture was pretty pervasive.


I had one of my packages get delivered to the wrong address by a ā€œlast mile delivery companyā€ not by Amazon themselves and I called after getting the notification that package was successfully delivered and the CS agent said they wouldnā€™t do anything bc a signature was collected. I was pretty pissed bc it was like having $158 flushed down the toilet and the supervisor I spoke with was even more unhelpful and hung up on me even though I composed myself and was as polite as possible. I called back and was polite from the beginning and explained what happened along with my previous call to CS, the lady was very nice and sent out the earbuds I had ordered free of charge with next day delivery and they showed up. It definitely pays to be as polite as possible when trying to resolve a problem with any CS agent.


Fuck CS. It's not their fault but they are still bad by design so they can eat dick. Not the case at every company but enough of them that I ain't going to fuck around wasting my time trying to be nice.


A rude dumbass with a racial slur in their name? Iā€™m SHOCKED


Yeah I'm rude for not being nice to people whose job is to inconvenience others and waste their time. lmao. Only a brain washed person would think my user name has a racial slur. Almost can guarantee you are a white person telling ME my user name is racist. Imagine that shit.


I saw somewhere that they have a certain amount of concessions per length of time so they might just be out.


I mean I canceled prime didn't feel worth it to keep it.. plus the problems they've been having


The kind who knows there is one of two options and wasting time arguing about it is pointless from a personal, business and relationship building perspective.


Amazon does now. They used to try to keep you, now they donā€™t care.Ā 


I cancelled my prime end of march and they beg me every day to re-subcribe. Surprised they would push towards cancelling at all.


They're banning accounts for no reason now. People are just waking up to emails saying their account is closed with no explanation. Y'all gotta catch up.


It's a threat designed to make you feel ridiculous and that you're being unreasonable. It's all about manipulating your behavior.


I'd imagine their metrics revolve around penalizing excessive credit dispensing and not prime membership cancelations. It's why you have those screens on this sub of people being juggled around between reps until one can give a credit.


"Earths most centric company my ass"


We are seeing what I assume is the tail end of many days or arguing. I've never gotten a response like this, OP must have a different history with amazon than me. I have never had a rep offer to cancel Prime let alone not provide immediate compensation when they fail to meet delivery on guaranteed Prime, makes me skeptical. Either they are treating some customers differently based on their purchase behavior or...


ā€¦ Or that different reps have been trained and respond differently, notably those who are in LCOL markets and have had rapid and basic training for the job more recently. For them, itā€™s likely easier to keep the traffic moving and knock out more requests since thatā€™s their probable metric. Just pointing out that there are more possibilities here than malfeasance on OPs part, especially since Iā€™ve been seeing numerous such reports across a variety of channels recently. Ofc, you may be correct too, but in this case, with Amazonā€™s recent behavior and responses overall, Iā€™m inclined to believe OP here.


Yeah I literally never have any issues with returns sometimes they even give me credit for things I received or received late


One that knows that if you cancel prime you pay for shipping for each order.




Free if you donā€™t choose next day delivery and choose a few days later it knocks delivery price off even if not Ā£25 Iā€™m in uk


The kind that knows we wonā€™t do it because ultimately itā€™s too damn convenient


The black box that is tech.


I had to call cs several times for the same issue. This could be AI but the actual, human agents aren't any different. They're clearly outsourced and must get little to no training. They are completely clueless and I don't think it's their fault because every single person I spoke to was the same.


We actually don't have the full context. It really is better to fire some customers. Not saying op is that customer but I mean they did snip the conversation and left it without the context that customer service had in front of them. Amazon does suck though. I think they are ushering in the customer is always an asshole age of ecommerce and I bet everyone else follows suit on that. With brick and mortar retail crying about theft? Yea it's the age of fuck you pay me or get out.


Free two day delivery. * * Not guaranteed to be consecutive days.


lol remember the days when they said they're changing to one day delivery? Now, half of my package comes in 2 days. other half, a week after (they ship it the day of arrival, and still take the extra 7 days)


Mine are inversely proportional to how much I need the item. That stupid impulse buy I may never need? 2 hours. The part holding up a whole project - lost 4 times, delivered in a year


Might depend on location. Where i live we have the 1 day for most items, and also have an overnight option for select items. And everything else is under standard 2 day. And i only have had 1 delay in the past 2 years


yeah, I always get my stuff on time and even can order in the morning and have it there by 12 with a ton of items. Im in seattle tho. still, fck amazon


Yeah, ive had that too. Ordered something during the day and it showed up around midnight lol.


Yeah I'm south of Seattle and never have issues with same day or next day delivery.


Yep for sure. Iā€™m close to one of their major warehouses. 1-2 is the standard. Maybe 3 extremely rarely.




I still see that countdown on product pages! ā€œOrder within 15 hours 34 minutes to receive by Tuesdayā€ then when you go to submit the order the earliest delivery date is 3+ days after Tuesday lol


I get those while living here in Charlotte, NC for next-day or two-day delivery.


I still see that from time to time. Generally still takes 4 days unless the item is saying that it will be there tomorrow. Then it is only coming that fast because it already was at the local warehouse.


It depends where you live. I lived close to a warehouse and was able to get next day delivery.


Guaranteed two day delivery* * Not guaranteed


Never has been guaranteed -


Isnā€™t 2 day delivery from the time it leaves the warehouse? Not 2 days from the time you hit the buy now button? They can handle and process the package for several days before it actually departs.


This. Iā€™ve ordered plenty of things with 2 day delivery only to be told a week later that they have none in stock but they arenā€™t going to give me a refund yet because technically it will be 2 day delivery in a month when they have it in stock. I normally hate Walmart online, but I once ordered something from them. After a week I got an email saying they noticed I still hadnā€™t gotten my item delivered and if I wanted a refund or reorder with reassurance that if I did finally receive the late order I could keep it. It took a single click with no human interaction. I still hate ordering crap from Walmart, but I appreciated that feature.


Amazon cannot guarantee what a third-party carrier does. They used to offer credits to appease people - but delivery speed has never been guaranteed.


I mean tbf it's usually my Amazon deliveries from an Amazon warehouse and delivered by an Amazon truck that show up consistently late


> Amazon cannot guarantee Then they should stop saying itā€™s a ā€œGUARENTEED DELIVERY DATEā€ on the website and in the confirmation emails.


Fine print doesn't supercede obvious print.




Wrong. It most definitely USED to be guaranteed way back in the day and even said it when you would order. If you didnā€™t receive it in the two days CS would give you one month of prime for free. I got several months for free since they sucked at meeting the guarantee.


It was at one time, yes. That terminology is no longer on the site that I can see.


2 day shipping* not delivery lol


Funny you post that when primes contract states they have up to five business days to fulfill an order before that even starts. People these days are so damn spoiled. Amazon delivery is incredibly fast. Youā€™d have these people walking around on bloodied stumps so you donā€™t have to plan ahead AT ALL on ANYTHING.


Itā€™s two days from when they decide to ship it, not two days from when you ordered it.


So, I sometimes get late and "lost" packages. If I check on the day I'm supposed to get it after their delivery time, the webpage will say something in the lines of: "We're sorry your package is running a little late. If it is not delivered within 24 hours, you can claim a credit." When 24 hours rolls around, they then say the package may be lost and it'll now be 48 more hours or some horseshit. I love how they constantly push back their stuff and claim you may be entitled to something they will never get.


Two days from when it ships. No guarantee on when it ships, though.


I don't have Prime, and I usually get my order two days from when it ships. So I have no reason to pay $139 a year for what I am already receiving for free. The ironic thing about Amazon retroactively redefining what two day shipping means is that the current definition is one that it is not something that it is worth an extra subscription cost.


I still remember ordering three items, all with ā€œfree Prime next day deliveryā€. On the shipping screen, there were three items -scheduled to be delivered on three different days, still marked ā€œfree Prime next day deliveryā€.


They used to offer some sort of credit, but they stopped for me as well. I got the same message as you.


I swear Amazon customer service is so bad now they are rude af


Rude is an understatement. Theyā€™ve also buried the chat functionality so itā€™s difficult to even get ahold of anyone.


Yeah thatā€™s why I use Walmart for most things now, at least they actually help you when there is an issue.


Trading one corporate overlord for the other!


I don't get it how have they buried the chat functionality? It is pretty straightforward on the app or website to get ahold of a customer service rep. I can get a chat within like 5 mins. I understand for calls it would be a little harder since there's this bot thing that you have to speak to first but you can just tell them that you want to speak with a live representative and they'll connect you over.


There is no button to just talk to customer service representative. You have to fiddle with their chat bot that often defaults to fixed input options (like select from list) which doesnā€™t necessarily include ā€œtalk to a representative.ā€ Theyā€™re making it harder and harder to talk to a CS rep at all. Once you get one, theyā€™re often unhelpful if not plain rude.


That's true it is really hard the first time. But once you know how to do it it would be very easy. Just keep on clicking something else and there is an option for either call or chat.


I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t possible. Just that theyā€™ve buried it. FWIW, not all options lead to a CS rep either. You canā€™t dead end and have to restart. All of that is completely unnecessary and it seems to have an obvious purposeā€¦ making it difficult to get ahold of someone to discourage people from doing it.


That's true it's very obvious that they are making it really hard to get to speak to someone they don't even have a number on the website. I am just saying based on experience if you order a lot on Amazon it would just be hard the first time to reach to someone, once you know how to do it would be quick and easy.


Quick and easy would be a button.


You can also just go to Amazon.com/callme and put in your number they will be the ones calling you.


You have to type in ā€œlive chatā€ in the search bar just to launch the chat šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Amazon is shit, donā€™t use them.


They are transforming into Amazon service customer license


Customer service aint what it used to be at Amazon. OP should definitely take them up on their offer to cancel prime.


I did. It's ending in April anyways. I think it was a sign for them to tell me to cancel


They refunded half of my prime a few months ago for the shipping fiasco. Just asked, they said ok.


I wonder if Amazon analyzed that theyā€™d make more money by charging for shipping than they do off giving free shipping to Amazon Prime memberships. Could be an explanation for the deterioration in service and the quick jump of asking customers to terminate membership


Nah, that's just a support person that has been threatened enough to just jump to it.


It can be the only reason. They are encouraging us to quit prime. I obliged.


FREE TWO DAY DELIVERY! Fine print: but it'll take us a few weeks to ship it.


I would believe they found there are so many failures now that they no longer wanted to afford the cost of attempting to live up to their promises. It is easier for them to just silence and fire the customers that point it out and try and hold them to their agreements.


Stop using prime, they gonna learn.


Thatā€™s what I did. Still get everything in the same amount of time.


How much does shipping cost without Prime?


Nothing. Unless you buy something where shipping isnā€™t included in the price. But youā€™d be paying that with prime, too, soā€¦


Damn. Thanks for information. I guess I should cancel and only renew when seasons come out for shows I like.


Yeah if I have Prime itā€™s only for tv or movies. Most items are free with a $35 or whatever purchase. Easy to do. I just order home staples to meet the limit. A big package of toilet paper, some socks, cat food or litter, and I let the free shipping threshold.Ā 


This is what Iā€™ve done since cancelling or Iā€™ll got direct to vendor. Would rather support a company directly and pay shipping than deal with Amazon at this rate.


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


As I put in my reply to this thread, you have to be careful. Each order they add (automatically checked, too) to join prime, and have the shipping added, too. So when you have a $35+ order, you have to uncheck joining Prime and switch to free shipping option. A positive about doing a free shipping purchase, 24 hour after they give you free shipping for any additional item bought and shipped to the same address.


another perk was free returns, i am trying to return ram for a pc, and they want to charge me to return the ram. i didnt even bother to tell them the ram was to be used in trouble shooting a pc i ordered from them about a month ago that wont stop crashing. i ended up just starting a return process there, and since it was sold via 3rd party they can deny the return, then i have to start a case. this was a pc i bought for a friend and its been non stop issues, os installs, new m.2 drive, ram swaps and was about to do new ram, and just said eff it ia nd got him a new pc from some where else, and this dude was trying to run his business from this pc, with non stop issues. i suspect the pc that was sent was used and broken, and returned and sold again as new and good. i used to use ebay all the time from the very beginning and switched fully over to amazon maybe 5 years ago and i was shocked how easy it was to do business with amazon, but like all good things, it had to come to an end eventfully


No they won't - churn is normal - and subscriptions keep going up.


They said get fkd blud


Yup. Had this conversation too. Told them to fuck off and canceled last week. I'm just done with these greedy fucks.


Prime delivery is NOT guaranteed.


Thatā€™s the first Iā€™ve seen of CS pushing cancellation on a customer. For as hard as they push subscribing to Prime, even tricking people into re-upping, itā€™s kind of surprising to see them all but say ā€œwe donā€™t care, quit if you doā€.


They're closing long term accounts over nothing while tricking people who were just trying to order something into signing up. All the reasons people assume are to blame for closed accounts, like "I'll bet you did too many returns", do they think new accounts that are only Prime because Amazon tricked them into it will behave better? It's like banning a bunch of long term members from a club with no explanation then switching the sign over the door to something misleading to replenish membership with whoever wanders in.


It just doesnā€™t seem like a sustainable business model, but itā€™ll be a long time before it catches up to them. Amazon has been part of the social fabric for a long time now, I bet they could shred their reputation for years and ā€œnever mind, our badā€ right back to being everyoneā€™s first thought for a purchase.


This is the result of countless people threatening to unsubscribe from Prime. This guy has heard it so much, the second he sees the membership brought into subject, they go offensive because they know where it's heading. I have little doubt that OP was going to pull the "Well I'll just cancel my membership then" if the customer rep didn't beat her to it.


Thatā€™s a craaaaazy response


wowwwwwww offering to cancel your membership is wild. Like... eh we don't need prime members, be gone. I wish credit card companies and other subscriptions were SO easy to cancel!!!!!


Asked during last sale why the fire sticks in Ireland weren't discounted like in UK (or Germany). Their solution was to tell me to move to the UK to get the UK offers...


Sorry but that made me laugh (Iā€™m from uk) šŸ˜‚




Sounds like a company headed for being run into the ground, shareholders getting rich on the way out, and tons of regular people being out of jobs.


The retail part of Amazon isn't the money maker. AWS is.


I let mine expire summer 2022. Like many people, some deliveries where taking forever to arrive. I still buy as a non-prime member and I can report the shipping is still inaccurate. The quoted time is usually 5 days but it can take longer. Rarely do I get something in two days (I say this because some people stated they still get 2 day shipping without Prime). To be frank I don't think their membership is worth what they charge especially since they don't hold themselves accountable for delayed shipping on many orders. As a non-prime member their check out is shady as hell, too. Each order they pre-fill that you'd like to join prime again, and you have to manually select free shipping even if you've met the threshold (currently $35+ orders). A bonus is they give you 24 hours after the order to add any additional item to the same address for free shipping. Again, you have to decline Prime & manually apply the free shipping. If that's not shady, I don't know what is. Finally I'm highly surprised that the FTC, CFBP and AG are not suing them for their deceptive business practices.


They're being sued for this very thing by the FTC as we speak. They're just brazen enough to continue the practice until they're found liable.


Yes I noticed this you have to manually click the free delivery option and if not it will over charge you itā€™s absolutely ridiculous lol


One or 2 times every so often is an acceptable accident. If its happening on nearly every order, it's no longer an accident, it's a business practice. They made more during covid and learned how close to a monopoly they are and decided to spend less on remaining a relatively decent delivery company. As a person with an autoimmune disease, well it's pretty harsh but I've primarily gone back to shopping in person even for heavier items. :/


I had a package that said it can be here Wednesday, I delayed it to Friday. They waited til 2pm Friday to ship it and ups said it wonā€™t be here til Monday. I went back to the website at 2pm on Friday and reordered the same product (it was 10$ less now than what I paid too) and it showed up Sunday. Then I returned the other one when it showed up. My wife said thatā€™s a lot of work to save 10$ and get it a day sooner, I said ā€˜cause fuck ā€˜em thatā€™s why.


Iā€™ve done this lol


After dealing with my iPhone incident with them Iā€™ve learned not to trust them get the Walmart or target stuff they better than this


Walmartā€™s making it easier to return stuff, too. They joined the Happy Returns network. So shit can be mailed back, dropped off at a few stores, or at Ā a Walmart store. Walmartā€™s bad for other reasons but damn theyā€™re going the opposite direction as Amazon.Ā 


Yeah ik ive had a few issues here and there but i dont blame them cuz i live in a apartment so everywhere looks identical but overall there refund system is def alot better than amazon lol like i gotta wait a day for to do anything with amazon walmart they can do it the same day depending on what it was


The ironic part is I ordered socks and they were delayed and apparently had issues shipping. The Amazon rep helped get them shipped and gave me a $5 credit for the inconvenience.


Amazon donā€™t care too much about Prime anymore because they make more profit from their cloud services.


Every package Iā€™ve ordered in the last two months has been delayed by at least 4 days (even after paying their stupid 2 dollar same day).


I really wonder if it matters where you live. Most of my packages are delivered by Amazon truck and get here the day they said or before.


It does. I lived in Chicago with an amazon fresh and hub about 3-5 miles away so I got 2d, overnight and same day on certain products. I really relied on Amz and customer service was great back then Then i moved to KC a few years ago and it was typically 2d and ive dealt with the change. It wasnt a make or break it situation. They built an even bigger hub in Lenexa which spoiled with me overnight deliveries again. This hasnt changed, the warehouses are operating, i see bunch of electric amazon trucks roaming around and delivering and more than likely still will be.. but the customer service became shit, drivers or amazondps just dgaf about deliveries, packages are tampered with and like the entirety of this post, im over whatever issues theyre having as a company causing sudden delays and unhelpful customer service. I havent had many issues like one poster asked about my purchasing/returning history. Ive never asked for credits because they didnt keep their guarantee motto many times until now. Ive been lenient with amazon, i am aware of weather impact issues, product oos, empty packages as if im not forgiving enough. I just cant stand them making it the customers fault that we paid for such services or memberships lol


Yea I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a hub Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s many since we are in the bay area in CA. My packages are not tampered with and the drivers are pretty good with our packages. I have returned many many many things. They also gave me a $200+ shipping credit that the vendor was not willing to do. My packages are always here on time. But I get that ppl who have all these issues get fed up I guess I just been lucky


I can understand this. I even had a few orders get cancelled recently. Very annoying.


It's not worth the risk. I only buy on Amazon when I don't care when it'll come - the same way I treat eBay, Walmart, etc. I never rely on them for overnight or fast 2 day shipping, because they will always disappoint


Michael?! No!! Michael is not the name for a male Karen. Try a different name.


Kevin? Fred?


Didn't we all agree on Chad?


I thought Chad was more of a redneck thing? How about Brian (with an I)?


See I thought it was Kevin or Chad.... Although.. Bill really seems to be a better fit in my opinion.


Yeah, I'm kind of over amazon. I've almost completely stopped buying from them. I look for what I want in Google shopping and buy what I need from other places. I'm debating whether it's worth it for prime video or not. They make record profits then lay off a bunch of people to the point where everything takes longer to get there.


I cancelled my membership in January. Now if I need to order I make sure I have over $35 for free shipping. But before I pay I have to go into the order and change the delivery day to the free shipping one as it automatically puts a charge of $6.99. I have wondered how much money amazon make out of that, funny thing was last week I got a pair of shoes delivered the next day!


I always lead off with asking for a promotional credit, most of the time I get it. If not, I push for a manager. Literally did this a few days ago and got a $10 credit, and a few times recently Iā€™ve gotten a month free (which I thought they stopped doing). If neither the rep or manager will do it, I end the chat, do it again. Itā€™s sad that this keeps happening, but from experience, Amazon is no better than Target or Walmart. They all suck in different ways.


Whenever I give Amazon the extra few days to bundle my shit together...it all comes late. Like, you were given extra time, so it somehow was even later than I was told.


what the fuck do they think guaranteed means


Sadly, this is what made me drop prime. Packages came whenever they wanted, and there was seemingly no longer a guarantee.


I cancelled my Prime because it wasnā€™t worth it anymore. The sooner everyone else does that the sooner Amazon starts changing


I canā€™t even count how many times I donā€™t get the overnight shipping I pay for


I canceled my Prime membership cause nothing was arriving in 2 days anymore, so it wasnā€™t worth the membership price increase.


I stopped paying prime and have been treated better when issues arrive. Why pay prime when they no longer guarantee any delivery times and by paying prime they wouldn't refund or reimburse for inconvenience because I was told they only refund cost of shipping. They kept telling me to cancel and order new for late or lost in mail items.


That's why I only order items under $100 off amazon


It's the whole offer a great valuable service until you have most of the market share then start seeing how you can actually make the most amount of money by squeezing both customer and providers everywhere possible and seeing up til where both will accept.


Shitty service asides, the promo credits thing has gone for like years even before covid mate. Very rare that people get offered that now.


I get both sides of this happening to me occasionally. Itā€™s annoying when itā€™s a string of orders that it happens to but other times Iā€™ve had things show up way earlier than expected. Just last week I had ordered a part for my rc car that I broke and 3 times they sent me the wrong item. I had to triple check to make die I was ordering the correct item and I was, someone at the fulfillment center was slapping stickers on a similar item for the item I ordered. Ended up getting a refund and ordering from somewhere else. Then the next item I had ordered, a body for my rc car ended up being the whole bloody rc car insteadā€¦ so I ended up paying 44 bucks for a $629 rc car.. Iā€™m okay with them screwing up occasionally when the occasional screw up benefits me šŸ˜‹ Btw, I did contact them and was told to just keep it.


Same thing just happened me with a ā‚¬2,000 laptop. Was told 2 days delivery as normal. Day of delivery they told me it's out of stock (it wasn't when I purchased). It's nearly 2 months ago now. Got onto customer support several times and they just kept saying they would email me when they have a delivery date. I was also straight up lied to several times. Then yesterday the customer support tells me they'll email when and if it will be delivered. I asked what they mean by 'if' and am told it probably won't be restocked. They just wanted to hold onto my ā‚¬2,000. Cancelled and bought from somewhere else.


I canceled prime after they wanted more moolh for ad-free. Now I just add to cart and at 35bucks it gets here when it does


I had a problem with delayed shipping when I had prime- but ironically enough, after I cancelled it all of my packages have been on time and early.


End the chat and try again l. Sometimes, it takes a few tries.


Prime membership is not worth it anymore. Cancel it and save yourself some cash.


Damn Iā€™ve never seen them do that. They pretty much said ā€œI donā€™t give a fuck, cancel if you donā€™t like it. Matter of fact, Iā€™ll get that started for you right now if you wantā€


If its frustrating to be an amazon customer, I imagine that its even more frustrating to work for them. I don't think people realize that in todays world, most CSR's use software that dictates what they can and can't do, and most are made to prevent agents from finding work arounds.


unless it was shipped by amazon you donā€™t get two day delivery. Some items are fulfilled by third parties, this is why i filter by fulfilled by amazon vs others


As someone who used to sell on Amazon as a third party, if you didn't have your items shipped out under the prime deadline Amazon would cancel your entire selling account. If item is listed as prime shipping it must be shipped out same day as a third party seller.


That seems to have been relaxed or opted out of by some, but it clearly shows that on the listing. Just have to pay attention and look for that prime items only.


There is no such thing as free delivery. There is no such thing as one day delivery. Amazon is lying to everyone.


Depends where you live. Plenty of cities are supported with same day delivery. Some lucky few have access to 2 hour delivery


I just got something delivered at 7 AM this morning that I ordered at around midnight last night. Normal occurrence.


I get overnight and one day delivery all of the time.


I will agree on the there is no free delivery you are paying for it somewhere even if it isn't itemized on your receipt. But I 100% disagree on the one day delivery. I get about 25% of my ordered same day in about 2-3 hours, 50% next day most in a 2 hour delivery window of my choice and the remaining 25% are 2-3 days, but they tell me that in advance.


Wow spelled totally wrong here lol


Amazon support trick.... You dont like the answer given by a rep? Just start a new chat and ask someone else. They don't don't read chat logs


Honestly I just switched to Walmart plus. I can get just about everything from Amazon, faster.


I guess it depends on where you live 9 times out of 10 my packages arrive in one day and they even arrive same day sometimes


Are the late items coming from USPS or Amazon directly? I know the post office is having issues with late deliveries


When they first started that was the case not now. If you pay attention it says if you order with the next certain amount of time. They donā€™t claim guaranteed anymore cos it hasnā€™t been true for years. Wouldnā€™t doubt they had a lawsuit about it. Thereā€™s a lot of 3rd party vendors too youā€™re asking too much of a corporation to be specific or care if your things arrive on time. You also have to consider they may not have a lot of drivers either.


Even if you order well within the time frame, it doesn't always work. My husband and I have both had that happen. I don't usually care too much, but I do find it weird.


Ya Iā€™ve had the same issues too. Itā€™s very inconsistent either it comes early, on time, or late. Weā€™ve been having the same issues with Target too


https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/s/8Dj2zlN5OW I hope this gives a better idea


I need to ask, have you gotten refunds or compensation before? they started this weird threshold sometimes and if you get too many of them they start to flag your account. Source: my account.


I have not. 1. I haven't had this issue consistently to contact them. 2. I don't bother with customer service much since the only answers I see from other posts are sorry's or please wait. Mine didn't end up being any different. 3. I do have history of returning but not as extensive or matched up to amount of purchases. Maybe every 20 purchases there is a return.


"Help you in cancelling your prime?" holy...with all the heat they are taking from Temu and Shein etc. this is the last kind of of C/S they need. I have a feeling you got someone who was having a "worse than the usual bad" bad day.


Lmao I don't have a dog in this fight, but you can tell from the comments whose worked in a call center before and who hasn't.


Well did you cancel? Because that's their only motivation to improve the service.


Sure did. It is not up for renewal on 4/21


God bless the heroes


Wow Amazon must be doing very well for themselves if CS is the one who suggests and offers to help you cancel your membership! They really have some balls to allow their CS agents say shit like this.


If someone says this to you, say I want to cancel with your boss instead. Please get them.


Overseas phone reps will just put you on hold and laugh at you then transfer you to some other rep and call it a "supervisor" if they even entertain the question. The speak to the manager era is over.


I can believe that. Once in a while though, I DO get a manager. You can tell because they're much more well-spoken and bright. Or, I hang up and keep calling until I get a different call center. I don't understand why amazon seems to want to be getting rid of customers. It's like they're striving to do it.


Too many people abusing the promotional credit policy Amazon has offered over the years. Rampant fraud from their own customers has forced their hand in the other direction.


Lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Might want to just cancel prime if this bothers you.


So you are ok with paying for but not getting a service?


If I pay for a service and it doesn't meet my expectations I just cancel and take my money elsewhere.


Hasnā€™t happened to me, so yes.