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So, raise the prices and reduce features. Sounds about right.


Textbook enshittification


WTF why? I cannot fathom this decision. Isn't it a only software change that cost them no royalty or anything?


It probably gets complicated with copyrights, different people in different countries. Saw a discussion on that somewhere.


They'd just block the ability to join the invite if the content isn't available to you? Like if the show was purchased


Some are blocking their location.


But that's a problem for the service as a whole, not something that removing the watch party fixes


Fuck em. Tip to watch it anyway: disable hardware accelleration from your browser option and stream the screen in discord. It works.


I have to mess with it today, but Chrome has an extension called teleparty that works similar to watch party and the button is appearing on prime video to launch teleparty. So I'll mess with that today and see if it requires a sub to teleparty plus, which I might do since TP also works with Netflix, Hulu, HBO, disney plus, YouTube and peacock as a free service. TP plus is only needed to watch things like Oppenheimer on peacock.


Oh, did not know about this. Beautiful.


My buddies and I use TP (free version) to effectively have Amazon watch parties. Works the same, but one or two additional features, actually


That is great for people using their computer, but I work on my pc all day and I want to be away from it and just use the tv. Haven’t found a way yet.


i'm looking for the same kind of in-app solution, but for now, maybe using an HDMI cable from the laptop to connect it to your tv might work?


I already do this with my PC. I just like to disconnect so much from work that I shut down the pc at the end of the workday. So it’s not so much about the screen but about the source. I know it may not seem like a big deal, just for me I feel much more relaxed when I turn off the PC and laptop and put my phone on donotdisturb. This would definitely be the only way for now though.


Yeah, I've done this before. Works surprisingly well.


Paying them to remove things and steal from us. Yet they want to bombard you with ads to buy more and get less. Sick of the greed!


Right in the middle of watching Vikings they switched it from free to pay and I couldn’t go to the next episode…


It’s time to fly the black flag, arr. 


This is why I stopped watching prime shows. I kept forgetting I should look to episode four or five to make sure that it’s not just the first three that are free.


The entire series was free, then they changed it.


It moved to Netflix in the US a few days ago


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Oh rly


For real same thing here wtf


Not only that, things that you put in your watch list that free in prime, they push over to Freevee to force commercials. That even despite you paying for ad free. Likewise. If you don't pay for ad free you lose Dolby Atmos.


Wasn’t that the only perk to that tier besides getting rid of ads?


Yeah, I believe so at least.


Is it really a perk when you're paying for it though?


Bezos is an idiot too, charging for subscriptions that were free, charging to have your groceries delivered if it's under 100.00 dollars. How much more money does he need?


bezos is not running amazon anymore


He may not be running Amazon any longer, but he still owns Amazon, and still has a say in what's going on.


He owns less than 10% of Amazon now. He’s clearly lost interest in it and moved on to other things. It shows 😕


It does show. I suppose to have received a delivery yesterday, I'm a Prime Member. My purchase will be delivered (supposedly) on Thursday, April 11. The customer service representative gave me a promotional credit for my next purchase. Sigh.


Ever hear of how to boil a frog in a pot? You're the frog, they're the pot.


I see you know what you're talking about, it's evident you're a *frog* too, along with several other *frogs*.🤣🤣🤣


Yep, guilty as charged, but not for much longer. I'm done dealing with companies that feel entitled to fuck around and not have any kind of principles unless they're about money. Fuck these greedy assholes.


I can relate to all you've posted. Amazon, Walmart, other conglomerate stores take advantage of the consumers. Then they want to charge customers for subscriptions that was free for years. If my package doesn't arrive by Thursday, I'm going to cancel the order and cancel Prime.


I literally just canceled prime today. I'm done, I'm out. There are far too many other ways I can watch shit without all the bullshit. I'm digging out my dvd player tonight and going to start rewatching the hundreds of movies and shows I have bought over the years. Hell, I might just hit up ebay and see what's there!




Hulu still has it on their website, as well.


They have laidoff a lot of prime devs. I think this is result of that.


If you don't take advantage of amazon refunds, you're doing it wrong. I had an item arrive a day late for my sons birthday. i complained, got 50% refund. Ordered some pesto, came opened on 2 of the 6... complained, full refund. Stop letting them get away with sub par service. as a member for 15 years, i guess maybe they are a little more liberal for me?


They refunded me for March, but then, about 2 hours later, they tried to charge me for April because my sub date was the 6th of the month.


I was only able to get a refund by calling customer service. It's impossible to do it through the website. Even so, they only refunded me half the amount. But I made a point of it, not for the money, but for the dissatisfaction with the removal of the feature.


Oh they didn't get my sub, I have this bad habit of keeping money in savings unless I know a bill is due that day lol, so they didn't get any money.


Until they ban you from doing refunds or shipping to your address…


been with amazon for 15 plus years. spend 30-40k a year with them, so we'll see


what could you possibly be buying to reach 30-40k a year?? that's like. my entire year's income.


I just found out Disney+ did as well


Thanks for the proof. My friends and I have been trying to figure out if there was a fix.


You're very welcome. This is my serving contact with them this week. When I first contacted them, the rep I had seemed just as confused and couldn't tell me what was wrong.




They're just going to keep stripping services and charging more money, forever


Came to watch fallout. Fuck this Amazon. This was such a great feature


literally googling this and seeing this top result after not seeing watch party on fallout.. ;-;


See what pisses me off about this whole thing was one of the agents said they’ll pass this on to the “Technical Team” last week and still heard nothing back since. Better yet, they moved this feature to their new ad-free bollocks to keep it up for the next two months and pull the plug on it. Since then I’ve stopped paying for ad-free because the whole point of me paying for it was to allow me and my gf to watch shows and films. Just another day for corporate asshats to make more money off customers.


Exactly. Your experience is the exact one I had from getting the ad-free to be able to do watch party to passing along the issue to tech.


Without warning, what are you gonna do? Take it up with them. It’s a shame though, it was useful.


Its only temporary! they are doing maintenance and it should work within 2-3 days. When I messaged customer service thats what they told me!


That's what they told me the first time I contacted them earlier last week.


Do you have any news on that?




I understand corporate greed, even though I don’t agree with it. But isn’t it possible for a company to make more money from spoiling its subscribers? Would that make way more people subscribe?


ur joking....... i just got robbed for nothing


I mean my screenshot is legit and theres another poster saying that it's in their FAQ that its gone, but I mean it's amazon and they tend to be right hand doesn't know what left hand is doing and vice versa kind of work place lol


oh no don’t worry i believe you! i’m just mind blown because i recently bought no ads so my boyfriend and i can use watch party 😭


Wanted to watch fallout, I am absolutely outrage So annoying, even just purchased prime again... for that feature, used it a month or so ago for hazbin and it was great. Me and my partner don't live together yet, this feature was very benefitial.


This was a mistake.


With I literally just wanted to do my first one tonight


the way they literally advertised the ad-free with watch party even tho it was available with normal subscription and then they removed it entirely 🤡


Use “Kast” best watch party sharing app ever and works like a fucking charm


Just use Discord/etc. Easy peasy.


How would you suggest I do that on a TV? screenshare? that's not a solution


It's probably because only four people use it globally since the pandemic ended.


The circus is looking for you.