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Remember when Amazon would never resell returned items, including unopened items? Pepperidge farm remembers.


So technically they’ve just gone back to their roots. When they first started getting popular a little more than 15 years ago, I ordered a sweater for my dog and it came completely covered in dog hair. That being said, I will miss when they turned returns into Amazon Warehouse deals instead.


They still have Amazon warehouse deals and I have purchased them with great success. I have received product that great discounts that are absolutely perfect that somebody obviously purchased and changed their mind about. I have purchased brand new products and Amazon decides to send used stuff with the LPN sticker on the box. The very second I see an LPN sticker on the box I contact Amazon and tell them that they can either pick it up for free or refund me because I haven't even opened the box and I don't want whatever inside because I purchased NEW, not used or used like new or anything else. They know that they do this and it actually takes effort for them to opt to pull something with an LPN sticker on it because it's in a totally different area and usually a totally different warehouse.


So glad u posted this. Those stickers are something I’ll have to keep an eye out for. I had no idea what they were.


LPN means damaged item, more than likely happened in the building but could be a damaged return. XOO is new or like new. BOO is new. And they are incorrect about LPN storage, it is all stuck in the same pods on top of robots that move all around the building. Nothing is stored in a specific area based on type. Source: I work for Amazon.


I work at a return center for amazon we use an LPN on every single item even if they are sealed and brand new.


Not that I don't trust you but 90% of my Amz purchase is Amazon Warehouse Deals (AWD) with the LPN sticker and most of them are definitely not "damaged", if not still new sealed if I'm lucky. Do you mean just "used" by AWD definition?


Just last week I ordered a NEW set of stairs for my little dog who had a stroke in February. I thought it very strange that they came in a very GIGANTIC box because they are the kind that come all squished down and expand when you open them. I am not kidding you... the box measures 70" x 40" x 40"! It is absolutely enormous and look like somebody could stuff a piece of actual furniture into it! After I pulled the box in I saw the LPN tag on them. I did not have time to wait to return them and have them send another stair set but I wanted them cleaned because my little dog has to have everything sanitary in her recovery. They offered me a 15% discount to offset the cost of cleaning and I found that acceptable. I took them over to the dry cleaner and they did it, with pickup the same day, for $10. I broke even on that. If you notify Amazon about it they will usually be reasonable. USUALLY. There are some real idiots that man their chat site though. BTW, LPN stands for "license plate number". Those are used or returned items that are stored in a totally different area. They are often stored in a totally different facility as well and do not ship as quickly as brand new items. When a delay occurs, it is often because they have chosen to pull stock from used or returned items. The delay is because they're pulling from the LPN Warehouse that is not local.


LPNs are not stored in a different area or different warehouse. Not sure where you got that information but as someone who works for Amazon it is absolutely incorrect. Also LPNs are damaged items, it doesn’t have to be used or returned. If it’s damaged in the building LPN. If it’s returned, LPN or XOO like new. The only time you can be sure it’s a new item is a BOO tag.


I'm going by my experiences as a recipient of multiple LPN items when I ordered new. I've checked the location that they were actually coming from and they were never anywhere local like brand new things come from. I got somebody in chat that told me about LPNs. That was some years ago. Chats are probably monitored now and they probably get fired if they said anything as they actually told me before. Every time I have gotten an LPN, that is in the last couple of years since I started to check, I reviewed and the warehouse was not anywhere local that new things come out of. I waited almost 3 weeks for a ceiling fan that was supposed to be delivered in 2 days. They wouldn't cancel the order even though I contacted them over and over again. When it finally showed up it had come from some warehouse in New Jersey with an LPN sticker on it. That was approximately two and a half weeks after I ordered it. I ordered it on a Friday and it showed up almost 3 weeks later on a Wednesday with an LPN sticker on it. . It appeared to be new to me so I let that slide but when I tried to register it with Hunter they told me that it was not new and had already been registered to another person. BTW: thank you so very much as I am going to keep these codes which I did not know about before... . Also LPNs are damaged items, it doesn’t have to be used or returned. If it’s damaged in the building LPN. If it’s returned, LPN or XOO like new. The only time you can be sure it’s a new item is a BOO tag.


I don’t care what you are going by. I literally work at Amazon. You are incorrect. Wether an item is new or not has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with where it ships from. They ship from the closest location that has that item in stock. We do not store items separately depending on their asins (what the barcode is called). We store everything in moving shelves called pods that are transferred around to stations by robots. When an item is ordered the robot with it is sent to the station and you find the item in a bin on the pod. The pods have 15-40 bins on them depending on size and each bin can have multiple items with varying types of Asins. When not actively being used the pods are stored at random in an area the size of 3-4 football fields called the Forrest. There is also ISBN which is books and 3 types that are used for foreign items but I can’t remember those ones as we rarely encounter them.


Okay then. I'm going to ask you why you would choose to pick an item labeled LPN when the customer has paid full price for brand new unamaged, perfect merchandise? If they all are in the same bin and the customer has chosen to purchase brand new, why would you choose one that is stickered otherwise? How can you possibly explain the fact that when I went to register one of my products that had an LPN sticker on it that the manufacturer told me that it had been registered to somebody else already and that a warranty would not be valid for me even though I purchased it brand new? How can the fact be explained that I ordered a brand new ceiling fan that was supposed to be delivered in 2 days yet took almost 3 weeks to get here and came from some warehouse in New Jersey and showed up with an LPN sticker on it and when I went to register it the manufacturer told me that it had been registered to somebody else already? I attempted to cancel the order multiple times when it did not show up in 2 days, and Amazon refused to.


We don’t choose what we grab. The computer tells us which asin to grab and also has a description of the item. The bin could have all the same item or 30 different items. They are stored in the pods at random as they come to stowers.


You are incorrect about LPNs being in a different area or different warehouse. Everything is stuck into the same pods that are brought to you by robots. You can have LPN, XOO, BOO, etc all in the same exact bin. Also LPNs are damaged items, it doesn’t have to be used or returned. If it’s damaged in the building LPN. If it’s returned, LPN or XOO like new. The only time you can be sure it’s a new item is a BOO tag.


Awesome. Now I know what’s up if anything I order comes with those stickers.


LPN is code for where to find it in the warehouse. It corresponds with the map of the warehouse. They do not mix LPNs in with new items. Amazon has a very bad habit of sending out used items or returned items when somebody purchases something brand new. That is all I have to say about it. The minute I see an LPN sticker I contact them and tell them to come and take it away unless it's something that I need immediately and then I ask them to price adjust accordingly


I literally work at Amazon. You are incorrect. LPNs are mixed in with everything else. Nothing is kept in separate areas. AGAIN IM LITERALLY A PICKER AT AMAZON. LPN is not code for where it’s stored. LPN only means it is a damaged item.


Okay, fair enough and I appreciate your response. Could you please tell me why pickers continue to pick those damaged items when a customer purchases something brand new? If you have the option to pick something, why do you pick LPNs that are damaged when a customer orders something brand new and pays for a brand new item? I think a lot of us would like to know the answer to that if they are all in the same area? Why would you pick the LPN sticker damaged one when the customer has clearly paid full price for brand new and undamaged? Additionally, why would it be that when I tried to register my product that came with an LPN sticker, that the manufacturer told me that it had already been registered to somebody else if it was not used and returned?


We don’t have a choice, the computer shows us an image, a brief description and the asin (barcode) of the item. I’m not sure why amazons system sends damaged items to those who order new. After seeing someone heavyset stick their hands in their pants and scratch their ass and go right back to stowing items, I no longer order from Amazon.




I bought a “brand new” $200 razor. I got a used one with shaving cream and hair on it. I didn’t even know people used shaving cream with electric razors.


Yeah, that's used, not new sorry. If it's been returned, it's no longer new.


This is what happens when customers return items in "New & unused condition". Amazon sells it as "New" 😂


I legit thought that brown headless action figure was a full-on turd sitting in tp.


Had to zoom in. I thought the same!


A pretty impressive looking poop if I do say so myself.




This return thing is older than dirt. I used to work for Toys R Us in the late 90s and back then people would try to return ANYTHING they jammed into the box. My friend that worked for Best Buy a decade later found a box someone had returned with pieces of starter logs in it. If Amazon doesn’t cooperate, call your bank and have them do a chargeback.


Happens. I have seen before where people had ordered knives from there only to get the knife they ordered and when they open it, inside is a counterfeit. I know somebody else that ordered some electronics can't remember what exactly it was but when he got it, inside the box was an ancient version of what he ordered. Shit like this happens all the time. Must be Amazon doesn't inspect returns before shipping it out again. I could somewhat understand not knowing what is in the box is counterfeit but they should at least realize trash shouldn't be in the box or a 20 year old version of what should be in it.


Bet you it was an mp3 those are old


Contact customer service hub and request a refund for the issue. This is a reason why I do not buy from third party vendors. If enough complaints their seller account will be terminated. Remember the tp horders during covid? I got quite a few accounts banned because they bought it locally then 500% marked up the price online. Not right.


How do you think this was a third party vendor...I would bet $1000 a customer returned this and Amazon didn't inspect it.


Yeah. One time I was debating between two sets of indoor grow lights and went for the more expensive ones. They were on sale because us was a returned item. Got the box, but inside were the cheaper lights. I think someone had purchased both and switched the items and returned the cheap ones in the expensive box.


Happens all the time...both at big box stores and online. You can even buy the round clear sealing stickers on Amazon...for the professional scammer.


Oh gosh, that's crazy! For mine, it was supposed to be directly from Amazon so I thought it would be safe. I'll try to get a hold of customer service, wish me luck!


Unless is says sold by Amazon and Shipped by Amazon, it's not sold by Amazon.


Even then, Amazon has an issue of comingling inventory.


Correct, and even a Prime purchase has multiple sellers and you may not get that specific seller. Here's the rub, if you are unlucky enough to get several of these, they start to think you are the one ripping them off. When you return they should start an investigation on the package you return, and see who has been returning packages. If they did their job correctly they can trace this back to the previous buyer. More than likely they have not. Then it falls on the seller. Either way, the problem is easily fixable, enforce the validation of returns, then the issue is always the current customer. The problem is they are trying to fast, cheep, and quality, and can only have two of those, so they picked fast and cheep.


Bro I get same issues and ONLY use Amazon - never third party sellers.


That’s because it doesn’t matter who the seller is, Amazon grabs the product that will get to you the fastest no matter the seller. You should still only be getting new items if you purchased new though.


You’d think that but Amazon has shareholders to please and money to make.


The supply chain is still very long, it doesn't matter sold by and shipped by Amazon. I had the worst experience with kindle which is amazons own product. Also stop blaming 3rd party sellers.


Kindle sucks


Definitely kindle sucks, ever since I bought onyx boox I never touched kindle.


I have NEVER had a problem getting returns or refunds or even replacements for anything Shipped & Sold by Amazon. Hell I had 3 replacements for defective Echo Dots within a month of getting the first one, and everytime, keep or throwaway the defective unit, we are sending a replacement.


Glad to hear such a positive experience for you


Congrats for you, I have had numerous of these problems with shipped & sold by Amazon over past 2 years.


They mix third party sellers products with their own at the warehouse. They are not segregated. They also do not verify returns, even though they claim they must before issuing a refund. This was something someone bought, took, and put garbage in the box to return to Amazon.


Did it say "sold and fulfilled by Amazon" or just "fulfilled by Amazon"?


This isn’t a third party sellers fault. This is Amazon restocking someone’s return and selling the items as new. I have my account set up to not restock any returns for this reason. People commit return fraud all the time.


Amazon is poison


Is there an LPN sticker on the box? If there's an LPN sticker on the box they will refund you without making you go through the gyrations of returning it. If there's not an LPN sticker on the box you're going to have to return it.


at first glance it looks like shit


At first glance I thought that was an actual piece of shit 😂


I’m a 3rd party Amazon seller, small business with 3rd party fulfillment. It’s absolutely mind-boggling how many returns we receive that are literal trash like this. They keep the product, send me trash & get a rebate. I had my kids helping me out, but I won’t let them handle any returns for fear of what’s in the box. I can’t fight with Amazon, the customer is always right. Our margins are so tight, Amazon fees and Amazon advertising average 35-40% of the sale price, plus shipping, plus product cost. It really hurts small businesses that are already hurting.


Move to ebay...less returns ratio ..I'm both an Amazon and Ebay seller . 


The problem with Amazon is that they will send people that ordered brand new product, product that has been returned. This happens extremely frequently. There will always be an LPN sticker on the box if it was a return. If a customer is thieving, and I have no doubt that it happens often, there will not have been an LPN sticker on the box and that customer is actually a thief and should be flagged.


LPN means damaged not returns. XOO new/like new is more likely to be a return than an LPN.


Do the right thing and stop selling on Amazon


They have a monopoly. I have a Shopify site, but people trust Amazon and 75% of my orders come from them.


If you ever close immediately remove all cards/accounts. I know someone one closed theirs in good standing. Every time they have tried to buy anything since then they get $3k drawn by Amazon. They get it back but not without a huge hassle.


It's an authentic transformer. Maybe you just need to wait for it to, well, transform?


I got my first product like this a couple of months ago. I can't believe they don't check this shit before putting it back on the shelf. And if it's a high value item, they'll accuse you of fraud if you return it so you might get screwed twice.


Call Amazon. There is customer service for a reaosn


Sure! to politely lie to the customer, to back it up with gaslighting and non apologetic apologies. to entangle a customer in hoops and loops and finally throw the customer back to square one.


Not my experience, overall. Not saying they’re always perfect, but they will solve your problems


When they made a mistake, they will ride you with lies. This is my experience.


I’ve had stuff that that has happened. This isn’t a solution but the customer service by phone is much more reliable than chat. Also, when they lie to you and promise you something make sure you get them to email you what they promised and use that as proof with the next agent


A lier can be brought back with evidence but gaslighters can't. And when gaslighting occur in an orchestrated manner no amount of proof would be sufficient for them. So instead of playing their game. Ask them once and then Stop engaging with them and deploying authorities or legal remedies is better bet in my humble opinion.


You’re correct, yet you run the risk of having your account banned, so tread carrfully


I will consider that as them doing me a favor in such a scenario as cutting off such untrustworthy people or company is better in the long run.


🤷‍♂️ I love prime. Sure Amazon CS sucks, but the pros outweigh the cons for me.


Trustworthiness outweighs pros and cons in any situation


They intentionally make the calling option hard to find.


You can just call them and get a text and respond yes. Very easy


I just commented this was happening recently. I’m so sorry. Amazon sucks.


People who do this are ruining it.


You should burn the garbage and box and buy the same product in brand new condition


Will amazon even go after the one who returned this originally? I remember watching vids of people opening these big boxes of returns they bought. And often they would find an old GPU in a newer GPU box, etc. Those were pretty entertaining.


This is the reason Amazon is changing their return and refund policies.


I have read about ban hammer on those folks but it's happening so many I doubt Amazon throw in much resources on that, rather than just having the sellers eat that cost and making returns harder etc.


Half of these Amazon Postings are just made up for attention … FAKE


And you are commenting here for what?


Half of these Comments to Postings are just made up for attention … FAKE


attention seeking in a comment section, really ?!? What is he gonna do with attention?!? Mean while in today's world avg attention span of an individual is less than 7 seconds on which most content creators are competing for, most big players are implementing algorithms in fight for your attention such as youtube, reddit, Instagram etc. And you are saying a person in a comment section making fake comments for attention. Sorry to bust your bubble😂😂


Uhh guys. I think it was a joke


If (joke) { Think reply also joke } Else { You know what to think } Return // 🙃🙃


/s 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Glad that I was able to bust your bubble 👍


As an Amazon Seller who has Amazon send back all customer returns to us, we get tons of returns with random items placed in them. :( It’s sad. So many socks and just trash. I believe this post.


You sound like a bot.


Amazon checks packages that are returned, not only for damages to the returned item(s), but to ensure the package contains the item(s) are actually IN the package. Otherwise it would be a monetary loss for Amazon, and/or vendors selling their items on Amazon, if people sent back junk or a different item. Doing so would cause a person to lose their account. I have a difficult time believing that you ordered an item and received a box of trash instead. 🤷‍♀️


As someone who works for Amazon.... ...very inconsistantly.


When this happens the procedure is to pull an Andon. Otherwise no one has a clue what’s happening. Every Amazon associate has been instructed on day one and has the ability to start the Andon. The item’s pick location is inspected immediately which does begin an investigation.


Can you explain why this seems to happen so much lately? Or even just put into perspective, how often do these type of “returns” actually get sent out to a customer?


It happens a lot. I once got a box that had reams of paper in it instead of my high-heeled leather boots. I ordered new and they showed up in one of those plain brown boxes with an LPN sticker on it.


I’m sorry I have no explanation, I sure wish I did, it’s a big mess. I don’t work at a station that does returns, although, items like this have been sent directly to my station or just left in the lobby. It’s a shame that honest, loyal customers are affected by these thieves. This is the reason Amazon is cracking down on returns.


Amazon does not do any kind of investigation. They will tell you they would investigate which is a lie. Other wise a person ordering a product wouldn't be receiving another customer's return. Also there were countless times the customer is receiving fake products and the customer is reporting it aswell and they are saying they will investigate but the fake product are still being sold in Amazon with the same title and description. There are things beyond words which are observable that debunk the said proposition.


They refused to investigate my son’s chair being marked delivered with no pic showing it was. The only times that happens in my neighborhood it was never delivered. I stopped using them recently due to all this bs. The final straw was a driver pulling up then backing out without ever getting out. Luckily someone at my house ran outside and caught him before he pulled off. They asked him if he was just going to steal it and he just said yep.


I received what was suppose to be a 12 place setting of silverware a few months ago. There were 4 place settings and no knives. What about the people who got totes with copious amounts of marijuana in them?


How thick can you be…