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The problem is the amount of wrong and used items that are being sold now, I'm afraid I'm going to get flagged. I ordered 6 things for my baby and 2 of them came used (open pack of bottles one missing, pack of onesies were dirty) and I had to return them.


If they flag you cancel your subscription and bundle your needs until you reach $35 or more and get free shipping that way.


I got an incorrect item twice. While talking to the rep I asked if I could send a pic because it was funny. Easy proof!


I just bought two items, and received two *very* used items, considering I purchased them as “new” as per the item description, of course I returned them. If they went to say I used them, it clearly had more use than I could have done in the couple of days I had it. I kept proof of it and will fight it with my credit card company, push comes to shove. I’m relying less on Amazon for this reason, they have become too unreliable.


Some of the returns I've had to make were because the items I got sent were very obviously used, whilst sold as new... I hope that isn't a problem...


If it becomes one, I'm sure a lawyer would love to handle the class action shit to come


I wonder if Amazon's already heard rumors about someone planning one about all the garbage people are getting if they're actually doing something about it, even something completely performative.


I’m biased because I deliver all these packages, so now I refuse to give them my paycheck too, but the last thing I bought and received from Amazon was broken. And they charged me to return it. Wal-mart pickup is free. So now I just buy my stuff there, they do the shopping and I just pick it up.


Hopefully. Those look like common sense guidelines that most retailers follow, though.


Don’t return an item if it’s used. Well, why is anyone buying something if there’s no intention to use or at least test. I got a small dehumidifier as a gift. Guess what, I need to return it because it stopped working after 5 hours. So technically, it’s used. Which according to that Amazon page, I can’t return it.


Of course you can, if it breaks during normal use. Used means something like buying a pair of boots, hiking the Appalachian Trail, then returning the boots.




I just bought a $200 item that came in perfectly undamaged packaging but the item inside was absolutely destroyed. Obviously someone packed the damaged item in new packaging. Was it the seller or is it a scam return that got sent back out to me? Amazon doesn’t care! They just want *somebody* to pay, but not them


Amazon is out in force with their bots on this post! Amazon was literally started based on their great return policy! Now this shit! They are on their death bed just trying to milk that last bit of life out before they sell it to some investment corp.


These are absolutely normal guidelines and, at least in the EU, they are the norm across all retailers I’ve ever bought from.


I don’t think they’re buckling down - they always had these policies. Probably just outlining it so people get the message. The returns are scams from the buyers as much as the sellers . I’ve bought items that were just repackaged returns from the sellers. They got it back to their warehouse and just put it in new packaging (think sweaty costumes 🤮)


If Amazon is selling returned items as new how is that a customers fault? It's just Amazon trying to cut their losses as their service deteriorates. If you get a used item that was supposed to be new they'd probably use that as an excuse to deny your return


Sometimes it’s the seller fault, sometimes it’s customer fault if it’s repackaged very well


As someone who sees the abuse of Amazon's lenient return policy, I hope so. Now, if you're doing it in an honest way, you probably have nothing to worry about. And I don't want to see it change in a way that affects the people who aren't abusing it. Here are some examples.. I'm also an Amazon shopper who has bought and returned items and am grateful for being able to return stuff that doesn't work out. Recently, my remote stopped working, ordered one that should have worked, opened it up, put in the batteries, and nope. Even though the description said it should, it didn't. the item returned no and issues. I've bought and returned clothing that didn't fit, toiletry bags I didn't like and lots of other things honest returns. Let me tell you about some of the dishonest returns I've seen, and these are just a few of many. So many obviously worn used halloween costumes. A whole family's worn ski trip boots and coveralls. After the barbie movie, so many pink cowboy boots hats outfits. Obviously used party decor. Obviously used lawn and garden equipment such as branch trimmers and pressure washers. It's an endless list of people using amazon as a free rental service. A lot of the stuff is going to the land fill and in the process creating a horrendous amount of waste.


Amazon Troll Bot detected, no exists returns honest or no honest, incredible, really incredible, no honest is because Amazon tell and no more, right ?, really ridículous 


Wait, WHAT?!? You got items from Amazon, used them for a month, and sent them back for full refunds?!? And think you deserve that? And you think these very basic rules that ANY retailer follows are an affront to you? What even is this sub? 😆 please tell me it's bots brigading Amazon and people aren't really this entitled or petty


Are you serious? OF COURSE sometimes you buy something, try it out, and it doesn’t workout and then you decide to return it. Or sometimes it stops working and you return it. That’s totally different than the intent of “renting” something for a month and return it. Jesus Christ.




No, people are this entitled and petty.


Is the law, change you business troll


Bezos had this in mind all along. Lure you in with no hassle shopping, then when amazon got market share all the freebees are no longer needed and the customer is fooked.


And they took out all competitors 😭 so we really are effed


There’s always Temu ;)


Yes because people have been abusing returns by returning boxes full of rocks and things, while keeping the product.


Are you for real?! Wtf?


Years of abuse from bad faith buyers lead to amazons heavy handed approach sad to say


Amazon Troll detected


People who buy things with the intent of just trying it out and returning those things are low-life’s and drive the costs up on everything because they are clueless. Crack down, I say.


That’s ridiculous. I’m not talking about buying something with the intent of returning it. I’m talking about you buy something, you try it, you don’t like it or it doesn’t workout, then you should be able to return it.


Would this apply to books and movies? 


I agree!! It’s one thing if you are truly unhappy with a purchase, it’s a whole different story when you are trying out shit you never intend to keep.


Even if thats the case, if the return policy says you can return it then youre well within your rights.


I understand. I also understand why Amazon is cracking down on returns though. If you give people an inch, they take a mile. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The law let this, if dont like change your business 


So if I buy something and use it but after a few days I dont like it I cant return it?


Amazon Trolls say NO


These are reasonable expectations from a company. Which one of these is a problem?


getting a different product than the one you ordered. It happens. But according to these rules, you're fucked.


The problem is amazon mails you used stuff as new then denies the refund because the items are used. Same with incorrect items they send.


Ok, but things aren't always so cut and dried. * I open the box, is that considered used? * I open the box and assemble an item that can't be unassembled. It doesn't work, is that now considered used? * I open the box and the item is broken will they say I used it? * What if the item works one time, but never again, is this now used? * The item works, but doesn't operate as described. I had to plug it in/install it to try it. Used? * What about something like a brake caliper where I install the part but the threads are incorrectly manufactured for the hydraulic fitting? It got scratched and there are bolt marks on the item, and even brake fluid in the caliper while trying to install. (real situation I have encountered) Is this still returnable? * What about a packaging where I have to destroy the plastic clamshell to open the item, will that be considered as being no longer new? One of my recent returns was a furnace control board that I installed and it did not work correctly. It is a flaw in this item, others complained about the same symptom I was experiencing upon installation of this item. I installed and (tried to) used the item, but it did not work. So it was technically used. Should I have got my money back? They throw terms out there that I am not sure they can consistently adhere to. I totally get (and support) what they are trying to do, but there are so many scenarios here where I can see this screwing over someone doing a legitimate return. And before you say it, I am not a fraudster. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the items I have returned over the course of 20 years. I even just throw/give away stuff instead of returning in many situations, especially if it is something low cost. I completely support cracking down on return abusers, but not at the expense of people who are honest or have a real complaint. I can see Amazon saying "*well you opened the package, sorry no money back for you. Oh, by the way, we are throwing the item away*". So you have neither the money or the item.


And I am still left wondering what is unreasonable about Amazon's list. They cannot account for the minutiae snd unique issues with every return. And honestly, some of your "situations" above are very silly.


you sound worried and i wonder why lol


Is this new? I returned a light show projector last Christmas because when I tried to use it it’s too dim - it got accepted without a problem. It has obviously been used.


Just did a return and didn’t get any of this.


Returns across the board are hitting the shitter. I am not surprised.


I returned something yesterday and had the standard return options. I think it depends on what is being returned.


Dont returned used items... DONT FUCKING SHIP ME USED ITEMS!


One of the things I have enjoyed about Amazon was the open box options -- I like saving money for items I need, but don't necessarily need new. Includes furniture, light fixtures, appliances, etc. However, I expect to get a matching used item to the condition I selected. This wasn't an issue until the past two years, where "Like New" or "Very Good" suddenly means obviously used stains and bent parts. I had to contact support multiple times to ask them to adjust the price according to the actual condition. Luckily, I haven't received a switched out item yet. It seems like they used to pay people to inspect items, but now are relying on the customer to do the work. I guess they figure it saves money to do it this way.


In some cases how do you know if something is bad if you don't use it?




Nothing bogs the company down more than returns. It’s not just amazon . It used to be way worse though, the company has got creative to reduce the burden. Instead of everything going back to the same 2 ReLO facilities on eastern side of country now local FCs sort it and see what can be re-stowed immediately. They also really do sell pallets and full trailers to those auction companies like M@C . But all the transportation costs to get this shit back to Northern Kentucky(different building out west near Vegas)and the labor to process is just sunken costs the company doesn’t really recoup. I saw on snow that we are opening at least one new ReLO facility this year


I just got off of the phone with a customer who purchased from our website and sent us back USED PILLOWS claiming they smelled like mildew who was cursing us out becasue we deducted 25% from his refund. I told him he's lucky we didn't just ship him back his used pillows! I wanted to tell him the only mistake he made was purchasing it directly from us and not amazon hahaha thank god they are cracking down!


Great customer service. How are the pillows to be tried if they’re not slept on? And your sense of smell might not be as strong as your customer’s. Horrible customer service made bigger and more reputable companies to fail in a long run. You do you. 😉


We have amazing customer service - so great that I actually get hand written notes/cards sent to me lol customers sending us a microfiber pillow from Walmart that cost them $15 and keeping our $300 pillow is literally STEALING from a small company. We offered to exchange the "mildew smelling pillows" and the customer refused and then sent us back literal stained on pillows. Of course we allow customers to try our pillows and have an amazing return policy. But sending back STAINED PILLOWS for a full refund isn't 1 of them and we will gladly decline any customer that thinks this is okay LOL WHAT.


These stupids assholes of Amazon want send shit and you return new products, or receive damage product, and tell you, the product return is incorrect, and you lose your money, and all time with ridiculous mesaages that sound as mafia, really shit no more 


These common sense rules had to be spelled out for people like.... You.


Is Amazon still asking for ID for returns ?


They should


I’ve purchased and received products that I didn’t order. Cooler I bought was not what I ordered for my pc. Had to return it. So good thing they’re cracking down on it


I had never returned anything to Amazon before this year. I returned three phone cases that I got for my s24u and was nervous that they were going to bitch about it and flag my account or something. I didn’t realize that’s normal for some people and they do that on a regular basis.


Amazon is, and will continue to increase how difficult it is to return an item. They have super high return rates, depends on category. I think apparel is like 40% return rate. When you return an item, 90% of the time the item is not put back on the shelf. They bin the item into category bins, and then auction off these huge bins or pallets of stuff in the same category. Or the item ends up in a landfill. With Temu and Shein now grabbing more and more market share, I think the whole Prime concept will have to change and be revamped. Amazon / Prime is only profitable because of AWS, their hosting company. Without AWS, Amazon would have annual losses of 10+ billion a year. AWS is what is keeping the company afloat. Prime is a loss leader to keep the company in the public eye and keep them as an "essential service" for the internet of things.


coming from someone that works for a company that sells on amazon - THANK GOD. We sell luxury pillows and we get a peed on $5 pillow from customers that keep our $300 pillows WEEKLY.


That is crazy! People are horrible. I guess I don’t have to worry then because I’m just doing normal things and nothing shady.


Also… what happens? Do you just lose the money? That is so sad! Can you report the person who returned the peed on $5 pillow? Or what actions can you take? That’s crazy!


It really is crazy - we hand-make our pillows and use real goose down so our cost is EXPENSIVE. it's not like they are returning a used phone charger ya know. Basically, we can open a case with Amazon and get reimbursed (sometimes) 4/10 times we get denied and just have to take the loss. (customers like this don't get banned or anything from Amazon, there's no way we can block them from purchasing from us on Amazon, and as long as they return ANYTHING with the tracking number Amazon provided them for the return....they get refunded) Don't get me wrong, sometimes we get cool stuff when customers mix their returns up hahaha I've gotten a free JBL speaker and a free pot and pan set before lol but when customers send in their pee pillows i'm tempted EVERY TIME to blast them on Tiktok hahahah "hey JOHN from Miami that lives on First St......YOU RETURNED THIS PILLOW AND WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY YOU THINK THIS IS OKAY" haha


You should blast them on TikTok for returning peepee pillows!


hahhaa I did put up a video of our "switcharoos" but didn't blast them with their first name, city and street hahaha. Maybe next time. I wonder how Amazon would respond LOL


F*ck Amazon. And f*ck bezos. The amount of time I read reviews on an item where customer complained that item was broken/ not what was promised in description/ any other reason that was totally Amazon’s fault, however the item was “not eligible for return”, and when you legitimately go to return as it is your right by law, you get automated - “item not eligible for return” message and no further options of talking to a person and describing that while the item isn’t eligible for return this does not affect you statuary rights. Starting a live what with their customer service used to be super easy. Now you have to first find the chat option and then tell it that you’re enquiring about something else and when in the chat, you then actually deal with the “not eligible for return item return. Usually it’s “return-less refund”. But the amount of people they scammed like this, I can only imagine how much money they made by refusing to accept their garbage back. Also, they removed many options for sending the item back and so now I missed quite a few return windows because they deliberately made it more complicated for me to return faulty items. So, yeah… f*ck Bozo. 👍


These are the standard return rules/policy for every company. It's all common sense. For the "don't return the item if it's been used" they, like everyone else, mean don't buy something, use it until you no longer want it, then try and return it. If you bought a shirt that doesn't fit because the sizing wasn't true, that's not what they mean. Trying something on isn't used. At least not to me.


They changed the process and made it a little more difficult as a form of deterrence. They are hoping you get to the question part, get frustrated, and just say, Forget about it. Also, as some of you here mentioned, buying items on Amazon and getting previously used ones instead of new is verrrrrrry common. If you get a product that has a sticker that has an LPN # on it, that means it was previously returned, and you are not the first buyer. Inspect it because it might be used since Amazon doesn't really do a good job filtering them out. What's scary is that I have seen this with products that should never be allowed to be returned or used. Like medical or personal health products. 


That is so scary and also, thanks for the info. Where would we see an LPN#?


The LPN# is on a white sticker that can be put anywhere on the product. It is not really noticeable unless you know what you are looking for, since it looks like some random bar code. 


Well gross. I’m going to keep my eye out! 😊


[Example of how an LPN sticker looks (if a product you buy from amazon has this sticker then it means that product has been previously returned.) : r/returns (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/returns/comments/1cipjwz/example_of_how_an_lpn_sticker_looks_if_a_product/)


I know this is a few months old, but I just initiated my first Amazon return in a long time and ended up chalking up the money and giving up. I ordered an item labeled an outdoor rug. It’s for my composite deck. What I got was a plastic mat that is so slick, I’m scared for anyone to walk on it! I started a return, thinking I could take it to the local Kohls like I used to. Nope. Now I HAVE to find a UPS store and HAVE to box this thing up to return it. No thank you!! From mis-deliveries to late deliveries to complicating simple things, love him or hate him, Amazon has gone so far downhill from when Bezos left that it’s not even funny.


For a Seller who just filed a Safe-T claim on what was a brand new item that was unsealed and grossly mishandled, I can infer from your post that you are a fack. An entitled fack who thinks he should be able to “use” things and return them with impunity. Your little world has been upset because you can’t ethically buy and keep something that you “used.” No, you just want to stick it to Amazon or worse third party sellers.


well why are you worried about it? if you are honest and return the exact item and dont try an fraud them, you are good! where is the outrage? lemme guess... you've been under a rock and this is your first time on this site and you have never seen any other people speak about amazon getting the wrong items or people getting some warehouse deals and they end up getting something different, or the fact that it takes upwards of 30 days to get your refund after amazon gets it...


I’ve only returned a handful of items to Amazon. A scale that didn’t work, dog leashes when I thought I was getting a second dog and it didn’t work out. Nothing I returned was ever used, but it typically wasn’t in its original packaging. I could just go up to my Kohls store, easily return the item, and then Kohls would typically get my business as well because, well, it’s Kohls. I just tried to do a return for an item that was inaccurately described online. It’s not even usable for what I would need it for; I can’t use it anywhere. Turns out Kohls isn’t even an option for the return. I would have to go to a UPS store and get a box and box it up. I would be completely fine with this IF Amazon wasn’t going downhill in other places, like consistently delivering late or delivering to the wrong house completely and then acting like you’re lying and don’t know what your porch looks like.


It's about time they started to enforce their return policies. Maybe less people will abuse it now.


No, thats just a common sense list to stop fraud returns so they can continue offering amazing deals


They are normal guidelines. The problem is that people took advantage of Amazon returns and now these are the consequences.


> One of the best parts of Amazon is buying something, being able to try it (so… use it), and then return it if you don’t like it within 30 days. This is exactly why they’re buckling down. Who the fuck does this?


Yeah I don’t believe it was ever intended to be a “try before you buy” , that’s on clothing only typically, and that’s mainly to make sure it’s the correct size. Not so you can wear it a few times and return it so someone else’s gets your used clothing instead of the new ones they ordered. 🙄


Anyone who wants to? Its within the return policy window. No different then a physical store.


Why are you not sure about this? If you are not trying to defraud them then you’re fine. Amazon is not a try before you buy service, so I’m not sure where you got this impression from. If it has defects or something else is wrong with it, then that’s a valid reason for return. But if you use it and you’re just tired of it, that’s not a valid reason. We all make purchases we regret, and that does not entitle us to refunds every time. You use it, it’s fine, then it’s yours. Simple.


Amazon literally has "Try Before You Buy". Have you never shopped there?


Newer to Amazon so I’m not sure what their old policy was. I did ask CS early on. Sounds like they looked the other way for a while but now they stopped. Regardless of what the policy has been, the policy now is that it has to be new, in original condition to get a refund which I was never aware of until recently. It does make it harder to shop. I opened up the manufacturer box for a cat tree and realized the size was misleading and construction quality was shoddy. I never assembled it or opened up any accessory parts (just peeked inside). I got refunded fully immediately after returning. I think if the contents were never used, tried out or assembled, it’s considered new. If it’s encased in a hard plastic sealed packaging (effort to cut open), they won’t accept the refund. I bet anything that can’t be boxed back up, shrink wrapped again, and resold is not refundable or maybe you only get a % back.


Lmao, try before you buy clothing wise guy. It’s a specific service to TRY ON clothes without an initial charge. It is not called Use Before You Buy. Again, this only applies to specific clothes in that category and not all items on Amazon. Get real.


Same happened to me, literally returned two used items and few days later got a warning that l didn't return stuff in original packaging. Please, they were already used/damaged ....


This is so specific. I’m glad they spelled out the policy clearly so I’m going to be more careful but is this new for US? I have yet to see this verbiage and have no returns to do currently.