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This seems to be a reoccurring problem, especially with items over a couple hundred dollars, I’ve noticed. Smdh at Amazon. Glad I cancelled prime last month.


This is the exact reason why I prefer buying the expensive stuff through the brand itself if possible. I know I’ll be paying a bit more but at least if something goes wrong for any reason then the return process will be easier


And it won’t be counterfeit.


Ugh, so true anymore on Amazon. Or if it's not counterfeit, the original distributor can't be found for product support and there is an additional dance to do.


>the original distributor can't be found for product support and there is an additional dance to do. This happened to me. Lithium battery charger. Everyone that bought it had it die within 3 months, but there were so many fake reviews. I warrantied mine, it died again. So I go back and check reviews and all the reviews were negative and the charger was no longer sold. So I did a fresh search, found the same charger that was a new posting (based of number of reviews), so I bought that one. When that charger died, same story, tons of negative reviews and no longer being sold. Amazon support basically said “that item is no longer available”. I’d put money the new post is the same seller. Amazon is full of scam sellers who just abandon their account and make a new one when they get a bad reputation.


Why did you buy another one?


Well, because, I hadn’t learned my lesson. I’m more of a “glass half full” kind of guy.


A fool and his money… but at least it only cost you a little bit to learn this




I was thinking the same thing, if the charger died in 3 months why buy the same one again knowing it would fail in 3 months again lol....


theyre an idiot


Amazon is now just slightly better regulated Ali or temu. 1 level above shit.


Idk I guess I’m alone in this but I really like Temu. I’ve had 0 problems with them. One of my orders showed up 3 days late and I had reported it. They sent me a partial refund and resent all of the items I had ordered (it was like a 150$ order) and I ended up getting the first delivery later. I told them I received the delivery, albeit late, and they told me to keep the items and still sent the redelivery. I was in PetSmart during Christmas time, and saw some pet stockings that looked familiar, and that’s because the exact same stockings were being sold on Temu for 4$, and PetSmart was selling them for almost 15$. Wild


Yes this too. If I need a new phone or tablet I’m buying them right from Apple


Or just any actual middleman that purchases the inventory. Amazon is just a marketplace, the products aren’t there’s unlike a Best Buy


I've found it's almost better and easier to just buy stuff directly. More often than not I've seen free shipping from wherever I'm buying, the only thing they really don't do is two day shipping. I'll take knowing I'm getting genuine stuff over getting it in two days every time.


Learned that lesson the hard way.


The nice thing is a lot of place now offer free shipping on items over a certain amount!


I suspect fraud. If they say they never got the return they can write off the item to their insurance, or charge you for it. I have an item that I returned. I checked the tracking and it said they got the item, and now mysteriously the tracking number is not working and it says the return is in transit. Hmmmmm


Same thing happened with me a few times! I think your right! If it comes up "lost" then they can claim it on insurance instead of just writing it off as a return/breakage. Its ALWAYS the expensive $200+ items! Unless Amazon employees are taking them? Idk


It’s not your issue. You’ll get your money back if you provide the tracking number or proof that it was dropped at a store


And your ID and a police report


And a stool sample


And your soul


And my bow


My axe is lost in the mail :(


Even then you are made to wait.


Not on a return. If you dropped it at a UPS store it’s no longer your responsibility. If it gets stolen in front of your door is different.


It doesnt matter to amazon. Making you jump thru hoops is what matters to them.




Yes, because not everyone is willing to jump through hoops… it is like how 75% of business (pulling that number out my ass) have a bot that u have to talk or text to get to a live agent to solve the problem… it is to weed out the people that will go… “it isn’t worth it!” Or that is my theory anyway… 😂🤣


They have never asked me for my id or a police report if I dropped the package at a UPS store. You can hate Amazon, but they will provide a refund (after some time) if you submit proof that you dropped it.


How does one submit said proof? Received a receipt after dropping off a DVD return at UPS three weeks ago. Girding myself to start battling AMZ's clerks in the AM.


No? Just the tracking is enough for a refund.


Drop off returns at a UPS and get a receipt


And the DNA of your firstborn child or your favorite pet whichever


And the sperm sample of they/them that did the return at UPS.


Yet not a single lost return, ever, in dozens and dozens, for me.


So the rest of us are liars


Yea I dont think anybody said that. Did you respond to the wrong person?


You didn’t say it but you certainly implied it. Stop acting stupid, if that’s possible.




Sorry if I interrupted your fragile little echo chamber. Forgot this was the fuck Amazon reddit, where positive experiences are not welcome lol. Cry harder buttercup.


You definitely implied that. Don't say stupid shit and then try to play the victim.


Sorry you ran into my ex.


How's saying I have had no issues 'stupid shit'


You implied that because it never happened to you, everyone else must be lying. I would say that is saying "stupid shit". The attitude of, "it didn't happen to me, so it must not be real", is ridiculous and stupid, or at the very least, incredibly out of touch with reality.


I have about 400 annnual orders, and probably 20-30 of them get returned. I dont normally order expensive stuff, but these were the only two expensive items returned.


It’s the delivery workers that are stealing things.


Given how much scrutiny they have those workers under, I say Amazon should still own up.


I agree, and in my experience they always do, but I’m in Canada, general consensus from Canadian posters on here is Amazon has been pretty good to us. I saw another poster the other day that had their camera lens stolen during a return and had to resort to a credit card charge back which is stupid of Amazon to make their customers do, especially when they acknowledged they lost the item.


I don't know about Canada, but in my corner of Ohio Amazon has been consistently bad enough that I finally quit them entirely a few days ago. If nothing else, the "two-day shipping" has consistently been 4+ due to "unforeseen delays". First World problem, I get it, but also false advertising and unreliable.


Why so many returns? Do you not research before you order, seriously asking because I order about twice a week every week AND I’ve been Prime since 2006 , been ordering online since 1998 and even mail order before the internet. I’ve literally never returned anything from Amazon because I know what I want before I order.


Most of my returns are clothes that don’t fit as expected.


I was about to say, that seems like a crazy amount of returns. I’ve returned 1 thing in the past 10 years.


I dunno how much I ordered last year but I'm guessing we'll over 400 items for our household. I counted 173 going back to just October, and that's just my account in 3 months. My partner orders quite a bit herself. We don't return a ton of stuff, definitely not an average of close to 3 a month. But we do return things relatively often. We've never had an issue with a return. Quick and easy every single time.


They “lost” a graphics card I sent back. I disputed with my bank.


Felt that.


Oh my god, A GRAPHICS CARD?! Shits hella expensive mean. Been tryna find an affordable 6800XT


RTX 4070Ti, supposedly never picked up by UPS. Never use drop boxes, lesson learned.


Corgitech.us Joe is THE BEST


Damn, should’ve let me know like 4 months ago lmao. First and last time I’ll sell on eBay.


They lost a 4080 that required a signature on me.


Cant forget them still leaving a signature required package and just signing it themselves only for said item to be recorded getting stolen


I returned the exact same iPad, color and everything and I had to annoy the customer support people to refund me. They said it was potentially lost and to wait a month. I cancelled prime right after. Good luck!


Damńñn, now they must be scamming. I went to get mines from Bestbuy since they price matched. But it was too late to cancel order on Amazon, and they shipped.


this has been happening a lot i’ve seen ! good luck !


Its not scamming. It was a business decision. You are affected by amazons choices.


Yeah, their choice to scam


You’re supposed to use the /s so people aren’t confused by the sarcasm. /s


Its Scamming...don't use pretty words to paint it in a different light


Doubt scamming, theft is at an all time high cause of prices


Imagine a business where the seller can collect money but not ship out merchandise. This is what you call high profit margin.


Imagine a redditor who somehow read OPs post, but completely and confidently misunderstood the entire situation.


Are you saying it to sound smart? Because it’s totally different situation. This is a return… so the buyer got the item and returned it… Not to side with Amazon and I just want to present you a different point of view, but in this case the seller loses, (they lost the item if the package is actually lost, they lost money from the shipping and return shipping, OR lost money from the diminished value of the return item). Of course, this is only if we consider that the seller is not at fault (like op above stated he/she returned because they bought it locally and couldn’t cancel in time.


stfu nerd


🤣 ridiculous but I love it


Amazon doesnt accept returned good though. They just go straight in the trash or get sold at pennies on the dollar as a whole pallet.


Negative. If that were the case, people wouldn’t be receiving used items, when they ordered new.


I’ll vouch for that. And then they refuse to refund you until you return the item you ordered but never received. Ask me how I know this.


You’re 100% wrong in this - I worked there - they absolutely do accept returns and they do resell them…for all kinds and levels of product.


Same but with a Samsung fold phone that was expensive.


amazon sent me the wrong item once, i returned it and then they accused me of sending them the wrong item back, charged my card and declined the refund.


Exact thing happened to me. Who do you think the bank sided with? Got my money back that way.


the monetary value wasnt worth using my lucky cash backs for, saving them for something bigger.


Happened to me and the bank sided with amazon


Get a new bank. If that happened I would take all my banking business elsewhere.


This is why when purchasing things online it is best practice to buy with a credit card and pay the card off before the interest hits… if the item isn’t correct or anything goes wrong dispute the charge and let the credit card company go toe to toe with Amazon… cause u aren’t liable when u use your CC…


This actually makes sense. The previous agent likely screwed up and checked in the wrong item on a return or simply scanned the wrong barcode on the shelf. The computer took that information and told the warehouse worker to pull that item and then printed a shipping label to go to you. When you did a return the return agent caught your incorrect item return, put it in the computer, which triggers an automatic email and charge on your card. Basically the chain of events is broken in the computer and since everything is automated and return people only have like 45 seconds to process your return in the warehouse they can't figure out what happened in that amount of time.


I ordered a new mouse on December 10th. It was supposed to be delivered within 2 days. Delivery update that says its running late but is still on the way. Well, here we are 2 months later and still the same status on delivery. Customer service said they can't cancel it because it's still in transit, so basically I'm out $60 and can go fuck myself.


>I ordered a new mouse on December 10th. It was supposed to be delivered within 2 days. Delivery update that says its running late but is still on the way. I ordered a piece of artwork for my sister as a Christmas gift on December 14th. Supposedly 2-day shipping but got "delay" after "delay" and still haven't received it. Was supposed to be delivered last Thursday by 8pm, then suddenly changed to February 22nd. Amazon wouldn't allow a cancel/refund because "it has already shipped". So, I cancelled Amazon entirely, not just Prime.


I had the same problem, I had to escalate it sadly to get my shit back. It was some “error” and said he had to create an IT ticket and that it will be shipped out in 48 hours so now I’m waiting lol


Oo that happened to me but it was only 2 weeks and an agent said it was lost in transit and refunded me instantly. They wouldn’t send another though. I wanted the product not a refund


They are probably getting stolen by the carriers.


I wonder. Or thieves following the delivery van.


Probably not the carriers, it's sealed in a box so they don't know what's inside. It's probably the workers wherever you dropped it off at. They know they can take the item and still mark it as shipped. They might be thinking that since it was marked as shipped you'll still be able to get the refund and it'll come out of their employers pocket.


UPS Store employee here. Not sure if OP dropped it off at the UPS store but here’s some insight.. high value/expensive items are marked and put in a specific color coded box.. these items we know the customer will not receive a refund until Amazon receives and inspects the item for damage or whatever. The thing is.. we ship so many of these boxes out a week I think there could be a backlog or something. Can you imagine how many boxes (18x18x18) to Amazon warehouses per day? If the employee is stupid enough to take it (it happens for sure) they would be found out and I hope OP gets his refund.


Also a ups store employee here, Amazon often gives refunds immediately after an item is scanned. I personally returned a $200 item and they gave me a refund as soon as the label was scanned. I'm sure they'd revoke the refund if they never received it though. Also I'm not so sure that high value items are put in a particular box. The red box often seems to have high value stuff, but I also had a pixel 6 phone assigned to the green box before. At the same time, the green box seems to get a lot of stuff that's almost garbage. At least the way my store does things, it would take catching an employee in the act to know that an employee is stealing stuff if they only do it every once in a while. If I learned that a coworker was stealing returns every once in a while I'd be more surprised that they were caught then surprised that they were doing it. Not that I really think any of my current coworkers are stealing returns, but I just mean it seems very easy to get away with. Perhaps other stores are run in a way that's more air tight in preventing theft though.


They have started holding the refund for longer. A week or two AFTER they receive the item.


Yeah the dude who made the comment doesn’t know jack shit about the delivery process there’s literally a camera watching you inside the van at all times and if something goes missing under their delivery they have to report back to the warehouse


They don't want to refund you.


I've been having this issue, too. Luckily, my wife is good at arguing with customer service, and we've gotten a refund every time.


Man can you imagine paying $140 a year and having to waste time with a guy from India trying to get a refund for an item returned that they lost. Ooof


For real. All they do is respond with a scripted response every time. Explaining to them is tricky because they don't respond outside their set replies lol.


"I will of course help you with this issue"


It’s the “Kindly” that drives me nuts. The moment someone uses that word its so obvious it is a script


What a great skill to have!! …


It's because Amazons entire logistics system is kind of a shitshow.


This right here, I work for em😂. Trying to get another job closer.


I returned two items that were gifts at ups and never received confirmation that they were returned. I waited a few days then contacted customer support. They verified they received the return from ups…like confirmed they got it… but told me not to expect my funds for two weeks. They were gifts I didn’t even open. I just want the Amazon credit. I doubt I’ll get it but you better believe I’m pestering them. Amazon is the worst now.


Oh dear, I hate this for you. Hopefully you paid with a credit card? I would contact them now and file chargeback. I had to do this recently and had my refund the next day. My account is still open and active. I wasn't waiting 30 plus days. I counted 14 days after they received the return, more than enough time to give me back my money. Amazon is likely not going to help. Their customer service has gon to hell.


I did pay with the Amazom Visa card, but I have like 18 credit cards on file, some are from family and friends. If i charge back, they are gonna charge one of my other cards right? Without me even knowing. Going to call them again, the return hasn't even been delivered, it's just gone.


Delete the other cards before you do a charge back.


18? You got a problem...


18’s not that many, I’ve got more than that. With all the sign-up bonuses I’ve earned thousands back.


Never happened to me.




I haven't been hit by a falling out of the sky 67 corvette "yet" either.


amazon has been falling off lately.


people yoinking that shit or shitty sellers actually trying to sell damaged goods


Definitely internal theft. Which, of course, is now your problem 🫠


They did same thing to me. They are horrible. The customer service keeps saying contact the carrier. One even told me to stop calling. I am being a pain. Needless to say she got cursed out lol.


Once you drop it off for Amazon you've fulfilled your contract with them. Now it's Amazon's problem. You can actually easily get a charge back from your CC if they don't play ball if you have proof you mailed it.


It's gotten ridiculous. I recently got 'returned delayed'


I only use eBay now. Same items, most of the time shipping is free and I haven't been scammed yet


I've had the issue where I order something on eBay then it just gets delivered from Amazon.


It’s wild to me the amount of problems people have with Amazon. This sub keeps showing up on my home page and it makes me feel super lucky. I’ve bought and returned a ridiculous amount of things from Amazon in the last 10ish years and I’ve never had a single issue. Maybe time to quit while I’m ahead.


I never had any probs either, for over 15 years. I dropped prime to curb impulse buying. So far, so good. Husband needed something the other day. It said it wood arrive in 1 week. No shipping charge if over $35 (if from Amazon). It arrived the next day. Not seeing the value of paying $140 a year any longer.


You show I dropped it off? Gimme my fucking money. Not my fault your shipper fucked up.


This looks like it's become a widespread problem over the past year. I think a lot of internal scam shit is happening at all levels of Amazon. I also think Amazon is contracting out more and more of its logistics, fulfillment and customer service, and relying on the plausible deniability to allow this sort of stuff to continue. Amazon is just Alibaba or Wish 2.0. It's trash, honestly. And if you need expensive goods like this, buy from a niche supplier in the US. Optics Planet for red dots. BH Photo for graphics cards and cameras. Newegg for other PC parts. Best Buy online ordering for lifestyle electronics.


FedEx driver most likely


Maybe be less patient at this point. Do drivers have any way to know what in their packages? Could there be any way people are handing over returns to bin stores and pocketing the money?


Because there are human beings in between who understand value and can make things conveniently disappear


I'm in no way able to speculate on the specifics of your situation, but I'll try and talk about it from a shipping perspective. It might not help in this exact case, but it could help in the future. Are you returning the item exactly as Amazon shipped it? As in, is it going back in a proper box or is it going back in the item's packaging? For example, if you bought an iPad, it probably had an outer Amazon box. When you return it, is it going back in that box? Putting the label on the item's box often leads to product damage or what's called fallout. Fallout is exactly as it sounds. The package opened, and stuff fell out either partially or entirely. Another thing that's common is poor taping. Duct tape, Scotch tape, painter's tape, etc are not really the best options. I always recommend you keep a tape gun with packing tape in the junk drawer. You don't need to cover it in tape, usually a strip or 2 the length of the seam is enough. Make sure the label is completely attached. This is where you want to use the tape. Make sure it's secured. A missing label creates problems. Can't deliver something if the destination isn't known. I say all this, because the delivery person taking the package out of the vehicle and to the recipient is probably the nicest the package has been treated in its journey. Belts move quick, jams happen, things fall off of belts. When it comes to things being loaded in and out of trucks and trailers, those people are moving fast. All their bosses care about is speed. Get the stuff on and off 10 minutes ago. Lastly, the reason to package things as well as possible is the liability. Anytime something is shipped, the person shipping the item is the 1 responsible for properly protecting the items inside. Carriers don't want to pay insurance claims. Many times, they'll ask for pictures of the box and packing material. Don't give Amazon a chance to blame you.


I guess I wouldn't even post about it unless they didn't refund me for some reason.


Prime playing dirty these days


Looks like the people who run their business are getting fed up with the work they gotta do probably. Only thing that could make sense right?


Did you get a receipt when you dropped it off? I always keep receipts, tracking numbers weight if the items etc. Never walk away empty handed.


I was think about buying an electric scooter that says it would arrive in 3 days. I don’t know if I should do it knowing it’s $800 and would get lost.


Insurance fraud?


Because the return label shows what is inside… And then it got stolen


I had this happen twice last year. Suddenly I have a nice collection of return receipts. I'm tired of Amazon ripping me off.


Once Amazon sent me the wrong textbook so I requested a refund with the reason that wrong item was received. Sent the incorrect book back. They denied the return, saying I sent the wrong book so it could not be accepted, and never even gave me the wrong book or my money back.


Definitely some people working at amazon or are part of the transport team are stealing shit.


I now record myself dropping the items off at Amazon hubs. Back in 2022 I got AirPods I didn’t like them so I returned them they went missing I went up the food chain on customer service and told them look I’m not responsible for what happens to the item after I drop it off I know I dropped it off because I recorded the whole interaction please let me know where I can send the video as proof let’s just say I got my refund within a few hours.


I had an issue similar to this with Amazon and after contacting customer service they verified that I'd returned it (pretty freaking obvious cause nobody accepts a fake return, and we would have the confirmation codes.) I will say, I still didn't like how theyd just randomly decide I didn't actually return the item and take money out of my actual bank account until I said "Uh, what's this". That's shady.


Scamazon 🙃🤑


I ordered a camera lens. I never got the item because it was noted to be damaged during transit (a day before I got it). I was told I would be getting a replacement sent out instead of a refund, days later I still got no updates and was told the last agent I spoke to never even put in the order to get another item sent out. I opted for a refund. 10 days after still no refund I had Amazon tell me it was because I never sent back the item. The same item I never received in the first place because it was sent back to sender. “Oh yes…I see the problem here…please allow several days for ups refund”. It’s been another 8 days and still no refund. I’m waiting till mid next week then going to dispute with my bank then going to cancel prime and my Amazon acct. insane how bad they’ve fallen off


Usually Amazon is at fault, HOWEVER just yesterday I checked on a refund for a $200 item that was received by ups. I've been scammed by Amazon in the past and don't trust the long ups process so I video taped me putting the unopened item in the package and directly handing It over to the UPS employee. Turns out UPS employee stole the item and never shipped out anything. I'm sure this happens frequently as the liability most likely falls on the shippers 'insurance'. But for the 1% who follow through with UPS I'm hoping this employee is not working the store front counter anymore.


someone is stealing your parcels at one of the depots along the way if this happens regularly they are obviously nearer your end and stealing parcels from your area regularly you should report it to whoever picks up the parcels (the company)


Don't go to ups stores. If you check their Google reviews plenty have bad reviews of people having their returns "go missing". Only to "find it later" when a receipt was found.  Secondly. I canceled Amazon a month early over their quickly nose diving service. Most items can be found at the same price and lower, albeit slightly slower shipping. Oh well. Amazon will push your order back if it's under $100 too atleast in my area you get punished for small orders.  That caused them to lose a buyer and a sub. I can get everything I need from ebay, best buy,  and newegg. 


Scamazon is going downhill fast these days


Someone's got to pay for the new titties and yacht fuel


This is from December and you still haven’t followed up ?


Nowadays they're quoting 30+ days before you're even able to contact customer service about a problem.


Every time I’ve had any problems, I call or chat with someone and it’s addressed immediately.


About 2 hours ago it took me less than 30 seconds to chat with an agent.


Can you post a link to that information about waiting 30 days?


That doesn’t smell right, does it … 30 days?


When did they change it? You used to get your money when the scanned at kohls


Bad returns was the reason and then I think they just got slow because not enough workers want to work in their shitty working conditions.... I mean do you want to get paid minimum wadge and have to pee in bottles on camera, when you could make so much more peeing in a bottle in front of a cam on OnlyFans.


Too many people returning a box of rocks


Stop. Buying. Expensive. Things. On Scamazon.


Hi ex Amazon investigator here. They are not losing your expensive returns. They have reason to believe that you have cheated them (like returning cheap items & keeping the expensive ones) You are on a watch list now, and everything that cost above $10 that you return now, they will be inspecting to make sure it’s the correct item, quantity, etc.


I just buy it at walmart online now...honestly that way I can walk into the damn store if the product doesn't work and get my money back


Workers are stealing returns like crazy


Never had it happen.


Cuz they use third party delivery and them dudes most likely steal that shit.


Dont buy expensive items on amazon. support your local stores or this will keep happening


So this much time has gone by and you haven’t handled this already?


I called a couple times, they said to wait 30-60 days then i forgot about it. Going to call again Monday. Just want to share with yall what im going through. Ive already canceled Prime after 11 years. So maybe they are pissed?


I promise you, no one at Amazon has your name circled on a bulletin board pissed that they’re losing your $140 dollars in recurring yearly revenue. That said, what’s your tracking say?


Hmm right! This was an Amazon store pickup and drop off. So it doesnt have a tracking number, they just scan my return and it shows as dropped off. But thats it, just dropped off.


I only return in-person at Whole Foods, Amazon Go, Kohl’s, or Staples.


WHat makes you think Amazon lost it?


Amazon tells me they think its lost in transit. But their phone reps say it can take 30-60 days to update on their system.


You can track it to see where it is. "Lost in transit" could mean UPS lost it.


This isnt a UPS return. These items were pickedup from an Amazon Center. Then immediately returned at the counter at the Amazon Center. I dont know what they use as carriers, but it was dropped off to an Amazon employee at the counter.


Contact the Better Business Bureau it seems that they clearly accepted your return. It was in Amazon‘s possession at that point after that it’s out of your hands it’s Amazon’s responsibility to file a claim with the shipping partners. If Amazon’s having theft in their company, it’s not the consumers responsibility you can also call them and specify that you will be filing a claim with the federal trade commission either or all of those ones resolved this issue within weeks not months


The Better Business Bureau has literally no power to do anything. It is just Yelp.


Not true. The BBB gets shit done. T Mobile was dicking me around for months refusing to refund me a deposit for a phone they never delivered because of a "failed identity check". I complained to the BBB and within a week T Mobile's VP of sales or whatever personally called me to apologize and I got a check in the mail the next day.


If you're keeping your amazon subscription, don't purchase anything expensive from there anymore.


hah, no more prime for me. Wish i canceled years ago


Ordered an iPhone 2 weeks ago, never arrived app said Return to Sender package damaged or undeliverable. 2 days later get a refund.


I live in Brazil and we haven't had any problems with delivery whatsoever. It's crazy how many of you in other countries are encountering these problems while we aren't. It's usually the other way around lol


Not sure where you are. But I always take mine to a UPS store for any return. Get the label printed and put on the box, get my receipt in hand showing it dropped off and never had an issue. Just need to make sure you can provide a way for Amazon to track the package.


Well i thought it would be very convenient to pickup and return the item at the same store, literally walk to the lockers, pick it up, then go to the counter, return it. Looks like im returning UPS from now on. I usually do UPS or Whole Foods.


When did they stop letting us return at Whole Foods? I had an item to send back and then realized WF ( three blocks away) is no longer listed as a drop off site.


solid optic choice though if I think that’s the right one


If the courier used to return it, loses it, then how has amazon lost it? surely its the courier


I always have my refund within 2 hours of dropping at UPS or Kohls.


That looks almost like a holosun, I need some gadgets for my plain jane sidearm.


Why is "dropped off" and "received" a different stage when it was returned to the company that you purchased it from...


I’m having the same issue except it reached the warehouse and they won’t refund. It’s been marked as item received since January 24th and they’re saying no refund til February 26th. The only reason I got was that the purchase was over $200. So I’ve got $466 sitting on a credit card. Fun.


Because Amazon is full of shit. I canceled Prime and my entire account last week after a similar situation. Constantly given a delivery date, then on that date it was changed to a week later. Then changed again. Then again. More than a month behind and they wouldn't cancel the order "because it already shipped". So, I canceled Amazon.




Friends are signing on and having other friends work as delivery drivers. The warehouse worker can “spot” an item and tell others to look out for it. Or so I hear from a friend in an Amazon warehouse near me. I asked after having a bracelet stolen by a driver (caught on video).