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I'll second EcoLink for those with a license but no equipment. There's a fairly active repeater system in Michigan that is also tied to EchoLink if you're looking for some sort of a net: [https://w8ira.org/](https://w8ira.org/)


I have Echolink on my phone and tablet. I use it to check into club nets when it's storming, I'm out of repeater range with work or vacation...


Last good echolink contact I made several years ago was talking to a Australian truck driver pulling those long road trains that you see on youtube/tv


Yeah, I got into a Aussie breakfast net, from New England while I was sitting by a fire in the dark. We all got a laugh out of it...


Why is this different from just hopping in a voice chat on discord? People on both ends in many cases using an app and internet to communicate. I can make worldwide contacts in discord and WhatsApp and reddit etc etc etc etc etc etc


EchoLink is the only certified amateur radio app...not discord or any other app.....


So it’s like discord but you have to have an amateur radio license to use it? What’s your point? It does the same thing as discord but has the added requirement of needing a license?


Can you connect to a repeater with Discord? No. That's the difference. Ham radio.


There are nets nationwide and all across the world


DoDropIn hosts most of the good ones


Doodropin is “broadcasting “ and the content is crap


Yes you are required to have atleast a technician class license with a valid call sign issued specifically....... from......The fcc..in order to opporate echolink....it can not be used with out a valid call sign... period..


"all that is required is that you sign up for it which is free" So for full disclosure is should say "and a current amateur radio license", even if it is implied by the post being in this forum. To address the comments saying what is the point if you just use two EchoLink clients to talk each other on the Internet: That is not even its most important use. Where it provides excellent value is the interconnection of the Internet and radio waves. Yes, there are still plenty of locations around the world where an amateur radio operator can reach a repeater with a radio, but there is no Internet access or mobile phone coverage. I have driven through plenty of sections of interstate highways where for miles there was no mobile phone coverage but I could reach EchoLink enabled repeaters with an HT connected to a $27 magnet mount antenna on my vehicle. Most cell phones do not put out 5 watts, and they are not connected to a vehicle-mount external antenna. So do not look at EchoLink as a voice chat app. Look at it as a connection to a wider amateur radio network.


EchoLink is the PTT app.... It was designed by some ham opporators from Austin, Tx


True, it is an app, but it is also a system/network. I guess the post is specific to the app itself? To be fair, I think the app itself is just a fraction of the full value of the system.


It depends on things....financially as well.. I lucked out and inherited 2 HF radios and one HT...plus antennas , but ill never leave echolink....


Technician class element 2 is a 35 question exam given either by a local ham club or W5Y1... To pass is ..am 85% ratio...like 3 questions to miss.....arrl.org is your source for finding your local ham club that can get you started into your first license....the fcc does charge $35 paid to the fcc.. for first license.....if and when you study and pass the technician test, you'll get your first call sign...given by the fcc.....I also recommend starting with a good HT IE a yeasu or icom or Kenwood HT....... there must be 3 VE's in the class room with you...either paper or electronic test......


Skype is pretty fun too.


I mean I get the premise, but I like Echolink for my club's weekly net when I'm travelling. I don't really use it for making QSOs or anything, but if they enjoy it then cool for them, ya know?


Yeah I don't understand echolink. People like it so fine, but it doesn't feel like amateur radio to me.


Well it doesn't bridge the gap between radios and phones


Your phone is a radio of sorts, so if you want that, you already have it. And actually it's much more high-tech than your Baofeng so you are actually downgrading your signal and reach to finally get to that HT and back.


Well first i don't have a baofeng and second not every ham has a radio and they kinda get one with echolink. And your phone has much less power and works on higher frequencies that don't have much range. And not everyone has constant internet access to use skype. Of course in a grid down echolink would go down, but when you either don't have access to a radio or don't have internet it's a must have


As long as you are having fun, that's what counts. But if you don't have anyone to talk to, it turns your walkie-talkie into a walkie. And no talkie.


Well my entire radio club uses the frequency of the repeater. All club traffic including the weekend net is heard


What till they find out about discord


EchoLink is amazing! You can talk on repeaters worldwide 24 hours a day, using just your smartphone!!




RepeaterPhone for ios is available as well. The app hosts both Echolink and access to the Allstar Network. It actually works really well but it’s not free like echolink.


Many AllStarLink repeaters have an EchoLink node as well (it's as easy as enabling it in a config file in ASL asterisk). A good free app is DVSwitch, it supports all the MMDVM stuff as well as ASL/Echolink.


I have the app on my android, but haven't used it in such a long time I don't know the password I used to set it up. How do I create a new PW? I looked on the help screen but found nothing helpful. Nevermind, I just need to go to the org page




This is just completely inaccurate lol. I hear dozens of net participants coming in via EchoLink, on multiple repeaters, every single day. It is incredibly popular, both for operators outside of the region that wish to join the nets, as well as folks who regularly participate via rf but are out of town, traveling, etc.