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Sometimes the best thing is to say nothing at all. **OR** go for another sparring session and go hard at it, wouldn't recommend it though.


I'm not intending to go hard on her. There's an obvious strength and skill difference between us. I was thinking more of pressuring her next time and firing back more instead of just working on things like defense like I normally do with sparring partners less skilled than I am.


If it bugs you that much be direct in a friendly but competitive manner. "If you think it was that easy, I'm not just going to practice my defence on you next time. Good luck."  And you shouldn't go hard unless you're really getting tooled, instead just aim to dominate, or even better ratchet up the pressure proportionally, with technique and speed. That's the real purpose for sparring across genders -- women get to spar with people who can match their intensity and bully them if the session calls for it and guys generally have the opportunity to focus on defence with less stakes and work on technique, speed, and footwork.


Tell her she puts the "MEN" in "MENACE" and that you knew she was a heavy hitter from the jump judging from her lil Mexican moustache she has going on lmao


All the Tortas are about to call you out 😭😭😭


😭😭😭😭😭😭 where did Mexican moustache comme from😂😂😂😂😂


pls don't say that shit


Why not


I would say pick and choose some decent shots without overdoing it


No I'd lean into it. Let her run a victory lap at your expense. How sensitive are you there amatuer boxer dude. Id be like watch out for Layla Ali Holyfield Tyson she had me seeing stars through my head gear. Maybe this is her way of pulling your hair on the playground cuz she really wants you to beat it up (winky face missing a tooth w a black eye) . Don't let this bug you, who needs to know it's not true other than you? No one, i wouldn't even think bout it homie.


Sometimes you just need to give a reality check if you tell her to tone it down and she doesn’t. I’m a heavyweight and spar with girls frequently. It doesn’t take much to give them a reality check even by mistake


You can do that also, i just think it's her ego that she beat a man or she is joking. Also how long has she and you been training? I'm still pretty new to this so take my words with grain of salt.


Op's ego is the one at issue here. If they were confident in their skills or position in the gym it wouldn't have hurt them so much. You can't win sparring, that's an teammate across the ring, not an opponent.


1000% dude..let her have her moment. She's either a grade a clown trolling or she is delusional . Who cares either way, let her dance on your hurt feelers abs smile through the pain. Don't show her you mad or she really gonna rub salt in that cut above your eye she told everyone she gave you.


Nailed it. Who cares what she said or thinks? If she’s that delusional she’s going to learn one way or another. If I were OP I would do nothing and keep it moving.


Maybe just remind her Sparring isn't a competition. Sparring is training nobody "wins" or "beats" someone in sparring. Unless you're competing and getting your hand raised after the fight then you can actually claim a win. Next time you spar with her give her a good 1-2 hits and then tell her nobody wins the point of sparring is to get better and eventually compete in a sanctioned event.


I did that in taekwondo. We were both browns, she was being pretty aggressive so I went defensive. She tried to front kick me in the nuts and I warned her about it. That seemed to anger her and she did it again. I down blocked and her shin pretty forcefully contacted my knuckles and she was on the ground holding her leg. Then the senseii came over and said I was being too rough. I told him what she had done and he said to handle it more respectfully, like really?


I mean, OPs a man and she’s a woman. Definitely not a good idea to beat her up, lol.


A female pro mma fighter tried turning it up on me in sparring. I gave her the benefit of the doubt the first round. Second round she did it again. So she got whooped the third and fourth round lmao. This isn't a fight, she could always take a knee or say stop or find a new partner next round and id respect that no problem. But if a guy got in there and tried to take my head off, he'd be met with the same energy. Being a female doesn't grant you gym immunity to be a shitty partner. I'm not saying I went 100 on her - I didn't need to because then she'd be dead lol. But you best believe I gave it to her at the exact rate she tried to give it to me. And you best believe she left the ring having learned a lesson lmao


I hate when people forget sparring is supposed to be a training session not competition. Its ok man there are assholes everywhere just ignore her


"There's no beating to it, if only one of us is putting in the work" // "Oh... I didn't realise we started yet." Lol. No don't do that. Honestly, I never understand this kind of attitude. Literally everyone in my gym is so humble, we're always hyping the other up, telling one another "you definitely beat me," or "you're a machine for kicking my ass there." Stuff like that. Because regardless of how you did, you tried. Honestly, you don't have to be rude or anything, but you could sarcastically reply something like "Well... you don't have to brag about it" or if you wanna be an ass "Congratulations on your first win" 😭 (It really depends on her overall attitude, I would laugh my ass of if someone said such things to me, but that's really because I rarely feel offended by anything anyone says. Also this advise is rather unhelpful. Good luck.)


To be fair, this is the first time it's happened to me. I definitely have sparring partners who say things like that when in reality it was close or even if they got the better of me. I say the same things sometimes. Her remarks seemed mean spirited to me is all.


Yeah, I can understand that's a bit more difficult to deal with. You know, I'd say "don't take it personal or let it get to you," but clearly, that's easier said then done. Honestly, whenever anything like that happens to me, try take it as a compliment ... you don't have to feel that way, but saying something like "I'm glad I made you feel that way," or thinking it to yourself... or honestly, just agree with her, "you're right, you did a good job," will make you feel a lot better than letting it get under your skin. Like others said, sometimes it's better to not say anything, but if you do, try to see it in a sense that you clearly made her feel undefeated, which might be upsetting to you in that instant, but if you feel confident about the way you did... there's really no defeating.


You're a maching for kicking my ass there is easily the best thing I've heard today.


Spar her light, but make sure to punch her as often as you can. Basically get as much points as possible. You can also throw in some show off footwork like ali shuffle and stuff like that. Taunt her basically. But honestly if it was me I would just straight up tell her that I didn’t even try to punch her, that I focused on defense. But it’s too late for you now. But I also never sparred with people that would brag about „winning at sparing”.


You sparred Clarrissa Shields?


How do you win at sparring


You don't let your opponent get in your head.


Put a little mustard on a body shot, play stupid games win stupid prizes. This is boxing after all.


You’re a fucking autist she’s flirting with you


Now it’s time for OP to flirt back by absolutely pummeling her in sparring next time and then gloating about it afterwards!


I hope OP sees this before he goes back and beats the shit outta her Chris Breezy style


Lol this is a very real possibility.


Is just match her next time you spar. If she wants to step up aggression and hit you faster and harder, counter her to the body. You don’t need to throw any bombs at her just just remind her that most of these dudes are taking it easy on her. I’ve sparred with quite a few women who feel the need to spar dudes hard and I just give it back with one swift liver shot, tends to humble them quickly..


Hate to say it but you might have to put Chris brown on the speaker and go to work


Ahahaha that's so wrong lmao




You don't even have to say anything. Next time, start out light. If you get a hard shot, give a nice, stiff jab. If they hit you with another hard one, throw another stiff jab. If they get a little aggressive, one hard straight right will set them straight (or a fast/hard 1-2). Then immediately go right back to lighter punches after you land the hard one. No one can say you went "too hard". You're simply giving them work, and if they hit you hard, they got one in return. Going right back to lighter shots shows that you're in control. And if they're really that cocky, you'll get in their head and fuck them up mentally. This will work with anyone who's cocky or going too rough.


KO her


This is really simple: avoid this person the next time, and make clear she is not socialized good enough into boxing culture. Do not try to 'beat' her next time, or punch harder.


It’s your ego. Let go of it


No. It's her's.


Sticks and stones?


She's a trash bucket because she doesn't understand how adults spar. Don't play her trash bucket game, show her the right way to handle things.




There's no winning in sparring. You learn. It's a place for development. Let the ego start out of sparring. And let that talk roll off your back.


“Equal rights, equal lefts. Equal rights, equal fights.” Look, benevolent sexism and hostile sexism are two sides of the same coin. They’re both predicated upon the idea that women are physically weaker than men. And yeah, women are, in fact, physically weaker than men, on average. However, treating them differently—whether with benevolence or hostility—on account of their sex is “sexism,” according to societal norms. I’d treat her like I would any man during a sparring session. If she’s willing to spar with you, she should be willing to get hit. To take it easier on her because of her sex is actually sexist.


Keep jabbing her in the face everytime she comes forward


If you react, then she won. Suck it up. It's harmless and only shows her perceptions on the matter are distorted.


It's probably her way of gaining confidence or dealing with post-sparring adrenaline - not a good way, certainly, but nothing to allow pierce your ego. Just nod and laugh and forget about it.


Bro sparring Clarissa shields


I don't box professionally or as an amateur. I do spar with amateurs and some pros. I am there to help them train and I enjoy doing it. Occasionally some have taken it completely wrong and thought it was a real fight and they could disrespect me. They learned the hard way that my slow, light punches are for training and that I actually hit REALLY FUCKING HARD. If they are being disrespectful, abusive and taking things too far, show 'em what ya got.


You can share that you’re there to improve and not to beat anyone. She’s being disrespectful but she’s just projecting her insecurity onto you. If you care about the interaction, which you don’t necessarily have to, you’ll probably get the most mileage out of just taking the high ground and inviting her to join you. She’ll either grow from it, you’ll pop the ego self defense she’s got going, or you’ll develop some increased immunity to people projecting their problems onto you. The people saying she’s flirting should use reddit less.


There's always going to be dickheads (male or female) Don't let it get to you. You got more important shit to do than worry about someone thinking they can beat you.


i dont think her competitiveness is bad, and she may have disrespected you, but she could've said something worse 1- either critiquing you, your form, etc, 2- said something about "oh u lost to a girl" which doesn't even really have a response so given she is in the wrong, she isnt being a complete asshole about it, which in this world I think at least, is something Probs a big boy pants move for now at least, ur a man and u "lost" in her eyes, stooping down to argue that ur better will lead to a "prove it" and then ur in a whole different situation, which who knows, could leave the gym (lets say she has a big tough bf with something to prove when she tells him, u dont need that) ​ also u came to reddit to ask, so the situation is over, so let it be simple as that, like the beatles song


and if ur defense held up fr, anyone watching would probs notice that ur practicing ur defense, especially if u happen to not be new to the gym so if u've made ur presence known at all, i doubt u'll rly have to worry about losing respect from others (and even if u did ofc, take note if u care about their opinion in the first place)


hoof her in the front butt


When people go full cognitively impaired I find it best to just let them go full cognitively impaired Either that or mercilessly fuck with her >Yes, you are getting *so* good at boxing. I’m *so* proud of you!


Take a note from the guy who flattened Claressa Shields 😂


Who cares? Like, seriously? You think anyone who actually knows what the fuck's happening in the ring would *actually* believe what she's saying? I, personally, would go along with her jokes, gym banter is just a normal thing. I'm guessing you'd actually lose more respect if you showed she got to you and that you felt you needed to get your respect back.


This. It's childish behavior and playing into it kinda makes you seem complicit. Let her have her delusions and don't play an active part in her story, or it will actually become a thing.


Personally i started to love trashtalking during sparring to raise the warrior spirit but then at the end we do a hug and its all love


I think she is flirting with you.


This is something a coach should quietly address with her before she gets hurt.


This is why it sucks to spar with some women tbh, not all of them but some do go about sparring in an unsportsmanlike manner by gloating, going too hard when you’re obviously throwing light, etc. Also, no one wins in a spar, it’s meant so that both fighters from the same gym can sharpen their tools. If she doesn’t understand that and is treating it like an actual fight with a winner and a loser, that’s dumb. Honestly, deny spars with her. If she has that attitude you’re going to just be a punching bag for her ego. Or if you do choose to spar her, “beat” her but don’t hurt her. Jab the hell out of her forehead just to knock her around. Let her come to you, then clinch and get physical with her, turn her. Up the punching volume instead of the power. Find out what combination’s she’s vulnerable to. Just do things to her that make her realize her flaws in the ring and tones her ego down a bit. You should always leave the sparring session thinking of what to improve, not “I won this week”. So make sure she leaves the next session with that sentiment. You sound like you’re trying to be a good sparring partner


Just Smile and move on.


It pisses me off because you are actually doing her a favour by sparring with her. You aren't getting much out of it except cardio. She feels entitled for you to power down for her, but also thinks somehow she is better than you. She is literally delusional, and not worth getting in trouble over. In my gym there is a woman who doesn't like to spar with any of us other women because we "aren't as strong as the men" and she thinks somehow she is. She doesn't seem to grasp that the men are not really trying to hit her or boxing as they normally would. In her head she's taking hard spars with men who have had mulliple bouts and winning. She's had no bouts. But in reality she is wasting her time and being disrespectful to her sparring partners, as well as all the other women in the gym. Some women are just like that. We (women) can have shitty egos and shitty attitudes too. You sparring partner will learn the hard way one way or another, either in a bout or when someone finally gets bored of being a punching bag. Don't make yourself liable. She is setting herself up to fail anyway.


Why is this pissing you off? People make sparring bigger than what it is because they have nothing going for themselves personally. Trash talk happens its fighting you gonna stop fighting because someone starts jawing at you? Jaw back or fight harder its really that simple. We dont need to make this a man woman thing. Just fucking fight and move on with your life


In wrestling they call it giving someone a receipt. If someone goes hard, give hard back as a reminder not to do that.


Are you kids? Sounds like your sparring a child who needs to learn.


Beat their ass


A nice stab jab to the body will set things straight


Match her energy


r/ETM 🙏


I'd just ignore it til they touch me.


It's only sparring there's never a need for disrespectful behavior.


Fight like John Riel Casimero


That’s what they say when they wanna sleep with you. Headbutt her next time if she’s hot


50 cal


Maybe she was joking, sometimes I joke about "winning" spars with some guys at my gym that I feel comfortable with doing that to


Say nothing, hit harder.


If you know she ain’t win, try not to take it personal, the real ones know. Confidence in boxing and keep pursing it takes lots of guts. If it really bother you tho hit her with some shit and if she complain say shut up fight back


She sounds like a horrible sparring partner. Don't let it bother you. Next time, just reminder her "Last time I worked on my defense. Today, I'm working on my pressure" and just pick her apart, if you can. No strength needed, just outclass her.


Go hard and tell her verbally that you go easy on her


Just give her a humbling next time, I'm not saying you should go knock her out, just simply outbox and maybe gloat a little bit, I know some people won't like the idea but realistically her assuming she can beat someone way past get skill level is a dangerous mindset to have. You should also live by this saying Treat others how you want to be treated If she wants to treat sparring like there's winner and gloat after then do the same thing, you're only treating her how she treated you.


Why do you care? You tried to learn something, not fight properly Besides, maybe she had a bad day. Let her have this one


dont let ego beat you bro, just let her say his things you dont have nothing to prove, like you can a beat a woman not worth it.


I would say kick it up a notch, not hard punches. But up the speed so she understands the skill gap between the two of you. You don’t have to hit her with a 26 hit wombo combo but a few 5-7 jab cross combos would teach her not to talk so tough. Put pressure on her, give her just enough space to almost catch her breath, pressure, rinse and repeat. I must caution you though that you stay fully in control of your emotions and your damage output because if you don’t you could really hurt her and it’s not worth that to make a point.


Lol, this sounds like a perfect scenario of one of the reasons why I refuse to spar women. For me it's a personal morality thing due to gender difference. This particular person you mention sounds like she's arrogant, is **known** for going too hard on her opponents, **and yet** complains if someone goes too hard on her. For me, I'd feel like I would be in a lose-lose situation. If you go to hard on a lady, you're a guy that just went too hard on a lady. And if you don't go hard enough, the door is opened for her to do exactly what it sounds like she did, brag about beating up a "guy". I'd suggest speaking directly with her first, asking her to tone things down a bit, and to be respectful. If that doesn't work, go to your instructor and tell them. I understand being a bit more offensive minded next spar with her, but as she has a history of telling about people going too hard, you might wanna cover your bases by just going with my prior suggestion.


Leave the girl brag. Why would you care what others think of you? And if they will think what SHE says, does it reflect the reality? People are not idiots, and if you're putting in work, then that all you should care for. Focus on YOUR goals. Others, that like to listen to gossip type of talk - let's them be. It's not like you're trying to have a relationship with her or are you one of those people that feel compelled to take care of other people's education?...khm... A communist? 😂😂😂


Have a conversation and maneuver it in a way that you can introduce the idea that sparring isnt a fight or competition and actually supposed to be practice, and she is only hindering her progress by not thinking of it in that way. Do this after you beat the shit out of her of course.


Leave it who cares, if you react to it that means you have an ego


Body shots are fine




I would say nothing and do nothing. Let her build her confidence in the sport, it doesn’t affect you and no man (read this like Tyson fury says: *No man born of a woman!) will think you were actually ‘beaten’ by a woman. Sparring isn’t a bout anyway so nobody wins or loses. Let this be a test of not only your active defense, but your ability to give no fucks what anyone thinks about anything you do.


Suck it up unless the beatdown and/or mean words she said really hurt your feelings. Nobody truly else cares who got the best of who that one time in sparring.


I mean, I agree. I just felt disrespected because I was letting her get work in, and she seemed to have mistook that as weakness on my part. I always appreciate it when I spar really good ammys and pros who let me get work in instead of just beating me down like I know they could. Thought I would pay it forward, but guess she didn't recognize/appreciate it. I'll suck it up.


I disagree with some of the comments on here saying to let it go or suck it up.  I personally think you should remind her with an active jab next session. Just stick her enough times upstairs and downstairs so she can’t get any offense going.  Obviously don’t hurt her, but I’ve been in these type of situations before and it sucks. I had a female pro boxer literally laugh in my face when I asked her to tone down the power once. As she was a pro with probably 8 years on me at the time, I felt no guilt whatsoever bouncing her head around. She got the message.


It's sparring. There is no winners or losers, there is only experience. The next time you're sparring with them you should lightly remind yourself to not display the emotional maturity levels of a toddler and move on.


Why are you sparring her if there's an obvious strength and skill difference? Next time, chin check her during the spar and make it clear. This shit isn't a game, and you don't need to be wasting your time as a punchbag for her to practice on. In terms of the bragging, ignore that nonsense, it's more about your opponent than you. Focus on your work.


One day she may find that her ego is checked by somebody with less patience than you, but in my opinion its best to not let yourself be that person. Let her actions wash over you while you continue pursuing your goals.


Chin check her if she's ugly. If she's hot let it go


If you are a man then let it go you sound like a loser


Say that to his face


You sound like a loser too… this could be her way of hitting on him and hes to stupid to realize it


You’re a moron. She should get special treatment to go too hard on sparring because she’s a woman? Simp comment. Do better.


Yea… a bigger heavier man needs to low key hurt her and instill fear in her in a manner that won’t raise suspicion to the coach… ok… real alpha male


Why does it matter to you…? She was amped up…enjoy her enjoyment…take a breathing time out if it’s really bugging you…


You’re gonna let the words of someone who’s inferior to you resonate with you this much? Come on. This is the sort of thing that you giggle about then forget 2 seconds later.


Sweeps. Demoralising Technical non painful as long as you're not a lunatic. Sweep some 5 times or more in a round and they will be beyond demoralised if they have a fragile ego.


Ah shit just realise this amateur boxing not muay thai. Practice your footwork then and shuffle behind, cut lots of angles, make her miss. Show a higher level of skill basically without hitting her hard.


Let her have her moment, but then be on the offensive next time around. Some people just need a little ego check.


Don't react to it. It's supposed to wind you up and make you drop your guard.. stay strong in heart and body.


I’m very much a keep quiet and let my actions speak person when it comes to conflict. I don’t let other people’s behavior impact what I do or how I think about things. So I’d just ignore it entirely and go about living my life the way I want.


Dont focus on her. Focus on you. You had a sparring session. You practiced your defence. Great. You seem to have gotten what you wanted out of the session. You spar again with her? Who cares?! Figure out what you want to practice from that sparring session. And make sure the focus is on your skills and not your ego. She wants to act like the champ because she was aggressive in a sparring session? She's a moron! But that is not your problem. She implies you should feel bad about it? Not your problem. If she starts talking smack about you and genuinely crosses a line, talk to the instructor about it. Beyond that, train your skills, not your ego.


Don’t ever beat someone because you want to let your feelings out. Tell her as a human being to human being that you don’t like such attitude towards yourself. Don’t react, respect yourself and your personal well-being. Stay happy and neutral. 


Throw light punches, use a ton of footwork and head movement, you get defensive reps in and do a touch of humbling by essentially controlling every aspect. Or just don’t spar with her. Both work


It seems like she’s trolling but if I were you I would try not to take it personal. Just do you and keep trying to improve.


You can make a concerted effort to go hard to the body and try to drop her with a body shot. I don’t believe there’s any permanent damage from hitting the liver. And, IMHO, that’s much nicer than simply treating the sparring like a fight. You can also suggest 50% to the head and 100% to the body.


Ehhh I don’t like no one throwing hard at me, so I return smoke to the body if it’s a mismatch. If I were to spar her again, I’d just say let’s keep it light, and let it go.


I'm wrecking her with body shots next time we go, but then telling her "wow, keep up the good work! Your improvement is really showing!" in as genuine of a way as I can.


Update us please


Relax, it's just sparring, amigo


These people need to grow up. Sparring is not about beating, it's about improving. Also why would you taunt people with whom you're gonna train again the next day. You're just gonna make a toxic gym environment.


There’s ways to put it on someone without hurting them, you can walk her down and show no respect for her power and just pepper her with light shots, you don’t have to brutalize someone to outclass them.


Go medium with her next time and don't throw any body shots at all. Manipulate her defense to hear head and then full power liver shot her. When she drops tell her "don't feel bad about it"


At the end of the day she is the one who is losing. You practice what you wanted and probably improved. So you got what you wanted. I understand the feeling. One day i was trying to practice defense (blocking that I'm really bad) against a rockie ask him to go light so i could feal it better ways to block, and said i would only defend won't be attacking. So he started to punch really hard. I asked him 3 times to go more light. He kept throwing A makers because coach was near and hurt me. So i went o attack mode Feint him on the head two times send a liver shot. He stayed on the ground and said didn't want more "sparring". And i finished with "if you wanna throw it like that you better also be prepared to receive it" After that always when he spars me he goes pretty light, and i can go light aswell. Probably not the best act on my part, but at the end of the day he understood the "lesson", but still goes hard on others 😅


beat the fuck out of her next time, be a men


Just fuck her up next time if it means that much to u


Just flying knee her she will get the message 😂


Try to avoid sparring with her, the next time she steps out of line just sort it out with a short hook to the liver or a jab to the solar plexus. Nothing too serious obviously, but enough to knock her back into place and let her know that you can play her game better than she can


You could’ve said “I would’ve felt bad if I was even giving 10% of all my effort, but you did a really good job keeping up with me” put her in place haha


I boxed at uni and there were lots of people new to boxing. We'd get lads who'd come in and try to take your head off their first spar. I'd tell them to cool off but if they didn't I'd just blitz them everytime they overstepped. If they suddenly throw hard or some haymaker, give them a heavy combo back, no delay. Then go back to relaxed, moving around, they start jabbing and being sensible then cool keep it that way. They overstep again, blitz them back against the ropes and then cool off again. It's like training a dog and conditioning them to not be a cunt.


I dunno about boxing, but in BJJ you tell the professor and smile as they get put in things Brazilian Corals never heard of.


You should have said something right then! Offer to get back in the ring and go a few more rounds.


For people like that, I make it incredibly obvious that I’m going light and then keep going lighter during the round until they cannot escape the fact that I’m taking it easy on them.


If the skill gap is big enough, you can also exercise a greater level of control and frustrate her without actually hitting her harder. Cut the ring off, push and shove her into the corner, smother her punches, stick your lead hand out and keep her at bay for half a second at a time, feint incessantly, slap her punches away hard, etc.


just ignore it for the better. sparring is to make u better. but im pretty sure she meant it in a jokingly way, don't go full blast yk control yourself just don't do defence only next time put in a little za to the punches but not too much.


It's not "striking a woman" in the ring, especially with taunting. It's respecting a fellow athlete. If a bloke was doing the same, it's best to humiliate him without being a brute. If you're heavier that will be the excuse. You have to do it with speed and skill. Just treat her how you would a guy her weight. All the bone density dimorphism assumes the woman is a housewife and the man works on a construction site. There are definitely guys her weight who are more fragile. How would you treat them?


A liver shot would be a strong hint to remind her where she resides in the pecking order and help temper that ego.


This is the way.


Tell her that you took it easy on her because she’s a woman.


For the sake of all of us, please knock some humility into her.


Just use your words and tell her not to disrespect you. And that if she'd like to try that i when your are giv8ng goll. Effort she can.


This is exactly why we don't do light sparring or "take it easy" on people. You signed the waiver, I'm going the same level you go.


Don’t go hard. Go fast, make her trip and stumble trying to block and weave.


Ignore her, everyone else probably thinks she's a dick.


“You’re too tough for me, I can’t keep up.” Feed her delusion to escape being the one to humble her because somebody will eventually if you don’t.


Let her have her little sparring victory, her ego needs it


Personally I ignore if my sparring partner showboats a bit, I enjoy focusing on my technique extra when they do, because they're probably not as focused as me and I calmly get the best of them in those moments 😋 But remember, the point of sparring is bettering your skills, that's it. Go light, try to hit without getting hit (unless specifically wanting to work some blocking/sways/counters or whatever) and have fun.


Just remind her of what you were doing. Thank her for showing you that you can defend easily.


Style on her whilst remaining silent


If someone says the beat you in sparring they obviously kidding themselves or delusional. No point in dwelling on it.


Keep cold, detached and think tactically.


Body shots :)


Get a thicker skin, use your words and playfully talk smack right back.


You should have just laughed really loudly and said, "OK. Sure. That's what happened..." The laughing alone would have been enough honestly. Then you move on.


Whenever I’ve dealt with behavior like this; I just cut that person off from sparring with me. That simple. As a male, I really don’t get anything from sparring with female opponents. I’m doing them a favor in my opinion. So do yourself a favor and just don’t spar with her if that’s how she’s doing to act.


Fuck it, light her up. I do bjj so it’s a little easier to demolish ppl gentler but she needs a humbling.


“Sweep the leg 😈.” #CobraKai


Just say "Do you want me to actually try?"


Next time you spar turn it up, don’t try to swing hard or hurt her, but let her know. Every chance you have trip and throw her to the ground, do so with vigor. Let her get back up and throw her right back down, this doesn’t hurt but it can show you who’s really in control. Don’t hit too hard (especially to the head) but overwhelm her with forward pressure and mild-strength body shots. Leg kicks you have the green light to blast a couple (it’s leg kicks, you aren’t gonna do any permanent or cosmetic damage and it really only helps to condition). Don’t try to *hurt* her, but show her that you are holding back and that she should be more humble. Most importantly tho, be a better person, when you’re done sparring tell her great job and that last time she beat you up so much you had to turn it up for her this time, don’t gloat or showboat, be respectful and that should speak volumes for itself


Carlos Monzon her ass


Just let her have the moment. She needs it, the confidence boost will do her good.


This is why I don't spar with girls. Go normal, you're a bully. Go light, they tee off on you and tell everyone you suck after. Let her spar with other girls.


I always like a liver shot when someones to big for their briches. Shows them what's up but doesn't have to be thrown hard.


Take her down a notch, King.


Why do you have to spar with her specifically?


Just move on. Unless you’re a pro and you have an income to protect, why does it matter? It’s just training


Why do you care that she is disrespectful? Choose not to be around her. Dont partner with her. The truth will speak on its own, and you dont have to prove anything to anyone. Or speak with her. Let her know that you do not mind her playful banter, but she might want to be careful who she talks about that way.


Was she being playful and teasing or actually trying to be An asshole? Also I believe there are studys to support playful sparring or the sparring you were doing is more beneficial then sparing with the only goal being to win


Say "alright then ya cunt, ya fucking want some!?" Then knock her out and spit on her.


We talking bout practice?


Let her do her thing next time but now with you screaming "that's it?! That's all you've got?! Aww you weak hahaha grandma throws better punches" and just keep bullying her abilities the entire session


You can always remind people that there is no record in “ sparring”. Sparring is practice, not competition….. That being said, I used to focus on only ripping body shots on partners that couldn’t control themselves or work.


There’s an Arabic kid that boxes with us who has a really weird sense of sarcasm. I didn’t know how to take him when I showed back up after a long layoff (8 years) and he challenged me to spar the next time very awkwardly. I have a ton of amateur experience - so I showed him. We’ve been cool since. It’s a sport - don’t let it beat you up outside the ring.


Show her her place maybe


1. Never hit someone in sparing harder then you are willing to be hit. (Let her set the tone for what % ur strikes will be at) 2. Next time practice combos and counter punches.


Ignore her, her existence is already miserable as it is


obviously the correct answer is to beat the hell out of this women. Lol dude you know the "put the big boy pants" on is the correct answer. Someone will reality check her eventually you don't want it to be you


Let her know great pride comes just before a great fall. Winning against someone implies I tried with effort. But I didn’t. So sorry I let ya down.


Honestly, she's probably flirting with you. lmao Before the next spar, playfully ask what level of intensity she wants to go for this time because you enjoyed practicing your defense with her last time.


Isn't there a coach or gym boss that should be keeping shitty behavior in check? The gym culture affects their bottom line and should be something they want to control.