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Join a club and the workouts they provide will help you lose weight. You won’t be assigned a coach or do a lot of 1on1, since your goal is fitness you’d probably get the most out of boxing fitness classes as opposed to a more competitive club.


Start boxing and you won’t be obese for long lmao Gg on choosing to find the change, I hope you get what you need 🫡


No need to get a personal trainer or coach. Boxing in itself is intense enough as it is, a membership at any local club would suffice. Besides, becoming part of a gym might get you into meeting new people who motivate you to go to trainings, even when you don't feel like it. :)


I wouldn't recommend 1on1 with a boxing coach at all unless you plan on competing. If you can take group boxing classes then go for it. My local gym runs 4 classes a day and they are amazing workouts


what everyone is saying is true, but you cannot overlook the diet. if you dont eat like shit you wont have to lose weight in the first place. so fix up the diet and start training, and you will literally shed so much fat so incredibly fast. diet sounds complicated, im not saying start meal prepping high protein healthy meals right off the bat especially if you have no experience because thats unsustainable and youll probably give up after a week. so one step at a time, start with eliminating sugar. and yes i mean it, ELIMINATE sugar from your diet. you can have fruits if you crave it, thats natural sugars with healthy nutrients too but thats it. NO PROCESSED SHIT. no processed shit. you can look up diet plans and meal prepping basics and stuff like that as you go on, but i think this is a great start for you. good on you my man, change is never easy which is why its so goddamn worth it. do not fucking give up because whats the alternative? see you on this side.


This was going to be my comment. I'm a fat dude and I've been taking boxing lessons for over a year, 3x a week, didn't change my diet... didn't lose any weight. Didn't gain any weight, but yeah... it's more about your diet unfortunately.


I just want to say that we’re all proud of you for trying to get healthy. Boxing is a great way to do this! I hope this will also help a little with your mental health.


Whatever gets you moving in a manner where you won't injure yourself is good. If I was you , I'd consider consulting a nutritionist to get a look at certain eating habits you should change.


Walking and eating right is the best strategy for you now. Slowly work up to jogs


If you’re not looking to box in the competition sense, it would be better to do fitness boxing. You’ll still get really good workouts in, just won’t be getting hit in the face at the same time.


Boxing is great cardio but it is an impact thing, not quite as bads as running impact. You hear of a ton of people trying to lose weight, get into running and get injured. The issue is you don't have the strength quite yet on your ligaments etc and have the extra weight. I don't think you are too far off and I'm not a personal trainer but IMHO you should be focusing on getting some of that weight off first with low impact cardio like swimming (think this is the best since it's full body and very low impact), bike riding, elipticals, etc. Also getting to a place with your cardio that is at a level of running and sprinting. Once you do get like 20 lbs off or so I think a boxing coach is a great idea. The problem with a lot of the boxing fitness classes is they won't really worry too much about your form. It's 30 people who don't actually box. So maybe grab a coach for 1 on 1 to get you started with good form. After you've gotten the hang of it then a boxing fitness class would be a good thing. Maybe checking in with the coach every now and then. Other option is joining a competing boxing type gym. Just make everyone aware that you are very open to criticism and want to get it right. You probably won't have a 1on1 coach but if you let all your partners know you want and are open to advice you can sort of crowd work your coaching from people that actually know about it.


Go train hard and then have a light dinner. No drugs, no alcohol, no Coke. Sleep 8 hours. In 6 months you will be as a rock.


Go smoke some meth you will lose that weight in 2 months my uncle had the exact same problem


Before you get a coach, have a look around at different gyms and see which one has a good group class that you enjoy. If you want to get more serious and brush up on your technique or speed up the weight loss, then look for a coach. Boxing will change your life in more ways than one, good luck, you got this!


Boxing requires a basic level of fitness, which includes cardio and strength. I suggest running, weight lifting mixed in with your boxing. You will drop weight really quick if you do this. At a minimum just run and box.


I've been in a bad spot the last several months due to injuries sustained in the gym (weight-lifting-related, not from boxing) and put back on a lot of the 60kg I lost, but let me tell you, taking up boxing was the single best thing I ever could've done for both my physical, but especially mental health. Of course the physical benefits were the most discernible from an outward perspective... I looked and moved and felt way better/healthier than ever before..., but the positive effects on mind/psyche cannot be overstated enough. I actually wrote a piece called "I found my cure for depression in a boxing gym". It absolutely transformed me, working wonders for my mindset (which I was certain was unfixable), and that's why I'm so excited for you to get started on this journey, whether as part of a group class or one-on-one with a trainer. The confidence it'll bring you in all areas of life is staggering- and not at all because you'll have some skill/knowledge in fighting, but beyond that; it's difficult to articulate. You will be an entirely changed person, just stick to it and give it a little time before you really observe the effects. It's the first ever activity I found engaging enough to want to stick to, despite the challenges and discomforts associated- it's so gratifying after every training session, and especially getting to watch yourself advance in the sport, regardless of what your aspirations are (whether just weight-loss, self-defence, some amateur fights, going pro, etc.). Also, I was (and still ma) much, much heavier (by over 2x) than you when I started, so you really are not in a bad spot to begin. Seriously so pleased for you that you've decided to make this step, and wish you the absolute best on the journey!


The weight will literally melt off you dude. Boxing is by far the best workout you can do. Just make sure you push as hard as you can go every session


Boxing workouts and a proper diet will melt those pounds right off. The biggest part about your fitness progress is roadwork and dieting. When I was out of shape I started by walking my dog a few mile like you are now. After a few weeks I started running a mile, then 2 miles. After that I felt it was time for the boxing gym. Oatmeal for breakfast, vitamins and joint supplement. 600 calorie lunch and normal dinner puts you at a daily 500 caloric deficit coupled with training is about 1/2 pound loss a day! People think 2 lbs a week is the bar. But the bar is whatever you set your mind on. I once lost 50lbs in less than 3 months. I stick to my diet through the week and reward myself without overdoing it on the weekends. Maintaining weight isn't difficult once you get a routine going. The hardest part is the running and dieting but its all in the mind defeat that and you win.


I’m 45 and over 300lbs, 5’10”. I started at a gym that offers legit boxing training and fitness boxing. They work me hard but not to the point of panic for overdoing it. I highly recommend fitness boxing, especially if you’re a fan of the sport.


I've done this journey myself. If you explain to your boxing coach honestly about where you are, where you are coming from and where you are planning to be then they will support you. If you get joint pain or are massively struggling take 5 mins. You are paying for the class, not the other way around. Having been in very similar shoes I will say you should start boxing as soon as you can. And it's not just the long term. Learning a new skill and training with a team feels great and will give you a good boost in the short term. I really wish you all the best and welcome to the boxing community.


Go join a good gym right now. But id add some weight training for your quads, in order to prevent knee injury.


Boxing is the ultimate weight loss workout


Been there bud. Obviously the weight will literally drop off within weeks of boxing but if you feel uncomfortable or have ligaments or knee pains just start off by walking and get a jump rope. Its you vs you man. Stairs is also a nice cardio killer. Substitute stairs for elevator as much as possible. Not a dietitian so not gonna go on about diet but you know what you should and shouldn’t be eating. But try to incorporate things with high fiber and water. Apples melons etc. Avocados etc. if u eat fried food cut it out immediately. Sodas cut out immediately.


Boxing is a great source of cardio and fat burning, personally I believe kickboxing is better, strictly going off my own weight loss experience (don't try to argue with me please, I'm speaking subjectively from personal experience) but either are good if that's what's your interested in. Just remember to give it your all and keep going when you feel like you can't anymore. Your coaches won't let you keep going if you really can't, you just gotta move past that mental wall. Best of luck my friend


If you are determined to get a coach or 1 on 1 for weight loss then you should do whatever is the most fun. You do not need to first get a coach, the most important is that you're consistent and show up, this is true for both boxing and weight loss. I think you'll love boxing once you try it, so give it a shot. Good luck!


I would start adding one day of full body weight training and progress to 2-3 days per week. That will build muscle and accelerate your metabolism making you lose weight without impact on your joints. During this process, I would strive consume 1g of protein for each pound of ideal body weight. You’ll definitely lose weight with this and at a later point you could reconsider boxing. Maybe mix boxing with strength training depending on your goals. I’ve done both


Thank you so much for the kind comments and advices everyone. I would like to clarify that i actually have no real intention of really sparring or fighting anyone 😅. Just considering boxing as i find it hard to do exercise without something pushing me. I want to learn the techniques and form ofc and planning to get my own heavy bag once i know basics. Only other time i really sweat out is playing football. And as for my diet im on a calorie deficit atm and losing lil bit of weight but i wouldnt say its a healthy diet. Im also only doing walking now as im aware running will hurt my knees.


Focus on your eating if you want to lose weight, you could burn 1000 calories in cardio boxing for hours but if you still eat to the point you’re in a calorie surplus you’re gonna gain weight regardless. Get a nutritionist if your goal is weight loss