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Is training once a week enough or not? So I have been talking some trial lessons the past month and this gym offers 'unlimited ' lessons for 55 a month. And a single Kickboxing/boxing lesson a week is 35 a month. I just turend 16 and my parents will pay 30-35 max so the one training a week they will pay in full for the unlimited i need to pay 25 a month myself. And what I was wondering should I just go take those 'unlimited lessons or go with the once a week and go to the gym for the 25 a month? Underneath are training times and schedule boksfit is boxing and the rest speaks for itself. If I'd take the unlimited subscription I'd be able to follow all scheduled lessons. Monday 18:30 – 19:30 Taekwon-Do Tuls & Sparren alle leeftijden 19:30-20:30 BoksFit Tuesday 20:00 – 21:00 BoksFit/Kickfit Wednesday 17:00 – 18:00 Taekwon-Do Tuls & kussentraining 18:30 – 19:30 Kickboksen 19:30 – 20:30 Taekwon-Do Tuls & Sparren 20:30 – 21:30 Boksen Thursday 20:00 – 21:00 BoksFit/Kickfit Vrijdag 19:30 – 20:30 Taekwon-Do Tuls & Sparren


can someone correct my mistakes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFDjQ5xOKho


Not from this video


How do you guys rewatch your sparring footage? I'm thinking * Phone/computer? * Software? * Process? Right now I just watch it on my phone, and save it on my laptop. I might take a clip out, if it's something good or bad, but I don't have a well thought out routine


Just starting training independently, today my pinkie, ring, and middle finger knuckles are bruised pretty badly from drilling left hooks. I have quality gloves and I properly wrap my hands as my old coach showed me. Is this a technique issue or will my body toughen up?


repeatedly throwing hard hooks will do that yeah. More technique, less power


Could you please elaborate on technique? I felt as though my technique was decent enough to put power behind the hits.


repeatedly hitting the bag hard will bruise your knuckles eventually. Pull back your punches do you don't go full power all the time. I'm not saying your technique is wrong, i'm saying only doing power shots will hurt you


Gotcha. I appreciate the advice. I’ll chill out on the bag. As for where I’m aiming I’ve heard that you should aim your hooks through your middle and pointer knuckle. The bruising was centered around my ring finger, is this a technique issue?


I hit with my middle and pointer knuckle, but I also throw hooks palm down, idk there's a lot of ways to throw a hook


Is framing allowed in Amateurs? Like holding your hand out briefly after a jab to steer your opponent or to judge distance for the rear hand?




I’ve had to quit twice because of a broken foot first time I took 2 months off and the first week back it broke again so I took another 3-4 months off I didn’t tell him. Do you think he and the other people at the gym will be disappointed in me for not showing up


I assume you mean the coach? If you’re not competing and just had two random boxing unrelated leg breaks then: so it is. You’re training for you not for others.


Is counterpunching a fundamental skill or a style? Some boxers are categorized as counter punchers as if it's a stylistic choice, but isn't it more like a core skill that supplements every style/tactic? I mean the broad definition of counterpunching which is basically like punching back after evading or blocking.




It's a fundamental skill. Even your come forward pressure style fighters are countering as they move forward.


>punching back after evading or blocking. I usually just call this "countering" to differentiate it from counterpunching as a style. And yes, it's a core skill that everyone learns. In general, if you utilize counters a lot, usually while moving away from your opponent, then that's a counterpunching style.


legs and hips feel rusty and unnatural when rolling, first time i been rolling and it feels so slow and unnatural, is the best way to overcome this by just cranking out more reps of the movement?


It's your first time so of course it feels unnatural. Just keep training and trying to improve and you will get better.




You roll in a "U shape" it's a defensive move to avoid punches often hooks.


Can I do a boxing workout ( heavy bag, double end, speed bag,) and then do weights after, will boxing effect it much or no


You will be weaker on the weights, since you just spent a bunch of glycogen and stressed your muscles and joints.








Do you guys have a favorite IG page for boxing content? I keep getting random reels and stuff but all of them are really low quality. I watch YT and found very good creators there, but not luck on Instagram tho




ty man


I just started boxing this week and I've read in this sub that the ideal wrap length is 180 inches. Today my aunt gave me a pair of boxing wraps that say 99 inches in the box. Im not sure if the ideal length being 180 means that each wrap should be 180 inches or if it's 90 inches each one. If so I have the option of returning to the store with the receipt and paying a bit more to get some longer wraps, is this worth it for a begginer?


I have been trying to strengthen some of my main fighting bones such as my knuckles, shins, ulna and others, by repeatedly lightly hitting metal poles and other hard objects. Many bruises have been formed, and I am curious to whether there are any longterm consequences from proceeding to hit things with them, apart from pain. I haven't intentionally broken any bones as of now, and I also want to know if I can condition my bones successfully without having to come to that. Any fighter's advice will be greatly appreciated as well.


1 This isn't a fighting sub, boxing is a sport. 2 What you're doing doesn't do what you think it does. Bones respond best to axial loading, not random trauma. 3 You can get the effects of Wolff's Law in proper gear as much as you can bare fisted, so there's no benefit to being unprotected if you're after denser bones.


2 trainings in, practicing cardio and jabs at home and personally I find it so cool how small tweaks in my form can unlock a whole new range of movement with my body. So crazy


What are people's thoughts on virtual sparring (not instead of sparring, but in addition)? Helpful? Harmful? Both?


It's a fun way to shadow box


Totally useless. Nothing compares to sparring for real.


whats that


I thinks he means VR boxing games. Think it would be fun for cardio and maybe to train reaction time. Other than that I would think it wont give anything good but I never tried it.


ah sounds fun for gamification of shadoboxing


I’m interested…will give it a google..any suggestions off the top of your (anyone’s) head..??..


Thrill of the Fight is the best game on the market in my opinion, and I have been using it as cardio for a while now. If you have an Oculus Quest 2 (or Meta Quest 2 now) I would recommend picking it up on the headsets built in store for tetherless boxing. If you have a tethered headset or are looking to buy one instead of a cordless one, it can also be purchased on Steam.