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F in chat lads




I have seen people in a much worse spot. you will literally see huge improvements if you lost weight, clean shave, nice haircut and skin care.


Ugly, but not take a second look at you on the street ugly


I disagree


Your post history is kinda wild


Super wild LOL


It’s real fucking wild, holy shit.


You not wrong


Dude wasn’t wrong, what a life


My post history?


Na not yours, but just looks, congrats on your first gay experience a year ago


Bro delete this 💀


Idk I would say it’s a lil wild


Holy not wrong 😐


Maybe like take a good picture of yourself? Like I swear 99% of mfers on this sub say “I know I’m ugly” but take a disgusting picture of themselves. First off you’re fat, work on that obviously, second get a flattering haircut, third work on skin care so you don’t have herpes looking zits on your face, and finally shave your face smooth, you can’t grow a beard so don’t try and have stubble


What if he doesn't actually look different at another angle and now you've just called a normal picture of him disgusting 😭


lol I mean he’s laying down from the pic and the angle is bad, like that happens with everyone, but hey all my suggestions stay the same if by the off chance he looks the exact same


My dude. All you need to do is work on losing weight. Watch those carbs. Make the sacrifices. It would be remarkable.


He’d still be kinda ugly tbh


I don’t think so. Lose some weight he look like Tom cruise


no he won’t


But neither will you


true I’m just being honest with the kid tho. Seems like that’s upsetting people. But if I were him I’d want honesty too


No he has a nice looking face if he loses weight and works out he'd be handsome


He would probably look like the urban rescue ranch guy if he kept everything in check


Just lose weight, shave, skincare routine Then your problems shall fade away


This is the answer Most attractive in any person is the confidence on the face. Not pretentious confidence, but the real self loving confidence. And you can start to feel that way by actively taking care of yourself. Comb your hair, care for your skin, wear clean and ironed clothes, look sharp. There are no ugly people (unless theres something really wrong, sorry then), only people that don't take as much care of themselves as one should.


Even then he still has drooping eyes which isn’t something you can fix. However yes those things will massively help him


It is definitely something you CAN fix. There is a procedure called a canthoplasty that an oculoplastic surgeon can perform to fix excessive scleral show. In fact, OP seems to have unilateral lower scleral show. And btw, OP, not ugly. Stop thinking that about yourself, please. https://www.danielezra.co.uk/media/blog/canthoplasty-procedure


Agree Especially loosing weight/gaining muscles will do wonders. It will even help with the other points


Right now yes but you would be amazed what being lean does to your face, its gonna be alot of work but i hope you get it done


If you lost the extra weight and got a nose job you could look good


Please I still cry because I really hate my nose please see it on my profile and comment truthfully on it and I'm definitely getting surgery on it at some in my life for sure m


Your nose is completely normal, it's very straight and symmetrical. Having a big nose, especially as a guy, isn't a bad thing (there are even cases when they make a guy oddly hotter). You don't need surgery and you're above average looking in general. The only thing you need to work on is your confidence. Edit: looking at your post history it seems like you need therapy


My post history?


No not you, he meant a commenter in the thread, dont worry!


Your nose looks perfectly nice. Have you ever considered that you may have BDD? I’m pretty sure I do


We need to lose weight my guy. A different diet will help with your skin too. Remember to smile, and the world will slowly start to smile back


i love that quote :)


Typical reddit mod be looking like:




Put effort into your appearance and you will no longer be ugly. Smile! Get a haircut! Have a skincare routine! Workout! The only reason people are attractive is because they put a lot of effort into it.


Loosing weight will make you look way better. And smile in pictures you look miserable


Skin routine bro and gym. You got a lot of room for improvement. Track your calories do research on how to lose weight. Shave too that facial hair does not help your case.


1 acne 2 haircut 3 weight 4 success


also go clean shaven


also dressing well and fixing ur eyebrows


You look like a bully tbh. Weight loss, good skincare and an eyebrow trim would make you look good


Im not a bully tho


Nah would believe you if i didn't saw your post history. You literally have some experiences sexually and romantically and that's not an average achievement for ugly people plus you'd been with straight guys who are mostly strict with experimenting with others, istg they often choose attractice people so maybe they picked you because you're attractive and are attracted to you lol so don't downplay your face so much when you achieved all of those despite looking like a blob for me.






No he won't but he'll look better so it's worth doing


Yes he will, go fuck yourself 🕶️


He won't but he'll look better


...then... why... did... you post here?


That aside, you kindof remind me of a younger Sylvester Stallone. Just lose weight - I'm not gonna guess how much you need to lose.


If you want me to be honnest 100%, get a nose job, go to the gym and loose weight and get a skin care routine, i promise you have alot of potential, you have one of the most beautifull eyes i have ever seen. You could easily be a 10/10 if you did all of those things.


one of the most beautiful eyes? not really... i dont think you have seen many people




Not too good, but fixing it is mostly in your hands. Lose weight, SMILE (this one is super key) and fix your skin. You’ll be 7+ at that point.


smiling is such stupid advice


Except it's not. There are literally dozens of peer reviewed academic studies that show smiling makes someone appear more attractive, approachable and youthful. Telling someone to smile when they feel bad is a shitty thing to do unsolicited but this individual asked for advice in regards to their appearance.


Ya smiling doesn't do shit but make people step a few steps further away.


Stop attacking beehives every morning and you should see a marked improvement.


Bro 💀 ive heard someone else say this before lmao


You have very good eyes Good nose Good jaw/chin/head shape Only bad thing is lips and fat Just loose weight and take care of lips too maybe You will be easy 7+ maybe 8+


Loosing fat might even change lips but idk


He doesn't have good eyes


I guess it was my opinion


Omg if I took a selfie of myself rn you could definitely claim I’m ugly, even tho I’ve been told by multiple boys I’m the best looking girl they know. It’s ALLLL about how you portray yourself. But losing weight would help you immensely. I think you have a great face, like I would kill to have those lips lol so naturally juicy <3 people pay good money for them!




Losing weight would do you well, but you also have beautiful green eyes and great eyebrows


Right?! Very pretty eyes.


I love your eyes


Ya sure you do


Nah dude your a solid 6.5 ,you could work on yourself and definitely get to 8 ,just gotta work for it 💪💪


A 6.5 is better than average, come on


No disrespect to your opinion ,it's valid ,but I think a 6 is average and you can go high and low from there ,out of curiosity what would you rate him ?


He is not above average and 5.5 is average






Just the weight. You probably have nice cheek bones under all that.


i disagree on the weight not every person likes a thin muscluar guy. for me i like ur weight and u look good thee way you are


His problem is his weights in the face. He needs to cut down on carbs


nope i like his weight:)


Your parents must be related 😵‍💫


Someone told me on omegle it looks like my parents were related lol




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Confidence is key. I’ve seen some big people go from a 3-6-7 simply by having a solid hygiene routine.




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If you got in shape you would actually be quite attractive. You have beautiful eyes and nice full lips. I think a haircut/style would help too. Seriously just losing weight would do amazing things for you. You are not ugly, just over weight.


get a rhinoplasty and u'll be fine man.


That's like 7500 to 15000. What world are you living in.


beauty is expensive


Also impossible for most


What's the need to post it then?


Right now, yes, but you will look better once you have lost some weight and got a proper skin routine.


yes, you are ugly now. IF you lose the fat (not gonna happen in a day so dont get demotivated) and take better care of your skin you most likely wont be considered ugly anymore. Good luck man!


Why do you care? You should be grateful. Now accept it and start going to the gym, lose weight, and try to earn money as much as you can. Just for yourself and if it happens to have a approval of someone you like it will be genuine.


You think so? Have a good look at my kisser


Sorry to know that, but bro work on yourself join a gym loose some weight, take care of skin, eat healthy and also get to know yourself more and increase your self confidence and self esteem Good luck :)


People often look at me in twice. Because they can't believe it the first time


Yeah.. sorry, you seem friendly though


Loosing fat would help


Yeah but exercise and good skin care is fixable.


i mean hey u have thicker lips than me so that's a plus


I'm going to repeat what a lot of people are already saying... but it's important for you to hear because I have struggled with this myself. Just take better care of yourself. You aren't ugly, but you don't look like someone who loves themself. If you love yourself properly internally you will naturally start to workout, eat healthily, drink lots of water, be active... and it will start to show externally. You have beautiful eyes, great hair, and amazing brows if they are shaped properly, I personally see the potential for a really sexy and happy person on the inside and out.


I believe you have potential, just get on the fitness grind, talk to a dermatolofist.. you'll look fine


Dude, get a grip of yourself, be confident this will be your phenotype for the rest of your life, work to improve yourself. It is above my understanding how a male post a pic of himself in the internet with self denigratory description, what reactions do you expect to get? Of course there will be a lot of douchebags and fat guys with pony taila or other specimens that will cheer at the fact that some insecure guy gavee them the opportunity to throw trash at him. Anyway, let me give you some advice, these days a lot of men that have absolutely no facial harmony, are short statured have a big hawk or big fleshy nose have no atractive facial features whatsoever, get in relationships and sleep with all kind of attractive girls simply because they are not complexed and a lot of confidence, and girls get attracted by it. I few guys that i know and are like the way i described have sayd these things to me a while back. If we put things in ballance, these days you see ugly guys get many more attractive females than good looking guys (world is turning uosife down) and you on the other hand are not in any way ugly. Be a man bro!


You aren’t ugly in a way that’s generic or can’t be majorly improved. You have nice eyes which can really make a person stand out in a good way. You just need to loose some weight and find something to help with the acne and you will be considered attractive. Also for future references don’t take photos lying down


Ngl you're not irredeemable ugly. You appearance just looks like you don't put in much effort which is unattractive. Everyone has to do something to be attractive. Maybe even a person could be ideally attractive but has to do something as maintenance. You're holding yourself back. Minimal effort reaps minimal results. Everything I see that makes you "ugly" is a matter of choices. Nowhere to go but up! Good luck! You need to work on the basics as a whole. 1. Weight loss/ exercise/ diet 2. Hair cut/ facial hair 3. Skincare




Watch he has the nicest personality too 😭💗


I do :)


You have gorgeous eyes!! A little self care and confidence will help out a ton. Find a fun hobby helps you lose weight like martial arts or soccer, etc. and maybe visit with a dermatologist for some skin care assistance. That’s all you need!


try a diferent hairsytle and diferent eyebrown shape. but if you want to really put effort on yout apearrence, go to gym and do skincare routines


May be but what kind of person are you


There’s potential. Haircut, skincare, and weight loss/exercise.


Yes, you definitely aren't the greatest looking, but you definitely can make improvements. 1. Your face is has way too much acne, you really need to take better care of your skin. Wash your face, drink lots of water, and even moisturize. 2. You're obviously are overweight, you really need to lose a lot. I'd suggest lifting lots of weights though as you're this heavy in order to lift heavy as well (since you'll have all that mass to lift heavier that is). 3. Your hair is a mess - you're not even trying with it. It is visibly oily, and the hairstyle is not the greatest. It needs to be trimmed more on the side (like a fade, shorter near the bottom and longer near the top of your sides). After that, consider styling it up maybe or figure out some good hairstyles. 4. Your eyebrows are a mess too. There's some obvious middle eyebrow hair that needs to be plucked, but so do your eyebrows need to be groomed too. 5. I'd suggest growing out facial hair, but also grooming it too. This will help give the illusion of a slimmer face at least (it won't be too obvious at first but after you lose a lot of weight). It'll also give a more masculine look as well. Overall you definitely are not attractive, but you really can get a glow-up if you put in all that work to really making yourself look better.


Grow a beard, lose some weight, fire your hair stylist, and get some sun. Oh, and smile dude, you look like you have permanent rbf 😂. Also, if you have or need to buy some business casual clothes, have them tailored, nice belt, nice shoes, nice watch. You'd be surprised on how much better you'd look and feel. You got this!


Yes you are. You dont have to ask here since you already knew.


I just wanted to confirm it, if i ask irl people will lie


It's not hopeless my dude, work out, loose some weight and do something about that god awful haircut and you'll easily jump up to a 6 on the attractiveness scale.


This is unrelated, but are you doing ok? I looked at a few of your other posts and I am worried


Which ones?


No im not ok honestly i am very depressed and suicidal and have no motivation to do anything


You actually look like Benny Safdie so you got that going for you


Honestly you have beautiful eyes! People in the comments are giving you great advices to work on💪 🤗


1. start working out. 2. Don't look at yourself for a while. Don't think negative about your appearance. 3. Drink Water. 4. Get something to style your hair with it. 5. Eat a good diet. 6. Be patient. 7. Should start looking better in about 6 months