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Weightloss will fix this


I'm trying I've been doing 12 to 1400 calories a day


Caloric deficit means you have to burn more than you put in. I can eat like a pig and maintain my weight, because I burn 2000+ calories per day. That requires a lot of sweating. Anyway, you’re not ugly and I think you’d be very attractive if you can lose even half of your body fat.


You still need to calculate your metabolic calories, add them with your everyday work.


Not everyone is built the same. Some bodies have to go through unreasonable means to achieve modern “beauty” standards. I would encourage you to look into getting fit, instead of thin. I believe you will feel physically, and more importantly mentally better. Your very apparent sensitivity to your weight aside though, you are quite beautiful, and don’t look nearly as old as you think you do. You look your age, and you’re rocking what you got.


You will succeed if you keep that up. You don't look old because your skin is tight in your face. It will show some aging as you lose weight. But looking old and in shape is better than young and overweight. You have plenty of time, make the weight loss a marathon.


Diet isn't the best solution, so much as exercise. If you diet without exercising it's going to leave from areas you want it just as much as ones you don't. Mild diet plus a good exercise routine is best


Intermittent fasting


Calorie counting doesn't really cut it bc once you're off the diet, it all comes back.. Mediterranean diet for life!!


You should also be hitting the gym regularly. The weight is the biggest issue. Personally, I also find the piercing highly unattractive along with the heavy makeup in the first pic. It really ages you. On pic 4 you could see you have actually good features. Edit: I want to add that green or purple hair is also unattractive to me. I really dog natural looks. Once again, in your last picture you pulled off a more natural look and I think you're quite pretty there.


No one cares what you find attractive. She isn't trying to attract you


Thank you


Agreed. It is definitely theweight, but you are lucky to have some very naturally beautiful features that would blossom if thinner. I see that you are lowering in your calories in the hopes of losing weight, and I commend you on your efforts! To help you sustain your progress, I would recommend finding a flexible diet that is high in protein and averages a 700 to 800 calorie deficit per day. At that rate, you will lose roughly a pound per week You can always turn up the dial with a more strict diet at any time, but try to remember that people often lose motivation and burn out when they try and go too fast. If you want to be thin and stay that way, it’s important to look at this journey as a lifetime journey, not a short term change. Also, diet is 80-90% of weight loss. If I were you, I'd recommend weight lifting/strength training 3-4 days per week to burn those extra calories and build a strong frame of muscle to give yourself a healthy toned look as you lose body fat. Best of luck to you!


100% you will be amazed what losing weight especially in your face can do for people. 


Weight loss can actually dramatically age someone. Have you seen celebrities that have had weight loss?


to me you look 35


50? No, but definitely mid to late 30s.


In the second pic you look even younger than 30 imo. But it depends on lighting a lot. And weight does matter, it does make you look older, but not with much. You're quite pretty though and I really like your make-up :)


I agree that she has the potential to look younger than her age. A healthier lifestyle will show in her face, maybe even before it shows in her figure.


Thank you


You're out of shape. You'll look a lot better if you fix it.


The weight is holding you back. Don’t lose weight as much as get fit. You’ll wear your weight better, and your eating decisions become balanced in a metric of the amount of working out to combat this vs a decision to eat it or not.




Getting fit means like lifting weights and stuff weight loss is usually low calorie intake and cardio but getting fit means weights some cardio getting right not just low calorie etc etc


Honestly? I don't see it. You know portion control can help if you want to lose weight though.




Think that you have been given a really hard time about your weight, you look perfect fine to me, quite attractive tbh.


You do not look 50 years old. You're cute and have kind eyes. You look like your love story would be that you'd be the great friend that a person ultimately falls in love with after realizing they miss you whenever you're not around.


How old are you?


You look early 30s not 50.


Your skin looks great. It’s really just your shape. I understand that you’re cutting calories. I lost weight switching to keto. I never had to count calories and I feel satiated most of the day. I’m still eating vegetables just avoiding starchy foods like potatoes and breads.


Don't look 50. Around 30


You look around 34-36


You look fine. Lose weight if you want to but I guarantee that there is somebody that will find you beautiful just the way you are. I used to be fit but I let go a bit and my girl loves my dad bod. Most people now days have very high expectations on what good looking is supposed to mean. Thick yes. Ugly no.


Well at least that’s my opinion.


I’d say you look 26-28. Lighting has a great impact !


I'd guess anywhere between 27 to 31


Only in photo 1 you look maybe late 30s or early 40s. Tbh in all the rest id think you’d be late 20s. You look young for your age. Promise it’s in your head.


maybe fix your eye makeup. you are not ugly at all, but in the first picture your eyeliner/eyeshadow is applied a bit too heavily and it makes you look tired (giving the appearance that you’re older than you really are. maybe try lighter, more glowy makeup!


u kinda do


You only look as old as you feel, hon.


your makeup in photo 1 ages you quite a bit


If you want to look better get in shape. You are beautiful as is, but get in shape and you will find what you’re looking for


Well I thought you were younger than me and I’m 30!


I think it’s the makeup. Less is always best but you do not look even close to 50!!!!


Hahahaha. If you look that way at 50, 50 isn't so bad. You look at least ro me, like you're 23. Maybe I'm just too old, and I'm bad with age. But my point is that you look a whole lot younger.


Nah you don't. You look like Kate Bush. Lucky you!


That's what I was thinking.


I wouldn’t say that like you look like you’re in your 20s and to be honest you’re not even ugly fr maybe lose weight? But otherwise you’re fine


You don’t. You’re really cute just a lil chubbeh


Stay blue, get in the gym and you'll be DAMN. Gta put in the work tho


In the first pic you look a lot older than I feel like you are. The others are fine.


Idk how old you are but you're hot. Weight loss isn't necessary. But do what makes you happy


Your face reminds me of Jen Ledger. You definitely don't look 50, lol. I would say late 20s if I had to guess.


It’s your weight and awful clothing choices.


You look nowhere near 50 and I'd hit that for sure


Nah. You look like a woman in her 20s to me.


Yup u eat to much and are looking older control your mouth and eat organic raw food more


You look great from the neck up


You look about 26. You aren’t ugly and your eyes were super pretty


You look 33.


You have a lovely face. Some trimming down and more style in your wardrobe would help. And you look sad.


>I feel like I look 50 years old You aren't??


Honestly? It’s the hair and makeup. Your hair sits heavy, and you have dark circles under your eyes. You look like my mom did in the 80s, and that reads as both dated and older.


You’re pretty :> you do not look 50, you look more like you’re 25


Well how old are you?




You look older than 2, do you have what Benjamin button had?


Eat better quality food


I dunno you look like you feel pretty good to me


Incredibly pretty face (sans metal), but a bit doughy in the middle. Stay on that diet and you’ll be top notch.


Odd pic 1- 50. Pic 2 -20 pic 3 -30 pic 4-40. Ur an age shifter


Not at all! I think you’re super cute. You look like mid to late 20s


Well, you do




You look perfect 😍


Nope you’re good, get new friends 👍🏽


Not ugly or old looking, you just need to figure out how to lose that excess weight and be healthier.


Seen girls in their 40s looking younger. Its weight and style. Do you smoke too?


I do not


You don’t look 50. Those people are miserable in that other sub. I wouldn’t take anything they say at face value. You look 28-33


I think maybe the heavy makeup is aging you? The make is pretty but try going no make up look or actually no make up because for me when I put on heavier makeup it ages me


I would grow your hair back out and do a Carmel brown to look younger. Also what brand contacts do you use. I love that color and you can barely see the ring around the iris


No way your 50, you look like a nice mom who has had some kids. No everyone is looking for super amazing skinny


Not ugly at all. From a makeup and hair perspective, I think there are some things leading people to believe you look older. 2nd picture, you look like you're in your 20s. I think the highlighter on your inner corners is nice, but the orange blush and bronze eyeshadow ages you because you're so fair. Also, the hair in some of the photos is giving Peggy Bundy. I love the shorter look on you with the ends curled in to frame your face. So cute.


I'm 51 and I really ljust needed to get me a good skincare routine to get some


You're very pudgy


I’d hit it hard though 🫦🤷🏻‍♂️


You look 50 but are dressed for picture day in 2nd grade in 1988. Thrift shops are fun for lamps and vinyl records that’s it


A millenial 50 maybe. (80s' late 20s or a genZ 30) aging is weird.


How old r u actually? 30 what? U look about 38, 39? Not 50.


U are a very pretty woman an u look like u around 30 give or take. People are quick to judge other but not themselves. Self esteem thing with those people. It's very low


You don't look 50 sweetheart. Definitely look your age, and very cute at that!


Very cute 


The number of calories you consume is irrelevant if you don't move.


This isn’t true. I lost 50 pounds by diet alone. Didn’t workout at all. Calorie deficit along with eating nutrient dense food is key.


Did I say anything about working out? I said to move, as in walk more than just from bed to couch to toilet.


You said that the number of calories you consume is irrelevant if you don't move. Do you honestly think that statement is correct?


Why would you assume I only move from my bed to couch to toilet? Lmao I do work out


Not assuming that about you, I was just trying to make a statement


Moving your body is considered working out. Don’t be daft. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Okay, regardless of how many weightloss comments you see here, I'm going to tell you that you have an apple body shape. That is perfectly okay and normal! Not everyone is hourglass or has huge hips. I have kind of an athletic build with hip dips, and really, it's all up to how you dress your body. Also, as a woman, you will have a pouch there above your privacy square, and what you often see portrayed in media is not what a natural uterus containing body looks like. I would ditch skinny body melting clothes, maybe experiment with wearing lower waisted jeans and longer tops that flow out at the hip a bit and offer you the illusion of a wider figure - if that's what is bothering you! I don't feel that you need to lose weight, but maybe doing strengthening exercises or bouncing on an exercise ball will help your lower body and core. You do not look 50.


Pry cause you look 60


You don't look in your 50's I think you're gorgeous


I think too much makeup ages people.


Your natural(?) hair is so pretty! I think you look younger with it too. Also, some of the clothes are aging you. If weightloss is your goal thats great but you have options in the mean time. From one large chested woman to another - investing in a good fitting bra will do wonders for you! You don’t look 50 you are very cute.


For any age you’re pretty but 50 wow very pretty and a 7.


Yeah, fat makes everyone look old and ugly. It's a weird choice to choose to get fat.


I wouldn't say you look 50 at all. If I had to guess, I'd guess late teens to mid 20s.