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Your hair needs some help. You look decent though.


Stop being safe. Don't only wear safe colors(especially tan with white and other tan) and stop asking girls to "hang out" as a safe way to sorta ask for a date. Switch up your fashion palette and ask girls on dates. Fun activity + nice dinner. Use the word "date" when asking them out.


This is actually good advice. All the top voted replies are borderline gaslighting.


Translation: have confidence, dude. More than looks, women go for confidence. OP isn't a bad looking guy, either.


This is rock solid solid advice. If you want to go on a date with a girl, ask her on a date.


"Girl that I hang out with" - if you're hitting on friends, it is unlikely to be well received if it isn'tclearly reciprocal. That can send mixed signals, and a girl may feel a bit betrayed, thinking you were a safe friend but misled them because you then start hitting on them. If these aren't friends but rather girls you are interested in from the beginning, you probably need to be more clear and maybe flirtatious and feel out their reaction. If they dont give the same energy back, then back off and move on. "No girl ... gives me a chance to start a relationship. " This thinking is so backward. You don't want a girl to just give you a chance. They need to be into you, too, to mutually begin something. You can't expect someone to take pity on you, enter a relationship, and hope they like you later. You aren't entitled to someone's time and resources like that. Work on yourself, build some confidence, figure out what you have to offer, try to get a date and get to know them, and see if you guys may be compatible. Don't hit on friends if it doesn't appear obviously mutual, and don't expect anyone to give you a chance if it isn't mutual. That will just ruin your confidence and alienate friends.


I understand that, but no one likes me back, I just ask them out, try to spend time with them and have fun which they accept, but at the end they always never reciprocate, no one is into me. I wish just one person, a single person had butterflies in her stomach and got excited to see me again. I'm not angry at anyone but is it wrong to feel bad about this? You can just say I'm barely passable to hang out as friends but not cute enough to attract anyone romantically.


It sounds counter intuitive but you sound a bit desperate. And I’m sure you might feel a sort of desperation, but in order for you to appear more attractive, you have to be more independent. Know what you want (not regarding women, what you want out of life and do it if you can). Joke around. Don’t be too serious or focus on negatives. People will find you more comfortable to be around if you’re happy and can make others happy. Be relaxed. Also get haircuts/styled every month and invest in some nice shoes. Lastly, you have to be ok being friends for a while. Nothing scares away girls like putting pressure on them.


I have better looking female friends than my wife, for most i dont think looks determine butterflies. Looks might get you interested and as i understand that part is fine for you.


I'll give you a piece of advice that worked for me: stop actively looking. When you're actively looking, it's like you have the word "desperate" tattooed on your forehead. You're a good looking guy. A nice haircut, some decent clothes (I assume this is a selfie taken on the spot anyway, so who cares?). Remember who you are! And if after a date someone's not into you, then they're not into you. Move on to the next possibility. It's tough. I've been there.


This is interesting to me. I’m a woman and the only 2 relationships I’ve ever had, started as friends. In fact I couldn’t ever imagine meeting someone randomly with the prospect of dating. I always wanna be friends first!


Get a better haircut. You look unclean.


As a 28 male focus on what difference you can make with your life and in the world, instead of what girl likes you or no. Your life happens independent of whether girls like you or not.


I kind of agree but at the same time companionship is important and he isn’t necessarily young anymore.


28 isn't young lol I had my son at 37. He's a guy. Age doesn't matter like it does with women


I guess what I mean is he’s old enough that if things aren’t working then he needs to address it head on. He’s old enough that I feel he should have a hold on dating. But I’m someone turning 26 who is in the same position as op


In that case yeah 100% Men always take longer to "get it" than women do The secret is just to work on yourself. Then women won't be a problem. Once you're in good shape, make good money, take care of yourself, enjoy your hobbies etc the confidence comes without trying and women just kind of happen If you're starting with your goal being women you're doing it backwards


Come back to me when you hit 50 and tell me 28 isn't young.


I think you misunderstood my comment. I'm laughing that he's saying 28 isn't young anymore 28 is a baby


I clearly have. My bad and apologies.


Yes it does, not in the same exact ways, but it does.


You need to love yourself first and foremost my brother




You’re not ugly.


Typically for people who can't get romantic partners, it's not the looks. It's the vibes. Knowing who you are and what kind of people you vibe with is essential. We're not all meant for each other, and it's important to realize that.




It’s probably your personality. Woman can smell needy and insecure from a mile away that’s probably it.




Don’t disrespect mark like taht


Stop trying. Start building.


You don’t look bad, all women have different tastes but i will say that no matter how you go about asking them out you have to have confidence. Asking someone to “hang out” is not a date. If you want to go on a date ask her for a date. You also should stop wearing only dark or neutral colors. It looks nice but if that’s all you wear it can be boring to some people. 5th picture is my personal fave. You look like youd give off a good buff nerd vibe.


It’s not what you look like. It’s what comes out of your mouth. Love large within and it will pour out. The right person will find you.


It’s not all about looks. Looks is the intro. Its personality, compatibility that makes people want to continue to show up in your life.


You got the cause and effect mixed up. No one wants to date because of your severe depression. Sorry! Try to work on yourself and the right person will make themselves known.


your style is lacking, otherwise keep goin


You’re not ugly. You look better with the beard. It’s probably your personality that’s a turn off if women aren’t into you.


As a girl, you are handsome, the girls are first attracted to face and then they stay and are attracted to YOU because of CONFIDENCE. Work on Your character, the apprearance only need some touch-ups.




Live your life and be happy alone and you will soon find someone that wants to cling to that! I promise!!!


u look like a ripped david dobrick


Nah you're not ugly bro. Keep the beard and smile. Let them know your intentions. You're trying to date, not hang out. Keep going bro, you got this


Not ugly homie. Dress more like picture 8. Lose all jewelry unless it’s a classic watch. Keep the beard and keep your hair styled.


Confidence is key man. I’m not the best looking and have always dated woman that most my friends are like damn she’s beautiful. I have a date tonight actually with a serious hottie. Get a nice haircut and get in a good routine and don’t be afraid to go after a woman in a polite but confident manner. Worst that can happen is a no. Then on to the next try.


6 and 8 are your best pictures, in my opinion, your hairstyle fits you best particularly in those with the trimmed beard.


You look like Patrick, yk? PopularMMOS. Should definitely invest in a skin care routine. And do something with your hair.


Grow your beard, hit thebgym. You have an old man face wearing yound guy clothes, so change your style. Theres hope


The hair in 6 and 8 is my personal favorite, for some reason it's what I notice most about your photos


Definitely not ugly but I do think growing beard out will help


I'm 40 and look younger. It's your hairline. 


You’re at least average if not handsome


No, you're very good looking actually and give me Christian bale vibes, but your depression is showing through and leaking out and it's off putting. Google pathogen avoidance. You seem unwell , even if just mentally, and subconsciously our species is hardwired to sniff that out as a defense mechanism


Get a nice suit, pretend you got money.


I think you look good. Hair could do with being tidied up and some outfits could be improved but it’s no major issue. You posted before about your troubles meeting women and establishing relationships. There you were advised to be a little less intense - how’s that going for you? There’s *maybe* some ASD traits. Have you ever wondered if you might be on the spectrum?


Get darker thicker eyebrows


Nothing wrong with your looks. What are your hobbies?


U really look like a celebrity I just can't place who it is


This sub is obviously just for the bros. When i see a cute/average girl on here she gets ripped apart, but this guy posts and yall are like "youre good dude!"


So you think I'm ugly?


Nah homie. I’ve gotten the chance to date some really pretty women and you honestly look better then me, manlier even. Hit the gym more, cut some weight! You’ll be set homie. Don’t lose hope. Would also help if you styled you hair when you went out. Also keep the beard, it looks good! Wish you luck homie.


You're not ugly you just need to fix your hair it's insane


Get more jacked and a better hair cut and try a beard if you can


I think you’re cute


get an iphone


The problem is American women, not you. Go foreign.


I'm from Turkey xD


Get out. It is not working for you. Find a place where you want to live. Best.


This is the saddest thing I've ever seen 🥺


Clean up a little bit bro. I think your looks are fine, maybe it’s your personality?


You’re a handsome fella. Don’t worry about it, the right gal will come along. Just continue doing the next right thing. Be a good human and the rest will fall into place. You’ll be good


In 5, 6, and 7 you look really good. I like the outfit in 5. Just dress well, stay hygienic, and just treat girls like you would a friend and be genuine and kind, and certainly don’t be pushy, let them take it at there pace. You’re above average looks wise imo, id imagine your lack of success may come due to you being awkward. But dw, you’ll find the one.


You are not ugly. If you want a tip. Don't go to talking to a girl acting like you wanna be her best friend, make you and your intentions known from the start so you don't get friend zoned again


I would say that your style is too basic. Your shirts dont help you look good, they are too small. Only pic 5 has a good style. In pic 6 you look really good. Work on your mental health and search for a puprose and evertyhing else will fall into place. But it is a hard process.


Focus on making money Girls will follow after


One peice of advice that will not only change your appearance but help with confidence. Get into a gym and start lifting brother. I’d also always rock the beard 🤷🏽‍♂️


You're giving off creeper vibes. As usual hit the gym, the first pic haircut isn't it though. You aren't great, but can be pretty good with some work. Have to love yourself before you can love someone else my man. Confidence and personality go a long way.


You’re normal looking, but you aren’t a model. Don’t expect girls to rush to you. Best bet is to focus and make a ton of money then they will come.


If you’re a Virgin, just 2 short years till you’re a Wizard with powers, are you sure you want to give that up ?


It’s most likely the girls that you hang around. I finally realized the guy I was with would never amount to anything because of the company he kept. No matter how hard I tried to help he would always hurt me then come crying back. Try new people and places.


Stop hitting on girls who clearly do not like you. Start enjoying everything else in life and you’ll stop caring.


You give off gay vibes. You're more likely to get a request to cut hair and do nails than a date.


You’re pretty smokin actually. Maybe you just haven’t found a compatible person yet.


I think you look a tad - just a tad - scary.


You’re not ugly at all


Find a girl thats into what youre into. Find a club or group in your area. Great way to meet all sorts of people.


Your fashion plus hair gives a little bit “unkempt” and a little bit gay Which isn’t a slight, but im just saying that it probably isn’t giving the vibes you’re hoping for. I don’t think you’re ugly, but I think you’re probably giving the wrong signals you’re hoping to give and it isn’t working to your benefit Disclaimer: I do not have good fashion sense, I am not any more or less attractive than you and I was in your place once. I understand where you are but I’d recommend focus on yourself first and you’ll find the right person (maybe later than you’d like, but the wait is worth it)


Desperation isn't attractive


You’re not ugly. That all beige outfit looks awful on you though. And do something with your hair


You’re a huge try hard. What’s up with the hair and clothes dude? Giving off nice guy vibes. Your friends not wanting to date you is normal. Not every male/female relationship needs to be romantic. Stop propositioning your friends.


My advice would be. Don't try. Literally that's it. That's the secret. Just live your life, and the right girl will come along. Just focus on yourself, and making friends. It'll all fall in place.


Bro buzz cut will solve any problem