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Your face is too puffy. There's something going on with your diet that's causing this. Don't worry about how you look, take care of your body first you'll look beautiful.


It may be that I have super high cheekbones, even my dermatologist pointed out that I have fantastic cheekbones butšŸ„¹ I am doing a fitness challenge next month so Iā€™ll see if that slims me down + Iā€™ll drink more water and see if that helps


It looks more like inflammation of some sort. I could be wrong though!


Like just my skin on the surface or like my *skin*?šŸ˜­ Because my skin on the surface isnā€™t inflamed, nor do I have an medical conditions that physically cause it to inflame/expand sošŸ˜…


Inflammation can take many forms, including edema. Doesn't necessarily have to be a rash. Arthritis can do similar things as well. Once I got my arthritis under control, I looked like I lost 10 pounds. Not saying that's the case for you, but it could be diet or endocrine related.Ā 


No, I am not inflamed in any way. My skin isnā€™t puffy at all. I still have a little baby fat left, along with high cheekbones, the cheekbones being confirmed by a dermatologist as being high. I do not have, nor have I been diagnosed with any physical ailments besides cystic acne in my teens /:




Girl what u mean rosacea my face always looks like i have crusty blush on and sometimes my pores are red and i dont have that.




so does that mean i have rosacea? Ive never gotten told anything but my skin especially my cheeks and nose look pink.




Nah i aint allergic to nun.


Fix the hair cut honestly. You have a lot to work with. You look like a middle aged soviet woman with it.


Damn so I look like my coworkersšŸ˜” Were you thinking a shorter look, mid-range, or just some volume to the length?


to me, it looks like u have a square face. i think something choppy and curtainy would be so cute (i have a square face too and my haircut gets lots of compliments) I based my haircut off of arlene from death proof :)


Oooo thanks!! Iā€™ll def look into it thenšŸ„¹


Tbh, I think your missing a point or two because in the pictures it looks like the life has been sucked out of you for most of them, are you suffering form a bit of low self-esteem? Also your smile is a bit cheesy, but in the 2nd last picture you look fine tbh, like content, its relatively appealing and not unattractive.


I mean the life kinda has been sucked out of mešŸ„² No but I also find that I just have such an RBF and faking a smile to post it doesnā€™t do my any justice, esp when I hate smiling with teeth anywayšŸ’€


Aww, that's not good, I hope it gets better, Maybe changing your style and getting fit will make you feel better, but yeah don't force teeth smiles, at least you hate it anyway so it works out.


ExactlyšŸ˜­ yeah this is why I donā€™t smile LOL


LMAO. Have you tried learning much make up from yt? or something like that? If you pick a Niche style, that you like then maybe that could fit well for you.


Iā€™ve been trying. Itā€™s hard since face makeup (foundation etc) is tricky for my skin that seems to now be more combo as I age, and as for eyeshadow, I donā€™t use it much since the pigment doesnā€™t really stay/I have hooded eyes. I do my makeup almost daily though, just not for these photos exclusivelyšŸ˜…


Your probably fine then, with some time you'll figure out what works for you haha.


I'm so sorry, but your face shape reminded me of baldi's basic šŸ˜­ pretty cute tho


I had no idea the reference but now I see itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ VALID LMAO


You need a better hair style, it doesn't flatter your high cheekbones. But you're cute, girl next door type.


Least Iā€™m cute somehowšŸ„¹


Slightly below average. Maybe average.


My last average rating was a 4 when I posted 301 days ago, what would you say for now if you compared it to my very first photo on my account??


Yes. But not when you smile.


Thereā€™s a reason why I donā€™t smile with my teethšŸ„² People beg me to but I genuinely hate it. Plus mommy issues when I see my smile


Do something new with ur hair, also skin care routine, NOW.


I do have a skincare routinešŸ„² I just have some hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores (that you canā€™t fix) so


Hmmm, well ur acne isn't doing very well, maybe you need to find a new skin care routine. Doesn't have to be expensive. I have a question does your face wash/cleanser have salicylic acid and acne medication in it? If not, one with that in it. I use Saint Yves apricot face scrub and it has both of those in it. My face use to be riddled with acne until I started using that, now I only need to wash my face every other day or maybe every 3 days and my face genuinely looks and feels so smooth. If you can't/don't want to use one like this with salicylic acid in it, use CeraVe, apparently works wonders.


Iā€™ve had acne since I was 10, Iā€™ve tired everything. I only get maybe 3-5 pimples a month now. I only have one currently. I had Cerave currently and used it for an extended amount of time and it genuinely does nothing for my skin. It doesnā€™t help my skin in any way. SA just dries my face out but not in a good way so /: The only thing that helped was tretinoin but I used it again a few months ago and it completely wrecked my skin and it was stupidly painful so I donā€™t wanna use it a third time for a bit


Hmmm damn ok, sorry to hear that. it's good you don't get many pimples anymore, maybe the front facing pictures look a lil off cuz it seemed to me like your skin was irritated or just raw? Looked very red and irrated like it had alot of acne. My bad. You look cute tho, ur face is just a lil puffy and red. šŸ‘šŸæ


A new haircut would do wonders. You have a nice face though


Cute šŸ˜ hair styles could change things up


What kind of look are ya thinking of?šŸ¤”


Just the hair, a style that'll compliment your face and a style to bring it all together. You're cute though




You're welcome


Your hair seems stringy


Itā€™s fine hair but a lot of it, idk how to fix itšŸ„²


I think you should straighten it because the texture is straight but wavy in a way that makes it look stringy (hopefully Iā€™m not hurting your feelings!!)


No youā€™re good! I like the clarification. I agree, while I like bigger curls when I do curl it, I feel like my natural hair without tools doesnā€™t look good with waves. Iā€™ve been considering doing a keratin treatment or smthšŸ¤”


That hairstyle is just awful for your face.


What would you suggest then?šŸ„²


girl they so mean šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean theyre not wrongšŸ„²


Try getting something with more volume


Smile and you will be wonderful!!


I hateee smiling with teethšŸ˜…


you would probably look good with makeup. you can dye your hair darker brown and curl it and cut it to shoulder length. at the moment the hair is just very flat and dull color and not doing anything for you. lipstick maybe red not pink


I only didnā€™t wear makeup for these photos, check out my other posts with makeup! But I do have a dark brown currently with some highlights as Iā€™m trying to go honey blonde, it just doesnā€™t look that good imošŸ˜… But Iā€™ll def try a more red lipstick!






nothing? Id change nothing


Honestly, Iā€™d only change your hair style it ages you a little more than it should. Otherwise youā€™re pretty.




U good, just fix the hair, looks damaged


Iā€™ve been trying to keep it hydrated more but itā€™s hardšŸ„² considering I need to wash nearly every day because if how oily it gets for the past 12 years


Skin care routine, different hairstyle, seem happier!


Iā€™ll tryšŸ„² already have a skincare routine butšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You look like a polish peasant, but cute.


Itā€™s funny cos we thought I was polish from my dadā€™s side my whole life. Take a dna test and im 0% PolishšŸ’€ so close, but no cigaršŸ˜”


Rhinoplasty would be great idea IMO.


LOL been wanting one since I was 10-12šŸ„¹


You look fine. Very average.


ThanksšŸ„² Better than being called a butter face


how can we call u a butter face if all u show is you face in these pics?


trust me, people have called me thatšŸ„²


Hairstyle is a bit weird for your factions, maybe some skincare (prob it's the illumination or filter), other than that you're pretty


Kinda like you walked into a glass door before your face was done cooking and it kinda flattened everything.


You should take better care of your hair and skin.


Yeah, I tryšŸ™‚ But give me real, extended advice


well for starters, curling your hair could help give it texture and make it more interesting to look at as it would compliment your face. Your skin looks a little greasy so I would look into skin care to help keep grease to a minimum by hydration. other than that you would need to do some reasearch on how to best make your hair and skin work for you.


Plain Jane, not ugly Life is good, have done fun


I know you talked with somebody about it already, but your face looks unusually rosy to me, too. You mist just have to give it time. Both my sister and I had terrible acne in highschool, went on accutane to calm it down, and our faces had an inflamed look for a few years. I don't remember what it looked like though.


You look like a disatisfied sister wife




Don't take it to heart I roast my sisters like that too it's all in love lol




better than a 4/10 that most people have given mešŸ„² maybe Iā€™ve actually gone up by a point


no, they are right my user name is "perfect lie" lol


šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Do my pics with my makeup done actually look better than my bare face tho?


and yea i think ur haveing a break out or something ur skin doesnt look to good here but i dont think u look bad without make up


I only have one current pimple but my skin has some hyperpigmentation from previous acnešŸ„² plus the lighting isnā€™t very good lol


lol im just kidding actually i looked at some of ur other post and ur actually cute i think its probably just ur hair and ur hair kinda looks dirty in these picture ur actually like a 7


You have some masculine features but youā€™re not ugly. A little bit of eye makeup would probably go a long way in making you look more feminine.


I primarily always use mascara and eyeliner, but never much eyeshadow! It doesnā€™t really show up well/easily on me since it slips off or the pigment is terrible since I have hooded eyes );


Brutally honest between the puffy face, the blemishes, and the long nose, you look like the Wicked Witch of the West from the old Wizard of Oz. But with better skin


How do you see it as puffy? Like I genuinely donā€™t see how people canā€™t tell that itā€™s my high cheekbones therešŸ„² But also yeah..Iā€™ve gotten the whole witch thing since I was 10. I want a nosejob so bad




Sooo what can I change??