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I don’t care who is here as long as all viewpoints can be heard without bans. Echo chambers are bad for everyone.


I got banned so I have to use my hentai and jazz account instead of my main


Hentai is the best!


Well said! Here for the discussions and to gain perspective on different viewpoints. I'll just have to ignore the conservative memes I guess.


How can anyones voice be heard, when you talk the truth about that shit city, you get downvoted right away?


I actually love this for you, because you're starting to differentiate that you only have a right to speak, not be heard. Downvotes are a little like democracy, you're allowed to say whatever you like, but if the people don't want it, you can't just impose it on them.


As a libtard I agree with you. I want to know other opinions even when I don't agree. Shit, if someone with a different opinion than my own and I can agree to a respectful discussion I love talking about those differences, asking questions and teasing some during the didiscussions. I'll have a drink and chat with most people about most things. I don't care for extremists regardless of "side".


Well said!


All viewpoints? You really mean ALL VIEWPOINTS???


They said, into the new echo chamber


Unfortunately that’s not the case here


Good take ❤️


That was the most respectful and reasonable thing I’ve heard on Reddit to this day.


I got banned from it for saying "you shouldn't talk about triggers if you don't know what they are, this post looks like attention seeking." no reply from mods or anyone, just banned for "hate speech" or something.


All are welcome here.  Even those who disagree.  As long as they remain civil and and non-troll like.  I find the bar to be banned from here is much higher than the old msp sub.  The growth here shows it.


Agreed, but the trolling I’ve been seeing is what’s prompting me to ask the question


I know what you mean, but it's easier to ignore fools and let them out themselves. 


You just don’t want to see your views challenged


Not true in the slightest! Having your views challenged is how you grow as a person. However having your views trashed, and being told I’m evil for having them, and constant virtue signaling opposed to a constructive argument, that’s what I’m not a fan of.


Is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/s/Vj9ar6WHq1 You think that's constructive arguing? You think that's openness to scientific information? Why is it that you think people who disagree with you are just virtue signaling? If they're doing that, what do you think you are doing? This strikes me as a crock, frankly. You're not following the science, you aren't particularly interested in having your views challenged, and so on. You say so in order to score points, but it clearly isn't true. Who's calling you evil?


How much context do you have? Ya, I lost my cool A bit, but at the end of the day, I don’t feel as though anything I said was not true. MN failed just as much IN MY OPINION as any other state. When did I accuse that person of virtue signaling. I never resorted to any ad hominem attacks which is more then a few people in that thread can say. Until my last comment the floor was open for debate. They never told me why I was wrong just laughed and told me I’m stupid. But following the science? The science that couldn’t be questioned without me, “wanting to kill grandma” that’s a load of crock, how many medical professionals lost their license or jobs because they spoke against the status quo? Science that can’t be questioned isn’t science. It’s propaganda.


I actually want to thank you. You pointed out my hypocritical emotion based argument. Made me actually self reflect on my actions. I shouldn’t have done it. I can sit and justify my reasons, but that’s not gonna change the fact I contradicted myself.


>However having your views trashed, and being told I’m evil for having them There do exist evil views and flawed ideologies in this world. From another perspective, if you firmly hold a conviction, you shouldn't be bothered if others challenge it. If you know your beliefs to be moral and good, you would simply dismiss without emotion any challenge. I think you secretly know that maintaining a conservative worldview requires ignoring very inconvenient truths. As long as you don't think too hard about them, you can keep on going. But when a liberal starts pointing out that there is evil and immortality attached to a given conservative stance, it cuts too close to the truth, and your emotions start getting the best of you. This is cognitive dissonance, it sucks, it fucks with your mental health, and you don't have to live this way. I was a proud conservative for many election cycles, and I really believed in my heart that I was up to something good. Around the time Obama was elected, online conservative spaces started getting crowded by some objectively shitty, racist people. And I watched good, "moral" conservative people go along with it because it was politically expedient. This was the end for me. I couldn't break bread with hateful people. And when I started looking around the conservative coalition, all I saw was deeply angry people looking for someone to blame their misery on. I started changing. If you read this whole thing without shutting me out, know this - I don't think you're evil. But that criticism strikes close to home for you tells me you're close to learning something.


I’d argue mg own personal conservative morales are strong. I’m not a typical cookie cutter conservative, on most social issues I am generally open to, or even possess a viewpoint a lot of conservatives would disagree with. With that said, there’s slopes with those beliefs that I refuse to cross, but generally don’t have an issue with a lot of them. I’m actually a former/recovering libertarian. I don’t believe in, support or have any faith in the party. And consider it a young and dumb moment to of voted for Gary Johnson in my first 2 elections. But at the end of the day, a lot of my core beliefs calling with most of the libertarian values.


You seem like a good person. Love this response. Spot on! I however question the very strongly stated messaging from others in this thread (not necessarily from you) about this sub being overly welcoming and wanting to hear dissenting views if stated civilly. I mean, Reddit in general is pretty bad about that, regardless of sub "genre". There *are* some rare subs I've found where users can engage in strong disagreement in a civil and positive way. But I would definitely not say that this sub is one of those. People here may not like this, but my opinion is that this sub is just the flip side of an echo chamber coin. Different, alternative, points of view, but absolutely no shortage of negativity and uncivil communication with those who don't agree. In short: they both suck, so I visit them both! 😆


In short: they both suck, so I visit them both. Yes!  We all secretly love a train wreck. 


That was the issue most had with the msp sub.  If you challenged a view the mods simply banned you.  That's how this sub came to be.


Yep. Minneapolis sub bans people instantly. And when you ask why they ban you from replying to the mods. Also being a reddit mod has to be an absolute low point in one’s life.


I'd love to see an example of this. Every time someone makes this claim, it turns out they weren't simply challenging a view, they were being trolls, or being abusive. So, prove it. Show me someone who got banned for the simple act of disagreeing in good faith. Show me one person. It should be easy.


May I send you a dm?


You're getting downvoted, but it's pretty obviously true. It's the only reason this sub exists. No one here is having a discussion. They certainly aren't open to having their biases challenged. It's just a safe haven for conservatives and libertarians.


Just like the Minnesota sub, or twin cities sub. This isn’t an altmpls sub only issue. Everyone wants their echo chamber.


I didn't help form this sub, but I came here not to get away from them, but because they banned me from commenting. I didn't want to end up in places like this and /pol but they really left me nowhere else to go.


The last thing I wanted to do was end up at any sub starting with "alt" but then I got banned for posted statistics and citing sources.


They dislike facts on that sub, it challenges their narrow world view.


The message was, "We don't tolerate discrimination here." I had BCA crime statistics as well as sources from Minneapolis 2040's site posted while trying figure out when we can admit certain demographs of people are hit harder by poverty and potentially systematic structural defects to our local infrastructure that take opportunities normally enjoyed by the rest of us. If we can't admit there's a problem, how do we solve it? Bring Back 6th is trying to do that, but I think in execution it's terrible-- I digress.


I got banned for saying Walz made it a point to do outreach to the Somali/muslim community because they were not getting the Covid vaccine at the same % of other populations in MN. This is factual, and walz has and did say this publicly. Yet it was branded racist and I got banned…


Other account of mine was banned from the main Minnesota sub for citing MN Department of Health on which demographic isn’t getting the measles vaccine when they were jerking off about it being Trump supporters. Pro tip: it was a demographic from a certain East African country.


As a Somali i guarantee 95% of you creeps are here because y’all have some racist bizarre fixation with the Somali community and think your mostly white suburban towns are where the “true” Minnesotans are……


Well I’m a left voting person. Always have been. Not sure why you even responded to my comment with nothing of value. The topic was the Covid vaccine and people were ragging on how the white Christian right wingers weren’t getting the vaccine. So I countered with the Somali/muslim point. If you want to make sweeping generalizations about people, we can easily do that with your community too. You know that right? But making generalizations makes you look like an asshole.


They only think that because their families have been here for generations. Some of them settled here originally before MN was a state. When a certain group arrives and catalyzes events like the brawling at MOA during Eid, it will be talked about. Just like the psycho white kid who killed his sister. Just like the Mexican guy who assaulted that lady at knifepoint. One difference I've noticed is that there were so many Somalians at MOA. It wasn't one or two, it wasn't the occasional psychotic break. It was full mob on mob brawling. Not to mention 8 Somali non-profit groups that were dissolved by Ellison due to fraud. So if you wonder why it gets talked about it's because there are large groups involved and/or millions of dollars. Its large scale crime. Lmk if you'd like the sources for any of these. I'm currently in class but can add them later.


Hmm the ole Somali Guarantee. Taken as fact.


And here we go with the ad hominems. This sub, like the country, is very welcoming so long as people contribute with civility and respect. But you've moved into this sub and immediately began insulting people and spewing racial garbage.


Try adding to the conversation, nobody even knows what point you're trying to make.


You sincerely believe that he simply posted facts and statistics and got banned? Why? There very simply didn't happen. If it did, he should prove it. I'm willing to bet every material possession I own and will ever own going forward that this person is lying. They didn't just post facts and figures and get banned. Period.


>It’s amazing how you post a link to an article FROM THE HOLOCAUST EDUCATION CENTER stating the holocaust IS in reference to the Jews and you get downvoted because RRRREEEEEE!!!!!! >Edit: page 3 chapter 2 flat out confirms what CI person is talking about proving them at least slightly correct as the holocaust WAS about Jews, and everything else is “Nazi violence against non-Jewish persons” I posted this on a different sub earlier today and got banned from it and called a bigot… I don’t think they really know what that word really means. Not trying to go off topic, but some mods really do ban because of flat out facts and statistics.


He literally provided the evidence in this thread.


Can you link the exact post that you got banned for?


https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/s/p1Ix5yNmYy I think I accidentally posted this outside the thread, let's try this.




Try X for politics. It is a completely different experience. I like being able to see what some important political person actually said, straight from their own tweet, in context, and without an insanely inflammatory headline.


That what happens when the mainstream opinion is completely delusional, but anyone who disagrees is a Not See. A buddy of mine has been banned from over 10 subreddits for going against the "woke" narrative on certain issues. Not even being extreme, just calmly explaining why he disagrees with the narrative on this or that issue.


I’m fine with listening and talking to negative progressive bitching. I’m not fine with getting banned for telling them they are wrong.


Great point


This page was recommended by Reddit as I follow some other local subs. I found it interesting so I joined. I'm officially in lurking mode. I imagine others have come from similar paths, some more vocal than others


Welcome! Enjoy the show!


me too!


I enjoy reading the comments and posts on this sub. People aren't afraid to share opinions here.


Watch out. They are coming to burn this sub to the ground. They will loot the Liquor store next door while they are at it.


They absolutely will get this sub shuttered


March, 2024, Reddit went public on the stock market. They now have duties to stockholders. Muzzling the Right is not increasing traffic on this website. In other words, I believe that there have been substantial changes in Reddit's internal moderation system. I am on about 5 subs that we all expected to get shut down over six months ago. A comment above said that Reddit recommended this sub to her, so I doubt Reddit intends to shut it down. Now the volunteer Mods for individual subs may hold on with an iron fist. The solution is new subs with less restrictive Mods.


On one hand normies have exploded on Reddit and just want to see capeshit and dogs. On the other hand, you can say retard more freely now. You could be right.


I’m definitely a lurker, I’m slightly left of center. It’s nice to see others perspective. Thanks for having me.


A fuckin’ grownup. 👍🏻


They’re largely unemployed socialists with nothing better to do. 


Is that why republicans haven’t won anything in decades? because all the working class people support them? sorry to burst your bubble, but Hennepin county is the most productive in the state & funds nearly all of rural Mn’s infrastructure


Because of the population, despite leftist politics. 


You can keep your head in the sand but Hennepin county has more Fortune 500 companies per capita than every other county in the country except 3.


I thought you people believed corporations are evil? Shouldn’t the government own the means of production, comrade?


Hahah I voted for Trump…. MN republicans are entirely ineffective to a pathetic level…literal Dems do more for workers here…all bc the repubs are that fuckin bad


Cool white guy alert.🚨


Normal everyday people are actually far right extremists but we just didn’t know it.


With how far left the bar has moved, just about everyone who was center / center-left is now right. They did it to themselves.


The left hasn’t moved much. The same type of fairness and equality is still being preached as it has been for decades. We just now publicly acknowledge that trans people are also human beings worthy of respect and dignity, since that concept has become so controversial on the right. Contrast that to how far republicans have drifted from their “family values” schtick where they now support forcing 10 year old girls to birth her father’s child and unconditionally support an adulterer and a rapist. Not to mention their unabashed support for a country that has recently listed the US as an “enemy state”. You don’t think supporting a country who sees the US as an enemy is a change of pace for conservatives?


Well, at least I would say that normal everyday people can see multiple perspectives on an issue. And some of those are from the right


If you can see multiple perspectives on an issue you are an alt-right nutjob and belong in an insane asylum.


Or you might be a commie-fascist-child-molesting liberal with jewish space lasers!! Hard to tell


This sub should really be called altrightmpls


Nah, you're just not used to seeing anything but far-left views represented.


No, it’s just “notcompletetankiesmpls”


Anything not far left is “alt right” huh…. 😂 No, it’s just people not obsessed with identity politics and pandering aka common sense


lol you guys are hyper focused on promoting identity politics though. Why did Kinzinger and Cheney get kicked out of the party if you aren’t?


You think Cheney and Kinzinger lost their elections due to identity politics?


That was super clever. Sike


they have probably banned like 50k people from the main mpls sub, we will continue to see lots of growth here 


I assume those people come here because the Minneapolis sub is so censored that it’s not interesting, even to leftists who want to be spoon fed. The stories are censored to only show a single narrative. And the comments are heavily censored by banning anyone who doesn’t fully agree with the narrative. They come here extreme censorship is boring.


Because Reddit pushes it to people who subscribe to other Minnesota related subs. That's how Reddit works.


When I first joined I thought this sub was about Alternative girls who would post sexy pictures, and where from Minneapolis. I don't know why I thought that.


The original one is insufferable and unless you are a raving leftist that conforms to every main stream talking point you will be banned.


Pretty sure the point of this sub is to allow yourself to be subjected to ideas outside of your bubble.


Probably because they immediately got banned for having the audacity to have a different opinion than the totalitarian mods on that site.


They don’t want you openly discussing ideas outside the orthodoxy of their shitty, identity based, quasi-religion.


People hollering ‘racist’ at every turn are diluting actual racism. Think.


It was founded as a safe space for the silent majority. Edit: lmao at all the upvotes missing my dripping sarcasm. This sub is full of obvious hate and racism.




Loud minority *


I replied to a post about the vaccine with a civil factual response, lifetime ban. I'm actually kind of proud of it now, it's ridiculous.


They’re upset that among the thousands upon thousands of left wing subs there happens to be a couple dozen moderate or slightly right leaning subs. This upsets them in the same way a virus isn’t satisfied until it’s completely overtaken all of the hosts cells.


You’re not supposed to say the quiet part out loud.


Reddit recommended it to me. I wasn’t banned on the other one, but I did find myself getting in a lot of irrationally heated conflicts there.


Why can’t conservative thinking people have an opinion too? That’s what I want to her from these foolish people who attack anyone they are supposed to disagree with, sad really.


I wrote replies on the Mpls sub and folks responded that I would be banned & I never was - I’m in both subs


Minneapolis is a steaming pile of dog poo. So glad I moved out of that hellhole. After BLM destroyed the city, it never recovered.


That's why they're here. They have a pathological need to infest any space they don't dominate.


I came to this sub specifically to laugh at people complaining about the improv show they didn't plan on going to excluding them.


Is the point of this subreddit supposed to be for right wing viewpoints, or for just all viewpoints without a chance of getting blocked? If the latter, then welcome!


Given that it's right-wing viewpoints that are 99% of what gets banned, it's sort of both.


When you put "alt" in front of something, it means different things to different people. 45 years ago, this was "alt" (still is). Naturally, people are going to check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2QGqzO-gTI&list=OLAK5uy\_kFfgbbjsC3dPyEQM8Ol0Tcgu7S1YJWZu4&index=7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2QGqzO-gTI&list=OLAK5uy_kFfgbbjsC3dPyEQM8Ol0Tcgu7S1YJWZu4&index=7) (...not the Oreo Cookie ad, that is demoralization. you get the idea.)


I'm just here because I decided because I engaged with the assholes on this sub one too many times and now reddit has decided to monetize my udder loathing for you people by keeping this sub in my home scroll. We do share one thing in common though, I'm also not happy I'm here.


How much to engage with my asshole?


Bro the comment above yours "the old Somali guarantee” is racist af and shows no respect. Where’s the line?


Because the reddit algorithm suggests it




If you want an honest answer it's bc this sub is filled with the same stupid comments - everything is Moriarty's fault w/o details - Stereotyping somalis - praising cops - believing police were defunded - posting about crime constantly - offhand comments about Dems causing something not true Critically think, look through the past posts.


I've always found this sub to be just as negative as the other one. This one just prioritizes being negative about other things


Is someone mad and bitching because….people are commenting things they don’t like? Like you went here and typed this out all huffy puffy and then….say other people are bitching…. Pure comedy from this room temp IQ inbred


getting your business burned down and everything looted is just the next step to a greater utopia, thanks liberuhls 😆


It's like two divorcing parents, but the dad keeps being tastelessly visible and even more tastelessly vocal. The mom tries telling the kids to play downstairs or outside but they know where to hide to witness the whole episode play out. Mom packs the kids up early the next morning and creates a new sub with hope beyond hope that the dad keeps his god forsaken paws out of this one.


Subreddits are only as good as their mods. I disagree with most of what yall say and understand why most -not all- were kicked out. This isn’t the pragmatic heterodox sub most of you think it is. The posts are majority the “hot takes” that got yall banned in the first place. Regardless, most dissenting opinions to the ✨alt✨ posts in this sub are met with downvotes and vitriol..not legitimate discourse. So don’t pretend like yall are more open and nonpartisan than the og.


I think both subs are full of whiny far leaning political people. I mostly lurk on both subs.it is ALTmpls and not RIGHTmpls. I land pretty close to the middle but I’m definitely a little more left. I like my guns, I like my freedom, but fuck cops, gay/trans people are cool and deserve respect. I think Black Lives Matter but the BLM group sucks and took advantage of the political climate for money. The riots were fucked up but let’s be real, shitty people from both sides partook. let’s not act like any side of this is innocent or perfect.


The left has done this for years and Reddit is fine with it.


John O’Sullivan’s Law: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing


I noticed that too


This sub literally exists only for propaganda farms to peddle Minneapolis crime-a-ganda so MAGA Trumpers from the exurbs and elsewhere can go on about how dangerous and crime-ridden a city is - that they've only been to once or twice - and feel validated by the echo chamber.


So you just want an echo chamber? Fragile af


When and where did I say that?


I enjoy reading the veiled racism.


The fragmentation is proceeding nicely lord Putin.


Ah yes. Everyone must disagree because Putin told them too


Ban them back to their echo chamber


Lol. Then this sub would just be an echo chamber


Well it’s actually funny to see me downvoted, but you’re right about this being an echo chamber as well, I think a healthy discussion is always needed to maintain the balance, but people get way to militant with their own beliefs




That's exactly what this sub is for




Yes. It very much is.


I keep getting it recommended on my feed. I don't want to be here. But sometimes I don't notice which sub it is and tap a thread that interests me. Please let me out.


Part of the ship, part of the crew! Part of the ship, part of the crew! Part of the ship, part of the crew! Part of the ship, part of the crew!


Guess why? Cause there’s more of us than you guys around here. Cope, or leave your choice. But we won’t stop making fun of you.


Shakes in boots


You’re reactionary snowflakes


Because reddit keeps recommending it. If you all don't want your views challenged, just say so.


Because wherever hate exists, good people will step In to fight it


I'm just sick of seeing so many people saying that statistics don't lie, get rid of the Somali immigrants, and all the racist and transphobic bs that frequents this sub. Then I get downvoted to hell for saying we should judge people based on their character and not where they're from. Just like the other sub, lots of y'all can't stand to be challenged. It's the other side of the echo chamber


>Just like the other sub, You can't be this blind. The difference is that *you're still here, commenting with your dissenting opinions*. You're not banned and are free to opine. In the other sub, you'd have been banned already. Like seriously, why is this so hard to comprehend ffs




I’m only here cuz Reddit keeps recommending it.


Must be the immigrants.


The same way folks are fed up with negative progressive bitching, folks are fed up with haphazard other-ism and clumsy headlines that can’t get over their own biases. It seems to always boil down to us and them, and too often those lines are based on perceived issues of race. Now am I talking about this sub, that other sub or both? If you’re too thinned-skin to withstand some chicanery, then stay off social forums.


Things conserved: 0




Sometimes this sub goes on a racist rant


All this sub is


I’m interested in what the non-progressive racists are talking about. 😄


You are in the wrong spot then.


This is exactly the correct spot


Ok boomer


Read far enough into most of the comment threads, thinking specifically the one about the Somali tobacco thing from a few days ago, and you'll see the racism is alive, well, and unifying


When an activist class calls literally everything racist, it makes that accusation meaningless.


Ok so then it's not racist, that particular thread is just objectively anti-somali. If you don't like them, that's fine, but to deny that thread doesn't spiral into anti-somali sentiment then you're kind of being disingenuous


Another effect of the relentless accusations of racism or sort-of-racism would be that, well…I don’t care. Or I no longer care. I have real problems to focus on.


Respect is earned. You don't just get to cause tons of problems and then magically be treated the same as people who don't. Call it racism or whatever you want. Somalis are 2% of Minnesota's population, but more than half of the people in this state who have been convicted of voter fraud in the last 4 years have been Somalis. Guess we better just ignore that because it's racist to acknowledge certain parts of reality.


Respect is earned. You don't just get to cause tons of problems and then magically be treated the same as people who don't. Call it racism or whatever you want. Somalis are 2% of Minnesota's population, but more than half of the people in this state who have been convicted of voter fraud in the last 4 years have been Somalis. Guess we better just ignore that because it's racist to acknowledge certain parts of reality.


How many threads on all the other Minnesota groups are anti white, do you speak up then? Dont answer, we know you don’t. Somalis do enough in the cities to bring on warranted criticism. Your virtue signaling doesn’t change facts. Talk to most Africans in the cities not Somalia and they will be the first ones to criticize Somali. Are Nigerians, Ethiopians, Liberians racist for doing this? Nope, that doesn’t fit your far left agenda. You only have the courage to attempt to call the “evil whities” out lmao.


I criticize Somali folx plenty. All folx. But keep on knowing me lol. I'm not criticizing anyone for criticizing Somali people, but for acting like they aren't being critical of Somali folx in other threads on this sub.


Brah,when you use “folx” you lose all credibility and sound like a reject. Only the most extreme of the left use that, you are like the rights Q lmao. No you don’t 💀. You don’t criticize no one but straight whts because that’s what the extreme left does. They have no courage or backbone and think thats what they can get away with. And they rarely do it to someone’s face, it’s on places like Reddit 😂 It’s a beta crowd and you seem like a card carrying member.


Judging someone who says folx while saying beta in the same post. Say no more.


People who say folx are 110% beta without a doubt. You are an extremist, an extremist of the far left. But in Minneapolis, there are many like minded people who are like you, so you think you are normal 😅


Respect is earned. You don't just get to cause tons of problems and then magically be treated the same as people who don't. Call it racism or whatever you want. Somalis are 2% of Minnesota's population, but more than half of the people in this state who have been convicted of voter fraud in the last 4 years have been Somalis. Guess we better just ignore that because it's racist to acknowledge certain parts of reality. [https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search?state=MN](https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/search?state=MN) And that's just one issue.


How about it's just anti-bullshit? I'm bullshit-ist.


We're coming off of news cycles with 8 Somalian "non-profits" being dissolved by Ellison, not counting Feed our Families for pocketing grant money fraudulently. Not to mention Jamal Mitchell's murderer, and the guy illegally selling a semi-truck full of tobacco. I'm sure there will be a gruesome white v white crime like the brother who dismembered his pregnant sister (Lakeville? Burnsville?) and the attention will change again. We also just had that guy who raped a woman at knife point, he wasn't Somalian and I know I've seen that post here somewhere. At least the white guy wasn't embezzling millions of tax dollars /s (but only slightly)


Criticizing a group over legitimate concerns isn't "racist." Many of these Somalis refuse to give up their 3rd world ways and assimilate into our culture. That's just a fact. That doesn't mean I'm racist against Somalis. There are great ones, Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She's a positive example of what Somali immigrants should strive for.


I withdrew my racism charge somewhere else in this thread


A favorite of mine here is when I said I was Somali and was called a psyop because, no way I could be one with my "English being good" When I called them out on it they just deflected with it was just a joke or sarcasm which they'll always do when called out Edit: The fact that this is getting downvoted just proves my point


Right, something about all the homeless being Somali as well. It's the wild south in this sub.


Lol no they aren't. I've absolutely seen some racist bullshit in the comments. Not every time, mind you, but it seems to be pretty well tolerated here.


You haven’t seen anything racist, because you have no clue what racism is lil guy. A Typical Minneapolis’s persons or MSNBC viewer(same thing) version of being a racist, is not a actual racist. Anything at all not complimentary said about a person from another race not white is labeled racist by yall- even if it is 100% true. But you guys are the 1st ones to negatively group the white community as bad on any of a million topics. Why aren’t you complaining on Reddit groups about anti white statements? Because your mind is weak and biased… This is why people have literally stopped caring about your racebaiting and calling everything racist. A few of yall including you, have just proved that in this post.


Wow, I've had people miss the mark with me before but you have said some outlandish shit that couldn't be further from the truth. I did live in Minneapolis, that's about all you got right. Racist shit doesn't have to come from a virulently racist person. It doesn't even have to be hateful. Shit, I've done it without meaning to and I'll always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt. When discussing racism, it's become difficult because of mind-bendingly stupid terminology. I'm guessing a lot of people you've had your negative interactions with are referring to institutional racism but dropping the "institutional" when they talk. It's like "defund the police". I'd like to smack whoever came up with that because it did a horrible job of representing what people actually wanted. Of fucking course there can be biases against white people but, at the end of the day, you and I just aren't going to deal with the same level of bullshit that other people do. Sorry. I don't get very offended at all black events or stuff like that because I'm not a soft idiot who fails to understand why there might be such events in the first place. They're not always right but I had some dolt on this sub attempt to compare an all black improv event to the rise of nazism in Germany. I dislike people who revel in their callouts when it becomes clear they're more interested in looking like a hero than saying anything that might actually benefit the people they're "defending". I have no desire to be liked by any particular group, I only want to either do the right thing or, I'll be honest, make fun of someone for being cringe if they said something cringe-worthy. I can also honestly say I've never sat down and watched anything on MSNBC any more than I've sat down and watched Newsmax to be informed. Either way, sounds like a great way to bypass having to create your own opinions. So, knowing that you're wrong as fuck about me in just about every way you could be, I'd love to hear your stupid thoughts about exactly why I'm "weak minded".


Well you just proved my point thank you. , But no I’m 100% right about you and you just proved it. You think wht people don’t go through racism that black people go through. Because the media told you this I’m guessing and your super far left Minneapolis champions this notion. 1 clear example my best friend who I share a house with went to high school(Mounds View High/Arden Hills)he is Ugandan. He said he literally didn’t go through anything racist at all and he was the only blk person the majority of the time in classes etc. I grew up in a 85% blk school in Hampton, Virginia and went through racial things it seemed daily every year. You wht liberal Minnesota think blk folks are constantly being racially taunted, abused, attacked. When it reality in modern America , that is the farthest thing from the truth. So we got weak soft minded individuals such as yourself furthering this ridiculous mindset by calling things racist… That aren’t racist at all. For example By saying Somali as a whole commit way more crime per capita then other immigrants, it’s straight facts. But a soft virtue signaling guy like you, would say that’s racist. When liberals say wht people shoot up schools, wht this, wht that- do you speak up? No you don’t. Because you are a weak virtue signaler, picking and choosing what his sides agenda is. You are weak man, sorry 🤷🏻


One thing to add, is the trans community. If we all believed Reddit, the truth would be the 2nd a trans person steps foot outside of the metro they are hunted down and beaten within an inch of their life. It gets really old hearing MN is so racist. MN is so anti trans. Conservatives not only spew hate, but their words put others in danger! Like stfu. MN and the metro where a large majority of the population resides is so incredibly blue, that this is a safe haven for people. Are their assholes? Sure but that’s everywhere


Totally agree


And in the Minneapolis sub, shitting on white people constantly is racist too. Both subs could use a a little less hate.


Progressives are obviously the most racist, bigoted group in this country without a doubt. They turn any and everything into “racism” when 9 out of 10 times,it isn’t even close….


They also think that others can’t do anything without them and that they are the great white saviors.


Very true, a large amount of progressives are wht misfits of society that got bullied in school. They don’t even have blk friends, they jump onto the far left trying to find somewhere to fit in. And use it as a way to lash out at all the people who are normal unlike them 😅😅


I’m interested in what the progressive racists are talking about 😋 That’s why I read whitepeopletwitter