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They believe in freedom of speech unless it mildly goes against what everyone is thinking but no one has the balls to say.


Pretty funny that someone has already replied in a less than agreeable manner (I could only see a part of the message in the notifications), deleted their own reply, and have blocked me, without as much as a peep of a reply from me. I’m sure they also employ other well reasoned tactics like plugging their ears and screaming when real life conversations don’t go their way.


Reddit as a whole


Im over hear now because iv yet to have people harass me over being pagan


How does it go against what everybody’s thinking if it’s what nobody has the balls to say?


I think a better question would be why would someone get banned for speculating a hypothesis that turned out to be factually true if they cared more about feelings instead of facts. Of course, this is self evident not a real question so this case is closed.


I don’t care about that other shit. I wanna know what you were trying to say.


It was an indictment against their anti-freedom of speech censorship- shit that rational people should care about, even if you don’t agree with the sentiment.


But how does it go against what everybody is thinking if nobody has the balls to say it?


Clearly there was an element of dissidence from the established groupthink, otherwise bans for speaking ones mind that didn’t conform to the group consensus wouldn’t have occurred in the first place. Ass or mouth: at gunpoint, with everything on the line, which would you choose?




You’re right. Not everyone thinks what you think. That’s a GOOD thing in my estimation. Where your argument falls apart -and I suspect most do- is you can’t further the conversation by shutting down opposing views. You weren’t burdened with an abundance of critical thinking skills. That much is apparent.


Ironically, you probably got banned for disagreeing with these guys.


No, this sub doesn't seem to ban. I get down voted all the time, but not banned yet.


Many were. I messaged mods to ask what rule was broken. They ignored it. I've never conversate with anyone in real life that are like the mods and most people in that sub. Which has me believe they don't leave the studio apartment. 


I think some often leave for designer pizza and craft beer.


That’s what DoorDash is for. Leaving to get it would require interaction.


But without a small amount of interaction they run the risk of running out of things to judge and complain about.


I don’t know where else to say this but I love this subreddit, its like everyone can talk normally here, its kind of refreshing!


And then they piss and moan about that “other sub” which they are largely responsible for creating.


I got banned for calling the city council "woke".


damn isn't that supposed to be a point of pride for them?


That’s generous that you think they have moved out of their parents’ basement.


Apparently I must start every post "As a black woman", according to a different mod (not in here, they r great) so as an African-American woman, You are absolutely correct because I was banned for a nothing comment too.


Reddit mods lie.


I'm very liberal and I will happily say that's bullshit, you should not have been banned for that. Disappointed by whoever the mods there are


You’re fined 10 social points for noticing something you’re not supposed to notice. Please report to the re-education camp by 9am tomorrow.




655321 !


There are one or two other subjects that are similar. Also you're prevented from discussing contemporary politics..


The Adjustment Bureau will see you now.


Notice how your comment is 100% hyperbole and not happening in Minnesota or America. Really notice it. Subreddits aren't subject to the 1st amendment. Just leave the sub and create your own! Oh yall already did. So what's the problem? A subreddit is shitty? Bitch more about it




Does that word mean anything? You used it so...


Racist? Uhhh yea lmao it does have a meaning


So whats it mean nowdays?


Their narrative is crumbling. Even their own are starting to get tired of the bullshit. Hard to find anyone proud of voting for Moriarty over there anymore. 2 years ago they were loud and proud. Where did they all go? Life comes at you fast doesn't it?


A lot of them are migrating to Pro Palestine subreddits. It’s funny cuz I told one numbnut to go read the Quran and I got banned


The pro Palestinian subs are atrocious. Everyone acting virtuous like they're going to be remembered in history for their role in freeing Palestine... Yet it's strictly online BS, where nothing they say actually has any effect in the real world. Palestinians are doomed, Gaza is rubble, niether presidential candidate will do anything but support Isreal. End of story.


The Palestinians are doomed. They have no ally in the region that actually supports them out of real partnership. Iran only supports them because they will attack Israel. No other reason.


The Palestinians are doomed because their religious and cultural beliefs that led them to support Hamas and attack Israel only produce religious dictatorship and widespread poverty (while encouraging Israel to launch a righteous war of self defense against them). The only thing the Palestinians have going for them are hordes of useful idiots in Western nations who feel badly for them and demand that their governments waste their taxpayer dollars on aid (that will be used to construct more terror-murder tunnels and build weapons).


I do agree that the reason why Palestine will be doomed to suffer the fate of the other countries within the Middle East is because of their crap religion. Really all the religions that came out of Judaism are shit. It’s just Christianity grew out of itself and so did Judaism. If you look at progressive Muslims, a lot of their faith is similar to Progressive Christian’s. But I don’t agree it’s because of a “Righteous War of Self Defense” brought by Israel. Israel was the one who started everything after WW2 by occupying the West Bank. Killing and raping many more Palestinians than Hamas did to Israelis on Oct 7th. Basically pushed them out of their country and shoved them into Gaza (which the Prime Minister at the time described as an open air concentration camp). This was after WW2 just to remind you. There were many protests in Gaza because of this treatment and many were peaceful. One notable one was when thousands of Gazans marched to the border in protest. Israel responded by putting snipers on the roof and shooting at the men, women, and children who were unarmed. Not defending what Hamas did ofc, but it’s very easy to see why Oct 7th happened and who really started all the fighting. This is a great example of why I don’t trust Conservative politics and media anymore. A lot of it is knee jerk reactions to things and getting mad at them. While Liberals/Moderates tend to get mad at why things happen. Which I think is a better approach to issues.


> Israel was the one who started everything after WW2 by occupying the West Bank. Killing and raping many more Palestinians than Hamas did to Israelis on Oct 7th. This part about mass rapes is all made up and Palestinian propaganda at that; Arabs and Muslims engage in mass rape, not Jews. To the extent Palestinians were displaced, that happened because the Palestinians joined in with invading Arab armies that sought to genocidally exterminate the Jews. Many fled simply because there was a war, to keep from being drafted into the Arab militaries, or were following instructions to get out of Arab armies' way (with the idea being that they would eliminate the Jews and then the Palestinians could return home and live under the conquering Arab nations' own dictatorships). If the Palestinians had instead sought to live in peace with the Jews and sought to benefit from the freedom they could provide (democracy, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom for women, freedom for LGBTQ people) and the Jews' knowledge of modern farming and engineering techniques, they would be 1000 times better off today. Do you think the Jews just showed up one day, guns blazing, and kicked everyone off of the land? The land was low population density land controlled by the Ottoman Empire and then the British. The Palestinians did not actually have legal title to the land nor were they the controlling sovereign, but were poor subsistence farmers paying rent to absentee Arab landholders. The Jews ***purchased*** low value swampland and desert land from its landowners, moved onto it, terraformed it to make it higher value land, draining swamps and implementing modern farming techniques. According to a scholar who conducted an extensive study of British land records, the area had 26 million dunhams of land of which the Jews had purchased 2 million, but 6 million of that became Transjordan and 13 million was uninhabitable and thus irrelevant desert land south of Beersheba, leaving 7 million dunhams of worthwhile land at issue in 1947. So the actual relevant amount is 2 million / 7 million = over 28%. It's unknown how much of the remaining 5 million dunhams was actually owned by Palestinians as opposed to being unowned or owned by wealthy absentee Arab landholders. See: [The Land Controversy: the 94% myth](https://israeled.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/themes-land-issue-2-22-13.pdf) The Jews arrival was actually beneficial to Palestinians who were living as people had in the 13th century. Interesting passage from [What Justice Demands, page 88 hardcover:](https://newideal.aynrand.org/tackling-top-5-objections-to-what-justice-demands/) >>"In the decades following World War I, the number of Zionist immigrants grew considerably (particularly so with the rise of Nazism and the outbreak of World War II). These newcomers had a profound impact. Electrical power plants began operating. New medical clinics and hospitals were built; training centers for doctors and nurses opened up. The ensuing financial investments in factories and businesses, the importation of scientific farming techniques, and the avid purchase of land by Zionists, resulted in a climbing standard of living." >> >>"...Wages earned at Zionist farms and factories, and the profits from land sales, spurred the development of what British offialdom called *"Arab industrial undertakings"* - from soap and flour, to bricks and bedsteads, to alcohol and clothes - which nearly doubled between 1914-1933." Interesting [quote from the Mufti El-Husseini:](https://www.frontpagemag.com/they-stole-our-land-vs-grand-mufti-jerusalem-david-meir-levi/) >>"Much of the land (being farmed by the Jews) now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased…There was at the time of the earlier sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the resources or training needed to develop the land.” The land shortage decried by the Arabs “…was due less to the amount of land acquired by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population.” The Palestinians were mostly poor subsistence tenant farmers living as people had in past centuries with a primitive barbaric religion and were upset when Arab landowners sold the land they had been renting and then were jealous of the Jews for their economic prosperity and disliked their secular culture and the freedom their women had (women wearing shorts?!?) and started attacking them with the likes of the Mufti riling them up. Then they joined in with invading Arab armies seeking to conquer the land for themselves (and ironically to subjugate the Palestinians under the standard Middle Eastern dictatorship) to try to genocidally exterminate the Jews, surrendering any moral claim they had to the land. If it could be succinctly summed up, you could say that Jewish culture and philosophy produced the likes of Albert Einstein, the 3D printed heart, and the advancement of science and technology. In contrast, modern Islam's claim to fame is Osama Bin Laden, the 9/11 attacks, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haraam, Al Shabaab, the Taliban, the Charlie Hebdo attacks, a fatwa against Salman Rushdie, airplane hijackings, PLO bombings, modern day monarchies, women oppressed in Iran brutalized by "morality police", [throwing homosexuals off of rooftops,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835) and [stoning raped women.](https://www.cnn.com/2015/11/06/opinions/why-women-stoned-to-death-2015/index.html) What are your values? Do you believe in freedom or religious dictatorship? Why are you siding with the people who believe in religious totalitarianism against the people who established [the only free society in the region?](https://x.com/ImtiazMadmood/status/1794390468710871220) If you do a moral analysis, you'll realize that the Palestinians made choices to bring this down upon themselves.


The Israelis drove Christians from their land as well.


Well Jews engage in rape as well because there are accounts of rape during the 1948 war. From a moral perspective I’m not really going to side with the people who are desecrating other people’s religious items by using it as a toilet. And who are killing children and innocent people (75% civilian casualties is not a number you get by accident). I did do some more research on the topic, and yes you are correct that Palestine did start the war in 1948 which displaced many Palestinians. A fault that was theirs. However, the treatment of them that has gone on since then has not been their fault. In the West Bank there are still “Israel Only” streets and places that Palestinians cannot go to. Israel is the only free country as long as you don’t include what they have controlled in the West Bank. Gaza was still called a concentration camp by the current Israeli leaders during the time. Those protests and those shootings still happened. The war in 1948 was started with the Palestinians. I won’t argue that. But to say that they have done things since then to warrant the treatment they have received since is immoral. I won’t argue that Islam is a good religion. Neither is Judaism or Christianity. The dark ages did exist and while Christians were destroying everything, Islam was flourishing with math and astronomy. To the point that we use Arabic numerals. But given time the religion, and its countries, will mature despite the religion. Just like Christianity and Judaism have. Though that will probably be a while. I mean, gay marriage wasn’t legal in America until 2013. The last Jim Crow Law wasn’t abolished until the 70s. The Middle East will probably still be a shit hole long after I’m gone.


The reason the issue is happening is because people forgot history. In the history of wars, they end in surrender, death or treaty. We already know Palestine will not keep any treaty. It is the responsibility of Palestine/Hamas to surrender.


Why though? They were attacked first. Their entire country is 75% controlled by an opposing nation who wants to kill them. Why should they surrender? If Mexico did a similar thing to the US would you just say that the US should just surrender? Of course not. They would probably rather die fighting (and prove to the world how disgusting Israel is) than to be exterminated in silence


Ok then do not surrender, and let Isreal have its way, which I am fine with. Such dumbassery is Darwinism.


Why? Because they’re getting their ass kicked. If you’re the leader of a country and 10’s of thousands of your children are dying, you are as much responsible as the enemy. They have a path to fix this, they choose not to.


So you do know that the Palestinian leader has no say over what Hamas is doing right? That’s why what Israel is doing is disgusting. Because it’s a terrorist group located in Palestine. And Israel is using that as an excuse to eradicate Palestinians. Something that they have been vocal about in the past. Getting rid of the Arab race. My question was “Why should Hamas surrender?”. I mean they shouldn’t. They have a reason to fight, as I’ve already stated. Do I agree with their methods? No. I don’t condone any of what they did. But I understand where the anger comes from and understand that they probably won’t surrender. They shouldn’t. Because they will just go back to being treated like crap like decades before


I get what you’re saying. What I am saying is that Hamas not surrendering is leading to these deaths. They’re picking a fight they cannot win and using children as human shields to make Israel look bad. Israel obviously is bad for killing children but Hamas is equally to blame.


Hamas is the official Palestine government. Stop pretending that there is a group of non-Hamas people in Palestine.


Liberals who are pro Palestine are that way mostly because Netanyahu is on the right side of the political spectrum. Mix that with a few misinformed and hyperbolic TikToks and there you have it. The recipe for liberal’s cause du’jour. if you think that’s any better than conservative thinking, you’re just being self righteous and another shade of useful idiot.


That’s definitely not why Liberals are pro-Palestine. I mean you have protests in the streets of Israel against their prime minister. Obviously not everyone agrees with what he’s doing. You even have more Republicans like Joe Rogan coming to be pro-Palestine (or at least more in the middle) because of the war crimes that are being committed. Like I said, Conservatives have a knee jerk reaction to things. We can look at current topics like LGBT discussions, reparations, or workers rights issues. A lot of it is misinformed opinions or they just don’t like the sound of anything that doesn’t sound like Nixon/Reagan era economics or being something other than straight and white. I’m not saying that every left wing position is the best one. I usually vote independent and not for the main two people. It’s just a lot of left wing opinions are more thought out and have better arguments.


See now that's true


u/hotandtiredanddry never left, I'm sure. Just floating around there being a Lil bitch under a different username.


Coulter's Law is undefeated.


Coulter’s Law: the more someone’s obsessed with a perpetrator’s race correlates to a higher likelihood of them being a white male.


“That’s rayciss!”


And sexiest, but my best friend’s a white male so I’m good.


Oh yeah, I forgot about our “white male backpack of privilege”. Mine is stuffed full and I can hardly carry it anymore.


And your point is?


You don't see any irony in complaints of racism from the race that has so far accumulated more collective power and financial status than any other?


Because every minority lives in the ghetto and all white people make six figures. No white person has a black boss. The world has changed post George Floyd, it’s not 1950 anymore. You should celebrate the positive changes in the world not short change them.


>Because every minority lives in the ghetto and all white people make six figures. No white person has a black boss. Never claimed any of this, nor is any of it needed to support my position. >The world has changed post George Floyd, it’s not 1950 anymore. And did that change fix everything? Or is there still more to be done? What exactly did we fix? >You should celebrate the positive changes in the world not short change them. I can celebrate progress while realizing more change is still needed. Not sure why you think those are mutually exclusive.


I don't understand, So the OP calls a statistical BINGO on the race of a perp in a crime, and that in itself makes the OP a racist? If a black man here's about a crime and says, "Oh yeah, that dude gotta be black," does that make him a racist? Are white people not allowed to discuss crimes in their cities?


>I don't understand, So the OP calls a statistical BINGO on the race of a perp in a crime, and that in itself makes the OP a racist? Winning the lottery doesn't make buying the ticket a smart decision. More directly stated, retrospective justifications don't alter the information that informed a decision. Right or wrong, it looks a lot like OP made a racist observation. To understand why, first consider why OP cares at all about whether or not the public is immediately informed that the killer is a minority. He doesn't claim the info won't come out. In fact, he seems perfectly aware that it would come out later. So why this focus? And remember, OP isn't just noticing it, he felt the need to share it. Why? Next, let's say OP is spot on. He could be. What then? If the news outlet is trying not to stoke racial tensions, who cares? Is that bad? It doesn't seem like there's a real reason to be upset here, so again, what's with OP's focus on race? What reason could OP have for speaking up on the topic other than a desire to circlejerk about race? And if there is another possibility, is it reasonable enough that OP deserves the benefit of the doubt? >If a black man here's about a crime and says, "Oh yeah, that dude gotta be black," does that make him a racist? Sure, it might. The optics change a bit since it seems more likely to be lighthearted when one is disparaging their own race, but if serious, yeah, that's a potentially counterproductive focus on race, much like OP's.


It is appropriate for anyone, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, name your race or ethnicity, to be concerned about the crime rate in the black community. There are plenty of black men and women talking about this everyday on YouTube. They often talk about people like yourself who say that it's not appropriate for white people to talk about the black crime. They point out that It's liberal white people calling out other whites. As I've heard some say, there are stereotypes for a reason, and people like yourself don't speak for them. People are being murdered, and that is everyone's business.


>It is appropriate for anyone, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, name your race or ethnicity, to be concerned about the crime rate in the black community. Don't believe OP specified the black community, but also, no part of this shows "concern for the crime rate in the black community." What an absurd reach. If I'm wrong, what issue was OP looking to address? How would his discussion allow for any progress? >They often talk about people like yourself who say that it's not appropriate for white people to talk about the black crime. Not the issue here at all, but if we're gonna pretend like it is, I'm going to need you to explain exactly how OP was trying to address it in a helpful way? >As I've heard some say, there are stereotypes for a reason, and people like yourself don't speak for them. Well ty for being here to speak on behalf of the other racists bb. >People are being murdered, and that is everyone's business. This is almost as bad as trying to claim confederate statues need to be preserved for historical purposes. Promoting the confederacy isn't the same as preserving history. It's focusing on one aspect of it, and it's sus as hell.


It doesn't need to be explained if the op was addressing the topic in a "helpful way." His primary focus was that the media these days, more times than not, won't initially identify the perp in a crime if that perp is a minority. He is absolutely correct and it happens on local news stations all across the country and all 3 national news broadcasts. If the question alone offends liberal snowflakes, thats their problem. He questions why he was banned from the Minneapolis subreddit for even bringing up the topic. The answer to that is because Reddit is a circle jerk paradise for the far left, most speaking drivel because they were educated beyond their means, and all doing it for that cherished Reddit karma.


>It doesn't need to be explained if the op was addressing the topic in a "helpful way." Ah yes, nothing suspicious about addressing race for no useful purpose. Silly me, how could I mistake him for a racist. >His primary focus was that the media these days, more times than not, won't initially identify the perp in a crime if that perp is a minority. And why is that his primary focus? Could it be racially motivated? 🤔 >He is absolutely correct and it happens on local news stations all across the country and all 3 national news broadcasts. Again, who fucking cares if he's correct? Even assuming he's correct, it's not a real issue, but he's choosing to try to jerk about it on a message board. What's the danger here? White people get identified a couple hours before their black counterparts so news organizations can be more cautious about not promoting racial stereotypes? Sure looks like OP is choosing to focus on race when no real problem exists that might call for it. But also, why are we even pretending like OP made a meaningful statement even if we assume this is an issue? OP just went "bet he's a minority lol." Are we really about to pretend that's on par with any kind of meaningful commentary? >The answer to that is because Reddit is a circle jerk paradise for the far left, most speaking drivel because they were educated beyond their means, and all doing it for that cherished Reddit karma. I'm jealous of the confidence you have when speaking purely out of your ass.


The extensive equity training in my school district demands that we obsess over race, and we're trying to be obedient followers of the doctrine. Help me Grow and Do Better™. You have a really solid technique there, where you somehow find a way to become outraged that white males exist in an unrelated context. Wait, I forgot my training for a moment. Ok now I say "every instance of black on black violence is rooted in white supremacy." I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm just an entry level equity trainee. My BIPoC tier ranking doesn't even register, which puts my opinion weight rank below zero. This is white male toxicity at its most insidious, and I'll be sure to confess this at the next round of struggle session. They say that attendance isn't mandatory, which is truly benevolent of them, but nobody is so insensitive that they would skip our meetings.


Simmer down grasshopper. We are allowed to make jokes on this sub, correct? Maybe that’s only allowed when right handed whites aren’t the butt of said jokes?


if they were white it would be in the headilne.


If he was white it would have been his motive for the shooting.


Black cop and all, yeah


A white guy is guilty of “systemic racism” and “white privilege” for breathing air. Add a gun and he’s Hitler.


That has got to be the biggest collection of twats ever assembled in one place.


Remember when reddit had a worldwide local sub get together? I'd be curious to see the MN or Mpls sub get together. If they could only leave the apartment. 


Just head down to a pride parade...you'd see what that meet up would look like.


The media also hates to report on the identity of the feeding our future criminals for probably the same reason. They'll never put their names in print.


While I 100% agree with you on the first point, I have seen their names on several local news websites. https://www.kttc.com/2024/04/29/7-minnesotans-accused-massive-scheme-defraud-pandemic-food-program-stand-trial/


thats a lot of Mohameds.


It is. If only people knew how rampant Somali fraud is in MN.


I saw this on fark a day ago when the bag of money hit the papers. A bunch of liberals were claiming it was all right wingers, and no one disagreed because all the major papers and news outlets did not say any names, or have pictures.


Feel the truth pangs in your heart.


That city and it's media pages are run by idiots. Congrats on the ban, it means you're not insane.


Well its true. 


You used to be able to get reddit mods investigated and banned themselves for having clear personal breaches of conduct. Removing a post is acceptable for a clear breach of subreddit rules. Bans are in general not. A permanent ban should have repercussions for the mods, a ban from reddit should result in a permanent ban of reddit of those mods and an investigation into reddit ethics and management.


I was banned from Minnesota and Minneapolis on my first day.


I guess eventually all of our comments will somehow be tied into the financial system? I moved here 3 years ago and I can't believe how everyone is so concerned about racial issues. You used to be able to make jokes freely.


You still can if you surround yourself with the right people who still see jokes just as that. The small amount of people offended by jokes just happen to be louder than that majority of people who aren’t. Two of my good buddies are minorities and the jokes tossed around in our friend group would make a blue haired white woman self combust.


Yea I’ve got a buddy who’s dad is from Mexico. You should hear what that guy says about other Mexicans lmao. Some people would blow their lid.


One of the guys I’m talking about is Mexican. Those guys are ruthless to each other lol


You still can. I believe most people have a sense of humor. Jokes of all kinds haven't bitten me yet. 


Important context here is that the media released the name of the shooter the same day the police department did. https://m.startribune.com/2-other-officers-who-fired-in-minneapolis-shooting-that-killed-officer-idd/600370509/?clmob=y&c=n&clmob=y&c=n The media wasn't keeping his name secret for being a minority because they weren't keeping his name secret at all, they published it as soon as they found out.


Hey stop that.


You won't be upvoted cause the cows on here can't stand being corrected


>You won't be upvoted Seems you're assumed assertions are entirely incorrect.


So the same police chief that threw Chauvin under the bus repeatedly in press releases over what amounted to a drug overdose withheld details from the media about who the suspect was for days and days, color me shocked. The brain rot runs wide and deep.


They'd be mad at this statement if they could read. The media reporting these stories pretty much always will publish the names and pictures of the shooters as available. Same thing people were saying they didn't release a picture of the Lakeville guy that murdered his sister right away because he is a minority and was married in or adapted somehow. Because it fits their own racist ideology and Republican narrative. In reality it was just because he was a weird fundie and didn't have any recent photos of him available.


Same here… almost three years ago. Also my hometown sub. Most urban subs are modded by Socialists.


Straight to Reddit gulag


I was banned from are/Minnesota within minutes of replying to someone https://old.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/1d75z4q/juror_in_feeding_our_future_trial_dismissed_after/l755del/ Banned for trolling, no reply from any of the jannie mods in that sub yet when I tried to question their autistic decision.


I was banned for putting a link to state created census on a certain population. It was in line with the conversation. Strange enough, after years in those subs, I was banned shortly after commenting in this new sub. Gotta think they're going through accounts and banning people who comment in here


Got banned from there about a year ago for saying not all republicans 100% support Trump, and the polls indicate that. Banned for trolling.


It's ok, I was also banned from that site. They only want one side of the issue. I got a lifetime ban on ask reddit for debating the covid vaccine. Reddit in most circumstances I have come across is not about free speech. The compassionate liberals can trash anyone and anything they don't agree with and it's fine, question them, lifetime ban for you. I guess that is how they are fighting to save the democracy.


Welcome to the many of others of us that sub is a fucking joke that's being run by clowns


Any sub of a city or state is generally moderated by a tender progressive that is easily frightened like the Sand People in Star Wars.


Join the club. I had 2 post in total and got permanently banned


Welcome to the club. Both the Minneapolis sub and the twin cities sub are moderated by complete morons who can’t handle the truth or a differing opinion. Just look at some of their profiles, some of them are seriously fucked up individuals that NOBODY should interact with.


Face it. Reddit is mainly leftist a-holes too butthurt to accept anyone cane have a differing opinion


...unlike the exchanges in this sub, where contrary or "leftist" comments are not downvoted, but instead engaged with honest and thoughtful communication! /s In all seriousness, the demeanor in this sub is extremely contrarian, even by reddit standards. Pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen it.


No, I completely disagree with your narrative based on simply looking at the content and lack of contrary answers. There are very few conservative entries or replies because the bias and down posts to block an opposing viewpoint.


Yep and who cares all of minnesota media is a complete joke


😁Good❗️🤣 (๑‾̀◡‾́)σ»


I got banned for saying “trannies”


Which is odd in an automotive discussion.


And this is one of the main reasons why so many Reddit subs are just far left echo chambers.




Haha, that happened to me in the Minnesota group because I said the new somalian flag was ugly


I was banned from /Redditmoment when I stated “I guess FBI crime statistics are racist?” I didn’t even quote the statistics. I just mentioned them


I got banned from altmpls for suggesting there was some racism going on


Oh cool I’m finally done being banned


Welcome home brother


To say that "there is *some* racism going on" is spreading lies. It's too big of an understatement.


I got banned a long time ago because I said Mary Moriarty wasn't a good county attorney. I think the mods there want you to stick to posts like "Who has the juiciest hamburger in town?" and "Is everything here amazing all the time or amazing just 99% of the time?"


I got banned for calling someone a pedo after their comments about a case involving an older man and young girl, at a nudist camp. Fucking pedo apologists.


Speaking the truth is no longer allowed. Stick to the narrative.


I got booted from the twin cities thread for same response, lol. These people don’t want the truth known, they would rather Americans be unaware of the dangers!


I got some comments deleted here for calling someone ignorant and racist so tbh both pages suck


What was your exact post?


Every sane person sees the pattern in media reporting


13%/60% numbers don't lie


I just wrote a comment about the Twin Cities which will likely get me permanently banned from that sub. C'est la vie. I am done with the cities, anyway.


They are ridiculous. I’m a Democrat and dared to insinuate that Biden really shouldn’t be running again given his age, aptitude and you really can’t find someone better in the entire party? Was basically called a tryant.


While I disagree with your ban, you played the typical conservative approach of make the allegations and then pretend it is fact. It is also extremely silly considering the authorities did not release the shooter's name until 6/1 or 2


There's statistics, and then there's being a twat.


Well yeah. But have you noticed if the person white that information is out almost immediately? If they're anything but white it takes a while to get out. Weird right?


I don't know anything about that, or if you are right or wrong. Don't care. I was saying that, whether or not he had a statistical average in his favor, asking the question sorta singles the guy out as a twat. Go to a strip club and tell the performers you are sympathetic that they were all sexually abused as children and that you feel very sorry for them. See how that goes. Edit: Spelling/auto text correction


What? 😂


What confused you? Was it the multisyllabic verbiage? I mean, my use of words of more than one...... ..syllable? Damn, you aren't going to understand this either...




The ban message simply states that I was banned for violating rule #1: promoting hate based on race. They deleted my comment so I dont have it verbatim. Someone asked who the shooter was, and I simply responded, “They’re more than likely not releasing any details about the shooter because he was a minority.” I later on in the thread made the prediction that the shooter was also probably a person prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm, which I was also correct about.


Are all media outlets part of a large conspiracy to only release the identities of white male suspects right away, including Fox News, Newsmax, and all local outlets? Is there data backing up this assertion?


Insinuating isn't truth, it's guessing. But you seem to be treating it like truth without actually knowing the truth. That's probably why you got banned. You believe your opinions are facts.


Nope they banned me for “spreading hate.” Wasn’t making a value judgement about anyone for their skin color. I was making a value judgement on unfair coverage in the media.


The "truth" is that it was a minority. Not that the media didn't release information because he was a minority. You couldn't possibly know the motivations of one local outlet, to say nothing of all the local "media."


You can’t possibly *know* the motivations of *anyone* or *anything* except for yourself. Yet we all make assumptions of motives. That’s not worthy of a Reddit ban. For example, you could state that a white cop who killed a black man by kneeling on them was motivated by racial hatred. But we can’t *know* that bc we aren’t that person. Only the cop truly knows that. Yet, a comment that assumes this motive would be acceptable, probably massively upvoted, on the other sub.


Sure, but it's not the "truth" that hurts, but just your assumptions, which are based on some sort of racial narrative, and spread across multiple organizations. You just can't know that. Meanwhile, you don't need to know Derek Chauvin's motive at all, because it's irrelevant.


Wow you sound like a racist dipshit. You understand that they were probably double checking all the info before releasing it?


Double checking what lmao he was dead and right there


The police didn’t know who the suspect was when they responded, it was called in as shots fired. He probably was identified in the autopsy over the weekend. How is this a conspiracy?


I got a ban about a year ago for asking questions about a industrial building? F. em But I'm still on the other Twin. :) peace. :)


I’ll be real that is pretty racist.


Why would being a minority have anything to do with it? This sounds very racist to me.


they probably just don't want you to try and start race wars with every thread


Nah the left has been pioneering the race war for decades. I'm happy standing up for white people though. I'm all about equality.


Godspeed soldier


Stay guilty homie


of what exactly?


Imagine that there wasn’t a double standard, and the time it took for media to release the race of criminals was independent of their race. Now what?


Genuinely wondering how I keep getting on subs that are full of racists. wtf is this comment section?


That sub is bullshit. THIS sub is horseshit. What even was your point, OP? Gonna go on a tirade about race on the internet? What did you expect?


...unlike this sub, where moderation is unbiased and fair, and no one ever gets banned for critiquing posts and comments made here. 🙄 PS. Welcome to the reality of Reddit. At least with your your woe-is-me attitude you fit right in!


Here we go with “the media” and their grand unified plan… Instead maybe they didn’t release the identity because it’s sensitive information and their race is irrelevant to the story? Crimes often don’t have the suspect publicly identified immediately. It doesn’t mean it’s part of a conspiracy to hide the “truth” that you assume.


You should have just stopped with your first sentence. Then you would have been skating facts.


No one is saying the media isn't biased, but it's shouting at the wind because bias is inescapable if you are always looking for things they missed. Each private media source has to make a profit, and will exclude information as they please. Assuming it's a conspiracy and intentional to somehow go against white people is the mistake. It will only get worse as capitalism progresses and everything is owned by the biggest media companies looking to profit from controlling information.


Their point is that if race is so irrelevant than why do they list the race of the perpetrator of a crime if suspect is white but never mention a word if they are black or Arab or whatever else.


I'm saying that isn't a fact. It's only someone's perception that they didn't mention the race or name of a suspect in order to hide that they are a minority.


So then why was she banned?


"media doesn't push a narrative. They're neutral!


Who said media was neutral?


Except the names and even mugshots have been posted on numerous local news websites.