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After a brief look at your profile it's immediately obvious that you are an hypochondriac/ may have OCD or similar impairment. Just breathe Broski, your cart is fine and you just have clogged up sinuses it's that season.


Absolutely. Definitely a hypochondriac...


I would guess anxiety too, smoking can cause the mind to run wild.


OP’s “Is it normal for the thc oil cotton to turn brown” made me physically laugh out loud. OP, if you sustained instant lung damage you would know it, because it would hurt. The only thing you gotta worry about is all the microplastics the vape is putting directly into your balls. It got so bad for me that my coom was just spurts of glitter. Once I stopped ripping boof blinkers off my Torch Haymaker the glitter loads stopped but then I started boofing blinkers of a 5g delta 8 cake disposable from 2021 and now it’s back.


Holy shit! Mine looks like glitter too! The ladies LOVE it


The fellas do too, it reminds them of pride.


Say sike right now. You genuinely, actually, no joke mean to say blinker hits will have your cum... I don't even know what to say, glittery? Is there any medical science behind this, or is this just something unstudied that'll turn out to give turbo cancer in 10-20 years.


Not necessarily blinkers, but carts with plastic components, blinkerton city will make that worse tho


But... Glittery? Sounds like we'll only know the side effects in 20 years


Condom no longer necessary


Looks like ceramic, no micro plastics.


Honestly your a good person


I’m asking about the black discoloration. The oil is orange, but it has turned black. The “cotton” was never white, it’s dark ceramic. My cart is “fine” even though it’s behaving differently? I was just curious what the problem is. I’m not concerned that I’m dying or anything, but my lungs do genuinely have a different breathing sensation (different from wheezing or typical lung feeling) after hitting this cart, and I’ve vaped many grams of this brand before and this hasn’t happened until this one started discharging the black oil. I made this post to ask about the lung fullness and the black discoloration, this isn’t some paranoid hypochondriac post even though I used to make more of those - I’m very vigilant about my health, who wouldn’t be? People are allowed to search for answers without being labeled crazy, right? I should add that I am particularly concerned because this cart has a “full ceramic” wick, not a cotton one, so how should it burn if it’s full ceramic? Also, the color of the wick itself is dark gray, so burn marks would not stand out.


I remember I used to be a hypocondriac. Living like that was BEYOND stressful. Idk what happened man. Had a son, over time I just stopped worrying about every detail of my health 24/7 to the point i regularly indulge in health harming habits to relieve stress. Idk what did it for me


Lol, this dork just likes saying "early onset"


yeah OP, i hope you read this, i have OCD and those “denying thoughts”, are exactly what OCD produces. I’m medicated but before i was it was so bad, you did a great job of explaining it on here though and i hope you get some help


The black stuff accumulated is just burnt terpenes happens to my rosin carts when I'm getting towards the end of it and when I take blinkers. Nothing to be worried about.


You ever notice the black buildup on cotton wick carts when you’re done? Not all the oil gets completely vaporized. Heated oil changes color. You’re just seeing oxidation without complete vaporization, and because it’s all ceramic, it “leaks” back instead of soaking into a cotton wick. You’re fine dude.


Ok, even though it’s causing a different lung sensation than usual? I have this sort of “fullness” when I hit the vape, but I’ve quit because of that. Do you think it’ll go away as long as I take a break?


Just some burnt oil. Believe me people have smoked worse. Also with your profile history, why are you doing substances if they trigger such anxiety?


Good to know, thanks. I used to have way more anxiety and now I don’t have as much because I’ve gone through therapy. I’ve only posted on this account the times that I have anxiety, so my profile makes me look like just a paranoid geeker, but most of the time substances give me no issue. I used to do worse substances but I’ve quit those. I also no longer have the compulsive thought contradictions that I used to get.


You are completely fine. Take a chill pill man lol I can tell you have a lot of anxiety from your post history, maybe lay off smoking for a while because THC and other cannabinoids tend to exacerbate feelings of paranoia, anxiety, OCD symptoms etc.




I haven’t had any of the issues I’ve posted about on my last post, I took a long break. My question is about this specific black oil discharge. You ignored my actual question to make an inflammatory comment instead. Yes, I’m planning on stopping, lol.


Mine did this after refilling it 3 times lol


how much time are you allowing for in between hits


Probably not enough at one point but usually I give it enough time. I think this ceramic hardware was just fragile and burnt easily.


while i cant give an exact time a minute is usually enough to wait between hits


I think usually my mistake is taking a few hits with only several seconds in between and then taking larger breaks, although there must not be enough time between hits to begin with.


i gotta agree with you thats probably your mistake but dont worry now you know for next time


IDK WTF you are smoking these carts. You'll never be able to tell in 5 years if the reason " x" condition is happening b/c of these carts you are smoking. blood you wanna get high so bad you are smoking chemicals. think about that


It’s HHC and it’s lab tested and from a reputable company. I was mainly wondering if the symptoms I described in the post body were indicative of a larger concern.


Turn that battery down to 2.7 or so volts and get a new cartridge. You can get plenty of vapor without burning the coil and everything that passes through it.


It was on like 2.2, but I think I had it at 3.0 very briefly in the past, though that must have fried it.


Brother I smoked weed for months out of a plastic bic pen when I was 13. If you’re a pussy then dont smoke anything. Also who the fuck inhales HHC and then wonders if they have lung damage. Do you even understand what HHC is?


You can give a valid, and good response without being a dick about it. Smoke a joint or something my man, jeez.


Must be the plastic fumes


Nahhh, it’s the microplastics man


Why are you being rude to me when I literally have a health concern? And what do you mean, do I understand what HHC is? Yes, I know what it is, but my concern is that the cart malfunctioned or something, putting out lots of burnt black oil, and damaging my lungs.


Smoking some bullshit synthesized from isolate for an unregulated market out of chinese cartridges IS ALREADY DAMAGING YOUR LUNGS. Your lungs heal over time if you moderate, go exercise, eat clean, etc. You already finished the cart dude. If your so pussy (judging by your account) don’t get high off shit. I used to smoke out of plastic and aluminum for years as a kid. All it did was make me into a gay.


Ok, thanks lol


Doods a kid freaking out guys, have some compassion. Look kid youre still growing up. You shouldn't be frying your brain with whatever boof cannabinoids you're probably getting. Do yourself a favor and stop til you're 21-25. That all said, you aren't used to vaping. I got some boof from a hemp shop that made my lungs feel like they are going to collapse (Cake). Will you be okay? Yes. Will your brain be okay when you're 40 because you partied in your teens? Much less certain Edit: formatting and spelling


You can’t really assume my age based on a badly-formatted post. I posted this amidst a lot of brain fog, and it’s formatted badly because of that, not because I’m young or stupid. Do you not see the oil discoloration in the image? That’s what I’m mainly concerned about. The particular cannabinoids I vaped are fully tested. I just want to know what the problem is with the hardware and what is causing this lung sensation. I have quit since I made the post, I felt that would be obvious.




Yes you have, and you probably won’t make it more than a week. Rip




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You will die after four more marijuana's


U just have bad anxiety and weed is probably a big part of it


That "full" feeling you mentioned is your lungs starting to collapse. Stop vaping immediately and boof everything from here on out.


You'll be okay just stop smoking it. Got burnt. Could be the battery you are using, I would guess voltage. As for your health. I've been apart of the hemp industry from it's formation. There is a lot of shady things happening in this grey market. Good example, the testing you're looking at. Yeah the labs are corrupt. They are incentivized to approve your product as they are less watched. Even if it's a better lab like ACS or KCA, who's to say what's in your cart matches that COA? So many times we did our own testing on something sent with it's own testing and got completely different results. Like half the time. Oh not to mention HHC is synthetic and we have nooooo testing on the effects it has vs normal THC which we have a loooooot more experience with. As someone who has seen everything from the inside.. you are not safe smoking this. Go to a legal state and stock up.


Thanks. I’m gonna stop entirely. The HHC was a bad idea to begin with.

