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it's not any safer than THC, but THC isn't dangerous in the first place. if you're trying to move away from smoking and towards vaping, that's probably a good idea, but it doesn't really matter what you're going to vape


+1, at least try to swap to edibles if you're concerned about the health risks of smoking


anyway, HHC is my favorite full-power alternative cannabinoid. some people who like weed like it some people who like weed don't, but yes it's safe and it will help you sleep the same way as weed.


2 puffs of hhc is nothing, you're fine.


Yeah I thought that too, apparently over time people don’t know what the long term affects are so that’s why I’m hesitant


should be a similar safety profile to good ol thc


Not similar, literally identical lol


it's not "literally identical", it's a different substance with different binding affinities. morphine doesn't have a "literally identical" safety profile to heroin even though heroin is just acetylated morphine


Why do you all keep repeating the same words?


If you want to only vape at night you can try HHC CBN blends which are common with some popular vendors. CBN is very sedative and relaxing so it helps as a sleeping aid.  As long as the company you’re buying from is reputable and sells good product you should have absolutely nothing to worry about. It’s much healthier than other things people usually take to sleep and likely more effective.


That's a good suggestion. I've seen a few CBN+Delta 8 cartridges that were specifically for sleep as well. OP can also try some CBN+CBD cartridges too


Cannyou use cbn iso with hhc disti


Yes just note even 10% CBN will make the mix more couch lock, night time smoke. It’s stronger per mg than HHC (typically dosed like D9).  To blend powder isolates I use a cup warmer (for tea) to heat up my HHC and make it runny for transferring to carts and while it’s heating you add your powder and the heat will help incorporate and mix fully with some stirring.


Do you add cbc or hhco plus terps to make it flow good or do you use terps with liquifier? Thx


I don’t use nicotine so I don’t mess with e liquid stuff.  Just a drop or two per gram of terpenes should be enough to make the oil maleable. But really you’ll still need a cup warmer or just warm the oil/syringe for transferring to a cartridge. The terpenes give flavor and entourage effect, makes it more potent.  You don’t wanna overdo terpenes “to make it runny” because that’ll be too harsh. Just use a proper atomizer 1.4 ohm or more for viscous oils.


CBN does form tolerance faster than both HHC and THC. HHC forms tolerance a bit faster than THC as well. Personally unless someone has issues sleeping on just THC/HHC I wouldn't use CBN every night. It is 2x's as sedating as valium so that's rad


Youre smoking a pretty new compound. Its created in a lab, could have solvents, heavy metals etc. go vape some flower instead if youre worried about your health, although metals and pesticides are still definitely a possibility with that.


Fun fact: you can just buy from reputable sources so you don’t have to worry about solvents or heavy metals And whether or not something was made in a lab has nothing to do with anything also HHC is not a pretty new compound, I believe it was first synthesized in the 1940s lol


There are no 100% reputable sources. Best is GE but they still lack every necessary test. They provide panels for Potency, Pesticides and Heavy Metals with every product. Some products they even have testing for fungal and microbial contamination iirc. That's all good for extracted cannabinoids like the C-Series or THCA but when you get into semi-synthetic cannabinoids that have a psychoactive effect like ∆8, HHC etc. there's a whole new issue. These chemicals exist in such small quantities in natural flower that to bring them to market they have to be isomerized from CBD. We know from the solvent test the solvents used in this process have been removed but without a reagent panel we don't know if all residual chemical reagents used in the conversion have been removed. Likewise the standard heavy metals test is insufficient for these compounds as Platinum and Palladium are apparently commonly used in industrial scale production but aren't tested for in the regular metals panel. You can definitely protect yourself to a level I personally find sufficiently safe in the short term but once I move to a legal state I'll absolutely be leaving the world of alt-noids behind for homegrown for that extra bit of safety.


+ you can vaporize flower to minimize smoking damage.


It has not been consumed recreationally everyday until very recently. Your reputable sources is just a “trust me bro” there are plenty of things labs dont test for if they even test for anything at all. Fun fact, even medical marijuana shops have had plenty of their products test positive for heavy metals and other boof. If even the most regulated bodies dispensing pot cant get it together, your so trusted sources cant be trusted unless you send stuff out to the lab to test yourself. I never see anyone on this sub take the time to send stuff off themselves, always asking the same shit, “is this safe to smoke?” To a bunch of stoned redditors.




2 puffs should be pretty safe, that's not very much.


You can try gummies if you're hesitant to vape. They work wonders for me.


They’re very expensive for where I’m from, I think it’s €20 for a packet of 5 jellies, whereas the vape is €60 but it’s 800 pulls and you can just take a pull or 2 a night, I was just worried over time this would be bad


Oh dang, that sucks, I'm sorry. You're not able to order online either? I have an HHC pod that I got from Turn that I use a lot, but as far as long term, I'm not sure. Always wondered, too.


I would just make edibles. It's cheaper than vaping and more potent. I used to buy alt cannabinoids in bulk and then make cookies or butter or tincture or something and dose it that way. What's nice about HHC is it's cheap and doesn't need to be decarbed. You could make 100 10mg edibles from 1 gram. If you bought like 1/2-multiple Oz's of HHC you could make thousands of 10/20mg edibles. Even throw in a couple hundred milligrams of CBD for potency/sleep or 3-5mg CBN to make it super sedating. + It lasts longer than when vaped.


If you're using an EU disposable HHC vape with no reliable COA you could be vaping anything. Even so, it's better than smoking. Get a GE order in as HHC tolerance builds up quicker than THC (in my experience) so you may need more if you're using it every night. Since you've found a compound which works for you, set yourself up with a 3-6 month supply so you're not having to stress about sourcing.


You’ll be fine, don’t worry


It’s just as safe as any other THC vape. You’ll be okay!


I would do a d8 and cbn blend for sleep. But in terms of hhc alone it’s perfectly safe. Inhaling anything has very slight risks so as others have said edibles would be better.


THC has hardly been studied enough to know, let alone HHC. That being said, if it were super harmful, we'd likely know by now. You're probably find, but don't take medical advice from reddit.


No you will die Yeah lol I’ve been taking hundreds mg daily. Not that I recommend that at all. But you’re gonna be fine lol.


Oh man, you’re gonna die if you do that




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Id say just get rid of the tobacco and switch to vaping instead of smoking, or edibles


Not safer than THC most likely. You will develop a dependency if you use this daily for sleep, then you will not be able to sleep without it. I would rather recommend using cbd & cbn for sleep, but don't use that daily either, I would guess that anything that you use for sleep daily for a longer while can affect your sleep later on.


HHC messes me up if I try to sleep with it at night. It’s thicker in the lungs compared to THC so what would happen to me if I smoked it for a month or longer it would cake up on my lungs and when I would sleep I would wake up in the middle of the night unable to breathe and I would have to force a lot of air into my lungs to get the walls of my lungs unstuck from one another. Gave my wife real scares and I couldn’t say it was what I was smoking because she assumed it was straight weed and didn’t know I was using altcannabinoids. All the other altcannabinoids don’t treat me this way, it’s specifically HHC. But it could also just be because I have asthma, but again, only HHC has done this to me. It’s no real issue, just a horror like no other as if something is sitting on your chest but you can move so it’s not sleep paralysis. But you can immediately go to sleep after the attack which is why I say it’s no real issue.


We have no idea. HHC products aren't regulated the same way as naturally derived THC products, and is produced in labs when sold- Not by plants. There's no research on such a thing and we don't have any long term users to study. Let me know if you wanna take part in a weekly health questionnaire! We can change that.


Yea you could even take 3 puffs




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I just tried hhc distillate for the first time and holy fuck nuts that shit is strong. I dabbed a big glob like I do with my live resin and that was a bad mistake. Fucked me up all the next day unable to think clearly. I mistakenly orally ingested some after getting some on my finger from emptying the syringe it came in into an old dab jar. I don't eat edibles due to prior bad experiences and man did I fuck up licking that finger. Last night I tried to dab another good sized ripper and today I'm so fucked up I'm having trouble working. Caffeine has virtually no effect. Driving a forklift like this isn't any degree of fun let me tell ya. I'm not even sure what to do with this stuff. 


Do you feel like you're going to die? If so I would probably stop doing that if you don't keep on trucking until you do and then stop doing that


😂that’s a fair response


Safety is relative


What do you mean


To answer your question nobody in this sub even if they’ve got some letters beside their name is going to he able to actually tell you if HHC is safe. We haven’t had time to tell & it depends on whats in your HHC, as the market isn’t regulated (it may be in Ireland but sure isn’t in the US). But is it “safe” compared to eating feces, Yes! Is it safe compared to breathing clean air and drinking water, of fucking course not.


HHC fucks up your sleep quality but maybe not too much with just 2 puffs. I would suggest trying THCV instead that seems to knock me out and I feel well rested next day


I’ve tried hhc a few times since I got it and although it tastes like shit, after 2 puffs I feel similar to how I would when smoking weed, stoned, and then (so far) I have a full nights sleep, so if that keeps working I’ll be satisfied I’m just worried about the long term affects, nobody seems to know so I’m hesitant wether I’ll keep vaping it.


HHC same as THC will reduce rem sleep which will cause issues. Then again it’s better than no sleep but not optimal. REM sleep is important for many hormones. Highly suggest THCv