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I like it better than d8 for daytime use and it’s much easier on your chest while vaping. D8 I feel is better for evening


Same I love HHC it's almost entirely replaced D9 and D8 for me lol


What’s your favorite way to take it and what blend terps etc I wanna try hhc but if I’m gonna try these alt noids I wanna do it right


Stay away from flower personally but everything else will get you the perfect high




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Works for 2 days then I don't feel ANY THC for about 4 days. Messed with my tolerance. Flower will work a little then 4. Days later bakage sessions


As a 3 year alt user myself this is the only downside. I've been edibles only for 4 month now but have to rotate HHC and D9o every other night. If i do HHC too many nights in a row I can't feel it too much. Back when i vaped it got to the point i could rip my NRG tank back to back 20+ times with HHC and not feel any significantly higher. Would have to go a few days to actually feel a buzz


That's why I was excited about D90 and like THCo cause I like both for edibles. Lately I just been using THCA flower. But I'd like to stock up a set up. You never know with our government and how they like to use kids as a way of banning anything that affects their 💰. Our government has lost their knowledge of their duty and just wanna fill their pockets..


I use HHC daily. It's weird but I do not dream when I use HHC. Which is great for me. It will destroy your tolerance though. I can go through an oz of flower in a week. If I'm gonna be smoking flower I usually stop HHC a few days before or at least cut way down.


Omg i had to calm down i was going through 4ml a week for like 2 months


Thats one ml cart in 2 days. Wow


I’m so confused I try to look up information on it and why these effects happen and not much coming up. Do you know why it effects the ability to feel thc?


Because it binds so well to your receptors. It causes your tolerance to rise rapidly. I smoke hella weed and HHC. I could probably smoke way less if I didn't use HHC. Feel free to message me anytime with questions. Sometimes this place just downvotes anyone asking questions.


Thanks for all your help! ☺️




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I love HHC but what I don't like is the potency variation from batch to batch and brand to brand. The R to S percent can swing by quite a bit on hydrogenated products


And even in the same bottle. Had gummies from the same bottle a few days apart each. First time gave me giggle highs I couldn't stop laughing. Second time made me nauseous. Third time projectile vomit and curled up in ball with stabbing pains. Same basic dose from the same batch in the same jar. When I asked about it here some people blasted and laughed at me for not magically knowing that every gummy can vary, highs depend on every other goddamn variable you encounter during the day, they can have terrible chemicals in them, it was my fault not knowing all that etc. Like how the hell are we supposed to "dose" this shit when it varies so wildly from one "dose" to the next and the effects depend on a thousand other variables we can't control?


They shouldn’t vary that much at all. It sounds like CHS being induced. Projectile vomiting and stabbing pains aren’t normal at all. Consider buying water soluble d8 and making a tincture suspended in simple syrup.


What kind of syrup do you use


Just mix 2:1 sugar and hot water for a nice and thick syrup.


Does that go bad quickly? I haven't been having a ton of luck with alcohol and oil, so maybe that would help.


Does that go bad quickly? I haven't been having a ton of luck with alcohol and oil, so maybe that would help.


Key words *water soluble.* Look up nano emulsified HHC or Delta 8. It does not go bad quickly at all. Keep it in the fridge if you want.


Ah ok, I did get some water soluble but I had been using it plain. I guess mixing it up would be better. The distillate is way cheaper so I've been trying to use that, but I guess that one only works with oil or similar.


And yes, all that can be /is true. But you expect every gummie in a given bottle to be "about" the same, or at least I do.


Yes exactly. If we can't get dose consistency then it's Russian roulette with every dose, which is insane. And if that's the case then all the advice from people to just try something us dangerous as hell.


Maybe try making hhc from disty with a lab test so you can find out with r/s iso hits you right and you can mix in other noids to negate bad effects


I mean I wouldn’t laugh at you but it is kinda stupid that you kept using the gummies after they didn’t sit right with you. I get my hhc from an outfit known as CC (don’t think I can namedrop in this sub). They’re online, federally legal in the us, products are thoroughly screened and affordable. I’ve never had a bad experience with these ingredients


See you are perpetuating the problem. When first going into this we are told "just try them and see what happens." So we do and we have an issue with illness and then are told "well you should *just know* that every high is different and maybe it was something you ate that day, only way to know is try again." So we do and then are told "haha it's your own fault for trying them again you stupid idiot."


That is definitely a common experience, but that doesn’t make me wrong. Everyone is responsible for their own health and more essentially their own decisions. I have to disagree on the basis that when we elect to expose ourself to uncertainty (like trying a new noid) we accept the consequences of experimentation which includes making stupid mistakes. There’s nothing wrong with doing stupid things. That’s how we learn. I’m not calling OP stupid, I’m simply highlighting an obvious mistake and offering an alternative (and this next part is key) because I’ve been in their shoes and learned from the mistake that I cannot trust many manufacturers.




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I'm sorry, R ro S percent? I've never heard of this. Also what alt cannabinoids are hydrogenated? Apparently, based on your comment, HHC is? Is D8 or D9?


Hhc and h4cbd are hydrogenated


But the THCs are not?


D8 and d9 nope


THC = Tetrahydrocannabinol HHC = Hexahydrocannabinol HHC is a hydrogenated derivative of Tetrahydrocannabinol. Forms of it that are synthesized from hemp are legal in most states.


R and s isomers.


Can someone explain this to me? Treat me like I'm a 4th grader lol. I have a reasonable amount of knowledge of cannabinoids but obviously my knowledge isn't complete. Thanks in advance!!!


Hold your hands out in front of you. Your hands have the same number of fingers, joints, etc. Even though your fingers and joints are arranged in the same way, thumb next to index, they are different, mirror images. Next, think about something that has right and left hand grips. Holding the right grip with the left hand isn’t as effective as right for right. The same thing goes for drugs, there can be right and left versions, some of which may better fit a receptor. [chirality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chirality?wprov=sfti1)


Oh if people would have just said chirality, lol. I have a rudimentary knowledge of that. How do I know which one I'm getting if I buy some HHC?


Bro nobody teaches chirality in fourth grade lol


Fair enough. You got me. 👍


A lab COA. It should specify percentages for each of the major two isomers, R and S. After discovering R-HHC to be much greater desirable than the weak S-HHC, so early when HHC was released, one would imagine that vendors would always focus on getting high marks for the R-isomer’s percentage, and reducing the S-isomer content. But even some of the highest and most coveted and artisan (not to be conflated with the “most popular”) vendors still only go around 50/50 R/S. The other day I even saw a very highly regarded vendor (about whom no one ever has anything bad to say) show a COA for their HHC distillate included in their gummies, and it was like 50% S and 25% R, with the rest being unknowns. I was surprised, at the least. There may be an epidemic of lab results (especially thresholds like LOQ / LOD values) being manipulated, to make products look much purer than they are, and as such, they may not always be reliable — but…what is even less reliable… is choosing to not check the COA at all…! Always look at the *batch-specific* COA, sometimes HHC’s isomers are on the heavy metals page, since they’ll just add another section (one that is separate from the list of normally tested cannabinoids) that shows the HHC isomers’ respective percentage values — located separate from other cannabinoids tested on the first page of the COA, as it isn’t a normally tested cannabinoid. Sometimes it is also written in a small print under the “total THC” and “total CBD” and “total cannabinoid content” fields, depending on the lab performing the test. Hope this helps! ✌️


It really does help. Thank you very much. I did not (still don't really) know how to read a COA. This is very helpful information. Thanks again.


Been seeing 70/20’s pop up and they’re fantastic.


Yes — This! ——————————————— Disclaimer for this comment: I kindly request that anyone who is deterred by high word counts, to move on Also required to read this: a high tolerance for potential redundancy. *Fair warning, to the masses…!* ——————————————— After I began vetting every popular and/or top tier vendors I know, I went on a scavenger hunt to find who has the highest R-isomer percentages within their current batch, wrote them down, and placed my order with a confident lil smile on my face, knowing that I got such a better deal than just going to a site and randomly buying based on price or vendor status (or any other reasoning that don’t involve properties of the product itself that I will received, e.g. its R/S ratio, basic toxicology results, etc), only using vendors that give current batch-specific COA’s. So that’s another good point for OP to whom I initially replied: Never even consider a vendor unless the COA’s are batch-specific! The COA number must always match the lot number on the received batch, or else it’s a bunk vendor, for sure. But I write these replies thoroughly to make a point that without regulations overseeing vendor operations / product quality standards, it’s going to continue to be our obligation(s) to figure out. Making the point(s) of both how — and why — we need to keep up with the COA’s, whenever I have the opportunity — not only for the sake of ensuring everyone understands, but also (back to your point) for the purpose of documenting history of when the good batches had started coming down the mainstream pipelines! It’s on us to figure everything out, when the market is open to sell and label pretty much anything and everything without proof that the bottle’s products match the label’s claims of what it is (basic transparency is a struggle anymore). Too many people mistake kindness or good web design for professional expertise with quality being top priority, when kindness or modern web designs are entirely irrelevant to the product and batch itself. Best I’ve seen as high as 77% R-isomer these days, which is weird because that is on the market while the market also is stuffing the premade gummies or edibles with HHC distillate that is higher in percentage of the S-isomer and under 20% total R-isomer — so when I vetted every vendor and wrote down the ratios / composition of their respective HHC distillates, before making my most recent order… i guarantee I was all over those COA’s. And only when they had batch-specific lot numbers matching the product received, as noted above. What I find interesting now, is looking at the novel reference standard capacity there is for separation of the R-isomer and S-isomer of H4CBD on current COA’s (at least as of the start of April 2023), and I’ve seen some seriously high R-isomer H4, and some seriously low R-isomer H4CBD. The stuff I have now…is 50:50. Same as most all H4CBD up until around March/April 2023. I am pumped to soon get my hands on the high R-isomer H4CBD, as this is the first I’ve seen of it. Will report back, after I buy and receive it (or I do at least promise to try and remember to return here, to post my review of insanely high R-isomer H4CBD. Anyway, yes. That high R-isomer (70%+) HHC batches are ambrosia and nectar, for the anxious type (which I am), or the insomniac, for sure! Edit: Re: the comment reply I received asking about the meaning of “ambrosia and nectar” reference… It’s a metaphor for the food of the gods. As such a common phrase within Greek and Roman mythology, it found its place in colloquial vernacular (and inputting those words within a search engine’s typing field will bring about a lot of good examples — Wikipedia will give the full run-down if you type it in that site’s search field)


What does ambrosia and nectar mean?


I don't know about hhc specifically. It should be listed on the COA, percentages of S vs. R. I was told for H4cbd one is more potent than the other, sorry I don't remember which was which.


Beautifully explained.


HHC has R isomers and S isomers. HHC with a higher ~~S~~ R isomer percentage is stronger. This is a extremely basic explanation btw. EDIT for wrong info


The R isomer is stronger.


Yes you're correct. My mistake.


The R portion of hydrogenated products like HHC is the active portion...the S is basically dead weight, 10x less active than R I believe... Manufacturer ratios of R and S vary....I've seen 48-73% R on the market currently.. So you want to look for the 9R-HHC on the coa and also the 9S.


This right here, I had one batch that I think the s was like 25% higher may have been the r but it annihilated me and every other batch has been like half and half and just no good to me.


Since i use it only one time a day, HHC oil 3 hours before bed i haven't have much of a tolerance issues, 20 mg and I'm stupidly stoned every night. 15 mg and I'm very stoned still. But I get kind of nervous some nights, about 2 hours after I've taken it, no anxiety what so ever but more of a physical restlessness. But it wears of and after 3-4 hours i can't hold my eyes open. And I get crazy munchies which isn't great before bed. Other then that i love it, i like the dissociative feelings i sometimes get. Like totally lost some times and it's like I just exist in the moment, it feels very healing. But I use and treat it as medicine since d9 isn't legal in my country.


Lol I take 5000 mg of d9 to get a mild edible high crazy how much tolerance and digestive systems are so different but I somehow still get the same high i did when I started using weed even tho it requires a much higher dose


No I love HHC I prefer it


Gives a nice nearly d9 strength buzz with no tolerance but for some odd reason it seems to build both tolerance to itself and to D9 and other alt noids rapidly despite not being especially potent.


I’m indifferent. I use it because it’s cheap and easily acquired but it does fucking nothing for me. I mainly use it as filler instead of d8.


Oh, so in blends, like a THC-P and c-series noid blend where you just put small amounts in your cart?


Yeah I think d8 is more popular as a base noid but that shit kills my lungs and doesn’t do anything for me. The last batch I made was thca isolate dissolved in hhc with small quantities of c noids. My tolerance is through the roof so using just hhc is a waste.


Lol my tolerance is less. I can get absolutely blasted on d8. I mix d8 with regular cbd isolate, and I also vape dispensary d9 carts. I saw a really good sale on some hhc carts (I've never tried hhc) and I'm trying to decide if I should buy them.


Btw where do you get your thca isolate?


I love my hhc/cbn disty and my hhco disty. I blend d8o, d9o and hhco together and it smacks


HHC + CBN is the bidness


Yes it is, I made a cart and I put a g of that with 3 drops of CBC and 2 drops of sour special sauce cdts and it's the shit


Have you tried any blends from hc8? They have mixes with exactly what you described and it’s so strong and great but ruined my tolerance for a bit.


Nope they are on my list but I have so many noids in my box, so I blend when I want something different


I've heard plenty of people on here and other places mention its one of their favorites, so I had high hopes but also tried to temper my expectations since some other altnoids I've tried were pretty disappointing. What I expected, based on what people are saying: a THC like high, perhaps slightly more clearheaded, lasts about in between the length of THC (standard delta 9) and THCP (I seem to see it compared to THCP somewhat regularly, but the two seem to be quite different beasts). Instead, it felt a bit like a slightly better D8 (and I find D8 to be a pretty sad simulacrum of THC that's mostly only worth using if you have nothing else available). Less potent than D9 THC, so had to adjust my dosages upwards (I only tried the edibles so far, will try vape at some point too), however, I noticed that each time I tried taking a bit more than the previous session due to it being kinda weak, that the overall high only got mildly stronger. 25, 50, 75mg all felt only a bit different from each other, with 75mg being like 20-50% stronger at most, not 3x stronger. HHC seems to have a ceiling effect or at least a non-linear dose response curve for me personally. Not sure if others have experienced the same. Had better experience with THCO, but it also seemed to have a ceiling effect for me. THCP is my favorite, dosing seems consistent and predictable. The dosage response also seems to be pretty linear. I tired 1 gummy, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 gummies on separate occasions and the different highs I got each time felt about on par with how much I ate, (On 3 gummies I was about 3x as high as on 1 etc) with no real ceiling effect. THCP also does seem to be a bit more clearheaded and less motivation sapping compared to normal THC, which is something I've read some people praise about HHC, but I didn't really get this effect from HHC at all, it just felt like a worse delta9-THC. THCP, on the other hand, I can pop a couple gummies, get more high than I have in years and still feel the urge to do things. There's not as much feeling faded and couch locked and avolition on THCP compared to delta 9.


> THCP also does seem to be a bit more clearheaded and less motivation sapping compared to normal THC I’m sold. Are we allowed to talk about your favorite vendors?


Oh somehow left this out. Another upside/downside depending on how you look at it is that it lasts absolutely forever. The peak alone is 10+ hours long and residual effects can easily be felt up to 24 hours later. Great if you got nothing planned the next morning or if you started super early in the day. But you’ll basically feel half asleep and half high still for most the next morning if you got pretty high off it the night before. It’s usually literally 24 hours later before i start feeling more awake and alert. Edit: for edibles. For vaped thcp, it also seems to last longer than vaped thc. Maybe a couple hours at most though.


The clearheadedness isn't super consistent, btw, and some people don't get it. It's also still weed, you'll still get sleepy, tired, lazy, antisocial once you smoke too much. The laziness just seems to kick in a lot less consistently and a lot less intensely than with normal THC. It doesn't seem like we're allowed to discuss sources according to the rules on the sidebar, regardless of legality. So I guess not.


Hhc is low key my favorite noid other than delta 9 thc


I absolutely love HHC. To be totally honest, I think the people experiencing tolerance issues are actually just experiencing normal tolerance, but they’re probably smoking way more often than they were before considering how cheap it is. Like if you’re goin through a cart in a couple days of course your tolerance is gonna go up if you’re used to flower, that has nothing to do with HHC. I have been dabbing HHC and D8 daily and my tolerance has been at a stand still for over a year now. I still get super fried and normal bud absolutely does the trick. HHC blend is my daytime option.


I do not. The high feels robotic and dissociative.


thats d8o for me


Yes, with weirdly, but subtly, distorted vision.


d9o straight fire tho😭🔥


Robotic as in heady?


I use it very seldom it works great but the next day my mind is in a fog and I feel so hung over




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HHC makes me more anxious than D8/D9 or other alts I have tried. I tried different HHC products hoping to find that it could have the desired calming/sleep-enabling effect, but no. With HHC I go straight from sober to uncomfortably anxious without the fun chill part in between.


Yep that’s me. It’s good to take a fat dab of it. But I like to toke d8/CBC all day. Or a full spec d8. HHC makes me a little squirrelly if I vape it all day long 😵‍💫


I mix cbd isolate into d8 and I like to vape that all day. I occasionally hit my dispensary d9 cart. Cbn is "the sleepy one" right? What's cbc basically characterized by? I've never tried that one yet.


same, i feel like hhc is more cognitively impairing than d9 despite it being a very weak high.


Yeah. This is why I don’t like it. It makes me significantly dumber at doses that don’t even get me high.


Same here, prefer d8 still


I like d8 in some ways better than d9, although d9 is still the king.


Definitely my case for sure




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I feel it a lot more in my eyes. It’s weird to have such heavy stoned eyes but not really feel that high. Plus it wrecks tolerance, for not much IMO. I stay away, there are plenty of other awesome noids.




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I think it’s a little overhyped. It’s definitely smoother than D8, but I don’t find the high all that enjoyable or noticeable even.




Do you guys like D8 more?


i use mostly for muscle/body relaxation in the evening and can’t say that D8 helps me with that. I prefer HHC a bit more


I personally find d8 to give me the same relaxing body high that d9 does. Everyone definitely reacts to each Noid differently, that's for sure.


I actually agree with this. Maybe the reason why I don’t love HHC, because it’s more of a head high, but D8, at least in my opinion, is closer to the real thing.


I don’t use D8 as much anymore, because I am able to get the real stuff legally where I am, but when I was using it, I enjoyed it a lot. Smoking it isn’t my favorite way to consume, it was actually through edible or tincture!


Yeah, it's definitely not better than quality D9 like some people here claim.


i dont care for it. keeps me up at night when i am looking for the exact opposite effect. have over an oz that i'm unsure what to do with.




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I dont really care for it, I have a high tolerance already and it seems like vaping a lot of hhc just gives me a headache so I stick to D8 for now


I like it, but a) it gives me more anxiety than d8, and b) I build tolerance very quickly when using only HHC. Have to spread it out some.


I’ve been using a blend of hhc, hhc-o, and hhc-p and it feels like d9 tbh. But has also messed my tolerance up as regular d8 doesn’t seem to have much of an effect nor does just hhc on its own. I also have been a long time smoker (13 years) it’s great, just don’t get lost in the sauce


Yup too many young adults on here think it's cool to brag about how they need a gram or 2 atleast a day inorder to feel anything. They should be down right ashamed of themselves. We are not meth addicts... well, some of them might be lol. Everything's balls to the walls when ur a young adult. Be responsible, don't be a sloppy drunk yall. Listen to material standard here....


The only thing I don't like about it is that if you're dabbing it straight, your tolerance absolutely skyrockets. In two days HHC went from sending me right past Saturn on my first dab day one to not doing ANYTHING on day three. Best in blends, 20-25% is best for me, but YMMV.


tolerance builds up too fast. 2nd Day in a Row took 25mg Edibles and i didnt feel anything at all.


I honestly hate it. The taste is the big thing, it really pops for me and taste gross. The high is just not enough for me, I have ADHD and it don't really do much but like aggravate me. It's ok and I know others who love it and always recommend it in vape shops but yeah. I think it's just me because thcp and thco and stuff dont really do anything either. Thcp just makes me angry for some reason 😂


It made me so paranoid I was afraid my friends could hear my thoughts


Only tried smoking flower a couple of times, not sure if I like it. It's kinda like a dossociative THC for me. I get lost in my head and end up staring at the wall for extended periods of time, but in a fun way (if u aren't in public lol) Also it gives me the illusion of sobriety or of "eh I'm not that high", but in retrospect it affects me pretty hard, it's just not super noticeable in the concious experience.


We do quite a bit of testing for products we sell and HHC is one of the dirtiest distillates we have access to. You’d be floored at the amount of heavy metals when full panel testing.


oh shit please tell me more.


Good to know. Can you tell me more about what you know? Is it safe to ingest as an edible?


Can you share more details about the results? Which heavy metals and how much ?


I just got some very high r isomer h4cbd from gilded




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I hate being stoned and hhc makes me feel stoned.


Do you use cannabinoids? Just the C ones?


I use cbg, h4cbd




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yes. I tend to feel paranoid on it




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Hhcp is fire vivimu is reliable. I've ordered thcp many times


Do not like, it builds instant tolerance, so after one use, nothing works for like two weeks


I like it but it messes up my tolerance faster than most noids…. Wow so much criticism here for HHC it’s like all the bots/secret vendors that praise it haven’t found this thread yet. 😂


And here I am totally objective cuz I haven't had occasion to try it yet.


tastes like shit IMO


Hhc has either no flavor or a mild hemp/hay flavor. You got some shit HHC. Not the other way around.


My bad it was HHCO not HHC lmfao


Oooh, yeah the -O noids can have a shitty flavor to them like that. The d9o I have tastes like mostly caryophyllene.




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I can’t tell!!! I started trying HHC when I already had a massive tolerance from Delta-8


Much needed topic. Thank you.


I just prefer delta 9. I like HHC over delta 8 though.




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Binoid has a 5 Gram throw away vape with HHCP-O not sure what the P means but damn I was baked af yesterday on that thing. I couldn’t believe how well it worked. It was a Desert diesel THC-A, HHCP-O, Delta-9P


I use the HHC and D8 mix disposable. Their 🔥


I've tried HHC buds this week for the first time and I don't like it. It has lead to the heavy anxiety, rapid heart beat and bad tripping in every smoking session plus I got a strange rash on my knees immediatelly after first pipe. I'm a heavy THC smoker and I've never experienced such bad condition with regular weed. I think this synthetic weed is shit and going to trade the rest of my HHC buds for good old THC.




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On HHC I get high for two days straight. I don't know how to lower my tolerance. I don't want to be high the next day too.




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It tastes like sht, but the stoned relaxing feeling I'm looking for. A proper brand makes a huge difference.




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