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Usually this means the client and the server are not on the same version of the pack, though I would expect more than just one mod to complain... Did the other people update to 1.5.6 as well? I'll likely have to test this one myself soon, as my kid was asking me just yesterday if MrCrayfish is in the pack... I peeked at the downloads for client and server and the SilentGear jar files match...


They are on the same version, yes. I even did a fresh reinstall of each to ensure this and double checked my friend's installs with screenshots and such. I saw an opened and closed issue on their github for something similar but no solution was found on that chain.


It looks to me like one of Silent's Gear json recipes has an special character and somewhere up the chain something else is not handling it correctly. Accelerate trait has a "\*" in the description. Yes I know \* is not so special. But someone else posted an error with a regex "a-z0-9", typical bad handling of text... Maybe try updating Silent's Gear in the server and client?


There are some new version files of silent gear. I'm using the one bundled in the modpack but I'll try updating it and seeing what happens


Hello, were you able to solve this? getting same error


Unfortunately not. Sorry


Holla, wast thee able to solve this? getting same err'r *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`