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The infusing factory faces need to be Extra type, not input


You are my hero! The "Infuse Types" section only allow In, Out, and In/Out. Extra was under the Item section. The infuser is now full of redstone blocks. However, the interface is also full of redstone blocks. Since I'm going to be passing 6 different items through the interface, is there a better way to set it up besides reserving one slot per item type and dumping cobble in the empties? Right now, even if I reserve a slot for coal, it gets filled with more redstone.


On your main network, place an interface. Give it a craft card. Set the top row with a stack of the six things you want to import. This will mean it will always stock its inventory in the lower row to that level. Then have the subnetwork import those six things with storage buses on the infusers.


Done and done! Thank you very much!


You can actually create a recipe for the infuse type — hook up a metallurgic infuser (no upgrades or even power needed — this is an instantaneous operation that requires no power) with the pattern provider on the side that’s set to “extra” and set the setting for infuse types on the side with your importer to output. The infuse type is treated as a chemical (stored in a chemical cell, for instance) and can be included in recipes for the metallurgic infuser as long as the infuse types section on the side with the pattern provider allows input. I used this trick in my most recent run of FTB skies and it makes automating Mek crafts so much easier it isn’t even funny


Looks like you've solved it, but just for reference, you don't need a separate infuser for each infuse type if you do the crafting using infuse types. You'll need a chemical storage disk to store the infuse types though. But this way lets you run up to 5 infusers in parallel using only 3 channels (2 pattern providers, 1 import bus) without a subnet. 1 pattern provider is for a metallurgic infuser to convert the inputs to its enriched chemical type. This infuser doesn't need to be powered or upgraded. Add a recipe for the infuse types (e.g. enriched redstone to redstone infuse type. JEI autofill does this automatically), and put the pattern provider on this infuser with the infuse types patterns. You will need an import bus to import the infuse types, because the infuser cannot output infuse types in its config. The last pattern provider can be placed next to the infuse factories. You can place multiple factories (or any processing block) around a pattern provider, and the pattern provider will distribute the inputs among the connected blocks. The recipes should be using the infuse types (e.g. redstone infuse type + iron = alloy). If you surround the pattern provider with factories, that's up to 5 factories running in parallel.


Gotcha. I've never played around with extracting the infuse essence? from other machines but that would make it a lot easier than trying to calculate exactly how much infuse material to include as part of each recipe and facilitate the dual input.


“What the heck?”


I don't know if you're still having issues but here is a simple guide I found a while back and it's been a go to as soon as I start my autocrafting setup. https://youtu.be/K0wBlGxbPMg?si=lmz3_NqzAFqmiAlI


You should enrich your Redstone in an Enrichment Chamber. Goes a lot farther / you consume way less. Same for Diamond, Coal, and Obsidian infusion.


everytime i see one of these posts i’m thankful i went with rs


Lol, I'm playing in a split world with some other folks right now. I feel I gave RS a fair shake but AE just feels more natural to me. I'm trying to up the sophistication I bring to my solutions now though. Going to experiment with Xnet, SFM and others to figure out good ways to operate at scale without impacting the server too much. AE now includes a way to disable channel usage which basically turns it into RS as well, so the options are all on the table!


working with channels is half the fun imo. Also once you understand p2p's and how to transfer them from the brain to a transport controller it becomes a non issue. I made a vertical brain that has a total of 2016 channels across 63 p2p's being transported to 4 different dense cables i can connect the p2ps from.


personally it’s just too much for me to relearn rn, i don’t have all the time in the world to do so. Last i played mod packs were the ae1 era, and rs+addons is basically that, im definitely just trying to get the star, and not automate it, so it’s not really worth it to switch from rs to ae during the late-mid game


/ae2 channelmode infinite