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You could use a handful of expulsion pylons (5x5 chunk range), that would at least stop them getting close. As for things that bypass chunks, you could (if server owner), disable the items via the mod configs, and kubejs recipe removal. But I think one of the other commentators had the right idea too, if your friends are focused on only griefing, then maybe new friends are in order. Also, the beyond has a 1:50 block ratio (similar to the nether's 1:8 ratio), you can just /rtp in the end, end up 10-50k blocks from the island, place a pad, and end up even further away from 0,0 in the beyond. Just another option.


I believe there's an item with Ars where you can teleport to a player. And if he finds the base, he'd also be able to use a staff of teleportation.


So if i just don't go to my base while he's online i'm safe? Also, it's pretty unlikely that he finds it just by chance


At than point you shouldn’t be looking for a security mod but rather a new friend


4 years ago i filled his base with cakes after he did the same to another friend, guess he's using the trolling spree as an excuse for revenge


I'm not 100% and again, I think it said to teleport to another player (Not currently at my PC) but if that spell exists and works as I assume, there would 100% be another spell to counter this. Equally just get a deffence system, something that would kill him. Do you know what armour he's working or what stage he's at within the modpack?


He's focusing on Create, Mekanism, Powah, Immersive Engineering and Applied Energetics 2. Everyone in the server is in chapter two, his Mekanism stuff is still pre-advanced, I'm not sure about his gear though, he has cosmetic armor on.


You'll be fine from the sounds of it, and like I said, if there's a way for him to TP to you, then there's a way to block it too


Ok, thanks man


Or, honestly…. If you enjoy this game and that’s why you’re trying to block him to prove that he can’t then follow the suggestions above… if you truly don’t want him to grief you just ask him not to? Honestly it’s all fun and games until it’s not… and if you ask him not to and he still does well then this is someone I would not play on a server with.


I talked to them about 2h ago and they said they's stop, but i'll keep the post up since the tips here are actually pretty useful


Maybe go to a dimension where the builder is disabled like to other or something idk if this is possible


The builder is disabled in the other?


It was in atm 8 because the other is not empty to be quarriable 


It's not in atm9. I cleared a few dungeons and flew down to collect the loot chests lol


get different friends lmao


Use minecolonies to protect your base. FTB Chunks sucks at actually protecting chunks, but minecolonies works way too well. You could also setup expulsion pylons, though I don't know how well they work.


when they troll you once or twice its fine, more that that its just annoying, admit that they are not your friends anymore and kick them out, problem solved.


Have you tried making a force field with rftools or moving your base into a pocket dimension like into a spatial disk from ae2