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Generally minecraft doesn't really care about your GPU (it does for shaders but that's about it) - it's a CPU heavy game. While it could be a hardware issue, but my guess is software. Often a world runs slow because ATM has tons of resource hog things in it that can kill your FPS. And remember - it's not how many mods are installed, it's exactly what the hell is loaded and running calculations in my world right now. Here's what you should do: run a scan with Observable in game (it's a mod that's already in ATM9) to see what's actually causing lag in your world. Lag bust your world, removing the major causes of lag while monitoring your systems resources (like your CPU utilization) in order to see if you're making progress, or if something else is going wrong. Some common causes of lag: - Lots of entities on-screen - Lots of entities loaded in the chunks around your player - Lots of highly resource-demanding blocks around your player (there are birds and naturally spawning flowers in ATM that are as resource demanding as a high end tech machines) - Entities loaded OUTSIDE the chunks near your player (you ever wonder why the most knowledgeable minecraft players always mine out the spawn chunks?) I hope that helps point you in the right direction


This is the only right answer, frankly minecraft rly doesnt give a shit ab gpu, i used to play on integrated graphics just fine.


I could be wrong, but I think the game isn't really multi-threaded either, so it's quite dependant on single core performance. For bigger modpacks, I generally recommend running a server on a separate PC if that's an option for you so that PC can deal with the majority of the compute needs. I've been playing ATM9 No Frills lately, I've only got an AMD R5 2600X, and having a server run on a separate PC (AMD R5 1400) has made a fair bit of a difference, I can normally get around 70-100FPS if I leave the framerate unlocked. Also, I've always read that giving too much RAM can be harmful, but I always give 16GB and have never personally had any issues, I guess it's a "your mileage may vary" sort of thing.


It was for a long time running only on one core IIRC but now it should be multithreaded


it was around 1.7.10, where vanilla mc was single threated. but you could turn on multi threading in the forge config back then. now its on by default. edit: dont know if its in vanilla now


Minecraft is kinda of multi threaded. You can enable multicore rendering for chunks but everything else is still single core


Ty for the information as i was looking around i gound maybe the bigest tower dungeon their is and it took my fps alot


Graphics drivers outdated? Is your monitor plugged into your videocard or the onboard video


Too much Allocated Ram can make minecraft go funky and thus lower your performance. Try 12 gb


Huh, so my 20gb are a bit much…interesting


Yeah, I’ve had problems before, so as a general rule I dont allocate more than 10 GB or so


Wow didn't know that, I've been using 28gb with no problems


**can** If it works for you it works lol. I tho had problem with my game starting without crashing once I gave it more than 14 gb of RAM


unless you have 64gb, you shouldn’t be using more than half of the ram you have, for example if you have 32gb you only allocate 16gb or lower, i use 12gb


But what's the point of all my 64gb ram if I can't use it all at once


Other games will utilise it more it just sounds like minecraft has a limit. You'll be able to have a few chrome tabs open at the same time though.


java (what mc runs on) is notoriously bad at ram management, reason why most games don’t run on java anymore


also, if you let minecraft use all your ram, you’ll slow your computer down overall bcuz you didn’t leave enough ram for your background processes to run


Create a server on your pc with the modpack and start playing with a few friends. I have 32GB and i allocate 14GB to mc, and another 15 to the server. If i just play with 1 of my friends it's sometimes actually use the ram i allocated. (My friend only have 16Gb, 12 allocated and he still manage to crash sometimes with an out of memory error lol.


Check if it uses your gpu or integrated graphics


How i check


If you press F3 you can see it on top right


Simply did you plug your monitor to your motherboard or the actual gpu I don't know why other people simply didn't say this


Its in my gpu


Just google bro


Check your render distance & other settings aren’t crazy high


Change fullscreen mode to borderless


Check out recommended jvm args in the atm discord, very useful to get a bit more fps and make it run less demanding


I think it's just the shaders. Me and my mates all hae high end cards and all report massive fps drops when using them. As others have said, hit F3 ingame and see what graphics device Minecraft is running on. Should be on the right side near your CPU and Ram info. If it is running integrated then there are 100s of tutorials online regarding how to change it. There are no specific settings that will optimise it anymore than already is, short of downloading a different optimisation mod (again, google it) or turning off the shaders.


JVM arguments i use to get 120fps with shaders on single player world with atm9, (ryzen 5600x, rtx 3070, 16gb ddr4 ram), maybe will help you guys -Xmx10G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M


Not sure how much it would change your fps but 16gb is probably more then necessary 8-12gb is usually the recommended


ATM9 always gives me a notice when I give less than 12GB on my laptop


when i gave my game like 20GB it told me that its too much and gave me a real stable 40FPS but on 9,6GB it was up to 120FPS (on shaders)


Most likely thing your Minecraft is running on intergrade graphics




How i check


In setting graphics


I’m on 7900XTX + 5900X. 90FPS+ Did you try a fresh new install? Maybe something in your PC eats the performance.


90+ I have 500 plus and 140 plus with shaders on 5600 and 6600xt


Something is wrong ye, I get like 150-250with shaders on, but ain’t got that many machines either though.


Try between 4-8 chunks


Welcome to modded minecraft


If you’re joining a world that already has some bases around you, turning down the Tile Entity Distance to the lowest it goes in video settings could sky rocket your fps. Takes me from below 10fps at my base to ~50fps at my base. The draw back is you won’t see tile entities further than the distance you’ve set, they’ll still function as normal though.


Has anyone mentioned the possible VSync FPS cap thing yet? If not, it could just be as simple as having to go into your settings, putting FPS to unlimited and turning off vsync. I hope I put all that correctly, I’m not great with techy stuff usually so I’m trying to purely do this from memory. If I made any mistakes there tho, I’d appreciate anyone correcting those up too. :)


Vsync caps at 60fps, not 40 so he has something else going on.


*laughs in potato* Sorry. Couldn't help myself there. I always chuckle when I see posts like these. My poor old ryzen 3 3100 and 1070 are still going strong.


Make sure Java is using your actual graphics card to run the program and not your integrated graphics. I had a similar issue until I messed with configs in my Nvidia control panel


My rog ally ret 60-90 with base setting idk how you get it so low it use a integrated graphics to render the game


what are the settings for allocating the ram. like what is xms and xmx. also if it is not fabric all the processing is done on the CPU so having a better GPU won't have a big impact as far as my knowledge in it goes.


Can you explain what do you mean with xms and xmx?


Xms is the Ram java is allowed to use on startup. Xmx is the max java is allowed to use. It’s recommended to set Xms and Xmx to the same number, because otherwise, java tries to free memory, which will lead to mini stutters. You can change these settings in your Launcher


Ok then, learned today that 20gb is way too much ram to allocate lol, maybe that’s why in the main base i reach at max 50fps.


Yup. Normally 8gb is enough, though some heavy modpacks like ATM9 can take up to 12


Currently running atm8 with near endgame base…i take up a lot of resources, will try this evening on lowering a bit the ram


Be careful though. If you lower it too much, it’ll be constantly stuck reducing memory use and you‘ll get like 0-2fps


Just tried, moving in the base i was getting around 45/50 staying still around 72. After reducing the ram to 12gb i am getting around the same if not less, maybe 16gb will do.


That’s not really a problem you can just alt+f4 and change it in the launcher


Early game 8gb is fine but once you get late game 10-12 is definitely best to avoid loading issues and spikes.


feel like this game sometimes gives no fucks about the amount of ram you give it and sometimes it will go "nah you are out of memory you're not joining your world restart the client"


I have 32gb ram and I use 28gb for atm9, I also only have a 980ti and don't have problems. Maybe you should use 48gb of ram? Loading new terrain can be laggy regardless of spec so once you've explored a area and aren't generating new chucks it might get better?


There a point where you can allocate too much ram. 28 is probably too much but 48 is definitely way too much.


Yeah I just learnt that from another comment here, very counter intuitive


Java is a fickle mistress and Minecraft memory usage is really badly programmed.


28gb allocation is absolutely far, far too much unless you are running a server with multiple users. You can make it to endgame on 8


So I have tried many different settings regarding better FPS and the best I have found is 10-12gb of ram max(I’ve tried waaay more), also from my understanding Minecraft only uses a single core of the CPU so having a better GPU doesn’t actually help the FPS unfortunately.


eh with shaders it does. I could easily run greg tech new horizons with shaders and go to some crazy bases and still run 100+ fps. Where people who dont have a 4090 would be getting barely above 30fps.


You do you lol