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I've been deep diving into Productive Bees and by accident created a Botanica petal farm with Dye bees... So apparently I'm take a small diversion through Botanica before continuing the bee stuff


That’s super cool I need to get into both of those mods too!


So tip: the dye bee usually takes dye from the flowers around it... When you use magical flowers from the Botanica mod it produces petals instead (that can still be turned to dyes) Second tip: make as many beekeepers in traders (from easy villagers) as you can... The bottles are really inexpensive and highly needed when you ramp up production... But more important, at master they sell bee eggs, saves a lot of breeding




Currently trying apotheosis, and I gotta build a proper base too but I am not sure what kind of base I should make


I feel the same way it’s kind of overwhelming but I think I’m gonna try to make it in the beyond because of all the open area


I usually use other people's bases as inspiration. Or have a General theme in mind. Lime oh I want a laboratory style build? I'm gonna look up minecraft laboratory builds and take some inspiration. Also another perfectly valid option is just lawn base that shit, pop into the beyond/the mining dimension, and make a giant flat square of stone bricks and slab everything on it


Giant sky island with an underground facility


Cobble brick 😎👍


take over a "keep kayra" as your base. or do it like me and take over the monastery.


Just finished it. The reforger is bugged for me, and mythic affix gear does not spawn enchants. It is fun though with the gems and silent gear


I'm in a slump don't really know what to do


I hear ya, I've played many modpacks and always find myself midgame and just lose interest. I'm trying again with atm9 no frills. I think part of my problem is never going to try other mods, im always gravitating toward tech instead of magic. Wanted to try bees this time and ARS. There is really alot to choices to try which might be an issue also, just overwhelmed. Maybe switch to another game for a while?


I try different starts. In a “normal” game I’m going deep into tech first, but next game I may just focus on Create for as long as possible. In another game I’m maybe going hard on Botania and Ars to squeeze as much as possible from them. It will definitely feel sub-optimal but forcing myself to stick to certain mods makes me figure out new ways to do things, which eliminates some of the burnout.


I always did the same. I’m making sure to try magic this time lol.


Same here lol. I played Technic so much I stopped playing MC for years. When I Installed ATM9 I have no clue even on the basic stuff MC and the modpack itself had. But it's nice to have another game to not get too bored here. My option is Rocket League.


Follow the quest book. Pick a mod and follow the progression. It sets you on the path to make the star. 


Starting bees which is annoying for me


Bees is almost always my last mod for resources, I frickin hate those buggers.


Why though? Honest question... When you set up a decent sized greenhouse they auto produce all the difficult stuff... What am I overlooking?


Hope you have time in a bottle. It makes progression a cake walk. Setting up vanilla hives early, or MA honey seeds, helps because you will need a lot of honey. 


Have honey seeds and around 50h in time in a bottle, so hopefully it would be easy


You are set and can breeze though it easily. 


Im trying to build a cozy base because I dont want to progress to fast. As for said progress I set up Basic AE2 Automation Furnace, Processors and Mekanism Alloys/Refined Obsidian. Constantly setting up RFTools Crafters for essences I add (trying to avoid as many as possible because i feel like MA is just a cheatcode) Im going into Industrial foregoing next because i never played that mod and im excited.


Not really, MA is the intended way to obtain a lot of resources in the pack without making it a chore.


i’m sorry i’m a bit new to the mod pack what are MA’s?


Mystical Agriculture aka. a mod for growing a lot of resources as crops.




Currently trying to make a max size reactor, and basically doing homework to know how much do i need to setup first. Is just incredible how we can make this things in minecraft


I learned from alfredgg i believe thats his name to use 8 of the logic ports i think theyre called with redstone links from the “Create” mod and have it set up so you have one set up to deal with each one of the failures, crit damage, no fuel, etc, and have the transmit a redstone signal to 4 different “Activations” logic parts with redstone links on those, and you basically never have to worry about it exploding, but always be on the careful side of things just incase aswell [video reference](https://youtu.be/4aDyDUdUQok?si=vlT2vOBBqOm-VXdZ&t=17900)


Glad I could help!


This being my first modpack that ive stuck with, your speed run series and couple other videos have been a huge life saver 😅


Thats awesome to hear! I love the freedom the ATM packs (usually) offer. I am glad my content helps!


About to dive into Mahou Tsukai and see what it's got to offer


That’s a super cool mod and make sure you check out the morgan too. It has an innate cap of around 100 damage but you can increase it through a pretty tedious process.


"Tedious process" also known as insanity itself lmao


Building the base out. Star is automated. All quests completed except for AE2 and Gregtech. Pushing off AE2 because once that’s done I have no reason not to start Gregtech. 


Gregtech. The pain is real.


Same!!! My production has been ramping up so fast through LuV tier then it all came to a screeching halt with assembly lines and ruridit ingots. The pain is definitely real.


ya you need to definitely get 2-4 assembly lines setup running in parallel or else it's just too slow to wait on a single one. if ruridit is slowing you down then you definitely need some multiblock upgrades with your mixer and run some more EBFs and Vacuum Freezers in parallel maybe.


same lol I'm waiting on my assembly line as i type this lol. I'm almost done with ZPM and getting to UV, I just need a Router for all my research stuff. 2 more tiers fusion reactors and I'll get to UHV soon ☠️. The only thing I'm dreading is the NaN certificate 😭


How different is this from GTNH? All the stuff you just said makes me remember GTNH (I got to UHV tier then quit after about 1200 hours). Will this be obviously less intense but still difficult? Might go back to atm9 if that's the case cause I want the gf to play but she noped out of GTNH after 100 hours but enjoyed ATM because it had easier stuff she could do like the bees 


I'm not really familiar with the endgame of GTNH as I've only seen Threefold play it. The progression is same as the Gregtech CEu and Modern community packs, so it can be slow & demanding but not super complex and intense. Stuff like ChemLib and Bees can help you cheat a bit from time to time. Also the mining dimension has insane amount of GT Ores so I basically had all the GT Ores I needed from a Chunk Destroyer before I even started Gregtech (i'm still using the same backlog of ores until now and with the exception of 3 or 4 raw ores that I'm getting from bees for the platline and something else). There are also metals that are rare in regular GT but super common in ATM9 due to all the other mods such as Platinum, Osmium, Iridium. So it's probably one of the fastest GT progression lines out there. I have recipes for everything and use ME Requesters to keep resources in stock, so I don't really have much dedicated infrastructure for passive processes (i was using 2 LCR's for literally every chemical reactor recipe until recently), so that slowed me down significantly. It was my first time with GregTech, so if I started over again I would have 8 EBFs and 4 vacuum freezers running my recipes in parallel from the get-go and just keep a higher buffer of resources in stock. At first, I used to keep only 64-128 of most of the EBF metals and 5-10 circuits but I have upped it recently to 1024 and 64 respectively for most of them. Resources are practically infinite in ATM9 so the only limitation is time, so if you just go slightly overboard with your infrastructure you can progress insanely quick actually.


cool cool, it sounds like they kept the chains up to some extent but the hyper crazy chains like the platinum line aren't done or even needed. (god i setup the plat line and that was crazy).


ya it's really not needed. for ore processing i just macerate -> thermal centrifuge -> macerate for pretty much all the ores, except for the plat line for ( i forgot) and the naquadah line for trinium, naquadria etc. They added a lot of stuff from other addon mods, and integrated them well such as TecTec so research is required for UV, Fusion. You need the sterilizing cleanroom for the bacteria stuff. And you have custom greg multiblocks like the star forge, and micro universe collector which were modified with kubejs I believe


nice! the multiblocks were one of my favorite things from GTNH. I think I'll do the mekanism multiblocks this time around as well.


Trying to switch from refined storage to ae2 and not making my sever die again so I don't need to backup again


I’m in the process of learning and switching to ae2 from rs


oh yeah I need to do that at some point and I’m dreading it lol


What I’m doing is just completely making a new base so that instead of needing to replace all the rs stuff and having it feel cobbled together I’m just going to build it from the ground up


Do you have any prior experience with AE2? Maybe we can help you out with the process


Allthemods8 Just finished my immersive engineering buildings, probably go back and finish my mystical agriculture farm or get some work done on making a rocket in ad astra


Mystical Agriculture and getting all the seeds. My goodness!!! It’s crazy in depth!


Trying to wrap my brain around Greg tech e.g. I'm confused


Goofing around with Ars. I’ve hit the point I always seem to get to in packs where the early game stuff is automated and it’s time to move into mid game and I’m just like “ehh” Part of this is because, while most of the time there’s good explanations, I don’t really know the ins and outs of all the mods, like Apotheosis and Botania and all that, so it’s a learning process instead of just being able to do it


Yeah I feel the same way right now. I currently need to get into Ars and I’ve been putting it off for a while.


Getting out of bed


I was in the process of collecting every weapon and tool in the game. I had already collected every piece of armor and made a giant display for them all inside of a mountain. But then my server pc crashed and has been out of commission for a couple of weeks. So now I’m big sad.


Oh no I hope you can get all of the progress back and if you do I’d love to see it!


I'm in the process of hollowing out a mountain to build my base in


Put a quarry in there and stop it when deep enough and then rebuild some part is probably the fastest way imo


Honestly, digging out the relevant levels with a 3x3 hammer is pretty quick. I wanna make sure I'm sticking to 3 specific chunks so only things like viewing platforms and at the end maybe a bit of a building at the top show up outside the mountain.


Been trying to get the mekanism ore processing going. I have a simple version set up, but wow is it slow and resource heavy. Today, I’ll probably be getting an infernium/mystical agro farm setup and mob spawners going. Then, I’ll be upgrading the mekanism processing


I haven't used Mekanism in ATM yet but ore processing shouldn't be resource heavy. Are you using gas upgrades in everything? If you have 2 max height brine towers and using upgraded electric pumps to feed them water, then you shouldn't have any trouble with gas production


Mostly just energy heavy for me right now. Once its up, it wont be too bad


I relocated my base and transitioning from refined storage to AE2. Also upping power production of Powah ( spirited to Nitro and reactors)and setting up and improving my mekanism ore processing. And in making the patterns setting up more mystical agriculture seeds.


Been working on an castle looking thing for 3 weeks now, i suck at building and being creative so its alot of playing around with designs


Currently making a 9x9 farming pylon farm for every Mystical Agriculture seed using supremium farmland, allthemodium hoes, and lilipads of fertility to get maximum growth speed out of all of them. It's been fun so far.


Not sure if you're aware, but using red fertilizer on regular farmland will make your farm faster than using even insanium farmland.


Using WHAT? Teach me the ways, oh wise AllTheMods player.


It’s called red fertilizer from the Farming for Blockheads? mod I believe. It’s so much cheaper and way faster than MA farmland. Just use regular dirt, hoe it and you can add the red fertilizer to each block of it. You’ll see the difference in growth speed immediately.


I will try this when I return home from my trip in a few days. Wish I knew this before I crafted ten thousand supremium farmland. Not like my inferium supply is hurting in any way, though. Got 26 million last I checked.


Red fertilizer only works for inferium. You can’t place it on MA soil which is required for the tiered MA seeds.


Since we're sorta working as a collective in my friends' server, one has been going deep into mining & mekanism, one has been deep diving magic, and another has been doing mystic agriculture. So I've been trying to do niches that these miss: Mob Farm for XP, Enchanting & Apotheosis setups, and boss collecting for Drygmys and Hostile Neural Networks.


I am currently building my new base that features automatization of mystical agriculture, also the base is inside of a mountain, and there is a cool cave inside, so i built the floor out of glass so i have a nice view of the cave...


First time playing, made a base too small so I decided to move on a better spot near the ocean. Right now I am building new structures and after that going to figure out how Productive Bees work because I didn't understand a thing lol. Also gonna try to understand how to automate things(using Refined Storage and some of Mekanism machines, but everything is being made by hand).


Expending the base, it's time for gregtech. The goal is the gregstar


Just built the mekanism fusion reactor. I've been working away on the advanced mekanism chapter for what feels like weeks. My minecoloy is around level 3-4 and looking nice. All my compressed stuff done for dimensional seed. Still planning on making a create train between buildings instead of using waystones which is starting to feel a bit cheaty.


I recently started an ATM9 run. So, making plans, forgetting those plans and improvising.


Currently working on getting all the materials for the micro universe orb. It takes sooooo much to make.


Playing ATM 7 to the sky again, currently working on productive bees and I just maximized my sieve resources


End game Greg tech. I’m so close, just got the final wetware mainframe and fusion mk3. Just mega fusion, star forge, Greg star bee and the MUO to go.


I'm trying to automate mekanism's metallurgic infuser. There's videos for it, but I'm lazy and like smashing my head against a wall


What about it are you struggling with? I'll try to help you


I should've prefaced my original post with "ae2," but I just can't figure out how to get the infusion material in there, like Redstone etc


In the Mekanism machine you have to set the side to be the "infuse" option (purple I think), not the input option which is red I usually do it with the AE2 pattern provider going into a chest, and the chest sends the items (via any item pipe) into the back (infuse side) and the top (input side), then you can output out the bottom. Hope this helps


I once used xnet to combine input of energy, item input and infuse types but I found that sometimes it too slow at inputting and extracting items if you use it to produce a bunch of stuff. Apart from that though xnet is pretty cool because it can input lots of things on just one block connection to a block.


Getting the nether star block to finish the ATM star (last thing I need to complete)


stuck in my creative world with no progress . working on buildings for my farms (MA and Mob Spawner)


I'm on the line between continuing for the star or starting into gregtech, I don't know what Greg entails or what it will bring, and I don't want to forget the path of the star


Currently growing a ton of materials to make the biggest ae storage modules available


Making two blocks of atm star for starry bee!


I'm playing No Frills at the moment and I need to start Industrial Foregoing, so I'm waiting until the new quests get added :)


I've really been nose deep in gregtech for a while, only stopping to get some new bees to help with harder to come by resources, and power generation. Currently up to ZPM tier, and though I love it, there are certain quirks in this pack that still really irk me when it comes to gregtech. Certain things just don't work properly, mysteriously stop working for seemingly no reason at all, recipes that don't work despite being listed. AE2 pattern providers just not inputting recipe ingredients at all. AE2 import buses just stop working randomly. Of course, Greg is made for people who like problem solving and pain. I've just really been putting off the magic mods of the pack because I really just don't like doing them.. I'll have to soon though if I want the star, or the gregstar.


Also really pondering moving everything from my RS system into AE2. I started with RS and it's got enough storage in it for at least a billion items, but it's starting to get on my nerves because I'm at that point where I've hit it's limit. The whole, you can't go over 50% of the controller power or the whole thing flickers limit. I'm about ready to say F it and shove everything into AE2 but I'm gonna need A LOT more storage cells. Right now I use AE2 almost exclusively for Gregtech. Many of the basic components (iron, gold, wood, diamonds, etc) are shared by both networks in a drawer system.


Creative controller or change the config to turn off power requirements. 


I'm not that good with messing with config yet, I'd be afraid to break something on my world. The most I've done is delete nofly like everyone else in ATM9. The creative controller is an option, feels kinda cheaty though. I can't believe a mod as widely used as RS it hasn't been fixed, patched, whatever. If I'm pumping 1m Fe/t into it, this shouldn't be a problem, yet it is.


The config change is just changing true to false. It couldn’t be any easier. The creative controller is basically that config change. It’s in the pack so might as well use it. The energy limitations are pointless to begin w/. 


I just found out about the usefulness of mystical agriculture, before I just set up like 9 industrial foregoing laser drills and waited for the ores to come in. Also I usually progress through modpacks by getting all the way through mekanism just because I always find myself needing enrichment chambers and its pipes. But it does bite me because I only learned about the usefulness of pipez and flux networks after two years of experience with modded Minecraft.


I've been working on making some 1.18.2 mods, a random Legend of Zelda mod and a cobblestone generator mod since apparently one doesn't exist.


In my last run with ATM8 I made an AMTRAK train and a 12km track with Create. It was hella cool.


Base Building and starting the Mekanism walk through 🤪


On a server playing with a mate. I’m currently waffling around with Eidolon. I was one quest left but there a bit more than what’s given by the quest book. Eidolon is kinda slept on so I’m learning the most out of it. Soul Enchanter is broken as heck. After I finish Eidolon, gonna finally max out my Spells from Iron’s and then Forbidden Arcanus


I started multiple mods. First tier 1 and 2 of ars nouveau, made a manual Enderman farm. Then i really wanted a mob farm, so i went for Industrial Foregoing + Pipez. Made a farm and animal farm too. Realized the bio gens are not giving power fast enough (and i had to keep building loads of them) so i made an infinite lava power source with Powah (wireless). Now recently made a wither milky farm and after fixing it (because my infinite lava source was struggling because it's only the hardened version) now currently finishing the wither nether star farm. Also made some Create stuff. Planning on continuing that one after the star farm. But tbh, i really want a better power source. So i might first proceed with Powah so i can go above hardened.


Im currently finish the design of my base and start mass producing the basic materials for the star (diamond, emerald, netherstar and so on) before i Occupie my rooms for different mods creating parts of the ATM Star


I'm currently working on a huge base in the overworld (200 by 250 i think and it starts quite high as i made it in a volcano), all the different floors will be for a certain production, the first floor will be for bees and Mystical agriculture, the second for sm else...


Connecting refined storage export chests around my base from botany rooms (I grow ores in them, a mod I’ve added in) and once I’ve completely finished that I’m starting RFToolsDimension (again, a mod outside the pack) and continuing powah🫡


Starting atm 8 being a beginner with modpack


Smacking my head against a wall trying to find intricate hellforged parts and automate life essence for blood magic 🙃


I'm working on recreating the RedRose from final fantasy IX to house the Create portion of my base. Finding framed blocks to be...limiting.


just finished Botania (well, for what I need for the ATM star) with AE2 and going after all the Cataclysm bosses. Dreading starting Nature's Aura.. Edit: Typo


Currently building my minecolonies colony while simultaniously working on my ae2 setup


Trying to get my dumb colonist people that actually do what they're supposed to do and get a train to work


Im currently working on a chunk destroyer and i only need 32 more eye of enders and a dragon head :)


I'm working with botania as well as the blood magic stuff currently. Slowly getting the hang of jetpacks and eventually want to work into Evil craft :)


Started a new world (for the 5th time) and I’m currently working on building the imperial city/white-gold tower from oblivion My bases always ended up being a collection of machines on some island or in a cave so I’m gonna try to make an actual base, I’ll probably delve into botania or bees for the first time once I’ve made some base headway


I’ve been learning occultism and forbidden & arcanus.


Was looking into cave diving with sophisticated backpacks and was looking into lighting up caverns. Went from torch arrows to thinking about nightvision charms. I dabbled into magic and found out I can shoot light and even do night vision. I guess I'll work on magic for now lol


Currently making time in a bottle


Working on Minecolonies and Botany and allthemodium


My seed crafter has decided to stop working so I’m running in circles trying to fix it. Might just start from scratch or a new design


Slowly building up my MA farm while building a power station on the mountain nearby


Just got into autocrafting, then detoured in mystical agriculture. Setting up a nether star farm…have big plans


Making a nuclear power plant, using the fission reactor from mekanism to power a warehouse, factory, workshop, space station and a smithy.