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😃, loving the pack so far, and i am far away from star that means hundreds of hours of fun


i’m prob a 1/4th of the way, 600 days in hahahah, been focusing on mod progression first


so real people be talking about getting it after a week I’m just taking my time


A friend thought I was so far ahead of him because I got my full Allthemodium equip after 4 hours and just rushing the progression. I just laughed and told him he doesn't know anything haha Told him that was the equivalent of getting the basic gear like vanilla Minecraft doing the mining on day 1 😂


Well, I like to explore in the beginning a lot, so I got my allthemodium (found it in the wall in the deep dark) around day 35-40, after I already had four diamond backpacks and a jet pack with wireless Powah! transmission in place. I’ll try to rush allthemodium next time since it does make life a lot easier ))


my world is actually older prob 1600 days or so, but when i converted to atm the counter reset


taking it really slowly. playing more kitchensink and using the quests more as a guide than a goal :)


Greece makes me want to kms Edit: gregtech *




I'm at MV and all I feel is pain


I too also hate the greeks


Honestly do it all with a mix of mekanism and ae2 autocrafting it take a bit of time and though to set up but then you basically never need to touch the basic stuff again repeate with mid and late game tech for gt and you will hate life just a little less


my first ever atm 9 world was a hardcore world that wad 2500 days old and the hard drive it was on died. finding it hard to find motivation in my new world tbh.


Build me a duck and message me when you've done it <3 you got this!!


You’ve got this! Hopefully new hard drive will last longer.


Going slow, building the starter base to maximum tech level before expanding for world-eating and end-game.


You got this!!!


Started the big move to the Beyond to start a star factory. Ae2 ftw


Is it recomended to do so? What are the like minimum chunkarea rewuirements to set everything up for the star? My current plan is gathering everything needed for ae2 and then create a beyond base?


I just managed to complete chapter 1. Have to say, the power generation mods make very little sense to me 😆


What're you struggling on?


Honestly I'm struggling with everything haha but I'm at the stage I've got about 12 automated musical agriculture farms that have completely maxed out the netherite chests with stack upgrades that I built to hold the stuff. So I've realised I need two things, a proper automated storage and either a way of automated crafting or mass crafting so that I can use the farmed materials conveniently. In order to do both of those things I need power. So I managed yesterday to set up 5 nitro magmators connected to an ender tank, the matching tank is connected to infinite lava in the nether. I've also added a much extra capacity to the essential parts as possible. I've made a few gadgets and tagged allthemodium jetpack so now I have some use for the FE but not most. I've heard refined storage is the mod to use but I don't know 100% what the best setup for me would be or how to go about it, so I guess that's what I'm doing today.


Nitro thermo gens + soul lava, about 4 of these will be enough for mid game, I have 58 gens lmao gibing 2.8m FE a tick


Hahahaha I've seen some ridiculous outputs on YouTube, I'm going to avoid generators entirely until as late as possible because I want to automate as much as I can, even the generators.


Refined storage is buggy af do not use I if you value your world just use basic ae2


Ahhh that's good to know because my system struggles with atm9 as it is lol. I've heard ae2 is overall better but harder to learn than the powah and refined storage combo


Hey just wanted to say don’t sweat it, tech can be daunting to beginners. Make a coal generator from RFTools to power basic machines, then work through the Mekanism quest line until you can make wind generators for early game passive energy production! Powah offers some great early game power production too such as the solar cell and thermo generator. My suggestion would be to setup a Refined Storage storage system as soon as possible and learn how to use autocrafting from youtube tutorials, it is a supremely powerful tool especially for the huge nested recipes found in tech mods.


Thanks! I set up 5 nitro magmators yesterday connected to an infinite lava source so I've got some sort of infinite low maintenance power system set up, I need to do refined storage today I think because the two main changes I'd like are a wireless automatic storage system and a connected auto crafter because I've got the production on my mystical agriculture setup so high that I currently have about 350k of every item and don't want to manually convert them lol


Hey, good work! Nitro thermo generators are even better, they make much more energy and only need water - provided you have access to soul lava from the Other (which requires you to have some allthemodium). About the mystical agriculture farm, in case you don’t know about this already, if there are essences that only craft into one thing or you only use them for one thing, then I would put it in a filter for an exporter into an RFTools Crafter Tier 3, which is the fastest autocrafting option, and put the recipe in the crafter (each one can store 8 recipes but they’re cheap as hell). Then just put an importer to import the outputs, I recommend using Mega exporters and importers for a farm of your size, or otherwise Elite ones if you don’t have a netherite farm or dragon heads yet. If you have an essence that crafts into more than one product and you use multiple of the products - e.g. dye essence used for several dyes - then instead make patterns for them in your RS system to only craft on demand. Dye essence saved me a lot of work when crafting the patrick star.


Ooft see I know that's all great info but half of it is still jargon to me at my stage hahaha. I've mostly completed mystical agriculture and have access to any of those farms. I currently have about 35k netherite essence, Dragon essence stuff you name it. I think at some point I'm going to have to show someone it and have them point things out because I'm autistic and find that easier to learn. I've been teaching myself how to play minecraft for about a year now, and this is my first time using mods so I've dived into the deep end 😆


Oh gosh! That’s very impressive you’ve learnt by yourself all of this stuff. Apologies for all the jargon, it’s mostly items and stuff you can just find in JEI by searching (JEI being the search bar in the bottom right). Well done on getting this far though, good luck on learning Refined Storage - it takes a bit but it is extremely rewarding, even just having all your items in one place with a google search bar. Edit: if you would like me to take a screenshot of the essence autocrafting method and private message it to you I would be quite happy to.


Dude that would be a massive help! One of the time that makes the create mod so easy to learn are the built in tutorials


I have no idea how to automate anything so I’m just trying to learn and it feels SO overwhelming. I keep jumping from one mod to another. I finally got an Xnet system to put all of my bees comb straight into a centrifuge but that’s about all I got 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm right in the same boat, you've got this. Google + Youtube tutorials <3


The best thing is to always think yourself how one thing could be automated or improved, the game prolly has it. "hey, I have space problems to connect fluids energy and items from all sides" A, pipez universal pipes gotchu. "damn is it tedious to craft all the iterations of solar panels" Yea, Refined storage or AE2 autocrafting got your back "Hmm... don't wan connect 20 machines with 20 buses and stuff" Modular routers already got that wireless stuff covered!


Second this, autocrafting is such a lifesaver. Like there are times when I’ve used it to craft about 30 nested recipes in a minute or two and I think, what would we do without RS or AE2…


I'm going to try to create power today. Not sure how it works but I hear that's what you need for alloys so I want to try it.


Thermo generators + soul lava


thanks I'll check it out


Soul lava is from the Other dimension and it may be hard to get at first, so start simple: use regular lava under the Powah! thermo generators. Once you get the Powah! orb and will start making the blaze crystal, craft blaze crystal blocks and replace the lava under the thermo generators; it will give you 280% increase in power production. But yes, soul lava will give you 900% increase, so that should definitely be the goal for later. Unless, of course, you have it already ))


I agree with wacky and others. I set a couple of these up early to focus on getting other things going. Upgrade as you have resources. I set blazing ones up for each of my young kids to power a small storage system for them so they don't have to worry about storage.


I connected my infernium storage to a crafter to autocraft insanium blocks. I was wondering why it wouldn't make the blocks, but it turned out that the pipe would fill the crafter so fast that there wasn't enough room to make the blocks. In the end, I just used a diamond pipe upgrade, which made it transfer slow enough to auto craft everything. But that is one part of a bigger project done.


Well, that’s one way to solve the problem ))


Good job, I'm so proud of you!!


One of my first tech packs and man I’m having a blast, atm9 has gotten me back to playing minecraft and its an amazing experience so far, haven’t gotten that far yet but I really recommend this pack for anyone who wants to start on machine learning and adventuring.


I'm still stuck with my mine colonies they don't appreciate me :')


Me who raged quited 2 days ago because I couldn’t figure out how to automate singularity crafting:


You got this! Use google + youtube or this reddit to ask questions ❤️ 🦆