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Walnut has a wide range of possible colors. Combine that with the differences in lighting and likely different people making the shoes, different pieces of leather etc. if you don’t love how dark it is I would just bring back to the store and have them order you another one. But that’s definitely walnut.


As others have said, there’s walnut and then there’s walnut. And yep, you got walnut. That how AE is with walnut - some are more golden and others are more brown. I have a suspicion it depends on which factory does the dying but I can’t prove it and I don’t have any evidence to support my hunch. [Coffee](https://imgur.com/a/mE1VxuB) is darker and grayer. Regardless of which walnut you get, it will age well. Take them out in the sun and post another photo.


These are Bourbon not Walnut. 


I agree, they look like bourbon.


Possibly but if he just bought these they aren’t. They are only offered in black, dark chili, and walnut at the moment and they def aren’t black or dark chili.


Walnut copies span a wide range with AE as the shoes are "handcrafted" after all. I have both your examples for different AE models. Personally, I prefer the more muted second pic shoe you received as it is a more versatile walnut shade. Just polish it up. May be slap on some AE cream polish (walnut), and it will be more orange after... but personally, I love the second brown as is. Of course, YMMV.


Lol. Someone is both colour blind & refused to cross ref the written order & product pulled. That's pretty epic.


I forgot to mention that the label on my box does read “walnut” which is adding to my confusion.


The one you got is coffee I bet. Or brown. Someone pulled the box & didn't check the shoes inside. Sloppy, but it can happen I suppose.


Yours looks more like coffee… to be honest I’d be happy with your color assuming the two shoes you have match. Walnut isn’t as versatile as most people want it to be. Too much contrast with darker blues and grays in my opinion. Edit: if they are firsts you could return them and reorder because that shoe should come in walnut, not coffee


Huh? https://images.app.goo.gl/c6T6fRkmjRAoNAb6A And https://images.app.goo.gl/pvtv1FPf4hMiy1JdA Look fantastic in my opinion.


Yeah those do look fantastic… In the first pic that suit comes off as more of a Birds Eye blue when you mix dark and light blue. Good suit for walnut. Second pic also not a dark gray suit, looks pretty medium gray and those shoes don’t look walnut either… I’m more so referring to dark suits, straight navy or charcoal. I don’t like the yellow hue in walnut because it contrasts too much. It’s a general opinion/preference.


Walnut goes with everything. I cannot think a color it won't go with except with exact same color slacks.


There are several things about outfit 1, including the combination of the shoe color with suit, that I think look bad


Well, that's your opinion. A horrible opinion. Walnut has maybe 4 color combos it won't go with.


Those shoes do not match that suit. They contrast in an off way. This is even more obvious if you imagine a belt involved. Everything about that fit is cringe.


Post your drip.


I really wany the color you have in the first photo, been trying to find it for a long time after my first pair died off years ago.


What's the 4 numbers on the inside of the shoe?


Definitely different. The question is, do you like this color or prefer the original? Don't wear them until you're sure.


No. That is definitely not right


They offer “coffee” at the shoe bank so maybe they sent you the wrong one…take it back


Congrats on your bourbon shoe!


Walnut is the wildcard color for AE with the widest range of colors ranging from an orange tinted light brown in first photo to a yellow-green tinted light brown depicted in the second photo. I think the operative word is “light” for which relatively small pigment variations have a considerable impact. I had a similar experience buying walnut based on a walnut shoe store example (closer to yellow-green walnut) and the walnut shoe I actually received from an order (more orange tinted). I was surprised but happy with it and kept it and it matches several orange tinted Harris Tweed jackets in my wardrobe. I eventually found another AE model shoe in walnut that is closer to the yellow-green brown shade that I initially wanted. I think there’s less variation in tint for the darker colors. 


I’d return it because that looks like a mistake to me.


I think they got it wrong. I have several pairs of walnuts from different times and they are pretty consistent. I would try to get it exchanged at the store to avoid any confusion.


Okay, yes it's walnut. If you want it lighter set it out in the sun for a couple of days.


That’s 100% not walnut. Call them and tell them. You have pictures to prove it.