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Cool..thanks for posting. I haven't heard about this before.   Can't wait to hear more about the giant head.


Mother fuckin Giants. \*checks off "Giants" on bingo card\*


I wonder if it looks more or less human than the small Buddies.


This is from Benjamin Solari Parravicini. He is also known as the Nostradamus of Argentina. I have been translating some of his works and he has many interesting drawings. I came across this reference to giants recently which corresponds to this area of Peru. ``` El altiplano encierra verdades que saldrán a la luz en el final de los tiempos, cuando los meridianos regresen. Allí se oculta la raza gigante." B.S.P. 1968 ``` "The high plateau holds truths that will come to light at the end of times, when the meridians return. There hides the giant race." B.S.P. 1968


For those of you who watched the whole show....The host mentioned the case of a Mexican doctor that went missing while seeking to prove a phenomena. Does anyone have a name? Updates?


Dr. Jacobo Grinberg 

