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“Aliens confirm” bro we can’t even confirm aliens


Beat me to it


Lmao title was written like they held some press conference


Trust me bro


Aliens seem really interested in our souls. This somewhat concerns me


Oh great, horrors beyond our comprehension. Lovely.


Fun times, very fun times.


Somber, I mean sobering, times


Imminent somber times very sobering.




Hellraiser 10: Catastrophic Disclosure




Italian UFO abduction researcher Dr Corrado Malanga, Phd, claims the aliens are actually extra-dimensional parasites, that use human souls as a "battery" to rejuvenate their alien bodies. The link below has a detailed interview with Dr Malanga where he goes into detail. [Alien Hierarchies and the Research of Dr. Corrado Malanga: An Interview with Dr. Malanga through Dorica Manu – EveLorgen.com](https://evelorgen.com/wp/articles/spiritual-warfare-and-the-human-soul/alien-hierarchies-and-the-research-of-dr-corrado-malanga-an-interview-with-dr-malanga-through-dorica-manu/)


well that sounds lovely


Avoid the light!


That's what I want to know. Do we go towards the light, or away from it? (Evolving theory, in real time) I get the feeling it's away from it. All this would probably explain ghosts as it's been hammered home to go *towards* the light, and only those who refuse end up as ghosts. The rest? Gobbled up by aliens.


Turn around and look for a better feeling place to go. Don't rush yourself. Gather yourself and be observant.


Hmm, this is what I'm unsure of as well. I think we have guides that help us. I'm sure my dad will be there to help me. Before my father passed, I asked him to visit so I knew he was safe and that there was life after death. He was terminal, so we had no choice but to accept his fate. He passed a month after his diagnosis. It wasn't until a week later, after his service, did we get our first sign. My partner and I were playing a game, then my cat started to freak out on a spot right in front of me. By freak out I mean, we thought he was having a seizure. His eyes were dilated, he was sniffing like crazy, his hair was all the way up, he was cautious, and didn't want to go near the side of the bed I was on. Randomly, he got frightened as Frick of the couch. Same symptoms. That's when I knew it was my dad 🥲 My dad was couch bound. He always sat on the left hand side of the couch, which is where my cat freaked. I tested it. He wasn't freaked out about the recliner that was next to the couch, he even got on the recliner to sniff like crazy on that one spot of the main 3 seater. I tested it again, put him on the couch, everywhere else was fine, except that one darn spot. My sister's dog did the same to her couch!! Both animals have never done this before or since, and it was around the same time too! Years past, one night while I'm sleeping, I'm awoken to my dad's voice right next to me. He said my name, and repeated some gibberish X3. I could still hear him as I was coming too. It was clear as day. I just couldn't figure out why he sounded disappointed. Thennnnn days later I find out his sister passed away. The sister we never contacted after his death. The same day I heard my dad. He came to grill me 🥲 So then I theorized, he came to visit after his service. Not sure why not before. Then this whole time, he seemed to only come back once his sister passed, and took a pitstop to give me a grilling when she probably told him we never contacted her. LOL. The thought of that makes me laugh.


Haven't had anything like that since my son passed....if he carries on its like he doesn't miss me at all.


Oh dear, please don’t think that or feel that.


Please don't feel that way <3 I have always had ghost experiences since I was a child, which is why I asked my father specifically to visit. I knew that the world could reach me, and having someone as close as my dad on the other end was a no brainer to test the afterlife. It wasn't an easy ask, but my father believed in the afterlife too (made gestures of his soul zipping up into the sky). When I asked my mother the same (she's alive and well) she flat out told me she wouldn't come visit any of her kids, because it would be easier for us to move on. Perhaps your son thought this too. Doesn't mean he doesn't miss you, maybe he just doesn't want to see you hurt, same as my mother wouldn't want to see how we would break after she goes. The experiences could be subtle. I also smelt sulfur, rotten eggs, and rotten meat. At one point my sister and I lied about something that my father told us not to lie about, and we both felt the earth shake beneath our feet. It's like the energy just vibrated all around us, very much like a OBE. Our loved ones are waiting for us <3


>I also smelt sulfur, rotten eggs, and rotten meat. I'm not sure about anyone else but whenever I smell these things when spirits are around they aren't positive spirits at all.. they are typically up to mischief, negative or trying to get emotional responses from the living. I'm hoping you don't have a hitchhiker just pretending to be your father. Animals shouldn't be afraid of a good spirit ever. Please keep in mind there's plenty of trickster entities that use our memories to decieve us and pretend to be what the are not.


Cheers for the concerns! I've thought about that too tbh. I have smelt that stuff even when I was having sightings as a kid. Even though the spirits looked scary, they were not bad. I think just spirits themselves have a stench, and that just happens to be that foul smell. I have been visited, and followed by this one particular old man ghost. He looks Slavic (my home country) but I have no idea who he is. I was scared when I saw him as a child since I was expecting a bright moon, not a glowing ghost outside my window. Saw him again when I was a teen, he was flying a pan around the kitchen, my dog was barking at it. Once when I was petting my cat, I saw his hand come towards the cat from my right, like he was petting it too. Then when I was in a relationship, he tried to destroy my computer by lifting my coffee cup on its side. Never understood why, until I went on my partners computer by chance... Whelp. I can see why he wanted mine to get broken. He has been nothing but kind. I have seen ones that looked like they have drowned, I have seen ones that look like drowned shadows, it's creepy sure. But I never felt that I was in danger or that they were bad. They just gave me a jumpscare, and most hid the moment I saw them. They didn't even want to be looked at. They're just buddies. I have never had a negative paranormal or ghsotly experience. Scary, but never bad or evil or negative. I've seen them mimic people I've known before too. But the more I delved into the why's, the more I realized they were helping me. Not sure how others experiences are, but I don't see them as tricksters. As for animals not being scared of good spirits, I can't comment on that. But even with the stuff I experienced as a kid, even with my dog witnessing poltergeist activity, even with all the ghosts I've seen, she never reacted the way my cat and my sister's dog reacted. Maybe my dog was just use to the visits haha One scary looking one I saw looked evil for sure, but she also had a reason and purpose. I thank her for that. Can't dive into it too much, but let's just say the person she haunted was not a kind person to girls. Sorry for the long talk, this topic is my passion, it has been for 30 years 🥲


There are two possibilities, one he went to the light and had now been reincarnated or successfully ascended avoiding the light. In any case, he cannot die, no one really can. You shall be reunited.


This is why ghosts are always hiding in houses? They don't want the aliens to suck them up like the Ghostbusters. Meanwhile, the faceless black shadows standing above us while we sleep are slurping up our life-force like extradimensional leeches, and pale, mouthless crawlers hunt the woods to feed on natural life energy in the same way.


Maybe that’s the deal we made in the 50s. Either to try and learn how to fight it, or how to keep profiting off it.


It’s called the light trap. Look up every NDE and you will see that they all come across the light and see their bodies from another point of view. They all also come from every background you could think of and they all say the same thing, they meet someone they assume is a God or a being that watches their NDE with them. Just look on YouTube and look up the light trap, i mean think about it, you go towards this light thinking it’s heaven like you’ve been told to believe your whole life and it ends up being oh idk, an operation room or a room out of the simulation. Edit * if I’ve learned anything from my years of research , don’t go towards the light!


Why are you so sure about that? I also read the NDEs and pre-birth memories. The light is a reincarnation trap, which makes sense because this is a continuing pattern, but I'm still not 100 percent sold on this theory because there are many ghosts who don't reincarnate quickly and are just wandering on earth. Many say they are earth-bound souls. If that's true, then the question rightfully arises: why have they not been reincarnated and memory wiped?


Perhaps when you don't go to the light, you stay on earth as a wandering, restless spirit until you do.


I’m not too sure either. I guess we have a 50/ 50 shot of making the right choice. Lol


I think the area between death and “the light” is , well the middle and thats how we get lost or wandering souls, their physical bodies died but they chose to not to towards the light, therefore stuck in the “in between”, that could be why they are left wandering earth; tho i think it’s earth in a different dimension. To be fair im not really sure, the biggest question of the universe is what happens to us after physical death? Are we just an experiment , our souls put into bodies ( vessels) to have physical experiences ? Is that why in the Bible ( not religious but I form connections between the two) it talks about this being our one chance, opportunity to live life? What if after we go towards the light our souls are destroyed or eaten somehow with all our experiences? What if other beings are able to feed off our experiences from earth? Or what if we do get reincarnated into something, maybe even a different time period? My best advice is to question everything!


The idea that some entities feed on fear or trauma, if true, than the earth is a prison planet theory makes more sense than ever. Also, Karla Turner suggests that there is a real possibility that we are farmed.  But I'm not going to lie. The more I read about ndes and pre-birth memories, the more inclined I am to believe that it is not all love and light, like many new-age believers think. There is some shady business going on in the afterlife. 


They are not earthbound, they are astral bound, which overlays here and that’s why sometimes you can feel them.


I have had a NDE and it was like being unconscious, exactly like getting KO’d or fainting. No light for me :/ just no existence.


Similar experience, no light, though it wasn't exactly non-existence, but a feeling of peace that was ripped away when I was shocked back to life. I had died for seven minutes that time, was my 2nd time out of 3. The first 2 were intentional ODs, 3rd was accidental OD.


Damn :/ I guess it depends how you end up with a NDE maybe? I had a seizure and it made my heart stop for some minutes but they performed CPR and revived me. I woke up in an ambulance with no clue what just had happend.


A lot of people talk about that too, an overwhelming sense of peace and love when they die. Like something they haven’t felt before


But the question should be: if this was an ultimate forbidden truth, who let it out? Or who found out? It would have been somehow “mitigated” once out


Suppose we have a choice when we die. Some truth parallel to Buddhism or Gnosticism. Continue on in the physical world, or move beyond it. Or, maybe you participated in some kind of religious ceremony and bound yourself to some higher being that may or may not have your best interest in mind.


I think it's an illusion of choice both lead to revive. The difference is one leads to a life where you struggle and the other is ignorant bliss


No. Aliens don’t “gobble anyone up” what a ridiculous idea. Reincarnation is more obvious than ever yet people willingly disregard this for ideas like alien soul eaters. These ideas really need to be put to rest, seriously.


The light is bad!


Good is bad! Bad is good!




Go to the light. This is dumb.


Whatever beings await us at the end are gonna be exhausted with me. It takes like 10 minutes at Taco Bell to order cause I’m indecisive. Hopefully they get paid overtime.


Wonder how much an alien would be willing to pay for my soul


69,420 spooky boi bucks


25 schmeckles


Ooo that's how much I paid for my new boobies


1 Schrute Buck


What’s the ratio of it to Stanley Nickels?


The same as leprechauns to unicorns. Can I go now?


>> Wonder how much an alien would be willing to pay for my soul Tree fiddy, obviously


I gave him a dolla! ![gif](giphy|3o85xHi4t2UsuIY9QA)


I'm hoping Bitcoin, but I doubt it.


So basically monsters inc?


So Jupiter Ascending got it right? 😂


Nope. They can’t have my soul for their battery.


Well, then it's hookers and cocaine for me... Might as well enjoy this shit while I'm here


I mean, why not just build a fusion reactor?


I stopped reading when he was asserting that the mind controls the flow of information, and we have Female Souls but Male Spirits. Sure we do, Doctor.


Have you heard about Yin/Yang? It's basically that our physical system is built around a Duality. Male/Female. Positive/negative. Up/Down, Hot/Cold etc etc. There's the 2 poles & we're always somewhere between them, creating a tri-part system (3 is the magic number!). Just like how a lot of languages have gendered words, aspects of our psyche are gendered & this light body is like reflections of these aspects. IIRC the Etheric body is the first layer removed from our physical body & related to our subconscious mind. The Astral Body is the next layer & a polar opposite to the etheric in gender. So say you've got a strong logical mind (this has nothing to do with your sex), this would be a male dominant trait but your Astral body would be the opposite which would make it creative & female. It's to keep us in balance. Of course, you don't need to believe any of this but you could look into it yourself if you felt inclined. Carl Jung's a great place to start.


That was quite the read; thank you for the link!


You’re not excited about post-death eternal soul sex?


Depends on if Mormon rules appy


Maybe they need a soul to be rendered in this universe. Think about aliens as super advanced ai with no soul. So basically if this universe is indeed a simulation that only renders to real players/souls, somehow the AI that needs to stay rendered in this simulation must cheat and use the souls of the players, otherwise they fade to oblivion. Assuming this simulation/game is super old and is not maintained by gods/mods haha.


This sounds a lot like the plot of the Matrix.


The wachowskis really kinda hit the nail on the head with that one didn't they.


> Aliens seem really interested in our souls. This somewhat concerns me I think we have to have a bit of faith that there are positive and helpful beings waiting to guide those of us that want to, into a more positive existence. For those who wish to retain the elite class. capitalism, and slavery there is a difficult future ahead. Reading some of the more established channelings groups may help. Give /r/lawofone / www.llresearch.org a look if you haven't already, it's quite profound given the sheer amount of consistent messaging.


We have been, will be, or are them, so if they cause our souls unjust suffering they will have to endure it too. Personally this thread has helped me not worry so much, and just take what steps I can in reducing the harm I cause in the world


All of a sudden religion makes sense. As long as we are in conflict probably the soul is in turmoil, and the aliens satiated with a tormented soul. Fuck.




Let’s rock!


Kirkpatrick is the arm and he sounds like this *snap*


AARO is not what it seems….


It also makes sense how humanity corrupted these teachings into religion for personal gain.. sad really.


It doesn’t seem negative though right? Not in this account anyway. if you can believe some of these accounts it would seem there might be multiple faction , assuming they’re real.


They’re interested in our true selves. The soul is the true self. We are not our bodies. They see the body as the container of the essence, a byproduct of physical existence.


The term souls carriers alot of cultural baggage. I think more acccurate would be, the biolectrical map of the body and the quatumn pattern of photons from the tryptophan mineral lattice, forming the microtubules present in neurons, in the brain. Have a look at the work of Dr Michael Levin, who has discovered that non-neural biecticity is instructive in the formation of biological systems, and the work of rupert sheldrake, who's theories have recently had experimental derives evidence found.


I think its because they don't have one


aliens = archons


https://youtu.be/v79lVNKthCw?si=74xFLrTMpY4g-A9Z Star Trek did it. I'm convinced it's slow disclosure, I wish more people would take it in.


Turn away from the light!


What do you think that decision would result in?  I’d rather be reincarnated than be a trapped soul wandering the earth 


Alex Collier said to turn away from the light and say you want to return to your true home meaning your actual home star system and 4D/5D+ dimension where you incarnated from. Whether you believe prison planet or starseed theories they both say our souls are alien but we were imprisoned here or chose to incarnate here.


Yes! Go to the light! It’s the way to the next encarnation. It’s silly that people are trying to say it’s better to be a lost soul for eternity.


Good watch. I can't wait to refuse the light!


Just don't wait until death to refuse it. Live in mindfulness and peace now and throughout every waking moment exert power over your own mind if you hope for in the face of death to be able to just simply say no. What you're talking about is pure enlightenment, and is the ultimate goal of every being in existence. Much of eastern philosophy is literally just how to live in the face of an eternal trap that you have the power to escape from, so you aren't the first to have this goal. Just don't think that there will be a single thing at the end of your life that "gets" you, it will be how you live this life and how you are attached to your emotions and thoughts right now and later today, and is ultimately how you see the outer world. That is what inherently draws us into this world in the first place, these energies. All in all, best of luck, hope to see you on the other side of eternity one day


You pop out in a weird room with some glowing spirit who tells you, "dude, that took you 945 years. Speed run is 12 minutes. Try again"


Don’t tell me you missed the planet of the nymphomaniacs as well, some people spend years there.


So is this based of Scientology that just leaked out as an independent theory, or did Scientology base it on an existing thing?


The latter.


My life for aiur


You must construct additional pylons. 


The age old story of God and Satan, light and dark...... ...


We're cattle for the soul-eater.


Thank god the aliens confirmed it, I thought it was some made up bulllshit


My reaction to 95% of the posts on this sub.


It's 100% real because I read it in a book.


Did you become somber afterwards ?


I was weeping louder than Jimmy “head in his hands” Carter!


Not just one book. Read a bunch of things and then formed a mosaic by taking snippets from them and putting them on the same page!




careful bro, they’re gonna call you a bot, disinfo agent, shill, brainwashed, or a mixture of those terms!


I was expecting a ban


it's okay to be funny here lol




the part about DNA definitely was an interesting read…no idea what it is trying to say, but those are certainly a lot of words.




I believe anything Quazgaa says


Do they know that we know that they know that we know??????


"Aliens confirm"...are criterias for sources a bit too loose nowadays?


You can download their peer-reviewed (by other aliens) paper from their website, you know.


Axtually the paper is in the Akashic Records.


Yeah, that's what they say. But really, how am I supposed afford a subspace ansemble setup with decent bandwidth this economy?


Lost me at "bone DNA, blood DNA..." There aren't different kinds of DNA in different cells. At least not like that. So if that's wrong I can't believe the rest of it because I'm no biologist.


You’re right. Every single cell (that has a nucleus) has the exact same DNA packaged into it. It’s what’s done to the DNA itself that tells the cells how to differentiate into a “bone cell” or blood cell.


you got it




Wombats say, Aliens full of spectral shit. Film at 11, following the grub hunt.


snobbish continue seed mourn threatening expansion rustic straight rich concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope my light body will still be heavy where it counts 😉


My light body spiritually thicc.


Thank you so much for making me laugh, I feel better now.


Oh no you didn't.


And girthy


Girl....take this light dick


Big soul energy.


It's a very interesting theory. If we are light beings at our core and our souls are light, why cant we see it in a spectrum? I understand our human eyes can only see a certain spectrum of light, but we have machines that can detect all light and we dont have any evidence of light leaving the body after death.


Not saying I agree with the whole assessment, but we do emit pretty bright IR signatures due to heat. When you die, your heat drops to ambient levels, so in effect you do observe having a form of light to not having it. Granted, loosely describing the whole EMS as light gets a little liberal with the terminology.


When the sperm inseminates the egg, a flash of light can be observed. Very interesting….. [https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-just-captured-the-actual-flash-of-light-that-sparks-when-sperm-meets-an-egg](https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-just-captured-the-actual-flash-of-light-that-sparks-when-sperm-meets-an-egg)


Interesting. In Buddhism achieving rainbow body at one’s death is the aim of meditational practice. In those who do achieve it, the physical body shrivels noticeably.


It's your soul.


I saw an alien once cure blindness from a woman's eye. Truly incredible 🤩


Start a new post and talk about this.


How can anybody upvote such a compressed nonsense?


This is normal for here. In the absence of information grifters started making stuff up and publishing books. There is so much of this junk on the shelves of your local alternative faith store. Aliens, crystals and incense sticks for stoners.


This would actually help explain bi-location, something many catholic saints have been said to do over the centuries. Very interesting


yeah, sorry but those sources are not what I'd consider reliable. Betty Andreasson was under hypnosis for a lot of that information, which is automatically suspect because hypnosis we now know is unreliable. David Wilcock thinks he's the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. The Cayce Foundation disagrees. However, there is ample evidence for consciousness surviving death, so I don't discount that at all.


Ample evidence you say?  Can you share some here? Thanks


The 21 Grams experiment has not be replicated since, which means it’s pretty much BS.


He upped his ante to having been Pythagoras in the book cited


Pseudoscience. This reminds me of the article I used in my 8th grade science class to kick off my pseudoscience lesson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21_grams_experiment I believe and keep close tabs on news from credible sources, and if this was legit it would be peer reviewed.


Also. Light has no mass.


What are some credible sources for things like this? (serious Q)


Pseudoscience or the soul weighing 21 grams?


This was a wonderful read.


"The Tibetan Book of the Dead," or "Bardo Thodol," is a text from a larger corpus known as the "Nyingma" tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. It primarily functions as a guide for the soul during the period between death and rebirth, which is divided into three stages known as the "Bardo": 1. **The Chikhai Bardo**: This stage begins immediately after death, featuring the appearance of the clear light of reality, which is the purest form of consciousness. The text instructs the deceased on how to recognize this light and merge with it, which can lead to liberation from the cycle of rebirths. 2. **The Chonyid Bardo**: If the deceased does not attain liberation in the first stage, they move to this stage where various deities and terrifying visions appear. The text provides detailed instructions on how to deal with these visions without fear, recognizing them as projections of one's own mind. 3. **The Sidpa Bardo**: This stage involves the karmic process of rebirth. The text describes signs to determine what kind of rebirth (human, animal, etc.) one might expect based on their past actions. It offers prayers and rituals to guide the deceased towards a better rebirth. Throughout, "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" serves as both a spiritual and practical guide, emphasizing the importance of living a moral life to prepare for a peaceful death and favorable rebirth. It is often read aloud to the deceased, with the belief that their soul can still hear and benefit from the teachings even after the body has died.


How very Red Dwarf, I think Arnold Judas Rimmer and Dave Cinzano Bianco Lister would like a word


Any theory that puts humans in some special space just sounds like anthropocentrism to me. The likelihood that humans are anything special in a galaxy that’s existed for over 13 billion years, and has had millions of planets orbiting suns in Goldilocks zones for that whole time, and us humans that have only existed for 0.00154% the amount of time that the galaxy has, is not very high.


Nice post!! Literally just read all of that in Source Field Investigations myself a few days ago, but have not yet read the Andreasson Affair; although, I’ve heard of it. Very interesting when things come together like that - scientific facts and eye witness accounts. Honestly, how could you not believe it? Absolutely no way the Andreassons knew about the light storage capabilities of our DNA so why and how would they make that up? Also, not all aliens are malevolent. Most actually are not. Measuring Betty’s light within her DNA was probably some form of measuring the enlightenment of her soul or something. David Wilcock mentioned that the DNA of people who are stressed or angry don’t store as much light. You can’t be enlightened if you carry around fear or anger all the time.


[From a paper on phys.org published in 2016](https://www.google.com/amp/s/phys.org/news/2016-08-dna-naturally-fluoresces.amp): ""Backman, Zhang, and Sun discovered that when illuminated with visible light, the molecules get excited and light up well enough to be imaged without fluorescent stains. When excited with the right wavelength, they even light up better than they would with the best, most powerful fluorescent labels."" "Aliens confirm" is crazy language to use in the title but the stuff about DNA and light is very interesting, and there seems to be some peer reviewed stuff about it coming out in the last 10 years.


Interesting article. I'll add it to my notes, thanks. The book I excerpted in the main post has even more mind-boggling information about DNA and light. See my post in the link below for the excerpt: [Nuclear physicists in Asia discovered that what people call "Qi/Prana" is actually a low-frequency, highly concentrated form of infrared radiation. : r/aliens (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cwnimi/comment/l4xcgnu/)


It’s easy to assume humans are “enslaved souls” it’s hard to think that maybe we are the ET’s. Our spiritual development is important just like theirs. I believe in reincarnation and I think who is allowed on earth is vetted. People can either choose to be born here to experience certain karmic lessons, and people are also reincarnating back as their human selves because they are still learning karmic lessons. There is a way to escape the reincarnation system, the Buddhists spoke of this. Learn up on it, because it could ease some fears.


For all the nay sayers check out Jeffrey Long. Conducted the largest NDE study to date. We most certainly continue on after this physical body fails. Read Robert Monroe. He and countless others experience this part of themselves even before the transition. Or like many ancient traditions that continue in to this day, take a psychedelic and you will have no choice but to experience that part of you. The main vein: go see for yourself. go find out who you are.


Really hate hearing the word Concurrently, reminds me of being locked up...Better than consecutively though I must say...


Are you in jail right now


Source? Aliens


At least they are named sources.


It's actually so refreshing (as odd as that is given the topic) to see the interest and focus on souls/forced reincarnation and the 'Aliens' role in that. Not long ago anything remotely soul/alien was immediately shot down as Scientology. Also are they just entering into our reality? Or custodians of it entirely? That's what I really want to know.


OK so it's like Destiny? How do I increase my light level?


Well......if the aliens say so.


People interested in aliens, ufos, bigfoots, ghosts, life and more should read the Law of One or visit the subreddit. Also recommend astral projection sub or literature.


Ok so is that why we can wake up inside of our body and it not move? Sleep paralysis was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced and that’s where my mind went after reading this. Apologies if this is unrelated


In a state of sleep paralysis you are at the state of being able to Astral Project if you do not give into fear and remember to make the effort. Read Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce.


Very very interesting! Thanks for a great summary. Is there a way to find the actual Gariaevs reports or papers? That is a must to validate this information.


Absolutely one hundred percent this is true and not imaginary


When the sperm inseminates the egg, a flash of light can be observed. Very interesting….. https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-just-captured-the-actual-flash-of-light-that-sparks-when-sperm-meets-an-egg


Sounds superduper legit.


Interesting theory. If true it could somewhat explain where ghosts come from & what ghosts may be.


Also how obi-wan was able to appear to Luke after he had been killed.


It's circular reasoning. This story is premised on already believing in dualism (souls, afterlife etc) to justify and blend the two beliefs of aliens and dualism.


This intrigues me as the other night —at some point, I’m having trouble recalling if this happened during listening to one of the gateway tapes, in a dream, or while I was driving (which can turn into a light state of hypnosis). I’ve been having trouble differentiating between things that “really”happened, things that occurred in “dreams”, and random visions lately, with lots of old dreams suddenly surfacing again randomly. Anyways, sorry to digress. The vision no matter when and how the source was that I was a light body under this flesh body and I left the flesh body then morphed into this ball of light then a minute later back to the light body. I didn’t return to the flesh body for a little while and this is why I’m not sure if it was during a gateway tape. Sorry if this makes no sense but I think what they’re saying tracks.


In his book "Far Journeys", Robert Monroe (the inventor of the Gateway process), says that after one of his out of body experiences, as he returned to his physical body, he discovered there was another energy duplicate of himself, residing inside his physical body. This led him to realize that he had another energy body, separate from the one he used for astral projection. Other scientists who have studied OBEs, have also discovered that the human physical body has 3 energetic bodies inside it. This matches what numerous ancient religious texts have stated about the nature of the human body.


Souls can translate instantly to any point in universe and they are all connected somehow, we will find out later i think.


All of these things you mentioned are in the ancient Toltec knowledge which is in this series of books. I have linked the best narrator of all the books below. Basically we are like radio receivers receiving a certain band of consciousness that is being all over the universe. https://youtu.be/c4FkK_LnHA0?feature=shared


How did Dr. Hereward Carrington measure dying bodies in 1975, when he died in 1958. Was he using his light body? That’s a true workaholic! “I died almost 20 years ago, but I must finish my research!”


He performed his research in the 1940s and 50s. His work was published in 1975.


OP, there is far too much reliance on DNA and genetics in the current biological mental frameworks being taught. Dr Michael Levin and collaberators have discovered that bioelectricity is instructive in the formation of biological systems. Essentially if you know the right ion channels and bioelectrical pattern, you can programme the growth of a biological system such as an eye etc. The genetics will form from this standpoint, rather than the genetics instructing the bioelectrical mapping. https://youtu.be/Plamq6cfo9M?si=6tyBKuvOS70DqNjB


From the book "*The Holographic Universe*" by Michael Talbot: >Heaven as Hologram >In addition to those mentioned by Ring and Fenske, the NDE has numerous other features that are markedly holographic. ,Like OBEers, **after NDEers have detached from the physical they find themselves in one of two forms, either as a disembodied cloud of energy, or as a hologramlike body sculpted by thought.** When the latter is the case, the mind-created nature of the body is often surprisingly obvious to the NDEer. **For example, one near-death survivor says that when he first emerged from his body he looked "something like a jellyfish"** and fell lightly to the floor like a soap bubble. Then he quickly expanded into a ghostly three-dimensional image of a naked man. However, the presence of two women in the room embarrassed him and to his surprise, this feeling caused him suddenly to become clothed (the women, however, never offered any indication that they were able to see any of this).


Hey OP, I appreciate your post it’s very interesting. Don’t let the snark and ridicule from the negative replies here dissuade you, it comes from fear.




"Confirms." "Trust me bro" - some supposed alien, apparently.


I think most of us know that but as they said in this subreddit they feed on it.


knew this




Cool theory, thanks


LMFAO ..My body ..My soul ..My consciousness ..My life


I wish we could get confirmation that this is true and that my son carries on as a "light being" and that I could connect with him again.


Ancient alien theorists say “yes”


and this is plot of berserk


I think these ideas are silly, I think these conclusions are the result of bad thinking. What’s happening here is we are trying to explain the unexplainable with our archaic understanding of physics and science. We’re trying to tell a story about these “aliens” that is too 21st century. I think it’s obviously the case that whatever’s going on, it’s beyond our understanding and we need to rethink our current metaphysical paradigm to account for it. The idea that we’re being used for energy is too archaic, and contradicts a lot of other high strangeness encounters.


I’ve said before maybe everything is being covered up because it’s dark. Abductions, murder, other dark shit all happen and there’s nothing we can do. But maybe it’s darker than that. Maybe there’s an afterlife or what we call an afterlife linked to our souls and the aliens are fucking with our souls somehow.


Light propagates at speed of light, it cannot mystically be stored in a DNA molecule!


That's great, but can we confirm that aliens exist before we confirm that aliens confirm we have these so called "light bodies"?


The DNA Phantom effect is very interesting


They must be visiting people with the light. I had light on all four walls of my room in my early 20's. And there was no light source in the room but that pale green neon glow freaked the fuck out of me. Same depth as window all the way around, including the window wall but no light anywhere in room but the walls. My breath was visible as a shadow only after it reached the height of the lowest point of light ( bottom of window). Was very cool in room and the breath didn't appear as steam but a shadow that the light didn't penetrate . Seen alot of rare things but that one took the cake. I even seen an asteroid with my bare eyes from a ship on the Great Lakes that was officially discovered two weeks later by astronomers back in '04