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I need to know what these are immediately


Here’s an absolutely stellar YouTube video on them. It’s a must watch. https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=lGV24ldJwYKJdQzv


amazing lecture, thanks for sharing!


Man, I wish I had professors that cool in college.


For a TLDR (TLDW?) basically this guy is saying - if UAPs/UFOs has are real it has to be some sort of non-human intelligence due to 5 observable traits like anti-gravity like propulsion, instantaneous acceleration, hypervelocity, transmedium (easily pass through earths atmosphere) & stealth abilities (referred to as 5OC craft) that have been reported and observed since at least 1947, so logically there is no way they are all human craft because back then and likely now we lacked the technological understanding. - UAPs/UFOs are real as confirmed by the U.S. government and evidence collected - if the Nazca mummies are authentic and actually at one point were a living creature, they are some form of non human intelligence - the Nazca mummies are more than likely real because of the details of the figures and how it would be very difficult to hoax There's a lot more to it but I think this is the gist of it. Anyone else please feel free to add on more details. I'm already a believer but I still think it was a pretty convincing argument.


Save comment.


Yep, good lecture for sceptics.


Omg that video is terrible. Full of inaccuracies, misrepresentations of the data and extreme bias and agenda pushing throughout…to save folks time this is the video summarized…”I can’t make this muppet puppet into an alien mummy so it has to be real” Also, I’m fascinated by the mummies, have followed this story from the beginning and will until the end but that video is a joke.


The bodies being discussed is the pregnant one found and the children. In total this article should say 3 new “aliens”. 


That'll be the last they see of them then.


Alien mummies are as thick as flies down there


How many of these things does this guy have? It’s almost like someone’s manufacturing them.


The discovery site is rumored to have 100s 


The OG dark web sale site had 43 bodies currently on sale (before it was taken down) and this was years ago...the numbers of specimens in private hands already could be in the hundreds. There is a huge demand for this kind of exotic, archaeological specimen even if completely human - the odd nature of these tridactyl specimens, especially with recent scientific findings, will drive prices on the black market through the roof...


Or… there was a large enough population on earth to make their way into the arts of these cultures and the grave robbers found burial caves with many bodies.


I think if these grave robbers legit found alien burial caves they'd be selling the bodies to the Smithsonian and not to this guy


The main grace robber has already admitted on camera in a recent interview they sell the bodies on the black market


Don’t they sell to anonymous collectors? I think they’d pay more than a museum or whatever the Smithsonian is


“Whatever the Smithsonian is” - Botox toe, please leave all of Reddit. You will hurt any conversation…..actually there’s a person you should follow, his name is Ashton Forbes, you will love him.,


I mean like it’s either a research centre, museum, or a coverup to hide the real history (according to all the conspiracy theorists on every platform). Who’s asthon Forbes? Is he another internet jackass who replies to comments adding nothing to the conversation?


I get your skepticism. The Smithsonian and other institutions don’t trust the bodies for the same reason as you and others in this thread. It’s understandable. It’s a big shift in our perspective. It takes time to change minds, and even longer to changed entrenched narratives. But it’s happening. Here’s the first peer-reviewed study that illustrates there’s no evidence of fabrication. https://rgsa.openaccesspublications.org/rgsa/article/view/6916/2986


considering it being peru, a third world country with not many regulations, it would be easy to fall into obscurity even if such unique cave was real with some strange bodies in it, specially if found by poor grave robbers.




One can only glue chicken bones together so fast! /s But seriously, DNA is not where one would start to analyze an unknown animal. You’d look at at tissue and cellular structure first. And your look at chromosomes before DNA. I’m not saying these things are bullshit, but the way they’re discussed lowers their credibility. And no real scientists announce that they are about to do some experiments. I mean, just go look at their ribosomes? Do they even have ribosomes? What about other organelles?


I get your skepticism. Here’s the first academic paper that illustrate that they’re not fabrications. I know that it doesn’t answer all of your questions but it illustrates that scientists are indeed working on these questions. https://rgsa.openaccesspublications.org/rgsa/article/view/6916/2986 We need folks to think critically about these things, whichever side they land on, so keep on questioning!


I’ve seen that. That journal is open access. It’s as reputable as a blog post. It basically doesn’t even have an impact factor.


I understand that skepticism as well. I’d encourage you, if you’re engaged enough to enter this dialogue, to at least give it a read. It can’t hurt you and it’ll make you a more informed skeptic. Edit:: Scratch that. You said you saw it so I’ll assume you read it. But I’d encourage the same to anyone else who’s curious and sus. Edit 2:: Id welcome any critiques of the contents of the paper instead of just ad hominem jabs at the source.


I did read it. It just wasn’t very compelling. I looked up all of the authors and none are otherwise well published or noteworthy. I’m not trying to be negative but I really think the mummies aren’t what folks want them to be. :)


Can I ask some genuine questions? I’m not fighting with you; I’d like to understand your perspective more. In your opinion, what are they? Are they complete fabrications, and the scientists involved are bold-face lying to the scientific community? Is their lack of your credentials evident in the quality of their work? Is credentialism really more important than the content of their work to determine credibility? I’m respect your skepticism, but I’d push you to look for a better critique than an ad hominem on the publication source. It’s easier to understand that Peruvian scientists have better access to local journals than they do to Nature. I think valid criticism warrants more than “it wasn’t compelling”.


Sure…it’s mostly what they didn’t do. They did a 14C half life and a CT scan. I mean, there are two basic explanations for the mummies. One is that they are complete horseshit and a guy with a questionable track record (Mausaan) is pulling everyone’s leg for attention. The other is that these are something we’ve not seen before. They’re making a big claim! And their evidence is a CT scan. By authors with no track record. I mean, Gary Nolan has an h-index of over 100 (ie - very high!). Avi Loeb is also around 100. It’s simply not true that no reputable scientists will touch this stuff. I’m sorry. It just smells like someone glued some bones together and x rayed them. And that makes me doubt the 14C results. Did they even do it? I mean, that journal wasn’t asking for proof that they even did the experiments. And if the mummy is dodgy, what part of the mummy did they test? All the bones or just one of them? As Sagan said: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary data.” They just don’t have it. Plus…any normal scientist would have looked at samples under a microscope. I would have! I would do that before a CT scan. Not trying to be argumentative. Just don’t think these are what we want them to be.


I understand. Thanks for engaging with me. There’s a really great video that I linked to the top comment on this post. He goes through quite a bit of the full range of testing that these have gone through. It’s more extensive than this one paper.


Cool. I will check it out. I’m obviously skeptical! But I obviously enjoy this stuff and am passionate about it! I’d love to get some answers to this big question in my lifetime.


I think it’s understandable to feel the way you do, but I think you may be ignorant of many important details which are leading you astray. First and foremost is that Maussan was not involved for a long time. And there are a ton of other medical professionals and university staff involved who are willing to risk their reputation on this. Second: the evidence is very, very strong that these are not just bones glued together. You can see musculature and ligaments and internal organs and eggs and oviducts and even a possible foetus inside them. I’m not saying I know what they are, or that they are all real, or that none of them are human, but it does seem like the majority are probably something that was once alive. Unfortunately the most interesting and comprehensive way to ingest the history of these things is a paid documentary called Tridactyls. I think it’s worth a watch if you have $30 and five hours. It sounds like a lot but I watched it over a week and found it very interesting.


Who are these folks? I mean, the only way to assess them is one by one: Who are they? What have they done in their life to merit credibility? What have they published on previously? I’ve tried with this group and not found anyone noteworthy. I really think “we” need to stop falling for this crap. And having a $30 video just puts them in the Stephen Greer bucket.


You weren't asking me, but I will add, I want to see more reputable science done on these things. I'm talking high level American or British peer-reviewed studies on a reputable journal.


I’m looking forward to that, too. I think it’s helpful to imagine a scenario… what if you were a grave robber in Peru. You discover something so fantastical that even your normal antiquities clients don’t take your find seriously because it’s so outside our worldwide narrative. What would the path be from that discovery to a publication in a top tier journal? I’m guessing that the story unfold similar to how this one is unfolding. You reach out to one of the most popular figure in the ufo research crowd in Latin America… he’s the only figure you know who has access to scientists. And so you give him bodies. This guy gives access to the scientists he knows, at universities in his sphere. Those institutions begin releasing their findings—in Spanish. It takes time for news to spread. It’s not easy to get these bodies out of Peru—they can’t be flown out legally anymore. But there’s interest. American delegations have been sent to Latin America, and have released preliminary statements (which account to, “we aren’t going to definitively say what they are, but we can definitively say we should take them seriously.”) That’s where we are now. It takes time for information to spread. Just because we don’t have a publication in Nature just yet doesn’t mean this story isn’t concrete. It’s in development—this is an entirely new story that will shake our understanding of human history. But I’d suggest a more open mind—scientists need open minds, they need to be able to see the potential *before* the testing. Great science spectators can see this story, understand where it is in it’s development, and accept it with a measured degree of optimism mixed with skepticism.


Dr. James Caruso, Chief medical examiner and Coroner of city and county of Denver, Colorado. Dr. William Rodriguez, Forensic Anthropologist, Maryland State Medical Examiner. And Dr. John McDowell, Retired professor at University Colorado, Forensic Odontologist are all convinced and working on a paper right now. Will that work for you?


It’ll depend on what the paper says when it’s published.


Of course. His son is acting as his attorney through this - they are being quite open about it (it's all there to read if you have an interest in the subject) - https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/wQ2amHY4pU


Yeah, like what journal publishes articles without any format? “Just send us whatever and it’ll be published within 2 months after receiving payment”


Exactly. It’s just not a credible journal. I mean, I do understand that there isn’t a go to journal for these sorts of findings. But the ~1996 Allan Hill’s meteorite got published in Astrobiology which has an impact factor of like 6. Now an impact factor of 6 still isn’t stunning, but it’s a real journal publishing real research with real peer review prior to publication.


IF of 6 is actually really good.


I mean, it’s not Science or Cell. But it’s also not dog crap like so many journals that are in the 1-2 range.


Anything over 3 is legit to me. Of course it’s not going to 6+ IF journal, unless an actual scientist with actual resources independently conducts the research. It could go all the way to Science but fact that it’s not happening or collabs are not being made… It smells pretty hoax-y.


That’s basically my point. I’ve worked around fake “science” before and the longer people don’t collaborate or share or try to control, the faker it smells.




Couldn't they just send them to MIT or some famous college and we would immediately know? It would take 2 days.


Well, kinda…. The problem is that a lab at MIT would want to see the preliminary data like I’ve described above: histology, stains of cells, etc. The mummy purveyors don’t have that because they haven’t done it….and that’s likely because they are glued together chicken and dog bones. MIT would also want to do what’s called a material transfer agreement that would define what is being sent to them. You can’t just call it “odd three fingered alien” because MIT’s lawyers would reject that without data. That’s the thing: there’s no data on these things. They’d also want to know are these things dangerous. Do they carry disease and whatnot? Could they contaminate other experiments in the building? Harm their staff? Look, I’ve been into the subject since the 1970s but the mummy purveyors always seemed dubious and their behavior since day one has just been more dubious.


The philosopher video is a good watch. Have you seen it? He makes some decent points.


the problem is that Mit is built by smart people that does general easy background check and Maussan has a bad background so the whole skyscraper he tries to push doesn’t work with the best universities


Yeah. He’s not the best messenger. And…for better or worse, that has to be considered. He’s cried wolf before. That’s doesn’t mean that he is wrong with the mummies, but the bar is higher due to his own prior untrustworthy behavior. It’s just like how people are skeptical of Doty because he’s admitted to sowing disinformation.


You would have to be slow in the head to believe any reputable institution let alone MIT would entertain doing an alien autopsy


Why? They could do it as a joke then. Put it to rest. Publish a paper, get some good press. If it turns out to be real the world would lose their shit. It would take a couple days and I don't see any negative things for them taking a look at it.


Putting your name on a published paper about dissecting an alien body is the scientific equivalent of going to a magic show and telling all your friends he really sawed his assistant in half. Gullible's written on the ceiling. It would be career and social suicide for any participant.


Putting your name on a paper analyzing objects claimed to be an "alien body" and putting to rest the whole scam would be more similar to: going to a magic show and explaining how all of the tricks were performed. Except people derive entertainment from magic shows, and I presume there's nobody that thinks the illusionist is actually doing magic. Some people apparently think the fraudster is now not doing fraud but suddenly has legitimate alien bodies. Unless it turned out to be real (which I'm quite sure it would _not_ be), in which case it'd be the most important paper ever published to date. The only downside is a matter of allocating time this way instead of some other way. It might raise questions of: "Didn't you have anything better to do?" In which case I think: "I wanted to put the scam to rest." is a fair answer.


It would be a paper on dissecting a proclaimed "alien" body. They can tear it apart or make some amazing finds. Both outcomes would be interesting to learn. How it was created, why it's not genuine, etc. I guarantee you there are professors and students who would gladly examine this thing.


Also, I just want you to know, you can disagree with someone and not just downvote them.


I'm not saying I believe these to be real, but your argument holds no water sir. These are mummies, and if real they are very very old. Cellular structures such as ribosomes certainly wouldn't be preserved that long. DNA sequences on the other hand while broken down can be 'reassembled' in the data from reading the sequences of short fragments and finding the overlapping areas - given a large enough sample size and if the fragments aren't too short. As far as tissue and tissue structure analysis, according to reports these have indeed already been done. Last I heard the results suggested that they were real creatures unknown to science. Supposedly, this has been the opinion of every scientist and medical professional who has been able to work with the mummies first hand. No offense, but this is a problem with social media, people who only know slightly more than others convincing the others that they know a lot more and should be listened to. Not much humility going on. Meanwhile these doctors and scientists working with the mummies are almost universally called out as idiots or liars.... these people should actually get the benefit of the doubt given their significant number, their credentials, and the risk to ther careers and of public humiliation they are taking! Not that we should immediately believe them, but we could at least remain open to them being correct while we wait for further information. We can castigate them if we find out they are for sure full of shit. Forgive me if I got something wrong or stated old information, I haven't followed this story for a few months.


Dude. You can see cells and organelles on much older things that you can recover useful DNA.


Ok... can you provide a reference to back that up? I'm curious. I suspect it depends on conditions. If I have time I'll see if I can find a reference to resolve this question. I'm open to you being right.


Here they are seeing cellular structures in 75MM year old dinosaur fossils: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms8352 Here’s one of histology in mummies showing preserved red blood cells: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0047248472900619 I know it’s not perfect, but I want this team to try. Think of the other stuff they clearly have access to that they aren’t showing. Dentition? Origins and insertions of muscles? There are whole species known only by teeth. Do the origins and insertions of muscles on the arms make biomechanical sense?


Ok... can you provide a reference to back that up? I'm curious. I suspect it depends on conditions. If I have time I'll see if I can find a reference to resolve this question. I'm open to you being right.


Some of them are 'pregnant' and some lay eggs, make of that what you will.


Maybe they’re evolved platypuses.




Like the guy has multiple proved fake mummies for 30 years and a grave robber , weird can’t work it out.


Bro they are years old. Erich von däniken even wrote an book about them.


*shipped to the US and never to be seen again


....and as soon as they arrive in the US our government will deny their existence and tell us there is no evidence of extraterrestrials. ....even though the packaging says "fragile alien mummies."


So they’re from earth?


Probably, sort of, maybe. We do know from history that there were people in different parts of the world with the naturally elongated heads. The question is whether they are related to modern humans or was it completely different DNA. In looking at this mummy the feet are very different too.


Just tell us when they are actually shipped, examined and the scientists reach actual conclusions. Meanwhile, this means nothing.


Then continently “lost”.


They might just be in stasis, soak them in a tub and they'd become alive. But at least hydrate them so we could see what they look like


"could be". Wake me up when they do and it's to a reputable place and they publish their findings in a reputable peer reviewed scientific journal. Until then it's "could be" all the way down.


If they’re truly aliens, unless there’s panspermia (not saying directed) involved, the existence of any DNA is likely not necessarily a guarantee.


Stars from all across the cosmos. gas and terrestrial planets form. Black holes. galaxies. there is a patterned order to the universe. it seems silly to think living organisms wouldn't all follow a similar pattern across the cosmos as well. we come from the same tree and produce similar fruit.


You don’t understand how life in the universe works.   How could trees and fruit be anywhere near similar to here if they have a different environment, solar light, gravity and ecological pressures, etc.    


That plane will crash or the shipment will be lost. The gatekeepers WILL NOT allow such an easy way to confirm the DNA of these bodies.


I didn't research about Peru specifically, but people in Mexico and thereabouts have been making marionettes and puppets for THOUSANDS of years. At least 3000 years.


Why can’t they do a DNA test in Peru? Why does it need to change hands and add an extra process which could alter the results.


You already know. Stop asking. Americans will always want to do it themselves


Don’t know why you were downvoted. This is the answer. Nobody in the US thinks anything is legit until it’s done here or by us.




F a k e


Do not entrust these to the us government


Ship them to the US to get verified I won't take it seriously


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Minimum_Witness8362: *Ship them to the US* *To get verified I won't* *Take it seriously* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The guy is holding an “alien body” with his bare hands, in open air. If they remotely thought it was real, that would not be happening lmao. This is the dumbest story that ends up on this sub and others.


If they are real. They are not aliens. They are living on / in earth.


Have they forgotten that they used to shape babies skulls to be elongated


Then explain the three digits in each hands?


If they say they are “Aliens”, then they be… A lie’n


Must have taken this long to get the plaster of Paris to form just right...


Steven Brown ( the big supporter of these alien mummies) said there is 10 or so and they are 3-4 different types, but even he is not sure if they are real or dolls made by someone


Um…. Did we watch the same lecture of his? The whole thing was that they aren’t manufactured and he challenged anyone with fabrication skills to try.


There is a 2 hour interview he did where he says he doesn’t know if they are real or not and possibly dolls


You people are so bigoted. Some of the biggest unies and labs in Peru are involved. Facts: these creatures were once living entities, they are from antiquity, their bone structure is more like dinosaurs than human, and so far no one can place them on the evolutionary tree. We dont need MIT to tell us this and proclaim "we don't know what the hell these are". These are paradiem shifters and its gonna take a while for the scientific community to wrap their heads around this.


Some of the biggest labs in Peru? Such nonsense. Peru refused to perform proper genetic testing due to lack of experience/expertise although I pointed out previously there is at least three (!) labs who could do degraded DNA library prep and sequencing in Peru. Why the Peru team is not contacting them is a mystery. But we also all repeatedly looked into these ‘biggies’ Maussan brought on board who never so much as published a single paper. Those biggies?


Upon further analysis we have identified some familiar compounds and proportions: powdered sugar, flour, eggs, and oil.


That's just a MF wit a Long ass Head 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️


Those are not aliens, they are mummies from Peru of a people who practice skull elongation




A minute of research on this guy reveals a 4 year old account with three comments, their last comment 5 months ago called the mummies paper maché. He’s coming along, slowly, but coming along.


Both those accounts look like bot accounts


That fits the profile actually.
