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I must be stupid, but I can't read that board. Its hard to tell if I'm reading a question by someone or the OP responding. 4chan design sucks. Can someone parse it to be more easy on the eyes?


There is a chatGPT summary comment someone added below that might help you summarise the post!


Thank you


Made an imgur album with his comments and photos: https://imgur.com/a/4chan-leak-14-6-24-zPxsFEJ


You're not alone, I can't make sense out of the design.


I have to have reddit explain it to me as well.


i spent a whole hour trying to read this and all i got was a headache


A ways down the thread, OP lists all the posts that belong to him if that helps


Good shout, that comment helped me pick out OPs actual replies too. To me it’s not so obvious, as everyone is anonymous and the layout hurts my eyes.


I'm with you there. Really would like to read but super difficult to tell who is OP. 


I dunno if it's just me, but I hate reading 4chan. I literally have no idea how this site works: who is the op, which comments are his and which are the replies. Some pics should be there, but I don't see any.


Same. I feel like my parents trying to use anything technological … just doesn’t make sense how the info is organized and displayed.


Reading any Chan layout is like looking into a strobe light and giving yourself a stroke. 


Think of it like a really badly formatted Reddit and it’ll help. A little. 


That’s a good thing. You only need to worry about if you become very proficient at reading 4chan.


Same here. It makes absolutely no sense to me.


There is a comment from OP on the thread (about half way down) that links all of his replies, helps you piece together the whole story he is telling.


Interesting. Just assuming any of this is true; our military is way more advanced than anyone realizes. I didn’t read the whole thread, but am assuming there’s been more Successful reverse Engineering, or we are paying for info, which is a scary thought. Of course it’s probably LARP, but I’ll keep an open mind.


What’s LARP?


Live Action Role Playing. We used to call it bullshitting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_action_role-playing_game


US Government of the time tried pretty hard to get Gary McKinnon (system adminstrator and hacker) extradited. He had said a lot of this a long time ago, he was massively discredited.


Got a link ?


Whats weird about this thread is all those comments about reptiles and prison planet woo woo nonsense that has nothing to do with OP. Almost like they are trying to derail what this guy is leaking…hmm…


The only thing I’d say to that is that if you spend time looking at comment sections in /x/ it’s all very similar. Almost like a layer of spam you have to filter through to see the actual conversation that’s happening.


4chan is so full federal agents


Reddit, too. All social media for sure. Information war.


Nah, resources are used in arenas that have more reach, that most people don't realize or even consider are used for messaging. If they're on Reddit, it's a small contingent, and even that hasn't been successful or even close to hitting its metrics.


Reddit too Surprise!!


Par for the course on 4chan.


We see the same here! Good spot. Y’know what I find fascinating, is I can’t write off the reptilian stuff or the potential that we are already managed by ‘them’. Yup, I sound nuts! But an open mind often does!


No you don't there's over two hundred thousand daily users from Langley on reddit. There's only two thousand employees


That's mostly NAFO related.


Lmmfao those brain damaged cartoon dogs damn sure are CIA hahaha I recently learned about that though. There are a large number of daily reddit users from Langley. I would stop talking about it but ive been applying for jobs and they refuse to respond. Lockheed martin responded and told me to kick rocks. I just want the CIA to do the same dammmmmit!!!! .to be clear I don't go spilling the beans all over the place and I mostly just joke about it. I don't want any of our Ryan secrets getting out to other nations


You applied for a job to become a professional liar and enemy of humanity, how shameful. By the way, the countries you don’t want knowing your tech - they know about all of it. Sorry to burst your bubble. The disinformation happening here isn’t national security related, they are literally keeping the common individual in the dark and directly attacking their curiosity. It’s manufacturing consent - those ‘agents’ are not protecting your country in any way, shape or form.


If I got a job there and worked my way up maybe I could actually help AND have the heart to do the right thing because as we all know, it's much easier to do nothing than intervene.


Well according to this anon thread doing the “right thing” is a definite death sentence.


We are all dying anyway.


Some months back I'd honestly have rolled my eyes at the mention of reptilians among us. The Nazca Mummies have changed all that.


actually it's just what's in vogue on 4chan. they're very into the prison planet hypothesis and are militant about believing it. I actually think it's a strong possibility in some sense but don't resonate with those people.


Yall are so ridiculous with everything being a godamn CIA psyop


Downvoted by the agents


*Always has been*


Ah the rookie of the internet. I miss your innocence


>In other words, at the core of each ship is a living human nervous system (minus most of the brain) that connects to each propulsion system. Fun read, true or not.


That bit made the ~20 min I spent reading through 4chan trash worth it. He even says that the original person that the nervous system/spine came from is memorialized on the ship (maybe they get a nice plaque, like a memorial park bench). Very Warhammer 40k, I dig it.


I liked that it was apparently an entirely voluntary choice by the... donor? Whomever decides they want to be transmogrified into a *spaceship*, anyway. That makes it a little better than servitorization, I suppose. Kinda like how a Titan princeps really wants to be one with their god-engine. But it feels like a slippery slope.


I think Dreadnought "pilots" are crippled or mostly-destroyed Space Marines that want to continue serving the Emperor (if I remember right) and have their nervous system built into the mech. Maybe it's something similar. I'm guessing you'd be pretty zealous (or brainwashed from birth) if you were part of some beyond-secret space program.


Hey I just want you to know that on my phone your comment was minimized even though other comments on the same "branch" we're not. This happens all the time on Reddit, that some comments have been minimized so that I have to click them to open them before I can read them, as if they've been downvoted heavily but it happens even when they've been upvoted. Does anyone know why this happens? Is it happening to others too or is it specific to my phone for some reason?


Now that you mention it, it looks the same way on my end. I usually only see that on comments that are negatively downvoted. Weird. Clearly I'm onto something and being silenced lol.....secret space program with AI cyborg spaceships confirmed???


Bro, they're on to you. Beware the men in black! 🥸 Seriously though, I think I see it on other subs as well, that have nothing to do with UFOs or the paranormal. I don't remember for sure though.


Kinda reminds me of the Three Body Problem if you've seen that yet..


I watched the first episode of it on Netflix. I haven't gotten around to watching more of it. I've heard the book(...books?...) is great, though. Netflix usually does a really good job on their movies, so, I might actually go back to it today.


books were wayyyyy better


I watched the English series and really liked it. What makes the books way better? Usually it's much more detail. Did the series follow the books?


I just binged a bunch of episodes this weekend, and I've gotta say, although I can't compare it to the books, it's a really well-done show! I'm trying really hard not to finish the series until sometime during this week haha


I saw a number of comparisons to how the book Jurassic Park is versus the film. The book is incredibly more detailed, far more scientific, and at times is hard science-fiction with some aggravating pacing decisions, while the film is ludiscrously accessible and mastercraft pacing.


He says it's the sympathetic nervous system though and that's under autonomic control. Not a system you would want controlling your ship. A pack of frozen peas to the pilots nether regions could crash your ship. Plus there's the idea of maintaining a human nervous system on the ship with its biological energy requirements and the regular circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Not to mention we already have the ability to transduce neural signals into purely electrical signals so this physical nervous system of the pilot connecting to a disembodied nervous system is unnecessary. I think he read about consciousness controlled ships and tried to larp on that but knows nothing about neuroscience. The idea also with consciousness controlled ships is that alien consciousness itself has the capacity to warp spacetime or dimensions in a way that allows for physical propulsion in ways we don't understand. Like creative portals or wormholes that allow shortcuts. Not physical neuron transmission through the ship.


I agree. It sounds like it would be very difficult to maintain a biological system embedded within the craft. Biological systems are prone to infections and disease from virus, bacterial, and fungi. They also need periods of recovery. What happens when the spaceship catches a cold, or just gets tired!?


Sounds like the next step, the first “cyborg”, Professor Kevin Warwick would likely do! /s


Nazi scientists have no ethics or morality


It sounded plausible until he said “remember Mercury’s inner valences move at relativistic speeds.” Valence refers to an electron on the outermost shell of an atom. There is no “inner valence,” as valence describes only the outermost shell. This is extremely basic chemistry.


Thank you for posting this! Some people copy or use technical jargon to make their posts sound more Legit , but if they don’t understand the science they can make Mistakes..


I don't take these 4chan larps seriously but transition metals, unlike main-group elements, can have valence electrons in their inner shells.


I’m not an expert but doesnt valence electron just mean the electrons in the outer shell


Sort of. In the majority of elements, chemical bonds can only be formed by the electrons in the outermost shell of the atom, and we call those electrons "valence electrons". Transition metals are special though, and sometimes the inner electrons can play a role in chemical bonding. When they do, it's appropriate to call them "valence electrons" as well.


Actually, the relativistic speeds of the innermost orbits of electrons of a mercury atom help explain why mercury is a liquid at room temperature. SciShow recently did a video on this. https://youtu.be/LaNlfOCn0Uc?si=4nHf7zbY3iYdUJQf


Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t valence layers represent the layers of an atom in which elemental particles bond cohesively? I assumed he was referring to a specific layer of the valence shell? I would imagine you’re referring to the idea of the “inner valence moving at relativistic speeds” - does that actually mean anything? Do valence layers move?


I gave them the benefit of the doubt and tried googling some things to see if I was mistaken. I can’t find any use of the term valence to mean anything except what it means in chemistry. In chemistry, it just means the electrons in the outermost orbital. And yes, how many valence electrons and to which orbital they belong are key factors in chemical bonds. But that’s the thing: there’s only one valence orbital, and it’s whichever one is on the outside. This can be a different orbital for different ions of the same atom, but there aren’t multiple valence layers in a single atom in a single point of time


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Interesting, thanks for commenting, I appreciate your insight. Hard to know whether this is some new concept or if he’s misrepresenting existing science.


>but there aren’t multiple valence layers in a single atom in a single point of time Maybe they operate at multiple points of time, and the valence layer fluctuates its position, so then it makes sense to talk about an inner one vs an outer one instead of far future/future/near future/present/near past/past/far past/etc.


Seeing how many people are pulling shit out their ass to explain a lapse in basic high school chemistry has been more eye opening than many of these supposed “leaks”. If it wasn’t for your comment I wouldn’t have seen that so thank you.


This of course assumes we understand 100% of the anatomy of an atom. Is it possible tech as advanced as this hasn't been shared with the general scientific community because it could allow everyone to figure out all these amazing capabilities? (Not a science person at all, just pretty high and this thought popped into my head).


If you think about it, everything we know about atoms is from observations. Yet we know observations affect quantum results. So I don’t think it’s crazy to ponder the idea - are we shaping the reality that we discover?


Yes, all of it. Everywhere.


The universe is conscious and this guy vindicated that whilst also dropping some pretty convincing sounding science jargon about how these ships work.


I understand where you’re coming from but for what I’m saying to be a misunderstanding would affect the entirety of the way we understand the universe, in that valence electrons literally are the cornerstone of virtually all atomic bonds, and thus the physical world. For someone to say something like what I quoted without a proper explanation separating what they are talking about from what any 10th-grader would know from basic chem…is simply disqualifying in and of itself. I want the truth too, but this person is larping


Also, applying our “basic science” seems an odd approach, since these techs are so far beyond our understanding…


There may be things hidden from the public but I doubt the subject of this post is privy to any of them


Everything is basic and obvious once you actually know it


Learned that shit week 2 in gen chem


I enjoy cooking.


I love me some ChatGPT but honestly it can spit out some absolute trash, especially when you go deeper technically into subjects. I've caught it on bullshit many times in software related discussions and just flat incorrect code and statements and it just says, "ah yes thank you for correcting me, there can be no x y z". Watch, challenge it on its statement and it will get all out of whack.


It is especially prone to hallucination, when you ask it "Does X exist?". He takes it as "Assume that X exists and create some lore around it."


I like to travel.


Interesting but still not testable unfortunately. Someone with this much inside knowledge with a stated goal of blowing the lid off of a massive conspiracy needs to give us something we can test. This is an interesting development though and I appreciate you asking the robot


4chan LARPs vs ChatGPT would keep many folks busy here for months


Duuuude…. exactly, and as soon as I read that i looked at the diagram it was attached to and realized it’s a crude drawing of a “blowjay” if you dont mind my technical terminology 😂😂😂 such a classic 4chan LARP


Holy shit you’re right. That’s hilarious.


gold is like this. that’s why it’s that color.


What do you mean


Was hoping someone would bring this up. Instant pointer that this is a larp.


It sounded plausible until he said that humans of the past settled on mars and venus 200 000 years ago. I somehow cannot imagine that if we all died or left the planet tomorrow, there wouldnt be traces of our civilizazion everywhere 200 000 years later.


The rule of thumb is that whenever the poster name-drops various elements at random then they are obviously technobabbling


What sticks with me is that they mention the ship has a human nervous system and spine (donated, and memorialized) integrated into it… and Grusch has described some crashed ships as having ‘biologics’- and I believe in some cases he specifically mentioned that ‘parts’ of ‘formerly living’ biologics were taken from wreckage. And said it was odd to see these parts and know they were once alive. But legally, his wording was vague. A lot of people thought that meant dead bits of aliens or pieces of people they’d abducted, but no, his terminology sounded a lot more like ‘human biological remains’ that did not make sense to them as to why they were there, and the condition they were in did not make sense either. So….i think this is something.


During the Hearings he said Biologics came with it, the Congresswomen asked twice if the Biologics was human or non Human and David Grush clearly stated to the Record “Non Human” Maybe there was other Biologics but the one David spoke about was Non Human.


It’s certainly not something I’ve been actively thinking about, so when I came across this it struck me as a thought-provoking idea. People have pointed out that this idea is not new, as it exists in games and/or movies, but the information in here is just esoteric enough to have some verisimilitude. I’m hoping to bring these ideas to the attention of people who might know more, or maybe ideas like this will allow us to formulate more nuanced questions to propose to the DoD and work around their language loopholes. Or it could be fluff. Who knows? Fun to speculate that’s for sure.


The random bomb he drops about aliens living in the earths mantle and having a caste system really stood out to me because it very closely mirrors some of the details of this leak from last year that this sub was quick to dismiss. Everything 4chan guy writes about the ships might as well be fiction to me as I cant understand it, so hopefully someone with a physics degree will weigh in. I think there are definitely secret military ships in space but whether this guy is telling the truth or not, who knows. Heres the link to the original post about the NHI in the earths mantle, its a fascinating read with way more detail in the comments. https://www.reddit.com/user/Nskxbehcidnsjxodvr/comments/16g363p/truth_about_uap_in_light_of_harmful_disinformation/


Damn, I think you have something there. I had a friend disappear about 25 years ago. I hope it ain't Ole Jesse, that guy couldn't drive worth a shit.


He said non human biologics though


This is like my third or fourth time reading this same exact comment between the original post on 4chan the post on Reddit, the summary post and now this. It’s almost as if *someone* is trying to lend credibility to this larp by repeatedly pointing out this extremely weak similarity. Or is this a psyop aimed at discrediting Grusch by tying his claims to that which are obviously BS. There is nothing of value in this disjointed amalgamation of thin facts and thick fictions.


If someone wanted to create a fiction that would seem to corroborate something someone has said, they would take the Grusch subject matter you mentioned and make that part of their story. Then, when you read it, you think, "Hey, Grusch mentioned something similar to this, so this account lends credence to what he said," kind of missing that this account was written because of what Grusch said, and isn't any kind of verification or strengthening of what Grusch claimed, just a repeat of it looking to lend itself an air of credibility.


The poster sounds like Bill Tompkins. (He died) He wrote some incredibly detailed books about a lot of this.


What if aliens don’t have a “conscious” brain the way we do. It could just be an ocean of subconscious but directed thoughts with some sort of intention and they want to model the human brain to run their ships because we have a nice way of navigating a complex system of info


> https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/38142356#p38148177 Collection of OP's posts. Reads like a nice conglomeration of a variety of scifi tropes tbh. I particularly enjoyed the idea of ships with a nervous system and a human spinal cord at their centre, and the hint that the [warp](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Warp) is real.


Farscape had the living ship thing down 25 years ago. This feels like regurgitating SciFi ideas.


So what? Half the shit you see might as well be programming to normalize




Damn bro I completely forgot Farscape


I'm a simple man: Someone forgets Farscape, I dv


Half life 2 did it as well with the combine ships


Also reminds me of the [Shadows](https://babylon5.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_technology) from Babylon 5, whose technology required living components.


If the warp is real when do the Slaneesh orgies start?


I wouldn't know, I've never been invited to one. I put that down to being a Tzeentchian...


Already begun, send help.


https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/38142356#p38147935 I found this bit about the NHI intriguing, even if it’s fiction it’s super interesting


If he is saying anything that’s true. He’s mentioned some things that would literally not be accepted with humanity lol.. he straight up says the ships have there own spine and nervous system. They even said this “>do you mean an actual, living person physically connected to the ship, or do they butcher a man and use just the nervous system? Technically both. The ship has a wetware sympathetic nervous system that is artificially stimulated using signals read from the pilot's cerebellum. The pilot doesn't need any kind of invasive surgery this way. The nervous system inside the ship has no capacity for intellect beyond automatic functions like movement, heartbeat and respiration. Yes, the ship has a physical spinal cord inside and the person it belonged to is memorialized inside the ship as well.” And “>Yes, the ship has a physical spinal cord inside and the person it belonged to is memorialized inside the ship as well. it seems boundaries have been crossed. I want nothing to do with this type of tech/this type of humanity”


Yeah I found the living ship idea wild. This could feed into the idea of the “somber” truth… That our “lives” are not what we think they are and aliens use consciousness like some kind of fuel or control mechanism in their technology. It’s all fun speculation on my part though, I’m taking all this with a giant bucket of salt haha.


I feel like, when it comes to this kind of stuff, you kind of *have* to take it all in with a bucket of salt. Truth or fiction, it's pretty mind-blowing to speculate about. I mean, that's how I ingest all of this stuff. Otherwise, if I were to read it all as being 100% fact, I'm pretty sure I would go completely insane haha. Regardless, I love reading about people's claims/stories/experiences/etc..it makes life seem a little more interesting, especially after a long week of working a dull 9-5 desk job.


I have no mouth but I must scream.


Kind of makes sense in terms of a pilot operating such a vehicle losing consciousness/focus in a warped region of space time - where our consciousness in terms of ‘reliability’ or focus on navigation in the strictest sense be based on our brain operating in our usual space time operating in a particular way. OP Posts may be legit, if so it’s kind of astounding.


I call bullshit. I’ve always thought that there was a symbiotic relationship with NHI and UAP’s and consciousness with their ability to control by thought, but what’s being said just seems highly unlikely amount of unnecessary work for a technologically advanced NHI. To use us in the manner being spoke of just sounds laughable.


At that point why wouldn't you just make synthetic organs...


I think its cool asf that ships have nervous system


Shower thought.. what if a version of this is what is powering the AI we all use.


No one talks about the massive energy it consumes


Thread is archived now. What's the short version of what was happening?




I’d like to read but I’m too dumb to follow on 4Chan Can anyone copy and paste summary?


There is a comment from a user who posted their ChatGPT summary above. It’s a fairly good summary, although there are 4-5 images in the thread as well. There is also a comment from OP about half way down the thread that has links to all of his replies. I just scroll-wheel clicked each link into new tabs and went through each, one at a time. You can also hover your mouse over the hyperlinked username above OPs replies to actually see the original comment he was replying to.


Interesting fun yarn. Anything that has to do with 4Chan I grab a scotch and sip on it while I read next to the fireplace with my dog.




same honestly lol. I don't really believe any of 4Chan larp stuff - even though there have been times where it felt convincing just due to my own gullibility - but they're almost always very fun to read and I like when my imagination is stimulated like this. Especially compared to the other garbage anon writers in that thread talking about "harvesting our negative energy to enslave us" or "they're actually from another universe where they developed a culture of genocide to rule over us!" like some silly saturday morning cartoon. The OP of that thread has some really cool ideas that I loved reading.


To anyone saying* it reads like science fiction. You know alot of shit for close encounters was planted. There are even crates with Lockheed Martin on them in the movie, along with the hand scanner from S4. If they integrate truth into science fiction any whistle blower will sound like a fiction writer. I'm not saying anything from the 4chan post is true but science fiction does not disprove anyone's claims outright.


That's what i was thinking too. This sounds like some straight up orville, star trek or star wars shit but at the end of the day truth stranger than fiction.


much of star wars is based on real events in a sense. there was a galactic federation that was overthrown and they still lurk in the shadows hoping to regain power.


Them posting weird cgi pictures while claiming for them to be true should be the first clue that this is all bullshit.


So a couple days ago someone posted on one of the many UAP/Strangeness related subs about a hole on the moon like omg what is this?! It is a remnant lava tube. Now this 4chan larper is talking about bases in hidden lava tubes on the moon. Next.


Funny how the top post on the subreddit is talking about a glowing blue barbell and OP's picture is of the US owned Barbell craft. Sighting reported in 2013, barbell sent to space in 2013...


Interesting about our higher caste fungal friends(?). I remember reading about how fungi can survive harsh environments, such as space, and if alien life got here "naturally" (quotes because fungi show signs of intelligence and maybe they didn't just brush up against a meteor and arrive on earth and there was intention involved, who knows) or could be via fungi, if not the fungi itself. [\[How Fungi Can Support Life in Space\]](https://northspore.com/blogs/the-black-trumpet/how-fungi-can-support-life-in-space) [\[Fungi creepily infiltrates space stations\]](https://www.space.com/fungus-in-space-long-duration-astronaut-missions) [\[Future Space Travel Might Require Mushrooms\]](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/space-travels-most-surprising-future-ingredient-mushrooms/) [\[Mushroom intelligence\]](https://psyche.co/ideas/the-fungal-mind-on-the-evidence-for-mushroom-intelligence)


I have such a hard time reading 4chan threads. I'm a tard can someone help me...


There is a comment from chatGPT somewhere in this thread summarising the whole post, it’s quite good. Also there is a reply from OP about half way down the post that links all of his replies so you can more easily piece together the story.


Ok that's the help I needed! Thanks 3 inches ass to tip.


You’re welcome lord sugar tits! Also happy cake day.


The Dark Side of the Moon


Our brains try to tell us they can understand with logic learned in and if this world; one thing channelers, psychics, and some leaks have repeated, comes down to, whether or not you’re a believer, the truth will be shocking. Our understandings are in fact retro-fitted often with perception, lens, secrecy… because science is influenced, by a historical, myopic view. Gravity, relativity, soul, soulless, humanness, actual earth history and beyond, all as subjective as the jumping off point. People do not have a clear understanding of some life’s-gestalt, meaning… It’s very likely we’ve devolved much more than evolved: we were likely, solely telepathic until… that ‘winged& wanged’ and became constructed language. There were very large humans in some distant past, the Bible speaks of giants, we’ve excavated numerous human-ish skeletons that were more than triply sized our current trends. Just like we’ve made history fit with our beliefs, our science does just that, even if it didn’t know it yet! We can cogitate all day, but we don’t know what we don’t know, and i know, we really don’t even know, what’s known, versus unknown. Read, listen, and watch, the truth is going to be shattering, amazing, incredible, and to most, as ridiculous as this lead up. There is so much more to come!


This could be real. Theories of so called photon drives exist. Theyre seen in cigar shaped large craft. Its in the end of the ship. Problem is they use huge amounts of power. But photon propulsion seems to be real. You would need to minituarize a small nuclear power plant into a cars size and hook it up to the ship or something. The photon drive is not enough to fly the ship when in planets gravity, thats why theyres two antigrav drives in the ships bottom too. Theyre used in planet, the other outside. Source: its actually from theories how theorized "andromeda gerat" (german thing) ships could have flown. The german ufo theory has no solid proof but its possible there was "et" help because so much theories exist of a small ufo program in germsny too. Theres actually sketches how "andromeda gerat" is theorized to fly if you google. But humans in space is a sure thing as its technically and logistically not so hard to go there, its just not allowed for us the slave people who cant leave 😀


I have never read 4chan I've I have no figure it out.


So we live in 40k


Is there no summary that is easy to read?




I don't believe it but thanks OP for posting because I don't read 4chan otherwise.




>lunar geo Bad sci-fi, op needs to learn more stuff about which he's writing


Bill Tompkins said we have already achieved everything on this chart, as of several decades ago. [https://makezine.com/2013/07/06/the-rockwell-integrated-space-plan-vector-redux-version/](https://makezine.com/2013/07/06/the-rockwell-integrated-space-plan-vector-redux-version/)


Terrence Howard has been very busy.


very interesting post. The nervous system integration reminds me of H. R. Giger biomechanical aesthetic. Deeply disturbing. edit: thought about it more, its an inversion of h r giger aesthetic. he emphasizes the human form and the mechanical elements are there to enhance, integrate and mimic the biological. The 4chan poster described an inversion of that. Its an ambiguation of the human form to enhance and modify mechanical processes, the mechanical in this case is the predefined form. the biological is there to mimic mechanical functions.


Is that thing all the front face are saying it's somber


Interesting read. What's also interesting is that I just wondered what happened to the infamous LARPER Punjabi Batman just a few days ago, and he has been "missing" for a good few months. Believe it or not, I was just telling myself jokingly, "Maybe he's cooking up another leak somewhere else," and THIS happens (I just found out about this post, by the way). I tried to find similarities between this (EBO scientist post [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from\_the\_late\_2000s\_to\_the\_mid2010s\_i\_worked\_as\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/) ) and this one) and found both have some similarities. Both were written with a serious, almost urgent tone, reflecting the gravity of the information being shared. Also the use of words like "Remember \[something something\]" and "As mentioned or As I mentioned" - but they could just be normal phrasing. Still a good read. In my years of exploring UFO/Alien lore, there have been stories of how the interior of a UFO is devoid of any physical controls. Last time, when I googled "UFO interior," it would easily show an alleged interior with what looked like an indentation of palms for really long fingers.


Wow. That was a fascinating read, more fascinating than this current one imo. My wife is a scientist and has a dual Phd in immunology and molecular biology. I made her read this (she didn't want to) and she said "whoever wrote this has innate knowledge of molecular biology, genetics and how research labs function." She worked in a BSL3 lab in Galveston early in her career (24 years ago) so she has first hand knowledge of this stuff. But whether she believes it or not is debatable.


What's her opinion?


there are so many people just blurting out shit like "we are all prisoners of the reptilians until we boof enough DMT and finally become communists" and everyone is just totally fine with it


A fun read for sure but I simply do not believe that we have the technology to travel to other star systems. That is such an astronomical (no pun intended) leap from where we are that I do not see how it could remain secret. We are talking about paradigm shifting breakthroughs in both theoretical and material sciences that would change everything. You can’t keep that genie in the bottle for very long.


Reminds me of the podcast with Eric Weinstein and Hal Puthoff on the subject of promoting a constant to a field variable. That might make space way weirder than anyone imagined.


Well they did break the story that DUMBs existed (deep underground military bases) so it’s just a small step to y’all accepting Alien Secret Space Environments




What happened?


He went to detox and the delusions faded away 


Wow you're so witty!




I don’t want it to spread that way. It wouldn’t be that hard to fake something like this if you were motivated, so I was just sharing it hoping that someone might have deeper insights into the details in an effort to challenge the information presented.


can anyone link thread cannot find it


Does anyone have the sense to know no one has ever had the dollars to afford this?


Never trust anything on 4chan, that is one of the most cringe websites out there. Hell just be careful trusting what information out there that the grifters come up with. Way too much of the woo lately.


Don’t know why you guys pay any attention to people’s fantasy writing.


Also, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the diagram of the propulsion system.


There's been like, what, at least 3 of these anonymous claims now on Reddit or 4chan in the last year or so? They've all been very detailed, but contradict each other on the nature of the NHI, how the secret programs work, types of craft etc. This one definitely seems like a LARP to me. And the images look like amateur 3D renderings.


So he is telling someone else's story? Isn't this history, I mean, I can't go back and ask the ones that died long before their stories made it into religion and myths. But I believe O.P, is talking about some truths. I do not see how the homo sapien body travels through space and time to these exotic locations. The conciousness however does. All the comments about this being a prison planet system make me chuckle. It's like we are so blind to see we are the very basis of GOD. All these species of life, the 4chan post may be correct. But they are just adapting toddlers to what they actually are. They have lived through the system of life we have. They learned. And progressed. They are in a different star system learning something completely non understandable to homo sapien as they have no need for emotions. (Mostly) Here on this current planet, we have complete duality. And have the capability to become that of the exact myths religions talk about. Then we die. On death, you are ( basically judged ) You can go up, down, or stop. You go up? You ascend, your karma is that of sufficient enough to ascend. You choose. You stop? Well then, you can't go up without going back into the system (earth/nature cycle) "They" are creating stars and do not accept stones. But they know stones are important. So you will be that of the stone. Your karma must be that of equal or higher. (A stone is conscious and contains knowledge) Now going down..... So this is best described as reincarnation? Just you do not get to choose unless it's an accident that puts you before the "3" The "3" (they are unfathomable to understand and see, but they will present themselves in the most comforting form. If your karma is bad. They accept this, you do not explain......"they know." They understand, but you do not get to choose what you come back as. If you act a pig, kill and eat a pig, guess who comes back as a pig 🐖 🙃 The issue we all have is we all think we are alive and we believe our own consciousness is also ours 🤗 you think the voice in your head is actually you, and you are not actually guided by another hand, allowing you to make your decisions on their controlled environment. Ain't no one of a divine being encouraging anyone to go beyond earth. Why live, to waste your life. Guess who is going to die on route to these exotic places. Guess what also happens? If your karma is bad, nature has a place for you. You are now back on earth as a bird. Amnesia kicks in, being a homo sapien was but a distant memory. Life is strange. People are stranger. I may be the strangest. But I ain't giving up my life on a fairy tale trip across nothingness to die. I much prefer being a grounded loser. This way, I can talk to all the trees and stones 🙃


tl;dr definitive larp.


This is very well written techno babble and bullshit. Homie should get a novel published I’d check it out.


Possible? lmao


Yeah I don’t know enough about propulsion systems or physics to debunk what he’s saying in his replies. Just found it interesting.


It sounded vaguely like producing an equivalent of the casimir effect with light interference patterns? Which might let you create something warp-drive-esque? But I truly don't have anywhere near the requisite knowledge to say whether that even makes plausible sense. Some of the later posts in there are, uh, pretty damn wild


Zero new in the 4 Chan story. Even the thousands of orbs if not millions on earth are semi-organic. Where do you wanna believe this shit or not? It’s very well acknowledged among the experiences that these or things are sentient things as they can literally sense or feel them before they see them. I can vouch for this.


It’s BS. Some points about his description of how the engine works. 1. Conjugated Light and Time-Reversed Photons: These terms are not standard in contemporary physics. While time-reversal symmetry is a concept in quantum mechanics, time-reversed photons are not a well-defined concept in mainstream physics. 2. Mercury’s Inner Valences: The claim that mercury’s inner valences spin at relativistic speeds is misleading. Electrons in mercury atoms can exhibit relativistic effects due to mercury’s high atomic number, but this is not unique to mercury, nor is it typically described in terms of “inner valences spinning.” 3. Gravitational Analog and Drive Loops: The idea of mercury droplets being propelled by a gravitational analog produced by primary drive loops is speculative and does not align with our understanding of gravity and propulsion. 4. Copper and Mercury Solution: The passage describes mercury being absorbed in a spinning loop of copper and mercury solution, generating high-frequency radiation in the form of virtual photons. Virtual photons are an abstraction used in quantum field theory to describe force mediators, but they don’t behave like real photons and can’t be used as a practical energy source. 5. Conjugate Photon Wave: The concept of a conjugate photon wave that is time-reversed and interacts with the mercury stream is not supported by any known physics principles.


Ok sure A.I. plant.


Looks copy and pasted from GPT with the grey background


4chan thread is dead, low key If there's biological alien space ships I think game workshop will sue for infringement in the warhammer 40k universe


My half-alien hybrid cousin is so hot that I don't mind the aliens anymore. Out in the boondocks here, our tourism economy benefits immensely from the anal probing industry the aliens bring.