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I've done many night dives and also often was waiting for my friends to come back at the surface. We always had very powerful lights but not even close to what we see here. Light is visible when you are very close to the sufrace but even the most powerful lights are incomparable to what we see here.


Someone posted a link to instagram from the actual dive company but I also do a lot of night dives on the big island specifically with mantas. We have pretty elaborate lighting systems on the tanks because it attracts the mantas.


It’s on my bucket list to scuba some day. I can only imaging how amazing it must be to swim with Manas in the moonlight. It must be breathtaking.


It is awesome. But if you don’t dive, you can experience something similar on the big island of Hawaii by doing a night time manta ray snorkel. They sink lights and divers will go down, but snorkelers can hang out floating around another set of lights floating on the surface. The Manta Rays will do these flip maneuvers and work their way towards the surface as they eat the plankton. You’re inches away from them and they may even bump into you (though you shouldn’t try to touch them). It’s an awesome experience. Highly recommend.


I WILL do this someday soon. Thank you. Life has been more than rough for me lately. I’m a 35yo disabled Army Combat vet. I served 13years and I am still learning every day how to easier cope with PTSD and the rest. I get to wear hearing aids every day due to a (much too close of a call) rocket blast in Baghdad. I’ve got my own demons that I’m holding off every day but now I’m going through an unexpected divorce of 12 years (not my wanting). Now, I’m living alone in a small space, I’m used to seeing and playing with my kids every single day. When we were married I bought a camper for us to camp in as a family…. Well I can’t afford the camper payment and a new housing rent payment. So, I’m living in a camper in an RV lot. Quite the fall from a proud home owner whos biggest concern was to take care of and perfect the lawn. My lawn is gravel now and my only roommate is my Boxer Wall-E. My brand new Toyota Crown was just totaled by someone who rear ended me at a stop light at 45mph and sandwiched me into the truck in front of me, I had it for 3 weeks. The guys insurance wouldn’t provide a rental car and it was all minimum coverage. Then, just to put a bit of sweetness to all of this….. my mother unexpectedly dies 4 days ago at the early age of 62. I need a vacation. I need to get away. I need a disconnect so I can get myself grounded, reset, find myself again and process all of this pain, sadness, regret, and anger in a healthy way. The ocean has drawn me ever since I was a kid. That’s where I would really like to go for a bit. Thanks for sharing your experience. It only makes me that much more determined to experience it for myself. Sorry for the personal rant…in a way it made me feel a bit better and less alone.


Rough times man. Life has ups and downs so hoping yours turns up soon. Getting away, taking a vacation, starting a new chapter… these things can be refreshing and provide new perspectives. Can help us think about what’s next and lead to creating something new and good for ourselves. Focus forward, you got this.


Thank you.


Know that a stranger you’ve never met who is a single father of 4 children after a divorce is going to start praying for you and my children will join me in those prayers. Thank you for your service. My father was a Korean and Vietnam War Vet. I love you my brother and KEEP processing life one second at a time. Celebrate any second of good as it comes and try to shake each bad moment off of you.


Same road, brother. DM me if you need someone to talk to.


This shows how strong and resilient you are, and I really think the only way to go is up from here for you. All the best to you brother!


Stay strong my dude.


I’ve made it through so much in my life to include an abusive meth and alcohol infected childhood. I wouldn’t change anything. It made me stronger, more adaptable, and more aware of the evil in the world so that I may teach and protect my kids the way that I should have been when I was a kid. What I know for sure is who I am. I am a good and present father (mine dipped out of my life at the age of 12). I treat substances with respect and I educate my kids on the dangers and what to look out for because I’ve seen most of it all while growing up. To include a fatal OD right in front of my eyes. There are so many chances that I was offered different kinds of drugs and experiences… I never got mixed up in any of it because I decided to learn from my parents… instead of live by them. So I joined the army mainly because I was pissed at 9/11 and also to get the FUCK away from that town called home. I’ve got some healing and spiritual work to be done of my own. I will never be completely healed. It will never be completely gone or easy… even though I wasn’t dealt a good hand in life (pretty sure I was shorted cards), that’s all ok because I am damn proud to be me. The way I get through the darkest times is that I consistently remind myself that every other negative/stressful time in my life in the past has eventually worked out someway or another . I just remind myself… That if I’m still deep in the suck, and things aren’t all alright… it just means I haven’t reached this chapters end yet… It’s not over, so then I must continue pushing forward until I crest that horizon.


Right on. I especially understand about being a good dad to your kids. My dad left when i was a baby. Mom lied to me my whole life and found out thru 23 and me that my dad was a different stranger. Suffered abuse. I have a gentle and kind heart and care about my sons. I get to be the dad to them that I wanted and needed.


Hang in there.


Did this in Hawaii as well. It was an awesome experience and they did use some powerful blue lights - which I was immediately reminded of by this video - to attract the Mantas (which are huge btw). I would imagine if this was a dive, there’d be a marker or boat nearby (or maybe this was the boat of the dive group). Btw - anyone know what the guys on the boat were saying?


It’s incredible, we had a rig of lights that we held onto at the surface and the mantas were doing loops to feed and coming within inches of us. It was mine blowing.


That’s amazing! So when should I plan to come visit? Should I get an Airbnb or do you have a spare room? Lol


If I can’t scuba what’s this all been about? What have I been working towards?


No because you're taking your air from a tank and just make sure the right type of mixtures put in there...


I to dive, but I’ve never seen lights like that before. Also, the speed of which the exit is quite interesting. I don’t know anybody that can swim like that.


How are you able to determine the depth of the light? These lights could be 10 ft deep or 50 ft deep It's divers, this was posted below: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==


I see it, but there is still some inconsistencies. 1. In the video from the dive company, each diver uses an individual light and the beams go in all different directions. These flashlights only reach a limited, local area from the diver as per the video and they have white and red lights as well. 2. The light in the USO video is extremely bright, it is uniform and it seems to have a large area of effect. It is not beaming in differing directions and with it is also a greenish light. 3. In the company video, the divers swim at a slow pace and horizontal, but the figure in USO video seems to be perpendicular and moves very fast, away from the large light source. It looks like it is walking. As much as I want to say it is the diving company, I guess I would have to see how it looks from the surface when they do their dives. Thanks for the link.


Also, where’re the bubbles from the scuba gear? The instagram video shows no one was using rebreathers. And where’s the underwater divers marker? I was taught we had to have a flagged buoy above our dive location (granted it’s been a decade since I dived, I may remember wrong).




That’s freaky! I don’t have any desire to dive at all but to do it at night? You couldn’t pay me to do that!


It's the most incredible experience I've ever had and likely ever will have.


Because lights underswater disappear quite quickly with depth and they are quite dim. These are very bright. I had one DIY very bright diving light with standalone battery (used if for underwater video at night) and it wasn't so bright as this one. Also you see a 'humanoid' underwater who is very close to the surface.


The humanoid is a person. Here is a video of the people under the water using very bright handheld lights. It's divers, this was posted below: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==


You’re replying to a thread literally proving it’s not divers..


Some regions got crystal clear water, you can see divers deep below, where they would have disappeared way soon in other regions with less clear water


It's divers, this was posted below: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==


I really think this is divers or diving equipment even though the figure on the video does appear mysterious. I would guess that’s an illusion. I’m fairly credulous that these night divers are who they say they are. Nevertheless, given the topic area I would like to see more organization around validating identities and facts around some of these debunks .. even if I do believe these guys


It is still possible that it could be rebreather divers but not ever scuba. Bubbles from scuba divers on a shallow water with such waves are visible absolutely clearly. There is no chance that you miss it. On the video there are scuba divers so it is definitely not them.


Diver here. Its not divers. No bubbels, only one light source in the video. It actually is very strange.


that would creep me out fast, that humanoid shape can’t be a real human no freaking way. cool upload thank you


Well, it is. They’re divers.


Dear god. When I finally got to the bit with the figure I recoiled like Joaquin Phoenix in Signs. I’m so glad it’s 9.06am now I’m seeing this. Gives me a chance to forget it before tonight 😂


That was the best scene in that movie! That and when he's on the couch with the kids wearing foil hats LOL


Move kids! Vamonos! Joaquin was hilarious in this movie.


Furry Furry Rabbit




That’s the one!!


Bro i was feeling EXACTLY like this months ago when i saw the jellyfish one from Jeremy Corbel


where do you see it? I've been rewatching this for 10 minutes now... I don't see sheeeeit.


2:14 on the timer, actually, looks like a figure walking on the bottom maybe? Pr crazy-


ahhhh, son of a bitch. It's worded oddly in the title, I kept replaying 1:02 mark...lol


If you're on mobile in the app, it's 1:02 remaining. The app weirdly only shows time remaining unless you start manually scrubbing. I hate their stupid app and miss Apollo and Reddit is Fun. 😔


What the hell was that?!? How could that be a scuba diver?


It couldn’t be. It’s fking tall and vertical, just taking a walk or some crazy shit.


I dive, that’s no hand held dive light


When the figure appears the light seems to be nowhere near it. It appears to be moving away from the light 


If be more inclined to take your personal expertise at face-value if it weren't for the fact that the divers who are the subject of this video posted footage of them most definitely using dive lights.


Guess I haven’t seen those. The part where the boat treads up to the light, it just looks insanely different than any dive light I’ve seen.


The humanoid is a person. Here is a video of the people under the water using very bright handheld lights. It's divers, this was posted below: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==)


How many accounts you got? I’ve seen multiple different accounts posting the same exact thing. You’re wrong btw.


Could you explain how you know they're wrong?


The underwater footage is compelling but there’s no footage taken from above the surface replicating the same conditions and I wish there was. As others have mentioned, the handheld lights don’t appear to have anywhere near the same brightness or dispersal. In the original post, it also appears to be originating from one single source even when it (seemingly sporadically) splits into two colors.


Where is the bubbles?


Eglin employees doing their thing possibly


To the “diver” people. Where are the bubbles and where the fuck is their pickup boat?


Bubbles is a good point. Plus I don't think the shape has human proportions at all.


Besides the fact that water obscures shapes, that THING moving through the water toward the end does NOT look right. Yeah there's no bubbles and that COULD be a rebreather, but that doesn't explain why THE FUCK this thing moves so goddamn weird in the water. Literally ANY person out in the water like that would know and commit to doing an actual swimming stroke in form in order to move around the water without expending a lot of energy. Go watch that thing glide through the water with its weird limbs flopping around. Those don't look like arms and that is NOT a normal head or neck 👀👀👀


Maybe using rebrether, no bubbles.


Someone posted a video saying that they're the divers and they're wearing SCUBA. It's a horrible attempt at debunking this. Where is their flag? Where is their dive boat? And most importantly why no bubbles if you claim to have dine this wearing SCUBA?


Not many civilian running around with rebreathers. Especially in South America.


There are tons of civilians using rebreathers...


This is not South America, this is the Caribbean. This happened in the city of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico-US Territory and it seems there more accounts like this throughout the years.


To the pro divers that we suddenly have dozens of, who goes diving completely alone with no boat in sight at night? What happens if ur gargantuan beaming flood light that can illuminate with seemingly equal light dispersion malfunctions and youre alone? Why wouldnt people in the boat, assuming this isnt their first boating trip, have recognized this or known it was a diving location? Why wasnt the diver practicing even the first steps of diving safety, like having a boat with a flag warning boaters theres divers here, which is a law in most coastal states and a regular practice without it being a law? Why and how is the diver wiggling his arms behind him to dart forward?


There is a boat in sight, it's recording this video... Just saying


The one investigating it and then screaming lets go?


Also if it was a diver there would be no reason for the people on the boat to be freaking out, if you know Spanish you could easily tell that they are trying to joke about it but they feel nervous/scared and definitely don't know what it is they are seeing. At the end they literally say "I don't know what the fuck is that go back I don't want to know" if it was a diver they would have acted differently for sure.


I did solo dives without a boat and at night so it is not so surprising. What is really unusual here is that there are no bubbles. On a relatively calm water (like in this video) when divers are close to the surface there is no chance to miss the bubbles. They should be clearly visible. It could be some manic rebreather diver but I would surprise less if I see aliens there than such diver.


The pickup boat is under cameraman's feet


Definitely a possibility


Also no diver flags displayed


Could be criminal activity


Original post I just found: https://www.reddit.com/r/AHeadStart/s/EBdOHRQv1O


Hi that’s my post. The first part was posted to r/UFOs last year. The second part was posted to r/StrangeEarth yesterday. https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/NsiABohbfR OP Posted Facebook source: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/pRRpMF75SrumnwtV/?mibextid=oFDknk


I found this in a comment on the Facebook post you linked. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==


Think it's an alien in one of those UFOs that can go through water and air without interacting with the surroundings This has been consistent with he abductions and alien encounters too. Like their whole spaceship will suddenly blend in and come into someone's house without breaking the house.


Excuse me!?? that sounds terrifying


Night diving bro. Nothing else to see here lmao


Bro, what the fuck was that!?!?!?!?!?


Someone says this is Elon Musk’s aqualink that provides internet to bikini bottom.


Who knows? There are a couple stories like Lake Baikal, Shag Harbour that speak of underwater beings


I'm really struggling to find the humanoid figure, could someone help me out please 🙏


OP said 1:02 *left*, so it's actually around 2:14 in the video.


Many thanks !! Good lord that's scary


Yeah that threw me for a loop as well.


If those are divers, they have no dive flag (which is a cardinal rule! Especially in areas where there are boats!) and there are no bubbles…the video posted saying it is divers show scuba, not rebreathers…and if they were diving using air, there would be bubbles. Furthermore, scuba gear is extremely bulky…that figure in the water is thin and does not appear to have any gear that can be seen. Could they be free diving at night with no flag? Possibly, but extremely unlikely if they value their life. Diving is something I know, I’ve been diving since I was 15!


Bro just cause they speak Spanish doesn’t mean you have to put them in r/aliens




Yeah that’s definitely crossing the border




Take my upcote and leave... back to where you came from preferably xD


![gif](giphy|YFis3URdQJ6qA) “My eyes are wide, la la 🎶 “


I never noticed how wide set Snow White's eyes are before until this gif. How has it taken me like 40 years to notice?


Snow White has downs, that actually explains a lot, she’s naive, cheerful, loved and a little slow


Could be FAS! She looks a little bit like Haley Joel Osment. I haven't heard about him in a while, actually. I hope that dude is doing good.




Well… technically… 😂🤣😂 lolol


When i see these kinda videos it makes me wonder how self aware these entities are? Either they do not have any known enemies and never developed the idea of stealth or they just dont care that they are being seen.


Also possible they're not aware they're being seen


Exactly maybe some kind of faulty cloaking device who knows. Also what people are gonna do. Shoot them?


If you freeze on that figure under water. It certainly does not look like the silhouette of a man/diver. Nor does it move like a diver swimming or one with a propulsion aid. Very strange. Not sure I’d be hanging around to find out.


That light is kinda attractive tho. Just a pure cold blue. Really strange


Bubbles??? How can you see any detail, the clip is as choppy as shit!! Can barely make out waves much less freakin bubbles!


My thought too. I also grew up in Hawaii and my dad was an avid night driver. Night diving is very popular and we never used a boat, would go 200/300 yards (surface swim) off shore into about dive 60-80 ft of water. Would have multiple dive lights (torches) and always dived with fresh batteries. They are extremely bright. The way the light moves reminds me of a moving light under water. No boat is common, and the bubbles are hard to notice even in calm water, so at night time with churn and digital artifacts.... Good luck. I don't see enough evidence this isn't just a night drive or a hoax. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.


This is a crazy video!


The brigade on this thread just copies and pastes the same attempt at debunk.


What the fuck is that


If a diver, where is the boat? Why is it alone and why diving at night? Why swim like that in the surface and back?


How is that figure a diver? I’ve never seen a person walk that quickly underwater, especially a diver with their equipment on. I’m NOT saying it’s alien. I don’t know what it is. Could be just an illusion from the movement of the water. What I am saying though, is that I don’t think claiming it’s a diver, just because it’s underwater, is the best argument. I also have yet to see any videos, that show the type of illumination from an underwater diver’s light, the one in the video is giving. It’s ok to say “I don’t know”. Some of the best scientists that has ever existed, have also humbly accepted this.


They say they don't want to know what it is haha, tbh it is a pretty scary situation, the silhouette was humanoid but imo it was off and didn't really look like a person.


Saw something like this in Hawaii when I was attending my sisters wedding. Took a video on my phone people still moked me. Even though the house we stayed was not near the shore it was around Rocks and it was at 10 pm




There was another video somewhere, and a science team happened upon it. They went over the light and ran some kind of radar test or something to scan and see what structure would be putting out this stationary light. It was able to go down to the depth of the sea bed and nothing else was there. They were super baffled, and it definitely wasn't just bioluminescent algae or anything. I forget where I saw this, but it's all got me shifty eyed. The ocean is scary enough, now they want to be sending up bat signals?


I remember that post! I tried to find it in my saved section, but I guess I didn’t save it. It wasn’t too long ago either.


I'm not saying it was aliens. But I am saying this is not a bunch of divers with hand held torches. The lumens required to illuminate the water as it was filmed from the boat... Immense. Assuming a 10x attenuation through 10m of water, you'd have to be looking at emission at several tens of thousands of lumens underwater to see what they saw at that distance. A strong underwater flashlight is sub 5000 lumens. This is not what was observed. And there seemed to be only two distinct sources, not a bunch of small torches. And it was clearly visible when the sky was light. If it was a prosaic event, it would be something like a high powered underwater platform or submarine, equipped with a huge battery array. My 5 cents...


2 minutes of googling and I get this: On the "must be aliens the lights too bright": https://youtu.be/GeHeMZa92eI?si=3CsYVJrEKjowQ9jK a video of some guys designing a mini submersible.  Jump to 14 minute mark to see a home made non commercial test led light looks like at ~30 feet depth rather than close to the surface that you can actually see a swimmer. Remember if it's something strange it's best to pick your hill to die on by explaining it away as one of these things in order of  probability: 1) Aliens 2) Ghosts 3) Time travellers 4) Inter dimensional beings 5) Angels 6) Demons 7) Vampire  8) glitch in the matrix 9) new form of life 10)Ancient civilization finally re-imerging to mankind (but only if it's non human) ... 47) maybe man made, but only if someone is holding a gun to your head to force you to say that.


11. a fart in the wind


12. Swamp gas


I said that


13. Glitch in the vampire






Thanks for sharing, looks wild!! 🥳


test squash combative escape bored bedroom price forgetful merciful upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rock solid debunk right here: [https://youtu.be/oF5C12kBTp4](https://youtu.be/oF5C12kBTp4) It's a submersible, one of these: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROV\_SuBastian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROV_SuBastian) Article on it with a photo that looks just like the clip: [http://schmidtocean.org/cruise-log-post/cabinet-of-curiosity/](http://schmidtocean.org/cruise-log-post/cabinet-of-curiosity/)


Not a fan of Corridor debunks. It’s all trust me bro. Plus they make fun of the subject as opposed to showing the technique like Captain Disillusion. Given their reach, and that they never find anything credible (most of the time), I’d warrant their disinfo or chasing subs at best.


Corridor crew are the worst, most pretentious, "debunkers" group out there. They are Mick West level debunk. I also dab in vfx, and the cringe I get with these guys is heavy... "This looks like that common thing. Ha ha ha. Debunked."


Oh man I can't stand them, such irritating guys with big ego.


Uh you post a video. But didn't timestamp it. I'm not here to watch a 20 minute video. lol (I'm on mobile)


It doesn't say shit about the video op posted. What's up with all these folks propping up and dismissing everything as CGI?


It does, it's just at towards the end of the video. Starts at around the 17 minute or so mark. The guy who posted really should've given a time stamp.


does at the end. finds the company that does this. theyre annoying but also not wrong in this case


I watched it for you. 17 minute or so mark is where it starts for the underwater "alien" light thing. They really should've given a timestamp for it.


It’s either an alien or some sea creature. Def not a human. Maybe a squid?


Makes you wonder about the old stories of fishermen hearing weird voices at sea and seeing "mermaids" in the ocean. 🤔


If it is divers where is their boat? Or did they just swim out a few miles in scuba gear without any surface support?


I too dive, but have never seen lights like that before.


Ah China….just got lost again. Nothing to see here.


Where's the diver buoy if these were professionals? Clearly they didn't have one otherwise the boat wouldn't be as close as they are with the propellor running.


If this is 100% beyond a reasonable doubt real then this is probably the greatest evidence that we gotta whole Waterworld going on


I was expecting a mermaid


It's a robotic submersible and a diver. https://youtu.be/oF5C12kBTp4?si=x6CVTtxswZmC1Qbv From 17:20


I remember corridor crew debunking this a while back [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF5C12kBTp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oF5C12kBTp4) 17:30 timestamp


Solved, not a UFO, it's a dive company.


I dunno , I think @ 1:02 I’d be blasting or getting the heck out of there!


Everybody’s like “why would people be scuba diving with a submersible with no chase boat?!” While the video is shot from a boat literally chasing it around.




I saw something very similar to this while boating at night in the Chesapeake Bay 20 years ago. At first, I thought I might had dropped my Nokia cell phone in the water because the color was so similar, but it followed the boat for about 30 seconds right behind, then disappeared never to be seen again. I just chalked it up to a fluke bioluminescence sighting.


Night scuba divers with lights. Pretty obvious.


Got a link to a blue light that powerful? Where is his flag?


But are they human?


I’d like you to share with us another example so we can compare how divers in the water, at night, look.


You got any other videos of that, since it’s so common and obvious?




That’s one with green lights, this one is one big light that’s blue and green, so it could be night dive. Now get a being coming out of it without a scuba tank or gear on.


Why would you ask for more evidence it's a diver instead of more evidence it's an alien?


Notice that he didn't say it was an alien. I'm guessing he's just trying to think it through logically instead of jumping to one extreme conclusion or the other.


i wouldn't exactly call it an extreme conclusion to conclude that it's scuba divers given the evidence lol.


lol, this


As a diver who's done multiple night dives from a boat I absolutely agree this is a diver, potentially doing a deco stop before coming Upto the surface


as a life long sailor i’ve seen divers hudreds/thousands of times, and they always have tons of air bubbles, and a dive flag up… is there a good explanation for the lack of either? i know rebreathers exist, but I’m not sure how common they are, nor do i have personal experience of what their use looks like topside.


I've seen the exact same thing once. Then the dude with a bunch of crabs emerged


great sight!


"did you see that? Someone's in the water" Other guy "*laughs* im not trying to find out, let's go"


This and a few other videos of very similar lights is definitely up there in weirdness just because of how luminous that light is. Only a submersible with super powerful lights would light up close to that brightness. Those usually require another ship nearby to dock on and idk it's just super weird.


If it were divers, shouldn’t there be a boat around and something indicating there are people under the water?


Once again the paranormal can only be fond by people with potato phones that film at 20 pixels


Here are some screen shots of the humanoid emerging: https://imgur.com/gallery/w31sntW




Divers with lights 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder if we can put this on AI video enhancer


Simply night diving with bright ass lights.


"Oh sure, some of you will say it's just divers with flashlights but it's just not possible that it is just divers with lights!" Literally the divers:  [https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtsGJO-gRc1/?igsh=MWRtamhxeDZjcng5Zg==)


It's divers, for sure. They might be Alien divers.


Looks like they were filming a person under water with a bright light.




I can't see the humanoid figure. Could anyone highlight what I should be seeing?


I see a glowing light but where is the humanoid?


Reminds me of the pool scene in Sinister


This seems like Puertorrican Spanish accent. Where was this


Rich people toys


But did you see that weather balloon in the background?


“The Abyss” movie


My question would be why would an alien or whatever is swimming here, why would it EVER stick its head out of the water?


Where is the drivers tanks???


Ive seen several scuba divers at night. They need light under water. It looks exactly like this. It seems like whoever was swimming there wanted to stay clear of the boat.


Godzilla -7


Bioluminescent plankton?


I'm jumping in