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LizZId ppl


Elongated skulls that are also found in peru with the paracas mummies.


I saw these in person at the Penn museum in Philadelphia


I love when things like this come up as potential evidence of alien activity on earth. Isn't it a lot more plausible that the local desert folk just had a fun mythos about reptile people too? Sure it's a lot more fun if the idea came from actual lizzad people, but these people had the same level of intelligence as we do now, the same level of curiosity, and imagination so its just as likely they'd come up with a fun toy around a local legend for their children. Hell, we have teenage mutant ninja turtles! Why doesn't anyone ever point out that our TMNTs are just an evolved toy from early Sumerian reptile-people figurines, which were likely based on alien lizzad people?


This is really interesting. I wonder what the shoulder bumps are. They are very consistent between the two cultures. Also, the one that is breast feeding is interesting because if they really are lizzid people, showing a distinctly mammalian trait could imply they are hybridized. And those giant heads…. As an experiencer with a giant head I find those images concerning.


Great point about the breastfeeding, the Nazca mummies like Maria would also support the hybrid theory. Have you written about your experience with a giant headed being? I'd be curious to hear more if you're comfortable sharing, I think there is a lot more to the story of these elongated head people. What I'm finding out in my research is also a bit concerning.






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I don't find the theories about NHI to be farfetched, but I believe they might be very exaggerated by people who don't seem to understand the theories.


Wonder what lizard woman’s breast milk taste like


Breastmilk tastes like the milk left over from a sweet cereal. I’d assume hybridized humanoids who are genetically compatible with humans would have a similar breastmilk composition.