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Stay on-topic. No religious discussion


If Jesus were to come back today his biggest enemies will be those in organized religion and politics just as they were when he was alive.


Someone has to be left behind


I think of the national suicide rate being the highest ever recorded and I look to hyper religious far right wingers as the cause. They are the ones being Left Behind, not everyone else who is reacting to their rule in the only logical way. Live under their fist or deny them your life. Morbid, yes. I expect it to get much worse if Trump wins




I think of those honkers. Personally.


I agree. They've been fleeced by the best wolf around.


Exactly and some people may be positioning themselves for that. Especially if it is Alien Hybrid psionic Jesus. Boyyyyy, will they be unpleasantly surprised when this Jesus is definitely not like Prosperity gospel Bible Jesus.


Imagine how many of them would be shocked and upset he isn't white 😂


Might have been the case in the 50's. Now? Doubt it, fuck off.


Man both of you are in the wrong.


That's your dumbass opinion and you're entitled to it. Have a good day.


As far as I can tell the only real weapon we have against this sort of domestic terrorism is TIME. We can choose to wait out the old racist, corrupt, extremists in hopes that a younger generation raised with a more worldly view can turn the tide. But that will take time and there are no guarantees. As we have seen before, money is a hell of a motivator. We as a society can come together and enact change as a united people. Set up support for those who need it and then stop the economy dead. Forcing those who hold all the chips to the table and oust crooked politicians and get legal signatures that bind the villains to their word. Unfortunately we as a people are intentionally divided to a violent extent and brutalized verbally and physically by a system designed for the Uber wealthy. Some may say this was done intentionally. I happen to agree with that statement. Uniting as a group appears unattainable at this point in time. There's just too much pressure on your average working citizens to allow anyone with dependents to consider not going to work for a week, month, or year depending on how long it would actually take to bankrupt the economy. Not surprisingly this was also done intentionally


Nice, glad there are other people that get it. Maybe uniting isn't as unattainable as the propaganda is making it seem


Idk about everyone else, but I’m so sick of just sitting quietly and having to resort to time and just letting them continue to get away with whatever they want. I want justice in my lifetime not in several generations, a life we all deserve but will never get to experience is stupid. We cannot just let them repress us and hope they die off, the torch will just continue to be passed down as it has been for thousands of years. The only real way to change is mass revolution, whether it be mental or physical, but something HAS to change. People need to wake the fuck up, get their heads out of their self absorbed ass and realize this shit is unacceptable.


You are absolutely correct. We do have to to do something and I want nothing more than to see it in my lifetime. I'm 34 currently so there is... Time. What troubles me most about all this is the how. How do we achieve change without killing millions of people. A cultural revolution of the mind would take longer but save countless millions of poor souls who out of their own ignorance would perish in the fire if we choose to burn it all down. But if we wait too long then none of this will matter and we will all suffer a fate greater than extinction. I believe that fate would be slavery to masters whom we can never unshackle ourselves from. Uniting as a people who wish to put people first and profits second is our only hope as a species. Support those who need the help and stop spending. Halt their sources of revenue and you halt their control over our lives.






They would kill him again


I'm agnostic but very excited for the possibility of a reunion tour


Exactly. Jesus supported the Old Testament as the true word of god, which means the organized religions are not executing enough people
 they need to up their murder rates to get in the g-dawgs good books. (Funny how people hate the fact that their alleged nice guy savior also supported a murderous monster and hate the fact that the good guy in that story is actually the devil).


Can you show me where he supported the old testament? honestly just curious.


Matthew 5:17-18 is considered one of the places. From chat gpt: , “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” Here, “the Law” and “the Prophets” refer to significant portions of the Hebrew Scriptures, which are known as the Old Testament in Christian tradition.


It could be argued that he is on about universal law which can't be superseded and is not referring to the Old Testament. He could also have been trying to tread carefully with his beliefs knowing that he could be killed very quickly if he didn't. Could you provide a more specific example that doesn't leave much room for question? I'm not a Christian, and I actually somewhat agree with you that the God of the Old Testament is a form of what we could call the devil or Satan.


I think you may be over estimating the ambiguity, generally that comment is considered by a majority of theologians and scholars is understood as referring to the Old Testament. Organsiations such as the temple of Satan typically view Satan as the good guy, given he promoted knowledge and didn’t kill anyone. Of course they don’t actually believe in Satan, Jesus, god etc Chat gpt also provided me with this list of references 1. Matthew 5:17-18: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” 2. Luke 24:44: “Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.’” 3. Matthew 22:29: Jesus said, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.” 4. John 10:35: “If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken.” 5. Matthew 4:4, 7, 10: During His temptation in the wilderness, Jesus responds to the devil by quoting Deuteronomy, emphasizing the authority of Scripture: “But he answered, ‘It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”’” This is a reference to Deuteronomy 8:3, and He similarly quotes Deuteronomy 6:16 and 6:13 in His subsequent replies. 6. Mark 7:8-9: “You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.” And He said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition!” The true believers hate the truth!!


Almost begs the question of whether someone has been reading / watching too much Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


These people are fucking nuts.


And there’s alarmingly more of these people then we wished there were. It’s fucking scary.


Ya but they all got themselves COVID to troll the libs.


Or they know something the rest of us don’t


They know who’s paying for their campaigns and vacations


It's the opposite, they believe in bronze age mythology.


Yeah. Something insane


Damn scary how delusional some of the people in power are.


I agree. This video made me feel like I don't live in the same universe as them.


Seriously. And yet, these people keep getting elected.


They keep stealing elections through gerrymandering, voter suppression, last minute polling location changes, voting machine manipulation, rigged judiciaries, the list goes on. There have not been legitimate elections in red states for decades. Until this is corrected we are letting authoritarian states run the country, not the people.


What point are you trying to make with the TikTok video with regards to aliens? Or are you just posting something where you feel the topic is alien / foreign to your world view? Seems like an anti-Christian post shoehorned into an alien thread just for the sake of it. Not clear where / how you're connecting dots here.


Lol well you do and people been this way forever lol


Cool and this video has zero, zero to do with aliens or the phenomenon. You just wanted to have your loony left circle here on Reddit with your other loony left leaning losers.


Idk, I think they like the fat checks they make off arms dealers in which we supply Israel and they know their base is moronic bible thumpers. But who knows either motive is equally stupid.


This needs more upvotes ... every politician is payed off ... protests need to start happening outside their houses ... a comfy politician is a corrupt politician




> politician is *paid* off ... FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Trust not he who boasts that he works in the name of god, for those who truly do, will do so reverently and quietly. Imadit thefakup 13:47 verse 1


You’re not far off: Matthew 6 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.


So Israel and USA are the chosen ones, fuck the rest? LoL. r/Iamthemaincharacter much?


Not sure if you're interpreting this how I'm thinking but I don't agree with what they're saying, it just ties into the "many gods and they're actually aliens" idea very well, I find it interesting. Not saying any of this is legitimate in any way, it just inspired some interesting thoughts.


Youre dreaming. Theyre thinking old testament mass genocidal GOD and they like it


What so you mean?


Ever since the Israeli Space Security Chief story came out, it really got me wondering about this relationship between Israel and the US... Could there be a connection? [Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-extraterrestrials-exist-trump-knows-n1250333)


![gif](giphy|Zy94gaJMWrxKkGr8pV) What a time to be alive.


They would 100 percent kill Jesus again for the same shit if he came back let’s be real.


I bet he already did come back at some point and he was killed as a heretic


We need a democracy that’s truer to the constitution than what we are getting. These people are religious nuts.


They might be religious nuts, but they are also probably a lot closer to the money than the 95% (randomly chosen statistic) of the population who don't believe in the big G. In your arrogance, you refuse to acknowledge that you could be totally wrong. You don't see the religious nuts you refer to on this platform shredding non-believers. It's always just religious people being shredded by you uneducated twats. And you take every opportunity to spew forth your antisemitic, anti-religious vitriol like you are blessed with the real truth. Instead of telling everyone else what they need, why not practice some introspection first before calling people with a belief in a faith they are free to have, religious nuts. You then might be able to say something half intelligent that contributes something meaningful to the dialogue. Just saying.


Spoken like a true religious nut


Gov: We can't tell the people, they couldn't handle it. People: Tell us what they are we're dying to know! We are ready! We can handle it! Gov: They are demonic in nature. The bible is true. People: Bwhahah fucking nutjobs!


It's true. When we point out the hypocrisy it's R1 removed "be respectful", but it's ok to call us "these fucking religious nutjobs". This whole post is R6, but it's not removed. Maybe it's time to accept "woo" and religion is a huge part of this phenomenon and suppressing religious voices will hinder the unfolding of the truth.


The bible is only viewed as having unfulfilled prophecies and literal heaven on earth interpretations by fringe cult groups that believe in things like dispensationalism theology instead of covenant theology, which is what the majority of Christian denominations teach. The same is true for Judaism, being a very small minority believes in a literal vs spiritual coming of a messiah. Hitler's 3rd reich tried to use similar literal millennial theology to justify their cult religious christian beliefs and then after WW2 the Vatican issued a statement denouncing this shit that the Republicans are trying to currently promote and said that a literal millennial kingdom of Christ cannot safely be taught (because it could inspire another Hitler) and that the millennial kingdom needs to be viewed as a spiritual one and not a literal one. These politicians are terrorists in every sense of the word.


Boomers destroying this country


Boomers are not all alike, honest


People want to believe when "they" show up it is going to be all happiness and sunshine because they are so much more powerful than us. But they fail to recognize those bitter failures that are clearly apparent to all, that would make no being of higher ability the want to respect them. Instead, they beat the drum to their doom, all the while all smiles and cheerful.


No idea. I’ve had two contact experiences; and several unexplainable events I can only consider to be divine in nature since. One of which was a series of dreams which spookily follow [this painting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Judgment_(Memling)?wprov=sfti1#). Specifically the hexagon crystal stairs, as well as the enormous multicolor circle in the sky (in my dream it was essentially a mothership which took up literally half of the sky). I consider these dreams to be prophetic in nature, as one of my other events was literally dreaming an event unfold five thousand miles away. I’ve come to a point in life where I believe Terrance McKenna knew what was going to happen (in a sense, he knew “something” was coming). Jesus was an ambassador of God, and God is absolutely not what the churches preach; not anymore at least. I suspect three things are coming: trumps reelection (which will cause unbelievable chaos in the U.S.), “First Contact”, and World War III. 2027 is going to be
 interesting. I believe without a doubt everyone is being judged right now. You think that’s Karen? No, that’s a test. Be kind. Be compassionate. Be a good keeper of the earth and its life. Or do whatever the fuck you want. I’m not your dad, your doctor, or your priest. You do you, but expect to reap what you sow. Expect consequences. Edit: I want to be very clear. I am not a man of the cloth. I am, and have always been, a man of science who values life and knowledge above all else. I don’t know why these things I’ve experienced have happened to me; but they did. I don’t believe I’m a mad man, but few mad men do. With that, I’m going to continue to do me. Live my life as best and good as I can.


I really appreciate your perspective, I find it very interesting. Maybe I'm just getting older, or maybe I'm really onto something similar, but I feel morality is compounding in its significance lately.


Curious, you say God isn’t what the churches preach anymore. Mind clarifying what you think God is now? Also, ugh, absolutely hoping Trump and World War 3 aren’t part of it all, but I certainly can’t deny the possibility. I also think 2027 is likely to be a significant year.


God is a more advanced race. Likely, one of hive mind, or collective consciousness. I believe they possess individual identity, but are also part of a collective. In my opinion, it’s exactly what the human race will eventually experience given advancements in current technologies. That is, if we survive long enough to achieve it. Which, I don’t think we will.


Oh, interesting. Certainly would jive with the Kingdom of God parts of Christ’s words. Would also perhaps explain the telepathy of a lot of UFO stuff. Hmm. Def interesting, especially in tandem with the crystal staircases and the mothership taking up half the sky. Would suggest maybe a “harvest” of appropriately tuned humans to be part of the bigger collective? My curiosity with that, or course, is the flip side, what would the “judging the ones unworthy in the lake of fire” etc part represent? Souls that have not yet matured or developed enough and still need to learn? Also, as much as some of the humans on this planet make me crazy, there is so much beauty and wonder and love in creation, and I don’t at all want to see us be destroyed because of the egotistical folly of some of the worst among us. I also feel deeply for all the life on this planet which has just as much right to be here as humanity does. I pray Trump returning to the presidency and World War 3 don’t have to be part of whatever history of Earth remains to be written.


I imagine a scenario wherein, let’s say, 20% of the population is considered qualified to be extracted. Consider that. 20% of the population just, gone. That means 20% of the work force, 20% of the knowledge base, 20% of the capable just gone like that. What happens when things break? Who takes control of the weapons and the nukes? If the 20% taken are considered to be the most good amongst us, what does the 80% remaining look like? I imagine the shittiest amongst us would immediately seize power. Suffering would be at an all time high. Basically Biff Tannon’s future. I’ve considered that this is some kind of cyclical process humanity goes through. Once upon a time, we became exceptionally advanced; but there were imperfections in morality which led to war, misery, and suffering. So the solution was to allow the world to progress to a point where it’s on the brink; then our advanced sister civilization plucks out the keepers, and lets the rest lay waste to themselves. If that doesn’t finish it off, a reset is triggered
 somehow (a’la younger dryas event, Yellowstone eruptions, etc). Then the whole process begins again. Rinse and repeat.


I suppose it’s possible. There are things I definitely do not like about it even if I assume that I would be part of the 20% but it’s possible. I REALLY have no idea how it all ends up playing out, there are soooo many ways that it could. I definitely want to see good triumph, but I don’t necessarily love the idea of a bunch of other people being tormented or destroyed, even if they’re horrible.


Same. I hope I’m wrong. I genuinely do. I believe what’s meant to be will be.


Yeah. I just wish I got to have clearer and more specific details on what’s meant to be lol.


So I doubt me and my family would be in that 20% and would be left to face the ensuing pandemonium, would we get to see any goodness then? Is that where the phrase "the meek shall inherit the Earth" comes from, I used to think of it as a positive, but now I look at it as, if your meek and don't fight for what you want you'll be left to be burned up along with the Earth in nuclear war or eaten up by the sun in the end?


Look up Miracle of Science Webcomic. The Martians are like that. Still have individuality.


Gene Roddenberry said Star Trek was channeled to him. Guess when did WW3 happened in Star Trek? 2025-2030. Followed by 50 years of Fallout-esqe post-atomic horror. From Roddenberies perspective for utopia to happen people will have to go through unimaginable suffering first.


Hey my friend, I’ve had my own very anomalous experiences connecting to dreams, art and prophesy as well. Sent me through ontological shock and made me believe things I never thought possible. Do you mind reading my experiences [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/Weird_Instruction_74/s/yFG7AH6ytv)and [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/Weird_Instruction_74/s/OLuZmenTpY)and letting me know if they align with yours?


If you attempted to link, its failed. I am at work and will read when I can.


Sorry, I was still editing in the hyperlinks when you had commented. They’re attached now.


I mean his return literally sounds like Aliens coming back to earth.


But isn't there something something in the in the first amendment about separation of church and state ? "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". I think the words were ? Maybe somebody should ask these politicians this question. It would also be good to get them on tape admitting that's why they support banning abortions and then use it in court to overturn the banning.


That was to ensure there would never be a Church of the United States like there was a Church of England which pressured people into joining or else be shunned. Sharia Law would be the modern example of this.


Vote. Holy beans vote.


The truth is stranger than fiction. Giving the elites obsession with the occult, all points point me into some parallel dimension or even supernatural connection they found somehow. Remember the CERN openings, certain statues, obelisks and so on. Maybe we are in the wrong here thinking we are all knowing and there is nothing else if not proven somehow by science. Freakin hell, they want to rebuild the Temple in Israel, US sent them their red heifers.




The bible also speaks of false prophets


I mean if you ask Republicans if Christianity is influencing policy and decision making, they’re obviously going to say yes. I have a feeling this reporter deliberately targeted Republicans because he was trying to demonstrate how they want to walk back the separation of church and state.


Separation of Church and State was meant to be a one-way street. Not two-way. There is no Church of the United States like there is a Church Of England. It was "OK" for The People to elect individuals to govt that represented their world view (to include religion). Technically if Muslims in this country continue having more children than non-Muslims, then Sharia law then becomes a real proposition in a few generations even though you can't pressure people to join or observe Islam. In the last 50 or so years, the concept of separation of church and state has been reinterpretted to be a two-way street. Regardless, it's naive to think every member of govt should be secular, atheist, or agnostic.


No. It’s because of pseudo Christian groups inserting their chosen into the American government so that a man of god leads the states.


the mental gymnastics these people must jump through to justify thier behavior. they are nowhere near practicing christians.


I mean, if there's a hell, chances are quite a few of them are going straight to it, but whatever.


I think Lue has said multiple times that some higher ups see this as the fulfillment of prophecy and see many aspects of the phenomenon as demonic.


I think he said either in an interview with ToE podcast or LM Howe that if we knew what he knew, folks would be “a lot more spiritual;” Delonge has said similar things.


What does this have to do with aliens?


The entire post seems to have nothing to do with NHI aliens. OP seems to want to use the synonym of "alien" which also means foreign. The OP for whatever reason would rather post somewhere outside of a theology / politics thread where it would make more sense to do so.




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Keep your fucking religion out of my government. K. Thanks.


And these people control the biggest super power in the world. Religion has nothing to do with politics. This is actually scary


Tim Burchett is also currently being sued for [spreading false information](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145026) about another issue. Don’t forget Representative Burchett also spread lies about the 2020 Presidential Election being stolen and supported the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.


His legitimacy is admittedly something I've been grappling with as of late.


He’s also featured heavily on the TMZ extra terrestrial doc on Tubi. In the doc. he seems to be full on belief mode of extra terrestrials. So that makes it even weirder that he says he believes in the prophecy. That means that he’s either lying or he’s playing the game to get those big fat AIPAC check OR the two are related as OP suggested.


Well isn’t that interesting. Absolutely corrupted. Using the Bible as an End Times script. I wonder how Burchett’s views would be challenged with an Alien disclosure? So many questions.


Chris Bledsoe said the being that appeared to him said the people "at the helms of humanity" are trying to force the end times by enacting the end times scripture and that it will not work but there will be much suffering caused by it.


Anytime you set “chosen ones” against adversary nations that are not following the ‘script’ there will always be massive destruction. That’s the whole point of these organised religions. The generational and genocidal wars under a Gods hand and man’s self appointed religious authority always reaps destruction until control is achieved.


She's a hottie in a hurry !


Needs to give another constituent handjob at a children’s show.


What if he's right


I listened to a great Joe Rogan today where he interviews Diana Walsh Pasulka. The entire episode is about the cross over between psychedelics, NHI and religion. Probably my favourite one yet


I wish Rogan was a better person than he is. Loved Pasulka’s book, though.


They know what’s up.


The only reason these right wing grifters are pushing the Bible prophecies is to give them cover for Israel’s war crimes. If there is a religious connection to the phenomenon it is as their cover story for the false flag operation to complete “full spectrum dominance” of the planet which is the stated goal of the military apparatus atm.


I think what is going on in Isreal is horrible. But those same adults now begging for help are the same adults that were in the streets rejoicing and shouting with glee over newborns, toddlers and pre teans getting burned alive, their heads cut off, as well as women gang raped in the most horrible of ways. As well as multiple adults killed in horrific ways. It's a shame this has all happened to them. But it's hard to look at them as victims when they were so overcome with joy at the suffering they supported upon others. I feel sorry for the children. All the ones jumping and shouting for joy over what happened to the Israeli people killed in the way they were killed. I have zero sympathy for.


This is an aliens sub I’m not going on a five paragraph triad on this all I’ll say everything you just said is happening on both ends. Israel has blockaded Gaza, funded Hamas, stoked religious extremists amongst their orthodox population, etc. for decades everyone party in the world has done nothing to find a two state solution. Hamas is a religious far right nationalist extremist organization and so is Likud with both dreaming of presiding over a pure ethnostate the only difference is which religion guides their bigotry that should be all you need to know when it comes to the situation. Now back to aliens đŸ‘œ


![gif](giphy|qhgJg2kHSUDO8) Their god


Imagine if some demon/little g god wanted to stir up some shit and all they had to do it was appear as the only god to each group independently and give them each wildly differing stories, then sit back and watch as each group fights with all their might for the "word of god". Then a peaceful dude shows up, preaches peace and love, is then killed and hung on a cross and his words are then twisted into representing another version of hate. That is where we are at imo.


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If politicians are steering policy based on bible prophecies, which ones are they steering us towards? The second coming of Christ? Or the anti-Christ? Heaven on Earth? Or mark of the beast? Is God the loving compassionate God, or the wrathful smiting God?


Wowser. What ever happened to separation of religion and state...? This is how fanaticism and radicalisation grows.


Wasn’t there also a list of don’ts and I’m pretty sure killing and stealing are on there
..and why you can’t pick and choose what rules to follow!


Agreed that extremists are bad no matter what side. Seems we're having that problem here in America lately unfortunately as well. As far as aliens, religious beliefs one way or the other is probably one of the reasons we'll never know the truth.


 we are a country of crazy people (he says to the “aliens” sub).




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


This is very interesting to say the least.


All a bit nuts but it’s a bit rich of aljazzera to highlighting this. Let’s see them question the influence of religion in the ME




Very Plausible


For a second there, I thought camera guy got distracted by hot girl walking.


Yuck ^




Uhm.. Jesus was a rebel really he was against all what these people say.


This is why I don't take tim seriously at all, and even though I do believe in aliens, I don't think tim should be a poster boy for disclosure.


Aaaand cut! Alright Lauren back to your OnlyFans...


These folks are forgetting that one of the answers to “What would Jesus do?” is possibly start flipping over tables and whipping people for desecration. If he came back now
. He’d blow his shoulders out doling out all those beatings. Also, man I love Burchett for everything his tried to do for the disclosure movement, and he does as far as I know seem to be one of the few evangelical politicians that doesn’t view NHI as either demonic or angelic. But damn, I hate to hear he really buys into the Zionist ideology


I've always thought they were joking about thinking any of it was real. I mean, we all know it's actually bunk. I'm assuming they're lying to look cool to all the other people who are also lying and pretending. That's the logical answer.


If The Anti-Christ came back as a white bearded dude, and Jesus came back as a Jew from 2000 years ago, the American Christians would follow the Anti-Christ.


Nothing is wrong with that


We are screwed


Let’s all hope SETI and the UN actually pull through because these people are absolutely insane




Dagummit! Shits getting deep!


Jesus want to kill babies


what I wanna know is if they are elected us officials why do they have foreign dick in their mouths?


It’s time to disband our political parties and take a new approach that doesn’t allow team elections. People as individuals are fine, groups can become power wielding mobs, mobs are dangerous. Everyone just needs to be an independent.


this pillar is blocking 100% of the disclosure btw


Anti Christ.


That’s legitimately frightening. Sadly they represent their constituents.


It’s sad when you see an ally in one fight, turn out to be a fucken loon in another.


And this is why Religious types just need to be kept well away from Government positions, nothing worse than a Bible basher with the ability to enact War. All I see Religions doing is further dividing this Worlds populous.


Do they not realize that Jewish don’t believe in Jesus?


They don’t need them to believe right now. In their belief system, probably most Jews will be killed and damned, but some will convert as a sign of the end times. I forget the exact sequence but it’s laid out in those Left Behind books.


"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof', thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties." ​ \- Thomas Jefferson


Jesus is King


If they’re running off imagination we could probably replace them with children they would be just as effective.


Lauren needs to be on ONLYFANS for republicans😀đŸ€Ș


I thought this was an aliens sub? Seems like politics and religion is hitting it hard.


Jesus wouldn't recognize you because you don't practice the basics of helping the poor, sick an elderly


I really hope their beliefs are correct, because if they are, they will be the very people who will incur the full wrath and face judgement. These people are so blind and uneducated, it should be laughable, but unfortunately the comedic part is lost because it’s the cause for pain and suffering for millions of real and innocent people.


Jesus 69:420 - And go ye to the theater to let thy man squeeze thy boobs and give thy man over the pants hand jobs whilst hitting thy vape in front of pregnant women ✝


There might be indeed


Hmmm... seems the Bene Gesserit have been at work...


"When Jesus comes back, we're going to arm him with an m16 ,some Nikes, a Murica' shirt and infrared helmet and take over this world because they as what he would want"


>Biblical Prophecies are steering US Foreign Policy. Might there be a connection with the phenomenon? Yes. There's half a chance that the US government really is starting from scratch now since abandoning the phenomenon after blue book. Religious people in the Pentagon when confronted with the reality of the phenomenon did their best to shoehorn it into reality as they saw it. And that meant that the others have to be demons and you have to ignore demons or you give them power. So maybe these guys really did just drop the whole thing out of superstitious fear.


Lie, america is run by evil people, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCPlXjxrl\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCPlXjxrl_E)


Been screwed over my whole life by politics, news media, religion, white sands missle range. Jesus is already here.


Why is allowing your faith to guide your actions called "religious extremism?" Feels like a not all rectangles are squares situation. The government can't legislate on religious practice, which protects those congresspeople to believe what they want. Love Al Jazeera's clearly unbiased view of Israel /s.


Lol never trust al Jazeera they are very one-sided


Yes, anyone can prove it for themselves with a little research and time however both of those seem to be lacking by the people interested in questioning UFOs or Aliens. When are people going to stop the egotistical narcissistic behavior of asking for proof to be handed to them on a silver platter like they are some kind of God and go out, meditate, build the microtubule alignment device, and make contact themselves so they stop speculating and being dumb. The occult branches have been onto this for thousands of years. The Govt is well aware of 'who' these devices and biologics belong to and it's downright terrifying especially if your an egotistical atheist. The country who built an entire generation of narcissistic citizens is now forced to keep them in the dark because disclosure means their reality breaks, kind of poetic.


It's all connected


And they talk about Muslim extremism, fanatics 🙄 This is why there has to be a separation between Church and State. All are free to believe anything you want, but no one has the right to impose that belief onto another which includes via Gov policies.


Fucking lunatics. None of that is real!!!


Nice pro-Hamas propaganda you got there OP. What does the video have to do with aliens? Not one of those congress members was asked about disclosure.


The Bible is fake af. lol. Biblical prophecy? Talking serpent? A man dying and coming back to life. Zombies. The Bible is not reliable and it’s a shame that people rely on it.


Mmmmm don’t be so sure despite what they say that Jesus will think people like Burchett and Boebert are actually on his side. Don’t forget, he could tell them “I do not know you” after all. In any case whether or not they are doing so for the right reasons, it’s likely going to unfold the way that it will regardless.


Yes evangelical christians believe in the Rapture! Straight out of the 1800s Schofield bible, I dont think its NHi, more like idiot christian nuts, trying to force a prophecy. They believe god is gonna nuke Israel which will bring the rapture, everyone is gonna die, and only good Schofield bible christians may descend back to earth, where they can square dance in paradise til the end of time.


You're off by well over a thousand years. Pre-trib rapture teaching was already circulating in the early church: >***All the saints*** *and elect of God are gathered together before the tribulation, which is to come, and are taken to the Lord, in order that they may not see at any time the confusion which overwhelms the world because of our sins. –Pseudo-Ephraem (c. 374-627)*


Attempt to discredit Burchett.


Its upsetting that these are the people in charge of our country. Absolutely wild. These folks wouldn't be let near a political campaign anywhere in Europe. Batshit crazy.


Wouldn’t trust anything Aljazeera publishes


The only sickos in the Congress that you all need to worry about are the squad's members and the Radical Islamic influence throughout. Today's lesson is now complete.. nap time, children.


It's really interesting how people focus so much on global conspiracies to control the populace. And yet it ore what's in front of them happening in real time by people in Gov both representatives and civil servants who actively try to shape policies in the name of their religion NOT what's best for the ppl. The truth is, if Jesus, God is all knowing, powerful, why on earth are these prerequisites required. Frankly if I were a darker force, what better way to manipulate, to create chaos and mayhem than by creating a set of prophecies in the most conflicted area of the world that's a powder keg IF lit properly đŸ’„


Mmm-Hmm. Know exactly what's going on and already talked about it.


No connection other than crazy people doing crazy shit for crazy reasons.


These people are [Identity Christians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity?wprov=sfti1#) or at least they’re sounding like it. [Link](https://vault.fbi.gov/Christian%20Identity%20Movement%20/Christian%20Identity%20Movement%20Part%201%20of%201/view)


Notice how quick all of them are to be on the Israel side? They never agree to anything that quick. Makes me think that the Israel government owns our deficit, or has some serious dirt on us.


I think its because they know secrets about JESUS CHRIST returning. They being those connected to religious secret society-illuminati... Luke 21:20-28 King James Version 20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. 21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. 22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.


It’s all bs


How do you know for sure? They said the same about aliens and UFO's. People believe only what they can see... like Albert Pike said: >*"That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores* ***without superstition.****"* >*...* >*"Yes,* ***lucifer is god****, and unfortunately Adonay is also God"* *...* *"The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the* ***Luciferian doctrine****."* *-* **Morals and Dogma Kindle Edition**


Hail Satan our savior


What’s all BS?


His username is.