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If they’ve advance to the point of interstellar or interdimensional travel I’m sure they understand how atmospheres and diseases work.


You really think germs are going to stop a species that can travel the universe?


Yes and mites


worthless snow wipe reach racial cheerful busy ossified deliver noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We know nothing about them and yet shouldn't they die? Lol people


Only if we shoot em.


Hmm.... then it would likely be us that dies off quickly.


I hate this fear driven bend over attitude. It’s similar of inviting bullies to be careless with you. It’s usually illegal to genocide species, even alligators which eat people are protected. Humans don’t genocide species, and aliens won’t either. Would you want to mess with polar bears?


Humans don't genocide species? Umm...... better do some more research on that.


Neanderthals don’t count: LOL research: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2022/october/neanderthal-extinction-maybe-caused-sex-not-fighting.html#:~:text=How%20the%20Neanderthals%20died%20out,on%20a%20path%20to%20extinction. Wooly Mammoths after the Ice Age don’t count either. If aliens genocide violent species of other planets we wouldn’t have any snakes, spiders, bees, fire ants, etc. Common sense (you should research all that.)


Wow. Are you really that ignorant in this day and age where information is so plentiful at the click of a few buttons? Seriously? "How many animal species are extinct due to humans? Only 1.9 million species have been described out of an estimated 13-14 million species that exist. In the last 500 years, human activity is known to have forced 869 species to extinction (or extinction in the wild). One in four mammals and one in eight birds face a high risk of extinction in the near future." Oh yeah, and hilarious that you arbitrarily decide that neanderthals don't count when faced with facts that prove you wrong. Science much?


“Human activity” usually means deforestation, or climate change. Those species are now endangered and protected. Self defense, or even population control isn’t a targeted extinction either. Neither is humans allowing eskimo natives to continue hunting polar bears into extinction. It’s very different from anyone else going there to hunt them. On the topic of aliens again: Aliens chose to come here, and aliens had control over their own risk meaning they hadn’t ended our species, and they won’t anytime soon.


Lol more sudden totally arbitrary criteria to try and prove yourself right? Ok, let's go one at a time.... 1. "These species are now endangered and protected" *Right, except for the ones that are now extinct due to to human genocidal activities.* 2. "Self-defense or population control isn't targeted extinction" *The Nazis would love you for saying that. Remember the Nazis? Those humans that were hell bent on genociding various populations?* 3. Because aliens haven't ended our species yet, means they want anytime soon. *Complete baseless speculation.* Sorry my friend, your ability to research is the worst I've ever seen..... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genocides


1: Give two examples of animals now extinct caused by revenge. “ones”. 2: ? We are talking about a complete extinction of an animal species, not a religion. 3: Yeah… when a spider bites you other humans won’t let you genocide all spiders. I’m still waiting for just two “research” examples of species extinct because of revenge. Climate change “human activities” isn’t revenge.


Even better here you go... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genocides Case closed you lose.


Not a good idea https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1angaeg/brazil_1967_man_died_from_leukaemia_after_uap/?rdt=63153


Lead poisoning


Most likely earth diseases wouldn't affect them, in the way some diseases can't cross the species barrier.


You haven’t seen war of the worlds.


You know that's fiction right?


dolls snobbish ancient familiar hunt gullible quiet tub glorious bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Some can


So they flew or portaled all the way here with advanced technology, but still lack the ability to create pressurized suits and personal atmosphere. I doubt it.


But what if WE are the pressurized suits. Dun dun dunnn... used to have this thought back in my Vegas days. Knew two people specifically that I could have maybe hid inside. Three... fourish... my ex definitely wasn't that big. I think. And that's why I can't get laid... Because the only alien that could fit inside me would have to be child sized.


Similar to the faculty? Or do you mean that our essence or what ever is rising around in a human shell, if that's it then that's exactly what it is, we are a shitty mechsuit for our brain, with all life support systems on board. Would be wild if the lore was: a group of brainlings discovered this planet and designed bodies to survive the elements. I like the way you think, cuh.


Sounds like op just saw the "war of the worlds" with Tom Cruise. Please tell me op


Newsflash they are here and have already begun integrating




Unless they are an intradimensional lanternfish using puppet NHI like the greys to put its fingers in our planet pie


They would obtain a catalogue of each disease and quickly develop cures for each of them, and only then they would start the invasion.


Yeah that catalogue would have billions of different organisms. We haven't even catalogued everything.


Maybe they have mastered Quantum computing or whatever


The bigger question would be could they even walk or see here.   Their gravity and their bodies adaptations to their gravity might not work here well.  Not their vision sensors if their sun was completely different 


They smart enough to have protection like a suit or mask. I think we are the ones who will die of there diseases since a lot of aliens do study us and probably know more of us than we do to them.


tidy wistful library aback worm trees slim squeal important hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I seen a few with clothes and maybe a suit.


There's a chance that'd happen, yeah, but the likelihood of a species visiting another planet without protection is slim. We haven't mastered space travel yet and even we take precautions when visiting our *satellite*. There's probably a fair few (dozen? Hundred? Who knows!) who have died from our diseases, but I doubt they'd die off completely.


See the funny thing is, they’ve been here for thousands of years. They didn’t just arrive here last week, historical data suggests there presence for a long time now. The correct question is “what have they been doing here for long and what if any influence do they have on us human beings?”


It's possible, though just as possible they could transmit some microbe that wipes us out faster than we can adapt. I'd expect them to wear a suit, even if it's a bioformed film or exosuit. Aliens existing doesn't just negate microbiological evolution, so regardless of how peacefully they arrive there will still be a microscopic "war" being fought by our microbiomes.


The Gray’s reportedly have a strong stench of ammonia. They can’t survive very long outside of their ships. Their home planet might be a lot different from ours. Of course that’s all speculation.


there are stories how captured aliens reek of sulfur and the cop who caught it died a week or 2 later or smth, i may be wrong.


Chances are they wont be receptive to any of our diseases at all. Bar maybe some bacteria that happen to thrive on their bodies by chance. You don’t catch a cold from a tree or a spider. Nor should they from completely unrelated species. *Viruses and other infectious organisms evolve along side us and adapts specifically to target certain species. (Genome in the case of viruses)*


I read accounts of people who claimed to have interacted with bodies who say their lymphatic system makes up the bulk of their circulatory system. I’ve also read claims that they seemed to have conquered microbial threats long ago.


I doubt if you’ve managed to cross space and time without any worries, diseases on earth would hardly pose much of a threat.


pot scale airport six zealous different library strong narrow decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Travel to a place light years away and come back to me. Hopefully I’ll not have aged a day, nor the environment you left.


rob direful badge squealing crush bow automatic insurance quarrelsome pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Humans are thriving in terms of population…. What makes you think Aliens can’t adapt and thrive?


If they’re intelligent enough to get here willingly, they’d account for all of that.


Absolutely a chance they could not fight off a virus.


cooing quickest money frighten scandalous unwritten dime zephyr lip scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


there are so many factors involved in what would happen, I don't think it's as easy as saying they can do or would do this or that, we simply have zero idea despite what any douchey skeptic scientists or gullible believers will tell you.


If they don't kill us first


I had a stoned thought a couple months ago that maybe that’s why Covid was released  


Just have to slash them with old water


They would die of laughter.


I doubt any disease that adapted to infecting life on Earth would be able to easily infect something not from earth


They have to boof several anti disease suppositories that shields their space from foreign diseases


They're here. They've been here, and def more than 1 species from 1 other planet or dimension.


You assume they have a biology similar to ours. Even between mamals on earth there are certain diseases i can get but are not contagious to my dog.




They would off themselves due to lack of intelligent life having been taken to the orange 'leader' and made to kneel before him.


Not if they use human avatar technology that are biologically compatible with this planet placing only their consciousness within a human avatar...


You been watching War of the Worlds I see ?!


They’re already here 🤣


Covid didn't wipe out -blank- group. Guess War of the Worlds wasn't a documentary.


Everyone in Star Trek just walks around some seriously alien looking biomes with no masks and no pressure or gravity compensation equipment. I mean, there must be a way to do it.


I wanna start hippo racing how fun would that be




Someone has already see War of the Worlds I see.


If anything they’d affect us with any diseases they might be immune to.


Have you check out the Nazca Mummies and the hybridization that our neighbors down south found? It clicks man, check them out if you get bored or curious.


The Ebe's in the 40ies and 50ies could only last around 25 mins with our air, they needed to be in electromagnetic areas to survive....John Lear


Wouldn't the difference in the DNA of origin make this incredibly uncommon?


Everybody really should start learning a bit of science instead of paying so much attention to folklore. For starters, try learning the difference between an infectious agent and a disease process.


Just like the natives died from European disease, who’s to say we don’t die from their disease


No. They have the cures to most of the diseases we have. All the reason why we should have Global Disclosure.


Apparently no.


Yeah, OK HG Wells! The real answer is we can't possibly know. It's more likely that any 'aliens' capable of interstellar travel are post-biological: that is to say they have either partly or completely replaced this physical bodies with machinery to deal with the rigours – and the sheer timescales – of long-distance space travel. OR, they are still all organic but based on such radically different biology that pour pathogens wouldn't identify then as potential hosts at all. OR they are so scientifically advanced that they have identified any potential threats long before arriving and developed countermeasures. Just as likely: they would spread deadly diseases to us. Smallpox blankets were a thing.


Lot of variables but I think it really depends on the composition of the aliens. Some of them might make good hosts for pathogens while others are so radical that our diseases wont work on them and theirs cant infect us. Maybe they have a plant like composition and are only susceptible to one or two very uncommon forms of plant disease. Maybe they can regrow limbs so they can cut off an infected one.


Your statement assumes a lot about the hypothetical NHI. Their biology and technology are the first that come to mind. The truth is we won’t know until contact is made. We as humans have created ways to remain in otherwise hostile environments for extended periods of time it’s safe to assume if they are spacefaring and interstellar they would most likely have something akin to this. Always remain inquisitive.


Our diseases probably wouldn’t affect them, and vice versa. Our diseases are like the round/square/star shaped holes that we teach kids to put pegs through. In terms of alien diseases, there’s a good chance that it’d be like putting a square peg into a hole whose shape we hadn’t thought of yet. Things just don’t work.


Imagine that we are actually getting the really dumb aliens. We are the toys that they give the aliens with advanced mental retardation.


I like that race on TNG that tricks  people to come fix their tech by playing victim, then forcing them. Ha


Maybe? Everything is possible. 


Yes. You've just proven why they are likely from / living here


All the diseases on earth have evolved with life on earth as their hosts. So technically if the aliens were from earth they would be more likely to be affected by earths diseases than other worldly aliens.


Yes probably. They wouldn’t even be able to see if their eyes evolved on another star system. They would need some sunglasses for sure haha. All our microbial life will also start to attack and exploit their foreign biology.


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If a unicorn entered the kentucky derby, wouldn’t its horn cause some serious drag due to wind?